Critical reading part ii

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Critical reading part ii

Critical Reading &

Critique: Part II

Let’s Begin with a Discussion…How did you assess your passage:

Accuracy of Information?

Significance of Information?

Fair Interpretation of Information?

How do you evaluate persuasive writing?

Did the author clearly define key terms?

Use information fairly

Argue logically not fallaciously

Clearly defined terms?

What is freedom?

Fair Use of Information

Is the information accurate and up-to-date?

Has the author cited representative information?

Avoiding Logical Fallacies

Ad Hominen Argument

Rejects the views by attacking the person who holds them

Faulty Cause and Effect

One event precedes the other does not mean the first event caused the second.

Either/Or Reasoning

Unwillingness to recognize complexity

Hasty Generalization

Draw conclusions from too little information

False Analogy

Comparing one person, event or thing to another when it is misleading or confusing

Begging the Question

Assume as proven fact the thesis being argued.

Non Sequitur

Does not follow. A conclusion does not follow from a premise.


Easy answers to complex problems.

Writing to Entertain

Did the action at the end follow plausibly from what happened before?

Were the characters shrill or two--dimensional?

Was the tone preachy?

Did I care?

Was the language fresh and incisive or stale and predictable.

Now, a big moment…

To what extent do you agree with the author?

Identify the points of agreement and disagreement.

Organize Your Reaction

Summarize the author’s position

State your own position and elaborate on your reasons for holding it.

What is a Critique?

Critique is a formalized, critical reading of a passage