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Encyclopedia Elitele Romaniei - seria Elite Transilvane - Elite clujeneExordium book Ed.CST


Professor Dr MIHAI LUCAN, Ph.D.Surgery, Transplant and Renal Optimum Standards

MOTTO: We should give up dullness and enticement to form bent over the content. Basically, I am

a firm adept of the substance and efficiency. I really prefer these things be factual, not merely declarative. To be more specific, I’m really fed up with splutters and liars . Actually, thanks to my belief, I gained ground, ultimately as an authentic Transylvanian-ARDELEAN.

Real master of the medical science with general, psycho-behavioral and scientific impetus, Mr Michael Lucan has been converting his contingent and resourceful experience achieved within the medical field, at the crossroads of sheer fate with professional, technical and human implication of the therapist along an activity through which the notable urologic experience burst to life and proceeded in Cluj, therefore the Clinic Institute of Urology and Renal Transplant he did establish, ultimately became a real Mecca of the Romanian transplant universe.

With a well-known medical-surgical work, considering the medical examination efficiency, of the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies within the urologic pathology and in successful practicing of the renal transplant, real “balm” of healing the patients with chronic insufficiencies, Professor Dr Michael Lucan develops a significant clinic, didactic and scientific activity, which assigns Cluj as a true standard for the Romanian urology. Surgeon-urologist with substantial areas of interests, broadened from the fastidious urology, basically reconstructive up to that of ablation, focusing on the uric-genital affections issue, of the retro-peritoneal zone and supra-renal glands, the specialist from Cluj Dr Michael Lucan has rarefied his conscience of the existence quintessence and of his work usefulness, as far as the medical act autonomy results are concerned, viewing the exercise, the emergency and the control of a favorable career.

He has been consolidating his propensity towards medicine field following his „Gheorghe Lazar” High-School graduation in Bucharest, as a study object and of professional development in the meantime ,making his way towards a provoking and interesting environment, namely of sternness and competition, next the College of General Medicine of „Carol Davila” University in Bucharest, which he graduated in 1972.

His psycho-somatic and social commitments have been catalyzing his earliest zest, actually melt with the fondness, interest and sheer love for profession, thus did optimize the selective capitals assignments complying with the knowledge and deepening study of the manifold reality of the medical phenomenon.

The first impetuses towards the medical profession which register the serious availabilities of his serious grounding primed by an ardent wit, had opened its internal fan of the surgical specializations, being the second admitted following the entrance examinations with the “Floreasca” Emergency Clinic Hospital.Shaping his professional azimuth of career, he has constantly strived to improve the initiation and operator-interventional condition by upgrading his insights within the medical confraternity, owing to about 6000 surgical operations performed between 1975-1990, within the medical settlements he went through successively, respectively: ”Fundeni” Clinic of Cardiovascular Surgery, ”Fundeni” Intensive Therapy and Anaesthesia Clinic. In the clinic-surgical reshaping process Dr Michael Lucan has accumulated valuable knowledge and fruitful experiences, as a resident and (1974) grew within the perseverance cult,


equally as an urology-specialist (1977) with due clinic of “Fundeni” Hospital .Assimilated within the practice and theoretic field as well, descendent of the well-known specialist Eugeniu Proca ,awarded as a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences under his very co-ordination with the thesis “The Individualization of the Vesicle Neoplasm Treatment, Considering its Progression Stage”, basically the very thesis of a physician, completed with “Fundeni” Urology Clinic ,”Fundeni” Intensive Therapy Clinic, Dr Michael Lucan has been focusing on the somatic issues within a large specter of affections specific to the urologic surgical pathology sphere.

His medical conception clinically applied, surgical and technical-scientific had been anchored within the competent medicine which exceeds the vernacular frames. Therefore, has been proceeding the specialization paths, between 1980-1981, the reconstructive urology and oncology courses, enlightened by the professors W. Gregoir, W.De Sy and L. Denis at Bruxelles, Ghent and Antwerpen in Belgium and between 1982-1985 had obtained successive scholarships following a granting test offered by the British Council, in England, performing with the Urology Clinics “White Chapel” where he used to carry out with Professor J. Blandy, in England, with the Urology Clinics “Royal Infirmary Edinburgh”, with Professor J. Wickam and Urology Clinic “Royal Infirmary” with Prof Ph.Smith, at Leeds.

Since 1990, his biography, utilitarian and ambition vein built, engages new dimensions, underlined by the specialist condition, reinforced at the same time with his new settling as a primary urologist and also as an urologist- in- chief with the Urology Clinic and with the specialized department of the “Iuliu Hatieganu” Medicine and Pharmacy University in Cluj. His well-known status has been consolidating over the years, considering his over 30000 urologic surgical operations, mostly significant or extremely complicated, basically reconstructive, following urologic ablations, plastic, paediatric and over 22.000 endoscopes and laparoscope operations, performed during 1990-2006.

Constantly pursuing the optimum remedies, the conferences with the pre-eminent colleagues of the transplant medical field, attended in Glasgow and Edinburgh between ’91-’92, at Nijmen in 1993, in Rome during ’91-’92, at Leida and Rennes in 1994, cast the brightest aura on him within his field, truly inaugurating a fruitful stage of his outstanding surgical career.

The prominent evidences of his mounting career towards the value hierarchy peack, became more pregnant within the most febrile years of his surgical activity, by revising the clinic therapeutic implications, settling in Cluj within a co-operation with “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy joined by the Inter-University Consortium of Organs Transplant settled in Rome, renal transplant prospectus, which has developed progressively, reaching the stage of the most efficient national platforms, illustrated by 660 renal transplants, five mixed transplants kidney-pancreas and a pancreas transplant. Father of an elites medical centre, the Center of Renal Transplant in Cluj Napoca, established in 1995, director of the Urology Clinic Institute and Renal Transplant in 1999 and in-chief of the Regional Office of Transplant of Cluj since 2005, professor Michael Lucan has innovated ways and improved skills, launched surgical techniques matching the advanced urology therapies, in the worldwide.

Within the advanced medical activity, which supposes complex knowledge, a vast reflection over the inter-disciplinary issue, the noteworthy physician Prof.Michael Lucan has built his gifts, efforts, faculties and intervention tools into the very experience gathered both from transplant activity and of that achieved out of genuine care of hundreds ill people cured at the Urology and Renal Transplant Clinic Institute.

As a real favorite of the medical destiny Mr Michael Lucan takes the very first place within the medical field. He has achieved notable performances, advanced with huge steps leading him to important national premiers within the transplant sphere; the very first pediatric


transplants; the first transplants from pre-emptive patients, before proceeding with the necessary dialysis ;the first transplants from the anaephric patients; the first transplants of grafting with anatomic anomalies; the greatest number of transplants from alive donators and also some drawn from the corpses; the first laparoscopic draws of kidneys; the first renal crossed transplant type Domino from alive donators and with the greatest experience possible in Europe; the first renal transplant following the immunologic modulation through plasma-fares and Immuno–globins IV and at hyper-sensitive patients or lacking the adequate immunologic correspondence which consequently allowed the alteration of the initial immune reply, within this field there is a single similar experience, so named Transplantino, published in 2000 in the USA; the first European renal transplant performed from a 2-years old pediatric donator; the first mixed transplant kidney-pancreas in Romania, in July 2004. Carried away by his advanced clinic feeling, he has been integrating the interactive medicine of first range, a highly advanced technology, by practicing a modern surgery assisted by robotic systems. Joined by a foreign collegue-Professor Ralf Senner from the “Robotic Surgery” Clinic, he has realized in Cluj a world premiere on 12 th may 2003, the renal laparoscopic draw assisted by robots - to be more specific, within so named film-medicine SOCRATES.

Moreover, he has established a significant borne of the Romanian urologic professionalism owing to the technical-surgical procedures homologated, recognized and highly-appreciated in the analytical systematic of practice and projective medical line of thought: the original technique of intestinal substitution of the urinary bladder performed on over 350 patients, followed by results comparative to those issued by the centers statistics with experience within this field. The huge experience within the endoscope resection field of the prostate benign tumour run in a vesical hypo-pressure regime, through supra-pubian trocardisation (this method is well-known by the great majority of those who has been trained within the clinic as residents or during supra-specialization courses, taking later the pride for excellent outcomes); the significant experience viewing the vaporization use of prostate benign tumour, especially the vaporization-resection combined technique; the comparative experience at the European level viewing the plastic indurration of cavernous corps, through various surgical techniques – some of them classical, others realized in microscopic surgery; the significant national experience within the renal transplant area, especially in sorting out the anatomic anomalies, vascular and of the urinary bladder of the kidney designed to be transplanted, anomalies sorted out by the extra-corporeal and microscopic plight; the significant numeric experience viewing the urologic congenital anomalies sorting out ,at the superior and inferior urinary system (over 600 pediatric surgical operations); the first laparoscopic cystectomie (total or partial extirpation of the urinary bladder) held in Romania; the significant experience in the country viewing the total prostatectomy as far as the prostate cancer is concerned (including the laparoscopic one); the greatest experience within the laparoscopic urology for the renal cancer and of the inferior urinary bladder; the only center in Romania highly recognised as a result of its significant experience for curing the prostate affections by microwaves;the first laparoscopy surgery demonstrative course held in the country assisted by robot; prostate cancer criogeny programme initiation and development.

With reference to the didactic urology approach, Professor Michael Lucan has constantly focused on: the specialisation courses of the department reorganisation by using up-dated methods quite accessible to students, his didactic and operating skills transforming gradually the therapeutic practice to a useful school for the future professionals, he uses to direct and train through the straight interraction with the surgical unit. Therefore, he has integrated the practical urology extensions of the urology practising works and courses compiled so far. He has published an up-to-date Course of Urology, as well as a Practical working book for students. He


has organized for residents a training programme of clinical, surgical, theoretical programme by applying weekly tests that allow the residents to practice various urologic interventions under due strict supervision. According to the present configuration, the urology course taught within the “Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, comprises three post-university courses:” Topical snapshots for the renal transplant”, ”Urologic and pelvic laparoscopy”, ”End urology and ESWL”. Professor Michael Lucan leading Ph.D. thesis, mainly focused on the fields whereas the Urology and Renal Transplant Institute owes national priorities such as: the intestinal vesicle substitution following the radical cistectomy viewing the vesicle neoplasm, quite original method presented for the first time with EAU Congress at Berlin, in 1996 and published within the Urologic Surgical technic International Convention; reconstructive surgery of plastic indurance of cavernous corps, renal transplant-including original techniques of realization of the vascular anastomoses typical for renal receptacles anomalies at reaping etc. Regarding the employment issue, he had been interested by promoting for the vacancies as assistants and preparatories of the urology department, those young people who proved addicted to a long-lasting commitment for the department activity, early before the effective contest and endowed with due solid competencies.

Dedicated specialist to the intransigent work, ran following a precise scheduling, consumed with the genuine professional desire emerging from his active self, and within the organisational activity scheme, performing management, leading and decision assignments. As a President establisher of the Romanian Society of Genital-Urinary Diseases, he has been responsible for the various Congresses and scientific sessions organisation, attended by many specialists from country and abroad, as well as distinguished urology and transplantology European and worldwide specialists. This society maintains a close collaboration with specialized societies from Europe and the U.S.A. In addition, he has initiated and set up the Romanian Society of Transplants and organized international symposiums under the heading „The Transylvanian Urology Days”.

Merits recognition and of the professional prestige are reflected into the member status for important scientific internal and international societies: European Society of Urology (E.S.U.); International Society of Urology (I.S.U.); European Society of Transplant (E.S.O.T.); Board Committee C.I.T.O. (Consorzio Interuniversitario per I Trapianti d’Organo); Italian Society of Urology (I.S.U.); Romanian Society of Genito-urinary (S.R.B.G.U.); Romanian Society of Organs Transplant (Romtransplant), founder member and initiator; Romanian Association of Endoscopic Surgery and other Interventional Techniques Chirurgie; „Abstract Reviewer” viewing the Congresses of the European Society of Urology (Genova, 1992; Berlin, 1994; Paris, 1996; Barcelona, 1998; Stockholm, 1999; Bruxelles, 2000); „Assistant Professor” of Catolic University from Nijmegen – Olanda; „Chairman” with video and poster sessions, with all the E.A.U Congresses, since 1990 up to 1998 inclusively, „Chairman” – The 33 rd International Congress of Patho-physiology of Pregnancy, Cluj-Napoca, 2001; „Abstract Reviewer” for „European Urology”, of 2004.

Intellectual image with strong affects, placed in a permanent storm of glib interest, receptive to the monochord unhappy world and to a damaged society of our modern days, Dr Michael Lucan cannot but utterly disapprove the ancilars conducts saturated by imposture, insufficiency and powerlessness, brought to the footlights of a castrated stamina, truly convinced that the sufferences and the individuals crisis are being reflected in the community conduct they are part of and in the “seisms” specific to the revolted conscience. Carried by a serene and quite disarming auto-irony letting flow to the submitted smile of the core dessert, the man Michael Lucan brilliantly succeeds in detecting the plenty of sensations which allege the life hidden


behind the sufferance and malady conditions are revealed, of the anxiety and pressure over the moment atmosphere, without getting immersed in the tiny materiality of impious details, committed to persist in being the very same master with strong frame of the body which allow him far-reaching, denouncing the null hypertrophy out of the ghostlike world of appearances and of desolate nothingness. The concrete intuitions assembly stimulating his feelings made him a carrier of deep sensorial implosions, detached by the ego-jail and willing to transcend the own psychology predicament as a result of an acute ethics of responsibility.

Despite the apparent temperamental intransigence emerged out of auto-exigency, Professor Michael Lucan regard with generosity and human warmth, progressing in a proper style, tactfully persuasive, discreet and even characterised by, let’s call it - clinical wisdom.

The professional competencies allow a natural drive at all the medical levels, his works being highly regarded with all the international congresses: Professional skills allow him a natural move along all the medical levels of life, his works being highly received to all the international congresses. The European Congresses of Urology (Budapesta, Genova, Berlin, Paris, Barcelona, Stokholm, Geneva, Birmingham, Madrid, Istambul, Paris); Mediterranean Board Congresses of Urology (Istambul, 1992; Rhodos, 1994; Barcelona, 1996; Cairo, 1999); European Society of Transplant Congresses (Paris, Viena, Madris, Budapesta, Lisabona, Veneţia, Geneva); Urology Association Congresses (Las Vegas, Orlando, San Diego, San Francisco, Atlanta); the International Seminar „Renal Transplantul from the alive donor” (Uppsala, Suedia, – 1998); Romanian Transplant Congresses (Cluj-Napoca, Bucureşti, Tg. Mureş, Eforie Nord); International Society Congress of Renal Transplant (Roma); Bucharest Romanian Academy Symposium „Organs Transplant” (2001); Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft for Urologie C.V.- Dusseldorf; Urology Congress of the Central and East European Association (Oradea); the International Congress of Pathophysiology of Pregnancy (Cluj-Napoca); the International Symposium on Living Donor Organ Transplantation (Essen, Germania); Cluj’s Academic Days Symposion (Cluj-Napoca, 2002); Abdominal Organ transplantation From Living Donors: State of the Art (Gubbio); End-eurology Mondial Congresses (Bangkok, Montreal, Genoa, Amsterdam); Romanian Association National Congresses viewing the endoscopic surgery and interventional techniques (Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca); the „Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Days, held in Cluj-Napoca; the Urology Oncology of the European Society Congress (Austria); „Tele-medicine – tehnology of success for the XXI century” (Bucharest, 2004); Ultrasonography National Congress (Cluj-Napoca); the End-urology National Symposium, ESWL and Workshop (Sovata); Moderator together with Prof. dr. Giulio Nicita of the round table with the issue „The Alive Donor – Lights and Shadows ” from the Italian National Congress of Urology (2006).

The public recognition honours list of the outstanding professional career of Dr Michael Lucan comprises a large number of distinctions, diplomes şi prizes: the Sanitary Excellence (1979); „Man of the Year” for the Health field, granted by the „Monitorul de Cluj” newspaper (1999); decorated with the „Steaua României” Order, decorated with the high distinction of Comandor (2000); the Romanian Academy Prize for the book Text-book of renal transplant (2001); Citizen of Honour of Cluj-Napoca (2001); Excellency Diplome for Outstanding Achievements within the Organs Transplant, granted by the Cluj’s Prefecture and County Counci (2001); Diplome of Excellency in the Romanian Medicine on the first edition attending; the ”Made in Romania”, for health, under the high patronage of the P.M. Mr Adrian Nastase (2001); Prize of the Medical College in Romania, for the best book published for the surgery field Dissertation on the Urologic Surgical Techniques (2001); Expert Assessor for Competency and Scientific Conduct within the Valuation Activity of the Academic Education granted by the


National Council of Scientific Research in Universities „The Best Specialist” Diplome granted by the Journalist Association from the medical field; Diplome granted by the Transplants Association from Romania for 10 years of activity of renal transplant with the Renal Transplant and Urology Clinic Institute in Cluj Napoca, The Best Hospital Prize – granted by the Journalists Association from the Medical Field (2002); Prize granted for the best presentation of a resume with the first symposion of the Oncological Urology European Society, member of the European Society of Urology EAU (Wien, 2004); the great prize „Iuliu Haţieganu”, offered by the „Iuliu Haţieganu”, University of Medicine and Pharmacy „for successful accomplishment of the double transplant of pancreas-kidneys (2004); Diploma of Excellency, offered by the Journalists Association of the medical Field, under the high patronage of the „Iuliu Haţieganu” Medicine and Pharmacy University, „The best surgeon of the year 2004”, for the premiere accomplishment of kidneys – pancreas transplant and 25 years since the very first renal transplant he attended; the Diplome of Honour offered by the Cluj County Council, on the 5th years anniversary of the Clinic Institute of Urology and Renal Transplant (Cluj-Napoca, 2005); Radio Romania Actualities Prize 2004 „The Science Laurels” (2005); the Best Physician from Romania – under a classification realised by the „Bilanţ” magazine(2005); „The Man of Today” granted by ”AZI” newspaper, for the whole activity (2006); „Honorificum Diplome” granted by the Cracow University; „Sanitary Merit” (2006) granted by the Romanian Presidency.


Essentially, the life is not at all linear and sometimes following its progressive winding, the enemies reach the stage to be stronger than you are. Nevertheless, if you lean on a strong inner creed and carry on following the line you are supposed to, obviously considering your creed is positively ideas based contemplating something new and well-regarded, not necessarily for you, but mainly for those who trust you and your close relatives as well.

– Mr Professor Michael Lucan, how would you precisely state your ideal of life kernel, framed by personal illustration and integration, professional and social of your personality, within the Romanian medical field?

– Truthfully, the only element awaking me throughout my life I needed constantly to consider, lies in the fact I have never strucked lucky. I really did not built my career following well-known paths of life or leaning on the others assistance. I built it on my own. To put it in a nutshell for you, I have to be pragmatic should you allow me expressing my truths in an efficient idiom common to a surgeon, accordingly one have to be pragmatic and results-oriented, by sticking obstinately to the very creed ”Never say never! Better should try, otherwise you never know what’s round the corner. Once you reach the corner, have a vigilant look across it, only afterwards should you reach to a close”. You have no chance whatsoever unless you open the door of your quest. Then you reach to distinguish between: friend or enemy... Maybe you are surprised to find both of them.

All my life I have been facing various obstacles, so I declare myself as a single-minded nature. Obviously, as far as I am concerned “single” is a bit more complex term, which implies equally my family. Without my family, represented by my wife, my daughter, my niece and my son, I would never have succeeded.


As a consequence, we’ve made up a real kernel together by which we have assisted each other, within this unbelievable change of scenery setting I am reviewing considering my life before and afterwards, respectively the first stage of my career as a primary physician with the Fundeni Clinic Hospital in Bucharest and my life afterwards, to be more specific since 1990 ahead, as a reader and then a professor with the urology department of the “Iuliu Hatieganu” Medicine and Pharmacy University. Specifically, look what is all about: 25 years of activity in Bucharest and 17 years in Cluj. I am looking forward to see this report balanced, respectively a real balance between these two periods of my existence.

– What seemed to be the cardinal stake of your life, the attraction point, shaping and catalytic, of your convenience with urology specialisation and how would you describe the sinusoidal systematic building of your own niche of growing in your field?

– I do like your thought-provoking questions.I did not head over here, in Cluj, viewing the promotions, not even considering a better income or a well-regarded status.Honestly, I did not contemplate any of the above mentioned ideas.

Soon after the Revolution I had been regarded as the recalcitrant of the Urology Clinic from Fundeni. To speak out the truth, I only thought – considering those five years o work experience aboard, as I am a specialist with experience acquired in the U.K.- respectively, the very moment to improve things fundamentally had ultimately come for our under-privileged country. Shortly after the revolution, when I noticed a total lack of concern for the most sensitive issues of our life here, I went through low spirits, so I told myself I need to do something with my life in order to see my ideals fulfilled, to prove myself I can do something all by myself. In this respect, I reached the conclusion I have to change utterly my habitus. I laid my shell on my spine, if I may say so, heading for a certain hill, you know… the well-known hill north-oriented, Feleacul, climbing up a funny Dacia 1300, really a wreck. Following Dacia came our Trabant ran by my wife, put in difficulty as she hardly could drive the car up the hill, over-crammed with books, not to mention the medical tools purchased during my practice abroad. Well, I came to the “Iuliu Hatieganu” Clinic of the Medicine and Pharmacy University in Cluj, where frankly, I faced the unbelievable but true, to be more specific, none whatsoever of their fine promises had ever been accomplished, namely of the former rector Professor Nicolae Maier and the former pro-rector, professor Nicolae Ghilezan utterly forgotten their promises viewing a bettering work pre-requisite. Needless, to emphasize here, I saw them came true as you have seen England as a physician.

I reached here, in a section, actually was the ugliest of the hospital, where given a paradox, I did perform about 300 surgical operations, to be clearer I am going to give you a comparative figure for the situation ran at present.

In the evening used to draw near ill people from the clinics settled in the neighborhood, owing our well-known reputation for best clyster-staff of the county hospital, hence it smelled like hell, really of pestilential stuff.

It was the darkest and ugliest section, in fact the orphan child of the hospital system in Cluj, a real letter U, which stands for the Urology, at the very end of the alphabet. I hardly realized what I went in, as long as the people here never contemplate any real changes. To put it bluntly, folks hardly expected a man coming from the southern country ultimately could possibly succeed to alter their customs, turn of mind, the way of performing, the steps carefully scheduled and boldness to give them lectures, in fact utterly different conceived stuff, maybe immuable to them, real sacerdotal laws, issued for ages, and which are as stick as stone, unacceptable in other words, traditional, allegedly unchangeable. I soon proceeded to their changing. At the very moment, I found myself surrounded by hundreds of rivals. Nevertheless, I did not give up. Every


now and then I found myself with a brand new one declared, just out of the blue. I proceeded further as all that adversity catalysed me even better as that seems to be the environment best suitable to me.

– How would you define this type of perseverance and how could you possibly describe the medical conception of the specialist Michael Lucan developed and clinically applied, as well as surgical and scientific technical revealed within the accurate diagnosis, the cure and renal affections patients assistance, within the urology college you have promoted in Cluj?

– It was something like perseverare deuticum, because the main idea is to do good not at all bad. For me all the others were principles settled near river bed and the stream was heading towards them. So far since my coming here, basically all the clinic’s staff has been gradually changed. A single doctor rests with us, striving constantly to get used to our new conditions. Apart from him, the whole staff with an average age of 42, are young men who regard all things in a quite constructive manner. My team involves some assistants as well, who have joined us, including the first nurse who had welcomed me on the clinic’s hall the very day I came here, in long run she carries on as-in chief of the middle staff of the clinic, of the Institute, all together we faced many obstacles along our professional path.

Certainly, considering somebody wonders ”…Gee! That’s the smart alec who appeared in the newspapers (namely about me), he praises himself for all the arsenal of special stuff”… Nonsense, we could have done even better!” This is the motto: ”What he is able to do we can do as well…” But since I came, nobody did anything whatsoever. To be more specific, namely by using figures. When I showed up in the clinic, there were performed maximum 302 surgical operations a year. Many of them were policlinic-made operations, ambulatory to be clearer. Many of them were absolutely funny. Say, a hysectomie, namely taking off a malign testis, whereas since they had no pathology, some old doctors-rotters, not necessarily very old but very rooted in their old rigid mentality, used to jot down the right testis taking off on a page for the same patient which, yet taking off the left testis jotted down the very next page. That’s about the level, honestly speaking. There were performed few real operations, laborious and complex in the same time. There was an insignificant preoccupation for a real proceeding towards the modern urology.

I use to approach the whole urologic pathology. Feel the same confidence in endoscopy and laparoscopy, last but not least general surgery. Maybe considering this, in the spirit of my inner modesty, I end up as unique as every special human being. Truthfully, no single colleague can match my volume of knowledge and skills altogether. No one is ever able to prove such a large fan of surgical skills. Certainly, there will always show up smart alecs, by boasting:” Funny chap, at least we pride ourselves with thoroughly into our specific field”. That’s not true! Since one is not able to fully cover it, one end up by covering hardly something.

Actually, in this Institute set up by me, there are performed about 5800 surgical operations a year, whereas about 68% are surgical operations incisions less, laparoscopic, endoscopic, extra-coropeal operations or some other type of surgical interventions, cryotherapy, laser-performed, which allow the patient stay non-aggressed by a single incision. Since we have an amazing hauling time of the patients and we do afford some of the best usage of our beds in Romania, maybe even better, because following the operation even in case of the most laborious, luckily they are supposed to rest with us just for a little while. It is one of the best-specialised institutions in our country. Basically, if we are considering certain statistics, it is the second, although in fact it is the first. We apply the most up-to-date treatment for all the pathologic entities in the country; actually it is the only urologic center where there are usually ran


laparoscopic operations, not at all by chance. Every week we run at least 4 laparoscopic surgical operations, especially meant for neoplasic entities. The main idea is that our patient even if goes through a cancerous illness, following the operation being not surprised with a reply like that: “Look Mr./Ms, I saved your life by cancer, yet bear in mind the urine container, besides you are not supposed to do that or the other…” We are trying to do the best in order to avoid the lack of the supposed comfort. It’s futile to offer the cancer healing to a patient which is being equally offered the nihilism of the social and familial integration. He’s rejected by the society. Then we reach to wonder ourselves: What joy can possibly experience this patient afterwards?

There are some foremost ideas, which have transformed this institution into one utterly recognized by the presidency as the most prestigious at the European level. My foreign colleagues I use to work with, continuously consent the above mentioned statute, yet not the medical associations which tend to become closed circles, sort of a mafia, as long as they are leaded by the same board, the same president for more than 10 years, situation not at all common for the respectable places. Moreover, in Germany, a urology society use to elect a president yearly, in order to clear away any possible dissensions. Besides the President chosen on such circumstances belongs the place of the election reunion. Unfortunately, for our country things to be upside down, because the President of the Romanian Society held this status for more than 8 years and half, and the story is not complete folks, unless you learn they make use of various wrinkles: various society name alterations, which might result in an Urologic Society, over three years the Urology Association, or 4 years later they become the Urology endowed Establishment, a.s.o. Certain people got gradually addicted to the power honey, metaphorically speaking; therefore they hardly can get rid off that sort of modern drug. This can be hardly perceived as a normal situation, because a change of scenery is ultimately a real must.

– What are the major landmarks of your medical layout, what significant models have you sympathized with, during your medical scientific-professional growing up and what ascendancy proved the mentors? Is there a performance pattern specific to the urolog surgeon Michael Lucan viewing the aims of his brilliant career?

– I graduated the Medicine College in Bucharest; in 1972.Since 1968 up to 1973 I have been a boarder in surgery, following a residency contest for only 9 places against 350 candidates. I have to mention I passed the admission-examinations taking the pride for the third position, finally turning out to came out the first. I did my house surgery with all the clinics in Bucharest, then I passed the secondary exams, as they used to call it at that time, especially with the actual residency and went for the urology, just accidentally, as I knew an urology reader with Fundeni Hospital, namely Dr Bocancea, a far-away relative of my wife, as a matter of fact both with the very same rooted in an old German village from Bucovina. Out of this meeting I had the chance to come to grips with bits of this medical art and needless to add, I really enjoyed that a lot. I did my residency in urology, I end up with the first place, and consequently I have been offered a physician job as a specialist with Fundeni Hospital. This use to take place in ’75. I used to go through various length of training abroad. For a start I have been initiated in Belgium, then I went viewing the transplant issue, in Cube, since at that time used to have a remarkable transplant job, inherited from the Americans and assisted over 2000 transplants, I grasped a lot there, then I stayed in Holland, then in England for 5 years, afterwards in Italy for many years. As a matter as fact, as you could well notice on Institute Hall, we are member of the “San Jose” Transplant International Consortium, settled in Rome. Actually, they are those who assisted us to set up this program for this part of Romania. After we have completed the specialisation we have been working for about 23-24 years with Fundeni Hospital, up to the Revolution, when I took my stuff and came over to Cluj.


I am not the fruit of impromptu generations, that’s crystal clear. All my level of training comprised a standard training. I even have to deplore the superficial nature of certain young fellows which feel like omitting certain significant stages of their professional training from the very bottom straight to the top, no joking-that’s the very treat of nowadays. That is quickly noticeable the way they use to assist the patients.

I had idols since I was a student. I really do not know how many of you had mums to invite them to go sleep and soon afterwards to find themselves tricky enough to switch on the lantern well hidden under the blanket, keen for gulping up the words of real novels not yearning for ghastly pornography. Gee! I did that frequently. I fancied reading a lot. I had been very fond of an important section of the Italian literature common to the period between the two World Wars. I am willing to debate that if you want to…

I graduated “Gheorghe Lazar” High School, the famous high school near Cismigiu. There I had some brilliant professors. For math’s I had a professor who used to teach with the Polytechnic in Bucharest, then just because he dare to share his credo when inappropriate, he found himself detached as a high school teacher. His name was Mr. Rafael Aron, a Jewish, extremely bright as a teacher, however never get sympathetic to me this subject, not even the arithmetic, consequently I end up being very bad with figures now as always… For English I had also a Jewish lady, Ms Sheley Leuk, of the up most wit, she not only taught us English, but also was praised for a very accurate style, I should say. There I got English rooted, consequently I take the pride of a fluent English communication, and typical for my field of activity as well. For history we had Professor Spark, a very special professor in my opinion. He taught Latin and the ancient history as well. Needless to add, he not only taught that, but breath it as well Mr. Professor Spark used to wake up early in the morning at 4 a.m. and jogged minimum three times round the Herastrau lake and led a real Spartan life. He was brilliant and I was the only one A level in his classroom. For Literature we had as a teacher a great writer for that time, his real name was Munteanu, but used to have a pen-name, used for signing his writings, unfortunately I cannot remember now. As regards the music classes were taught by a lady whose husband was a famous tenor of that time, she used to take us weekly to the philharmonic and opera, during her inspired and original classes. Or even opera actors came to our school and performed an area to us. „Gh. Lazăr” High School, I should say it was a brilliant school during ‘60.

Along my academic studies I had also experienced the serendipity of certain principals who marked significantly my way of thinking and of performing. Certainly, fini corona opus, but the most influential mentor of my life had been the academician Eugen Proca, a remarkable specialist for his field of activity. The Professor led an amazing style of life. He used to wake up early in the morning, carried on a permanent study, before running the surgical operation scheduled, which is a typical treat of my performances nowadays as well. Even at my age and my experience, I always read again the surgical performance scheduled for next day, I sleep on it considering all the details… even the most insignificant ones, being always aware that only the careless people proceed further with a haughty attitude, ignoring the matter for life or death. All the serious people able to real reach high picks of professional life are supposed to go first of all through all those stages mentioned here. As a matter of fact, Bernard Shaw let us have a glimpse into his words of wisdom by saying, the spur-of-the moment is the numbers of hours you succeed reading before. Professor Proca was not the type put at your own will in a certain box. As the most remarkable human beings, he was extremely complex. He treasured me mainly because I read a lot and I owed a large chest of knowledge.

– The circumstances viewing the patients’ life salvation with renal chronic insufficiency, which cannot pull through dialysis based, sooner or later reach to a solution


by the transplant? How has the renal transplant programme you have gradually initiated and developed in Cluj? How are you running this programme and what are the outcomes, viewing the intervention and success risks?

– I have achieved many aims since settled in Cluj.I utter that letting behind a false modesty, because is truthfully meaningless, as I have conceived and put all of them in practice, compelling them all towards authentic results. I have gradually transformed the ancient clinic into a separate institution, with independent financing, furnished with 100 beds, and constantly hospitalizing about 6600 patients, moreover we are proud with the uttermost use of the structure, in fact a very modern clinic.

I have introduced the transplant issue in Transylvania not at all facile, just like that, merely alone. I have gradually built a most representative team here, born thanks to a close collaboration with specialists from Europe, they joined us for almost 2 years, to be sure about the quality of their treasure left for us, for true, which is functional as well, yet not merely a force demonstration, followed by one’s scamper away. Really, I have never treasured the pseudo-demonstrations.

Nowadays we take the pride for the highest number of transplants in Romania, actually out of the most complex possible. We are the only one center to perform the pancreas transplant, in the same time with the kidneys transplant, regarded by many as an ideatic issue, they have no courage to practice it, as it is extremely complex. We launched the complex laparoscopy for the urinary tract surgical operations, as we have equally introduced the endoscopy use for a minimum invasive treatment of all the urinary apparatus disease. When I came to the clinic I had a single cytoscopy kit, funny dusty, situated on the professor cabinet, in an office really somber where I was supposed to sleep for a year as the rector’s office did not respect their promise of accommodation for me. At present, the Institute owes 7 most modern laparoscopy and endoscopy units, completely supplied. Besides, the clinic has two modern apparatus meant for stones breaking. It’s equally true the Minister shows obvious lack of interest because they do not subsidize us with the necessary money viewing the active bottoms change, but we are inventive enough, typical to any Romanian facing straitened circumstances, therefore we are digging and ultimately really find the suitable keys, by-auto-financing, various sponsorships, a.s.o.

– How do you interact with the medical team you lead and what conception approach the urolog surgeon Michael Lucan, considering a medical team made up?

– The major priority is the generation transfer. That’s our priority of my activity for the time being, the new generation advanced training, in our clinic. It is a generation of physicians in their thirties and now they take over all I have built so far in our clinic, accordingly now they are able to do the operations all but alone, following the line of my indications. I go in the operating unit, obviously for transplants, as well and use to do just the most difficult part of the job, then they proceed further utterly alone.

Here there is no room for self-pride. Should you have it, better leave elsewhere. Not necessarily to Mr Proca but mostly in England or Belgium, with Professor Gregoire, I have noticed, the very moment when the smart alec stays on your toes, the professor asked him to have a word and let him know ”My dear, you seem to be already trained. Please let me know your choice, either stay with us, because you enjoy being part of our team in fact a ship with only a captain or go elsewhere to perform on your own, alone”. These are the only alternatives. A ship with 3 or 4 capitans in the same time, cannot proceed further. Once there is established the specific policy to that place, those on the same wave lenghts need to help with the system running. In the USA, whatever the type of institution a person might attend even temporary is supposed to comply with every rules typical there, as the department-in-chief is the one supposed


to establish certain precise rules of conduct and all the others are expected to obey them strictly. The unwilling smart alec, obviously is invited to go elsewhere. Accordingly, I acted with two of my colleagues who reach to be confident enough breathing from my science-sphere in order to practice later elsewhere. One of them settled within a urology clinic in Brasov and the other one in the urologic section of the Military Hospital in Cluj Napoca. It is obviously all about a space where the empathy of medical concepts is a must.

Another important issue I did succeed so far with this Institution is the thorough change of the casts of mind. We should give up dullness and enticement to form bent over the content. Basically, I am a firm adept of the substance and efficiency. I really prefer these things be factual, not merely declarative. To be more specific, I’m really fed up with splutters and liars. Actually, thanks to my belief, I gained ground, ultimately as an authentic Transylvanian-ARDELEAN.

– Considering the organizational issue, fascinated by the genital-urinary issue, you set up the Romanian Society of Genital-Urinary Diseases, focusing on many congresses and scientific sessions organizations, attended by important urology and transplantology notable people from the Europe and worldwide?

– The leading directions specific to this institute reveal an effervescent period, where the less experienced staff, I use to work with here, take over principles and carry on the medical and scientific message and lead further the medical and scientific message of the clinic. This Institution happens to have constantly works accepted all over the world with all the large congresses around the world. Basically it is the only one which has works accepted every year in America. Having a work accepted by the Urology American Congress is a high recognition of standard. I should say, the Americans are extremely rigid, demanding and rigorous indeed and their PR team does not accept any works, unless really fundamental and of the up most accuracy. No other institution whatsoever has works accepted by this well-known forum. The Urology and Renal Transplant Clinic Institute in Cluj, is also mentioned in the European Guide-line of transplant. We have plenty of works with many prestigious American and European magazines. For instance, we had been accepted with 5 works to the Urology Congress in Berlin.

Essentially, the life is not at all linear and sometimes following its progressive winding, the enemies reach the stage to be stronger than you are. Nevertheless, if you lean on a strong inner creed and carry on following the line you are supposed to, obviously considering your creed is positively ideas based, contemplating something new and well regarded, not necessarily for you, but mainly for those who trust you and your close relatives as well.

– Within the outset medicine field you perform your profession proving a high degree of originality. How do you regard the professional competition approach within your evolution?

– Interesting question indeed. Really unexpected, yet welcomed. First of all, let me think a little bit to the other contests, in order to give you a crystal clear answer. Just have a look around you, for instance the gas station showed up on Feleacul Hill has been followed by more than six others. You see, the competition is a must. The competition means headaway. Certainly, ideal seems to be respecting the rules imposed by competition. Significant is to be clearly stated, once they are ignored somebody with authority should be on duty and convert the ignorant or mall-intended people into well breed. Yet nobody seems to be on duty, available for such unbearable situations, here in Romania. The competition is a fine thing with a single constant which has to be permanent, real and honest. An effective competition and not a theoretical one leant on the relationships system.

– Invidia medicorum pesima…?


– Quite right. When I began the renal transplant activity with the International Inter-university Consortium in Rome, which is pope-based, following the 25 transplants, the Nephrology Clinic ceased to assist me with patient’s dyalisis. They let us know: ”You had been doing plenty, so if you dare carrying on you enter the concurrence with our ill people and we really not expect you proceeding so…” They simply let me down. Therefore, I needed to collect myself and made huge efforts in order to be able to carry on my activity of transplants. Surely, I had to complain to professor Rafaello Cortesini, letting him know about the transplant issue. Then, I also decided to let my assistants know the sheer reality. Professor Cortesini, well-known within the European transplantology, said to me: ”My dear fellows, do bear in mind, the assets and competition at the medical level have a truly different exponential as far as their substance is concerned. You should never answer to challenges considering true issues as those you might have lack sth or missed sth. You should keep your pace on your own path of life. The only true argument are the facts not merely the gossip”. Accordingly, by doing so I have gradually reached to enjoy the utmost feelings of my successes beyond words such as 50 transplants, up to 300, to 500 or even 732, as I recorded in 2006.

–How were you appreciated and how has the Medicine University considering the remarkable results of your career treasured you?

– To put it simple: I am quite puzzled… The University of Medicine never did award me with any prizes whatsoever, as far as my transplants activity is concerned. The only prize I did receive so far mention sth like that “for the successful carrying out of the pancreas transplant”. Considering the large number of renal transplants in the country I did not receive any prize at all. However, other people have treasured me. I have ceased to pay close attention to such platitudes. Definitely, my relationship with the University is equally sinuous, yet constructive I should say. Undeniable, the subjectivism of this issue has its share. Ultimately, maybe this is also the element that catalysed me viewing the transplant programme opening. As far as the configuration objective is concerned, Cluj is a city quasi-closed. Accordingly, the gentle spirit of our dignified Cluj, carries on undisturbed with its medical citadel life staying serene when facing the nasty issue focused on impeding the transplant activity here, by Bucharest medical staff. And they did not succeed to stop it mainly because there is this sort of local patriotism, which stayed against this devious action, if I may say so…

– The reorganization of urologic academic education in „Iuliu Hatieganu” Medicine and Pharmacy University in Cluj Napoca, and the clinic involvement of the future specialists have also been of constant interest to Professor Michael Lucan. What are the main characteristics as far as your didactic-academic activity is concerned and how does it reveal upon the speciality works you have been compiled so far?

– Above all I hold a university status and develop a didactic activity as well. I conceived books, I have published courses, following a substantial activity, attend urology congresses, publish speciality articles. All those mentioned above are part of the academic-scientific activity aiming to get reflected upon the student’s high academic formation.

– Considering your vast experience with complex urologic surgical operations, in the laparoscopy surgery and that of high performance, which supposes an accurate knowledge of the advanced techniques and technologies, what is the therapeutic surface of the affections you approach at present?

– About 65% out of all surgical operations are not anymore classical ran. The patient is not cut anymore, or compiled to stay at bed for ages, to get him/her on drugs, or their big or small incisions being pampered. He or she is operated making use of the natural ways, or by percutant apertures, thanks to the modern surgical units, the patient is supposed to stay hospitalised for


maximum three days. Even the prostate surgical operations, made by criogeny (we have all the equipment within our modern surgical unit of the Institute), the patient goes home soon enough. It is marvellous, because for many people the hospital represents a sort of prison. They change their habitus, they have to obey certain rules from no matter what staff, some really unbearable, or are supposed to take constantly their medication. It’s not at all pleasant so we are contemplating to get diminished that traumatism, obviously as much as stays in our potential and skills. And we are certainly proceeding further like that.

– What joint actions have you developed with the specialists abroad and how do you interact with the picks of the modern urology?

– Basically, I could not step ahead unless lucky enough to have a very ample co-operation with many specialized centers in Europe and in America as well. Certainly, on the first place we have to mention the International Inter-university Consortium of Transplant in Rome, wherewith we have developed a brilliant co-operation, led by Professor Rafaello Cortesini, who joined us for 17 years already. We never have been disappointed them, this is the sheer truth; on the contrary, we even take the pride to have been succeeding significantly surpassing their expectations. Secondly, I would mention some three more centers in Italy, I intensively work with. To be more specific, the Urology Clinic in Firenze, led by Professor Giulio Nechita, we maintain a close collaboration, viewing the Italian Congresses organization. Therefore, I need to add I am a member of the Italian Society of Urology, yet funny or not, I am not a member of the Romanian Society of Urology. In 2006, at Bologna, joined by Professor Nechita we organized a two-hours round table focusing on the renal transplant, which came out to be a real success, highly appreciated by the Italian urologists. I have also developed a very good collaboration with the Transplant Center in Pisa, where I sent many collaborators in order to get more familiar with the pancreas transplant. The Pisa Center is the second Transplant Center of Pancreas in Europe. I must remember the amazing collaboration with the medical centers in Austria extremely close relationship I used to lead with AKH Hospital. Considering my professional relationship with my fellows in Vienna, I have been the one who facilitated in a way, our President Basescu surgical intervention sometimes ago. I carry on collaboration with all their departments of transplant and immunology. Most of the transplant board members did trainings in Austria, respectively in Vienna and Innsbruck, as well. A wonderful friend of mine works with the University Hospital in Innsbruck, namely Prof Director Mark Ritter. Every single Congress of Transplant takes the pride to have Professor Mark Ritter as a notable reader, up-dating his colleagues with his opinions and researches, a.s.o. I also need to emphasize the co-operation with the others centers of Belgium and Holland as well. I did co-operate and still do with transplant and urology centers in England. In 2006, on the Transplant Congress held in Cluj, 40 international personalities from Europe and America, out of those I use to work with have attended it, including Prof.Nicole Suciu Foca, from the Columbia University, New York together with three other collaborators of her, Romanian professors, actually willing to pay back their tribute against what they got here during their medical academic studies; needless to add, they returned it ten times higher, also Prof.Adriana Zevy, from Pittsburgh. In 2007, we are going to put the fundaments of a permanent collaboration with the „Thomas Starzl” Transplant Institute from Pittsburgh, professor Starzl being the most noteworthy physician of the worldwide transplant. Another close collaborator is Professor Ulrich Winch from the North-West Hospital in Frankfurt; as a matter of fact he launched the criogeny program in Romania. I really dislike the unique illustrations, which lack the necessary eloquence. Professor Urlich has joined our team , my team got familiar with this method and did 5 more criogenies. We have been honored by their assistance with all the medical apparatus, they actually let the Institute keep them all afterwards. We notice easily they did not come merely to


make demonstrations, yet for teaching-in a way of approaching a certain pathology common to certain grey times.

–Could you possible venture into a perspective on the Michael Lucan and Cluj issues viewing 50 years ahead?

– … Tell you honestly…!? … No, I do not know! The mentality regarding doctor-patient report has to be changed, in my opinion. Nowadays, the approaching is rather pathetic-based, than professional indeed. First of all, I believe, the relationship between physician and patient has to be professional based not pathetic. The patient do not need your soul because it’s utterly superfluous, rather give him/her your most performance knowledge, viewing their switch from the ill state of being to their former state of well-being, actually health. Maybe there is a tendency rooted in religious ground. Undoubtedly, the humanism of the medical act is significant as well, but considering the case of a fine humanism and a bad professionalism and the second case of a fine professionalism and a straight humanism, I’ll go for the second. Only because, the physician goes to the sick person and the sick person comes to the physician in order to benefit of his help, not to be soothed or merely suggested to have aspirins as remedies.

– What flagrant personal interrogations puzzle the Professor, the scientist, the surgeon and the man of inspiration-Michael Lucan?

– Well, er.. I face problems everyday... I sleep over my ideas during the nights, and also upon what I aim for the next day. I have to confess, I have a quite restless sleep, so I use to give talks during my rest. But there are really not freaks. I am not horsing about trust me. During my sleep I ultimately succeed to see clearly the things I left behind. I record them all and my wit comes up with the panacea. Never could I have been expressing more clearly my ideas apart from the nights I awake and methodically review what I should consider for the day ahead.

Letting behind the proper pragmatism made already familiar to you, let me spoil you by cuddling you up my dears.