Crime and Punishment

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Crime and Punishment

Transcript of Crime and Punishment

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Crime and


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Why do people break the law?

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Why do we punish people?

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Corporal punishment means physical punishment; capital

punishment is the death penalty.

There have been many ways of carrying out the death

penalty including being burnt at the stake, stoned to death,

hanged, beheaded, drawn and quartered and torn apart

by animals.

One of the most frequent forms of the death penalty in the

ancient world was crucifixion. It was still used by some

countries as late as the 19th century.

The death penalty was often carried out in public.

In Britain in 1957 the law was changed so that capital

punishment was only used for crimes involving multiple-

murders, guns or explosives, killing police officers or killing

someone during a robbery.

Capital punishment

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James Hanratty was one of the last people to be hanged

in England – for the murder of a man and the raping and

shooting of his lover. Many people think that Hanratty

was innocent and so feel that the death sentence can

never be justified.

The death penalty was finally abolished in England,

Scotland and Wales in 1969 and in Northern Ireland in


Parliament still debates whether to bring back the death

penalty (it has voted four times since 1970). When

Parliament votes on this subject MP’s don’t have to

follow a Party line but can have a free vote to express

their views and the views of the people they represent.

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Is capital punishment acceptable?

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The Bible and punishment

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Make your own mind up

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Should we forgive?

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Islam and crime

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What the Koran says about…

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Judaism and crime

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Hinduism and crime

Hindus believe that we need a system of human law and

order because, if we did not, people would be able to do

whatever they wanted. This would result in anarchy, with

no peace and justice in the world.

In its early days, when Hindu society was made up of

small social units, each small kingdom was ruled by a

king who set and administered law for the good of

society. As society changed, a more widespread system

of justice was needed.

An ancient Hindu script called The Laws of Manu gives

guidelines on what should be considered as crimes and

what the punishments for those crimes should be.

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Hinduism teaches that crimes need to be punished for a

number of reasons – to stop the criminal doing it again; so that

society can have its revenge for the crime that has been

committed; to reform the criminal and to protect society. The

death penalty is allowed in Hinduism for the most serious of

crimes, including murder.

Hindus believe that all actions have either good or bad karma

and that the karma a Hindu builds up in this life will affect their

next life. If a criminal is not caught and punished in this life,

their punishment will be in a future existence.

Shama (forgiveness) is very important in Hinduism and can

have a profound effect on a person’s karma – they believe that

to forgive in this life will bring a better existence in the next.

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What is social injustice?

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How can people fight social injustice?

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Amnesty International – works to help those who are in

prison because of their beliefs

Trevor Huddleston – worked against apartheid in South


Archbishop Desmond Tutu – worked against apartheid in

South Africa

Martin Luther King – worked on behalf of the blacks in


Choose one of the following (or another person or

group that you know about) and research how they

have fought against social injustice:

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The Bible teaches justice and equality for all, both in the

Old and New Testaments. Jesus said ‘The Spirit of the

Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to

preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to

proclaim release to the captives, to set free the

oppressed’ (Luke 4:18).

In many developing countries, particularly in South

America, a movement called Liberation Theology has

worked to help those who are exploited or who do not

have equal rights. This is a Christian movement which

welcomes people from all denominations to work

together. These people believe that if they are true

followers of Jesus then they must act to help others.

They are even prepared to break the law if that is what

they believe God is telling them to do; as St. Paul said,

‘We must obey God, not men’ (Acts 5:29).

Liberation Theology

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Oscar Romero was the Archbishop of El Salvador who

preached equality and led the people in opposition to a

repressive government. He was assassinated while

leading a service of mass in a hospital chapel in 1980.

Romero was an example of Christians who follow

Liberation Theology, he said “Christ’s sacrifice give us

the courage to offer our own bodies for justice and


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Islam, Judaism and social justice

Both Jews and Muslims believe that all people should be

treated fairly.

The Old Testament tells the Jews to look after foreigners

in their land. Jews believe that they should be generous

to the poor – both individuals and nations who are in

need. To do this Jews are expected to give one tenth of

their wealth to others (tzedaka).

Islam teaches that the poor, needy, handicapped,

orphans and elderly should all be cared for and it is the

duty of all Muslims to contribute to this.

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Hinduism and social justice