Creatures(First Chapter) by Kaitlyn Hooley

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Transcript of Creatures(First Chapter) by Kaitlyn Hooley

  • 8/8/2019 Creatures(First Chapter) by Kaitlyn Hooley






    K A I T L Y N H O O L E Y

  • 8/8/2019 Creatures(First Chapter) by Kaitlyn Hooley



    Copyright May 2011 by Kaitlyn Hooley

    Self-publishing support of

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any format or in any medium without the

    written permission of the author.

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either

    products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Cover design by Kaitlyn Hooley

    Book edited by Mindie Hooley



  • 8/8/2019 Creatures(First Chapter) by Kaitlyn Hooley



    K A I T L Y N H O O L E Y

  • 8/8/2019 Creatures(First Chapter) by Kaitlyn Hooley


    To my wonderful family, who has supported be through all of my many hours of writing.

    I love you all very much.

    Thank you for your support and giving me the inspiration that I needed to continue writing.

  • 8/8/2019 Creatures(First Chapter) by Kaitlyn Hooley


  • 8/8/2019 Creatures(First Chapter) by Kaitlyn Hooley




    alleys and entryways in the process. Death was around methe lives taken of those who werent fast

    enough to escape the rebellion overhead. My round lilac eyes refused to blink, afraid that if I did, I

    would surely lose my way in the chaotic multitude.

    I had long past lost my mother and sister in the crowds of roused and alert Creatures. TheHumans were here to attack our planet and claim what is rightfully ours. I pushed the layers of black hair

    from my forehead and stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of the hunter. Behind me laid a massive

    buildingand the smell of corpses and lethal blood filled the atmosphere. The aroma was sickeningly

    strong.The man smiled slightly in my directionsmelling my fear, no doubtand took a step towards

    me, arms loaded with a metallic ray gun, and ready. I took a deep breath and swallowed hard, trying with

    force to push down my fright. I had known my life would end at some point, but never did I conjure up

    the thought of death occurring in my life at only seventeen years of age. So I stepped towards the man,

    preparing myself for what was going to come next for my destiny.

    I held my breath as the ocean blue ray shot straight through my stomach and into the crackling

    debris wall behind me.


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    through my head, causing a major headache to make itself known. The sound of beepinga slow,

    steady rhythm that nowhere near matched the pace of the footsteps running in and out of earshot.

    The air contained a strange smell that made my stomach heave forward. I snapped my eyes open to be

    welcomed by a bright fluorescent light and a stark white room.

    Not a trace of colorall too strange.

    My eyes slowly scanned the room for any sign of life and a pair of focused earth-brown eyes

    greeted me. The Human had dark black hair that was tousled and swept back. I can only imagine he was

    the owner of the voice I heard earlier.

    Hello, young Creature. Welcome, he greeted me in a polite manner, kind and gentle.

    I didnt respond.

    My name is Dr. Reed. How are you doing today, hm?

    When I once again didnt respond, he lifted up his left hand to bring it towards me. I flinched

    and tried to back away, finding that the beeping had been coming from the white, rectangular machine

    next to me that was attached to my upper stomach. Tubes were inserted into my wrists, an unfamiliar

    fluid flowing into my body. As soon as I began to thrash, Dr. Reed sighed and made a motion towards a

    small IV on the tray near the deathly machine.

    Freezing cautiously in my seat, I stared wide-eyed at the needle. A pleading look focused on the

    doctor as I whimpered. He set the needle down to my satisfaction as a tall man entered the room.The man ran a hand through his short, graying hair and his blue eyes scorched right through my soul. His

    nametag read: Mr. Ross Dearman. I immediately recognized his face as the man who sent a sharp

    glowing beam through the bottom of my rib cage. His eyes were not friendly, but intimidating and


    You decided to join us, I see? he said.

    I took a deep breathseeing that this hurt my ribs a lotand halfheartedly scowled without

    success. I was much too weak to come up with anything other than fear and confusion. Where am I?

    What is this place?

    No matter. What is your name, Creature?

    My jaw clenched and unclenched, as it remained closed and tight.

    Your name! he demanded now, losing his patience.You mustnt be harsh, Mr. Ross. Or she wont reach your expectations with a trace of success,

    Dr. Reed warned quietly. I wondered if he was almost afraid to speak against Rosss words.

    Not a comment from Ross as he came closer to me. I tried moving around the equipment

    attached to my body as he neared my form. His strides were long and loud, causing the tapping of his

    shoes to echo in the quiet room around us.

    Name, Ross spat. The stale smell of wine radiated from his breath, making me feel sick and

    weak again. Still, I was able to come up with a few whispered words.


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    I would not tell you my name if my own life depended on it. Nor a single detail about who I am

    or about my people, I growled. My hatred towards this man was like a roaring flame in my chest a

    vacant spot where my heart should be, if I were Human.

    Then you leave me no choice. Throw it in with the other rebellious parasites. Well deal with it

    later, Ross instructed before shutting the door with a loud thud.

    I shoved myself into the wall behind me, trying to make myself small and invisible. What did Ross mean

    by the others?

    How are we supposed to transport her down to the observatorywhen she is so badly

    injured? a woman questioned. My eyes wandered over to her tiny structure, standing alert and ready

    for whatever command was going to be given next.

    Knock her out and then hook her back up when you get her there, Dr. Reed told the woman,

    making it distinct and clear that she was to do so at once. I shuddered and tightly shut my eyes. My

    insides hurt and burned and I felt nauseous.

    Steady, the redhead woman with bouncy curls whispered as she approached me. Like talking

    to a frightened animal. A growl escaped my lips and I flinched from her touch. Her hands were much too

    warm for my icy cold skin, twenty degrees colder than the average Human. I bore my teeth at her and

    scowled. She seemed taken aback by my reaction, but quickly recovered shortly before plunging a pain

    endorsing IV into my right arm.I was enveloped in painful darkness.

    I woke up in a strange position, one leg pointed towards the right wall of my cage and the other

    crunched up to my stomach. This cage was much too small, encaging me with the feel of a prison cell.

    Everywhere I looked rusty black bars clouded my view, blocking some of my partial vision. There wasnt

    one place I spotted that wasnt covered in shadowy stripes. Tubes, once again, greeted me along with

    machinery, except this time I was enclosed in a small, cramped space. There was total blackness. My

    nose scrunched up in disgust as I took in the smell of foul air and the scent of an indescribably musky

    and hot aroma. Thankfully for my awakening this time, I was left alone. There were no doctors hoveringover me like I was some science lab experiment, and there wasnt a pair of Human eyes in sight.

    Except for one, staring at me from two feet away, a small lantern shadowing his sun-brown face.

    The eyes werent Human eyes, but Creature eyes. The color of fire and ice, a mixture of blue and

    red. His eyes were more sapphire than anything, speckles of lava playing in the color, making his eyes

    both warm and dangerous. A set of white teeth was exposed as a low chuckle filled this small room. He

    was in a cage as well, iron bars keeping him from moving around freely. My forehead creased as I took in

    the figureone of medium height and a stocky build with a head of midnight hairas he lied curled up

    with a small light next to his cage.

    I squinted and looked closer through the blackness. No. The light wasnt next to his cage, but in

    the middle of the room, the small flame exposing corners of various cages. I was almost positive that

    they were contained of prisoners, too. Frightened Creatures who were taken from their planet to come

    live among the Humanstheir enemies. Monsters that would kill us in order to obtain whatever

    information they desired.

    My long black hair draped over my face and I pushed it back, annoyed. There was barely enough

    room to make this small gesture, and my wide lilac eyes remained unblinkingafraid that if I did so, an

    unexpected Human would surely kill me.

    I cleared my throat quietly and tried to sit upright. I rubbed my head as it banged quietly against

    the short ceiling. Much closer than I thought it had been. My head started to throb again. Stupid cage,

    I muttered under my breath, scowling with ostensible frustration.

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    Laughter came from the cage parallel to me again, this time more pronounced and thoughtless,

    with a certain edge. Seems like youve gotten yourself into a pretty tight situation. You got the smallest

    cage. Along with all of that machinery hooked up to ya, it looks like youre the most comfortable

    Creature Ive ever met. He grinned mockingly with a hint of sarcasm.

    I scowled in the darkness. Who are you?

    Ah, but you see that is myquestion to ask. And you are to provide me with an answer, he said

    as a matter-of-fact.

    Kirin, I whispered almost silently. I felt faint from the mixture of hot and cold in the

    atmosphere. The air felt humid around me, although there was a slight breeze coming from an unknown

    location. I couldnt spot any open windows, only one, just to the northern left hand corner towards the

    ceilingexposing a small array of sunshinebut nothing more. I felt frightened and wanted more than

    anything to close my eyes and wake up in my home, knowing that even my barren planet would be

    better than this pit of torture.

    Ryder, he responded in a dark voice. You escaped the attack, too, Kirin?

    I nodded. What happened? What is this place?

    Im not the one you should be questioning. You want the answer to your questions; ask the

    brainiac over there. Hell let you in on the deets. Hejabbed his thumb to the cage right next to me and

    nodded his head in the direction his thumb followed.I looked over almost expectantly. A small man lay in a bundled, frightened position and he

    turned his head toward me, his yellow eyes glowing like a candle flame.

    He put a hand on his baldhead, as if fighting a horrid headache, and whispered an answer to me.

    Ryder is the only one of us who had yet spoken of normal volume in this treacherous location of

    Creatures and misery. Put these two together and things would not run smoothly.

    We are being held captive by the Humans because they believe we are of a threat to their

    planetEarth, they call itand their way of living. They believe that if they can put an end to our

    population and run us into extinction that they should have no problem with continuing with their way

    of habitat. Strange community, but it is true. And if they cant put an end to us, then they believe that

    someday, being the Creatures that we are, that we will fight each other off and end up killing one

    another in terms of living conditions and survival. Again, they have very peculiar theories and thoughts,those Humans. Very high maintenance, but also smart to a certain degree.

    More like thick-skulled, Ryder muttered under his breath, stretching out as far as he could in

    his slightly larger cage.

    I let the words sink in as the process of elimination slowly evaporated into my brain. Sothey

    want to put an end to us? As in destroy our planets and every living Creature in the Eastern solar

    system? I muttered in disbelief.

    BrainiacI suppose that was what I was calling him for now until I could get a namebit his lip

    nervously and cleared his throat. I believe so. I overheard the leader discussing it with the other

    specimens when I was transferred here. They call him Ross. Such an odd name, but he is no one that you

    should mess with. Oh, no. He is quite powerful in this Human abomination, Brainiac nodded. Quite

    powerful indeed.

    I looked over at Ryder and he shrugged. Thats what Quent says, and for the moment his words

    are of truth for the time being. Quent. Good, a name. I have no other statement of fact to believe,

    Ryder continued, and Quents seems by far the most logical from what he heard as substantiated

    indication. He looked at me as he says this, focused and thinking. So that is what we were to be. Slaves

    to the Human world, so to speak. We were to live under their control until they figure out what to do

    with us. Before they ended us, and our home planets. The very few that existed on the location farthest

    from theirs.

    The idea made me sick, my stomach rolling over with nausea.

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    Dont think so much of it, Ryder soothed me. He looked up at the ceiling of his cage and

    growled, Well figure a way out. We are much faster than them, and stronger. We would be able to

    take them easily if we werent in the poor condition that we are in at the moment , weakening our


    I squinted into the darkness and found that Ryders face was beaten up, a scar underneath his

    left eye, stretching down to his jaw in a jagged line, and a deep, bloody gash on the same side of his

    neck. I was afraid to see what the rest of his body looked like.

    Quent seemed to have had the best luck of the most of us, probably using that logic of his to

    keep his mouth shut and his life and body safe and unharmed. Humans had greater weapons than we

    do, making them far more invincible. I couldnt imagine how we could figure a way out of here w ithout

    having to get a few more battle wounds in the processand deaths.

    You cant know that for sure, I told him, still whispering but the pain of speaking easing up.

    My ribs were throbbingmany broken for sureand my head was spinning. I still couldnt fully

    comprehend why the Humans would hurt me and then patch me up like this. It just didnt seem right.

    Didnt seemsmart. But whatever the Humans have planned for sure, we must be prepared. We have

    to make sure that we all stick together. We cant run offunless times call for desperate measures.

    Weve already lost nearly half of our existence and the thought of losing more is just frightening. They

    killed off one of our planets in the blink of an eye. You can imagine how long it will take to destroy theothers. Every Creature in the Eastern solar system could be dead in a weeka mere seven days. That is

    too little time, and we arent up for that kind of a fightyet. So whatever the Humans want to know

    here, we must keep certain locations and spots a secret, no matter how badly we are tortured and want

    to give in.

    I agree with Kirin, Quent said shyly. If we stick together then we should be able to obtain the

    kind of strength that we need and defend ourselves for whatever pain is yet to come.

    Ryder looked at me and raised his eyebrows. Alright, kid. You think that we have what it takes

    to get us outta here? He grinned and after a pause said, Fine. Im in. But on one condition.

    I watched his face, those fire-blue eyes dancing. Which is?

    You want to be a team, you got it. Youreour team leader.

    What? II cant. Theres no way. I cant. I wont, I panicked, stuttering in the process.He chuckled. Dont worry, Kirin, Im just messin with you. Fine. Well all hustle and bustle along

    on our own terms.

    Quent spoke up with a slightly milder tone of voice. One that I never thought could live inside a

    man of weak courage and small build. Im in. Well show the Humans what is rightfully ours and we will

    show them whose boss. He smiled a small smile.

    Now we just need to figure a way out of here, Ryder sighed, moving around in his cramped

    area uncomfortably.

    Hey, no talking, parasites! a voice shouted at us. His voice echoed throughout the room,

    making his tone loud and fierce, his shadow cascading off the stone cave walls. You, he pointed at me

    before removing the equipment attached to my ribs and body. My body ached as he roughly handled

    me, angry that he had to touch me in the first place. He placed a pair of handcuffs around my small

    wrists and kneed me forward. Through the door!

    Get your hands off her! Ryder shouted, banging the side of this cell, but only merely leaving a

    dent in the strong material. Whatever the Humans had our cells made out of, it was strong. Something

    so strong as to keep us surely locked up for however long they wanted us.

    I snuck a glance back at Ryder who was watching me with concern.

    The Human kicked Ryders cell, pulling out his gun in warning as he shot it at Ryders feet,

    making me flinch.

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    Be careful, Ryder mouthed as the Human pointed the nozzle of the gun into my aching

    fragmented rib cage.

    I nodded once and felt tears coming as the man shoved at my broken body.

    I could feel Ryders eyes on me as I disappeared through the door and into a Human infested

    hallway. The sound of footsteps and chatter sounded through the halls, quickly working as they watched

    me stumble over my own feet as I was pushed and shoved with poor care. None of them would care, Im

    sure, but I could see a few looks of doubt in the crowd of watchful faces.

    I was thrown into a room of Humans in lab coats and most of them wearing a fierce expression.

    Creature, a woman greeted me as she stood in the middle of the room. Her gray hair was

    pulled up into a loose ponytail. Come in and sit down. We have a few questions for you and the other


    I couldn't believe what I saw as soon as I was shoved into the hard, silver chair in the middle of a large

    room. I was greeted with penetrating eyesthe eyes that you would see on the hunter, waiting to come

    down on its next victim. The way her eyes were fixated on my body frightened me. The thought of what

    she was about to call upon me concerning questions of my kind was truly a mystery. What could theHumans possibly want to know? What possible secret was there that was at an utter most importance

    to what they were trying to obtain? I knew one thing, though; the Creatures were their resources, their

    personal mouthpieces and objects of information. I wasn't sure what I was going to do if I didn't make it

    out of this pit of misery and depression. I could only hope that if I could notthat Ryder and Quent

    would make it out of here alive. So neither of them would have to stand it here any longer.

    The woman threw a menacing smile in my direction and then turned to two, broad-shouldered

    men in long white coats and black slacks. All eyes in the room were trained on my face, waiting to spot

    my reaction in this horrid moment.

    Creature, we have a few questions concerning your kind and we hope you find it of good

    decision to answer our questions willingly and without so much as a complaint. Now, let's begin. How

    old are you, young one?My eyes squinted and I thought about the question. Of all answers, the Human wanted to know

    my age.

    Do not fight against us, Creature. We always win in the end. The woman laughed lightly as the

    two men behind her joined in.

    Her face turned serious. Nowcooperate.

    Seventeen, I said through clenched teeth, answering her previous question. I can imagine she

    had anticipated an abundantly grander age estimate.

    Ah, see? That wasn't so bad. She grinned mockingly and I bared my teeth. What is your


    That is confidential, I informed her.

    But it isn't something that cannot be discussed. We have the right to any information that is in

    access of your kind. We are the High Authorities here, and we expect no fuss and denial from such a


    Another Human entered the room in a second, carrying a clipboard and pen as he approached

    me. All activity in the room was silenced and stilled. My eyebrows were knitted together in

    concentration, trying to remove the envelope that was this mans strangely peculiar poker face. It didnt

    seem to occur to him that I was in the roomor aside from the fact that a handful of Creatures were

    only forty feet below him, being kept hostage.

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    I focused on the mans childlike, but matured featureshis laugh lines and dimples on either

    side of his Human mouth, exposed when moved at a certain angle. His quiet murmuring to the three

    men and one woman behind him was almost peaceful, making me feel as if I was just another person


    Except I wasnt.

    I caught very few words from his lips that spread throughout this vacant room. Words like:

    Creatures, unharmed, and injuries. The woman was no longer behind me, for she had fled the scene as

    soon as this man arrived, along with many other hard-looking people.

    The murmuring, quiet man had round, sea-green eyes that were very much focused on the work

    in front of him; a very intense shade of blue, lighting up with specks of green and yellow. His muttering

    continuedas quiet as a field mouse whispering against the grass in its runand as if by setup, turned

    those radiating sea-green eyes towards my slightly less dazzling lilac eyes. Sure, here in this Human

    world they may have been fascinating (and to others somewhat creepy and unnatural), but now nothing

    could compare to these hypnotic globes of blue-green that were watching my face with curiosity and


    He was dressed casuallywearing a well-fit blue tee and jeansunlike most of the other

    professionals in this building.

    He blinked his eyes once and a small, almost polite smile played on the corners of his lipsjust alittle bit. As if he was amused by my reaction or presence.

    The man cleared his throat and watched me considerately, while the others behind him focused

    strenuously on my clouded expression. Without a word spoken, he walked calmly and gracefully over in

    my direction, eyeing first my body and then my face, twisted into an unknown expression. I could not

    feel or read what my eyes were giving away. But this mask that was my face was very foreign to me

    unnatural and unfamiliar.

    Finally, words were spoken. His voice was calm, collected, and casualmuch like his

    appearance. I liked it. It was much less fierce and ugly than the other voices I had heard today. Or had I

    been here only one day? I couldnt be sure. Who knew how long this had been going on? I could have

    been here a week for all I knew. Maybe the other Creatures that I met had the sort of information that I

    was seeking.Hello, my name is Christopher Knight. What is yours? he questioned, always looking at my


    There was no reason why I should feel embarrassed or intimidated, but my response still came

    in only a cautious whisper. Kirin. I could spare this information with him. Even if he did look kind and

    unthreatening, he was Humanour natural enemies and terrorists. My mother always told me they

    could never be trusted, considering our history with them. And now being here, I could see by her words

    what she meant. I was experiencing now her wisdom by force.

    Well, Kirin, Christopher said, stopping three feet from my chair. Your injuries are recovering

    nicely and you shouldnt be feeling any unnecessary pain in about four days time. Taking a few more

    steps, he slipped up the ears of his stethoscope that had been hanging so carelessly around his neck. I

    take it your kind doesnt have a heart?

    I slightly nodded my head, a small gesture, all the while wondering when he had taken my

    pulse. Of course I didnt have a heart. None of the Creatures did. We had no use for one. Our bodies

    were much faster and long lasting than the Human bodies were. Immortal. As long as we kept out of

    trouble and danger, we continued to live. We didnt have a heart to keep beating and alive. Our

    appearance usually stopped aging by the time we thought best; it was the one Creatures separate

    decision. If you wanted to take on an older, more matured appearance, then you would continue to age.

    But if you were willing to remain youthful by image, you could usually stop in your mid-twenties. But

    your age kept track of how many years you were alive in this messed up world that we lived in.

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    You received four broken ribs and we had to do a lot of repair on your damaged upper

    abdominal area from the shot. Other than that, you should be good tomove about freely in yourarea

    in a matter of days without too much pain and discomfort. Christopher dropped his stethoscope and

    turned to his clipboard and pen, scribbling down some notes and numbers. The remaining Humans in

    the back stood their guard, occasionally peeking at my wary face.

    I pushed my hair back and rubbed the side of my neck. There was once a cut there, a small

    puckering where the scar had been from our last war with the Humans. That had been years ago

    though, and the Humans were stronger now than I had ever seen them or known them to be. Our world

    and existence was coming to an end, and soon, the Humans would have what they desired. A Creature-

    free universe. One of normal stability.

    My world had never been one of comfort, even before the Humans started attacking and

    rebelling against us. Now all that was left was ruins, no longer the places and memories of my

    childhood. I would not be able to return to my mother and sister, Rosa. Rosahaving been only ten

    years old with emerald green eyes and long, pale white hairhad never been a fighter. Like my mother,

    she had been of a gentle nature. Always caring for those who were frightened and afflicted, and in need

    of comfortwhich at often times, there were a lot of Creatures who were. She had been a Reliever. One

    of the very best on Planet 5.

    I didnt know where they were now, my mother and Rosa, but I could only hope that i f theywere not deadthat they were being kept somewhere much better than this destination. I could only

    pray that Christopher was not like Ross, the creator of my wounds and aches. The man who put our lives

    and existence in jeopardy for eternity.

    There was nowhere I was safe now. Noplace I could call home. No one I could call family. I was

    living in my own personal hell on Earth.

    I can understand that you are uncomfortable. But if you are so willing as to cooperate, it will

    make this task run by a lot smoother without all of the hassle that is both unnecessary and unwanted,

    Christopher Knight explained, pulling me from my thoughts as my hands laid clenched to the arms of my

    hard chair.

    I cleared my throat once and took a deep breath, grimacing at the pain in my chest. I cannot

    trust youwith the information that you are seeking, I whispered at a volume that was near theaccuracy of a breath. I did not meet his eyes, but looked to the left and down at the linoleum floor

    beneath my bare, scarred feet. My expression felt vacant. Emotionless. Dead.

    I understand. Let me assure you that I do not want to put you under any discomfort. Perhaps a

    room more private? he suggested.

    I briefly glanced up at the innocence playing in his eyes. My mind was confused, unsure. The

    only offers I had gotten had been things of pain and unbearable shouting and shoving. I was not wanted

    here. So why should I feel the need to accept his form of gratitude that was more likely a game he was

    playing with me?

    I closed my eyes and unclenched my hands, focusing on the feelings inside of me as they pushed

    their way past one another. I opened my eyes and looked up at Christophers patient stance and set

    face, and unwillingly nodded once. It wasnt a full nod, but a defeat all the same. I could not allow any of

    the Humans hereor on this planetto hurt my newfound acquaintances down below.

    I was led through the halls much gentler now, happy to avoid the aching from my last shoving

    and handling episode. The room wasnt a whole lot different than the last. There was a workbench in

    the farthest right-hand corner of the room, next to a small window. It was sunny today, I noticed. I

    couldnt help but wonder what other prisoners and escapees they had led into this aluminous room.

    Christopher shut the door behind him with a quiet thud, trying not to startle me with a loud

    noise in this quiet atmosphere and scenery. I was aware that nobody followed us in and that it was just

    the two of us. I wasnt sure if I should feel at peace with the situation of fewer Humans, or frightened.

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    Never had I been face-to-face with a Human beforealone, without the war and attacks in our hands.

    My father was once in this situation, having been kidnapped and tortured on this exact planet. I knew

    once the Humans took my father, that I would never see him again.

    He was announced dead the next morning.

    I still had a clear, vivid image of him in my head. I had found myself thinking a lot about him

    lately. His shoulder length aqua blue hair, fair skin and pale lips. Every wrinkle aligning his face and body.

    He was one of my best friends.

    Christopher leaned his body back against the hard, wooden table, once again fully in my view. I

    stared at the wall behind him, unprepared of what to say or do next. I was guessing the Humans with

    him were his guards. How much persuasion, I wondered, did it take for them to leave us alone? Maybe

    not that much.

    I was never like the other Creatures, even growing up. There was always something, some part

    of me that was different. I was always separated from the group, often alone or unseen. Its not that

    there was anything wrong with me. Except for the fact that Creatures were born to fight. That was what

    separated Rosa and me from the rest. We could not find it in ourlives, to fight and end the lives of

    other people. Our family was always different. And I still couldnt come to accept the fact that I may be

    the only Creature in my family left.

    Why did you bring me here? I mumbled almost involuntarily.I thought you would want the chance to speak more privately without all of the

    Not herebut here, to this planet. Why am I here? Why did you kill my family? I whispered,

    tears choking my throat. I felt tears in the back of my throat, the taste of water and salt. I just wish I

    could go home. If there wasonly a home I could return to...

    Christopher sighed once and rubbed his head and neck. Pools of tears were streaming down my

    face. What was his answer? Did he have an explanation for what I so desperately needed to know?

    You are unlike most Creatures I have come across in my years of studying and experimenting.

    Your kindCreaturesI find are, in a lot of ways, different from my kind. After doing a few tests, I came

    to the conclusion that through your bodys functioning, you are much faster and stronger than

    Humans. He was explaining this to me and I felt the sudden urge to hit something. It was a surprise to

    have such a feeling. How dare he take our kind and experiment on us! I felt sick, and if there wereanything in my hollow stomach, it would have already come back up. So thats why we were here.

    Because we survived the attack, we were kidnapped here to Earth and were now being held as one of

    the few Creatures left in this universe. What were they going to do to us once they received the

    information at task?

    I already knew the answer: kill us off. My stomach gurgled softly and I clutched it, coughing up

    nothing. There was nothing left of me now. Close to nothing left of my existence. The only worth I had

    was that of an alien experimenta test. I was of no value. And if we could not do something about our

    war at handour existence would no longer be.

    I scowled.

    He put up a gentle hand and then set it back on his lap. I could see the pain in his eyes as he

    looked at me, watching the tears flow down my cheeks and onto the floor. I wiped my hand across my

    face and take a stepped forward.

    Kirin he started before I quietly, but fiercely, interrupted.

    What, no Creature? I asked, sarcasm heavy in my soprano voice. Am I actually something

    more than just a Creature? Am I not just an experiment that you can pick away on, ending the lives of

    those I love? My voice was becoming strained, rising with each sentence. I had never felt such rage.

    If you had any ideaif you even took time to think about what you are doing, you would be

    disgusted, I spat. How dare you bring me here! How dare you jeopardize the lives of innocent

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    Creatures down there! If our places were reversed I would, without a doubt, do the exact opposite of

    what you are doing now.

    Kirin, please Christopher begged, his eyes pleading.

    Im not done. You may think you know of what you are doing and the c onsequences followed,

    but you have absolutely noidea how much pain you have brought unto our worlds and us, I said,

    pointing to myself. You have killed my father, you have killed my mother, andyou have killed my sister.

    But let me tell you something. You are notgoing to hurt anybody else. Not while Im here.

    I was hardly aware of the large sets of arms pulling me towards the exit doors as I pushed and

    shoved, my ribs stabbing my insides painfully.

    Wait, Christopher started, holding up a hand. You dont have to handle her so roughly. Shell

    do what you say as long as you are gentle.

    The heckI wont, Human! I shot, elbowing an unknown Human behind my thrashing body as

    he sucked in a sharp breath.

    Enough, a much too familiar voice warned, walking in the door. My thrashing stopped

    momentarily and I met a pair of blue eyes. A man with thin, graying hair.

    I shuddered in disgust at the ugly voice. It was much too angry and stubborn. I wondered if he

    had a happy bone in his body.

    Ah, hello, young Creature. Shouldnt surprise that it was you making all the ruckus, eh? Rosschuckled a deep, throaty laugh and turned to Christopher expectantly.

    Sir, Christopher muttered in greeting, nodding his head once politely.

    Well, son. How is everything going?

    I stopped and snapped my head back in Christophers direction. Son? I whispered in blank

    shock. Youre Rosss son?

    He almost looked shocked as I made this consideration, trying to work through the resemblance

    in my head. There was no resemblance. With Christophers sun-tan face, sea-green eyes, and short,

    tousled brown hair, I could not name the relation to the man standing five feet away from me, with his

    old, fare skin, sky blue eyes and gray hair, to the boy a year or two at most older than me, standing

    cautiously. There was nothing of the like between them.

    Yes, Christopher replied softly, watching my face. Myadoptive father.Oh, I muttered, feeling uncomfortable and fidgety as I played with the black string on my thin

    woolen sleeve.

    What information did you obtain, Christopher? Ross asked, stepping towards him and around

    me. I flinched as his arm brushed mine.

    Christophers eyes flashed to my eyes and then towards his father. I knew he would have to tell

    Ross sooner or later. I could never trust him. Even if he seemed different in the beginning, I could now

    see he was no more than a fatal Human, pushing by anything to get the information and longings that

    he sought. He was definitely Rosss soneven if adopted. There was something different about his

    appearance and stance though, something different about his personality. He looked almost afraid of

    Ross, his own adoptive father, as he pulled up his clipboard and ran the page over with his eyes.

    Her name is Kirin, sir.

    Ah, Kirin, Ross spoke,playing my name on his lips. What a lovely name.

    My nose wrinkled and I folded my arms.

    She isseventeen years old. Has a sister named Rosa and a mother. Her father was killed a

    while back, he continued. He handed the clipboard in his hand to his adoptive father and then stood up

    straight, waiting for Rosss approval.

    That is it? Ross questioned almost doubtfully.

    Christopher nodded faintly.

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    Very well. I hope we make better progress tomorrow. Ross threw a look in my direction of

    disgust and disapproval before turning back to his son. See you then. Without turning back, he headed

    for the door, closing it loudly in the process.

    The way back to my cell was unfamiliar. I wouldnt have been able to escape even if I tried. We went up

    and down corridors and through door after door until I was in the dark room full of intimacy and

    sorrowful beings. I could hear Ryder clear his throat and Quent stiffen automatically and shrink back into

    a ball in the farthest corner of his cage. The Human, smelling of dirt and sun, unlocked the hatch and

    threw me in. I was in a better position this time, at least. My arms were wrapped around my knees,

    pulled up against my stomach as my head rested on top, watching Ryder until the man was long gone

    down and through the halls the way we came.

    Ryder looked at me expectantly, longing for some newfound information on the Humans and

    their desires from us. I shrugged my shoulders. Quent had loosened a teensy bit from his balled form,

    having peeked his head up to look at my exchange with Ryder. I smiled faintly in Quents direction and

    straightened my head as far as it could go.

    Kirin! Are you okay? Did they hurt you? Ryder asked anxiously, taking in my face with his eyes.Im fine, I murmured. Christopher Knight is Rosss adopted son. He was a lot gentler than I

    would have thought would be likely necessary or planned, I explained, thinking back to my time spent

    with him. I almost felt bad now for yelling at him in such a way that I did, but I shook the feeling. Let him

    suffer as he makes us.

    I didnt know Ross had a son, Ryder proclaimed, raising his eyebrows as his jet-black hair lied

    on his forehead in straight strands. Sowhat did he want from you? Locations? Details on where you

    came from? he pressed.

    Just my name and age is all we got to today, I said, feeling slightly taken aback by what was

    only spoken of recently. How little information Christopher had gotten. I could still spot the angry

    expression that lay behind Rosss disapproving mask. Christopher would be hearing about it tonight and

    if he couldnt get anymore information out of methen what would happen then? Would it meandanger for him? Or danger to the other imprisoned Creatures here, as well as myself?

    My eyebrows creased in the middle and I moved my gaze from Ryder to Quent. How old are

    you? I asked unexpectedly. This question had been lingering in my mind for ages and I just had to get it

    out there. Quent looked no older than fifteen, but I couldnt be so sure for he was matured beyond his


    He cleared his throat and straightened up more from his position, not looking directly at me, but

    to the side. My Human age is fourteenand my Creature age is one hundred and thirty, he said in a

    slow whisper.

    I gasped and look at Ryder, who looked at perfect ease. It was like this information was not as

    newfound to me as it was to him. Perhaps he had already spoken with Quent himself or new him in

    another life.

    One hundred and thirty? I asked in shock, disbelief heavy in my tone. You cant be serious.

    S what makes him so special, Ryder explained. Hes the second oldest Creature to walk

    amongst us in all of our lives. Maybe thats why the parasites have kept him around as long as they


    I looked down at Quents face and he looked up at me straightforward now, hiding no

    intelligence in his aged features behind the boyish face.

    The second oldest Creature, I said in wonder to him. So thenwho was the first? I ask.

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    His name was Haymon. Died about ten years ago when kidnapped by the Humans. Say he

    never returned and his death was quickly announced soon after. Everyone was devastated by his

    murder, regarding his history. They say he lived to be two hundred and sixty nine years old, Ryder said

    in anomalous excitement and astonishment, emphasizing the age.

    Haymon? I questioned, looking at Ryder.

    He nodded and watched me with a weird expression and a slight crease in his forehead. Whats

    wrong, Kirin?

    Haymon.hehe was myfather.

    I knew this for a fact, knowing that each Creature was given a specific and special name at birth.

    My breathing had stopped and my eyes flashed to Ryders.

    Ryders head snapped up and he rubbed it a little when it banged against the ceiling of his cell.

    This normally to a probability would have made me laugh. But not today. Because I had just found out

    the greatest information Id ever come across in my seventeen years of life.

    No words were spoken amongst us, but I could plainly read what was going on in everyones

    mind by the way they watched me right now.

    Haymon, the oldest living Creature in all of historywas my father.

    I was the daughter of Haymon.

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    had been puzzling over this. Quent had remained quiet throughout this period of time, one hand

    on his forehead, eyebrows creased. His sunlight eyes were glowing with astonishment as he stared

    at my feet through narrowed eyes, seeing something far away, away from this planet and time era.

    I nodded absently to Ryders question.

    I cant believe this, Ryder whispered. Kirinif the Humans found out who you are, you would

    be killed right on the spot. You have to keep this a secret.

    You didnt think I was going to blurt that out to someone, did you? You dont think I knowthat? I asked in bewilderment, panicked.

    There is no need to stress over this matter, Quent mumbled. Its nearly four oclockI can

    tell by the suns array, he exclaimed, pointing to a small window exposing about a foot of sunlight in

    the dim, purple hazy sky.

    I nodded and sighed. Quents right. If were going to get out of here, we cant spend our time

    arguing and bickering with each other.

    Ryder gave a look of agreement and tried to straighten out in his cage without success. I smiled

    halfheartedly as he sighed and crossed his arms angrily with much frustration. My cage was a lot smaller

    than his, so I wondered if he was thinking about how I feel at the moment.

    Out of the three cages between my new alliances, Quents was by far the biggest. Who would think that

    the smallest of us would get the biggest area space to move around?

    I tucked my hair behind my ear and gently clutched my chest where the pain was worst in my

    ribs. Near the base of the rib cage, in the very center of my stomach. I rubbed my hand absentmindedly

    over the wound, back and forth, over and over.

    What exactly happened to you? Ryder whispered, staring at my chest. I move uncomfortably

    and press lightly on a sore spot.

    Trying not to flinch at the stabbing pain was agony. How badly I wanted to escape somewhere

    unseen and unheard, away from this miserable planet and to one of familiarity. One where my friends

    and family once existed. When the planet once existed.

    Our planets didnt have specificnames like the Humans had called theres Earth. Our planets

    were numbered by distance and order. I was from Planet 5, the planet farthest from the sun. Being in

    our location, the sun was dimmest, giving us a cold after feeling of living there our whole lives. To see

    the faint sun coming through the window in this room was a greater light than what I would have seenback at home. The lack of sunlight and warmth left our planet with a dark, chilled climate and look to

    the scene.

    Most people didnt visit us.

    I stared up into Ryders eyes, seeing both concern and pity in the blue and redalmost pained. I let out

    a small huff of air, and buried my head in my knees, my voice muffled when I spoke.

    I was so careless. I should have been watching my back. I shouldnt have left my mother and

    sister Rosa. If I hadnt had left them, then they would have felt protected and comforted. I cant believe I


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    just fled like that. Stupid, I muttered, tears slowly gliding down my pale cheeks. Ross Dearman shot

    me. With one of the Humans ray guns. I was cornered and alone. Where was I supposed to go? So I

    offered myself to him, letting him shoot me. I couldnt stand to be there any longer. I wanted him to kill


    I looked up and saw that Ryders hand was halfway stretched out in my direction, longing to

    comfort me. I lifted up my hand and clutch the bar of my cage, clenching my fist around the cold, metal


    Quent remained quiet all this time, his eyes closed and thinking. He was in the same position

    that I was in; curled up and protective of whatever may come unexpectedly through the main entrance

    of this cave-looking location. I could understand how he would feel that way. His cage was closest to the

    door, all but five feet away. He didnt have the proper defense. Quent wasnt a fighter, and I knew that if

    the Humans did something to him, that he wouldnt defend himself, but simply let them do away with

    him. It would be better than having to put up a fight you knew you were more than likely going to lose

    or give forfeit to in the end.

    Planet 5? Ryder questioned, taking me by surprise.

    Y-yes. How did you know? I trailed off in a whisper.

    Your birthmark, Ryder said, pointing to my right arm. I look down at the clearly visible brown

    cross on my arm, the shape of a muddy x. All Creatures born in Planet 5 were given this tattoo, which wecalled birthmarks, as a representation of where we came from. The mark was just above the crease of

    my forearm, glowing in the nearby faint light. I was glad the Humans didnt know about these symbols

    the Creatures were given at birth. It would just give everything away.

    I looked up at Ryders arm and saw that it was bare, the skin plainly without a mark. Every

    Creature I had come across had always possessed a birthmark and it had been easy to tell where

    someone was from. We often didnt have to ask where Creatures came from.

    You dont have a birthmark, I said in wonder.

    Ryder shook his head and shrugged, stretching out his arm in front of him as far as the cage

    would allow. Parents decision, not mine. It was therechoice. They didnt want anyone to know where

    I came from or who I was. Protective reasons. They were a little over the top, but the city agreed.

    Technically, from the planet Im from, Planet 3, you dont have to have a birthmark etched into your skinat birth. Its your parents decision, not so much your own, given your age at the time. But you can have

    the choice if you want one later on in your adolescent years. Of course, my parents still forbade it.

    Wow, I said. It isrequired where I am from.

    Ryder chuckled sadly and shook his head. Will we ever get out of here?

    I hope so, I sighed. Soon. Its kind of scary to think that were actually here. I meanIve

    heard stories of Creatures who have been captured and taken here by the Humans. But those were

    always just stories to me. Never did Iquite take them to heart. Imagine that they would be this


    Ryder nodded. Me too. But I promise, well get out of here. I wont let you die, Kirin.

    My breathing halted and I quickly recovered myself before clearing my throat. Never had I had

    such a reaction to someones words. If I had a heart, it would have fluttered and accelerated at an

    undying pace. But of course I didnt. Im an immortal Creature. A soulless monster. A Human target.

    He reached out and comfortingly patted my hand, still clenched around the steel bar. Itll be

    okay. Well get out of here. Ryder must have noticed the change in my expression because he grinned

    and winked at me. As a Human, I would have blushed.

    I half-smiled and said, Perhaps we will.

    Moments passed and Ryder still had his hand on mine, rubbing it reassuringly. But there was

    something else in his friendly touch. It made my breathing quicken at first, but then abruptly slow down

    as I got used to his touch. I wasnt used to such affection, someone showing me that they may truly

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    care. My family wasnt one to quite show their emotions in a pronounced away, although we knew that

    we all loved each other.

    Tell me about yourself, Ryderrequested, speaking quietly over Quents muffled and uneasy

    snoring. He smiled enthusiastically and said a bit louder, Youre the daughter of Hamon! How does it

    feel to know this information? He could have very well been holding a microphone up to my face like a

    news reporter by the rate that he was going.

    I smiled and shrugged. It feels great to know that I am at some worth, and not just a Creature.

    Its good to know that Im not just an immortal monster.

    You arent just a Creature and you arent an immortal monster, Ryder protested, his voice

    almost a growl in the quiet night.

    What do you want to know about me? I questioned, evading his statement and wandering

    back to his first request. I tucked my hair behind one ear and watched him curiously as he stared at me

    through clouded sapphire-lava eyes. His slight accent was alluring, hypnotic. It was almost musical as

    each sentence flowed with precision.

    I could tell he was still a little angry by my statement as he pondered. Ryder ran a hand through

    his midnight hair and grinned easily, his mood shifting yet again. Everything. How was your lifeyou

    knowbefore you were taken hostage by the Humans?

    I thought back to the last few months I had spent on Planet 5. Rosa had been in school, studyingthe history of past Creatures lives. I had been working in my mothers herb store, selling homemade

    medicine and remedies. There had been many sick and afflicted Creatures from the fowl, polluted air

    left by the Humans. Aircrafts and balloons hovered over us in the sky, day and night. It was a truly

    frightening situation, knowing our every move and breath was being countered and processed to Earth.

    Where a plethora of Humans had, and continued, to monitor our kind, studying and pondering our way

    of life and existence.

    There isnt much to tell, I said, shrugging my shoulders indifferently.

    Ryder rolled his eyes and squeezed my hand. Tell me about it. What were your interests?

    Hobbies? How did you spend your time when you werent being attacked? he smiled gently.

    I took a deep breath and bit my lower lip. Again, theres nothing to tell. I worked at my

    mothers Herbal Incantation store where she sold homemade medication and remedies and my ten -year-old sister was in school at the time. So when she wasnt i n school, I was often at home or in the

    store watching her and keeping her out of trouble. She was known as someone to get into trouble.

    When there werent any customers coming into my mothers shop, I sat at the front desk, secretly

    sketching and painting behind the counter when I was supposed to be counting the stock and

    rearranging the supply along each shelf and in the window displays. I smiled and laughed once before


    She would come to the store and see that everything was out of order and undone. Mother

    would look at me with a look of disapproval and then angrily go off about the utmost importance of

    keeping a healthy shop for medication and people in search for good health and purity, as she quoted

    over and over. Rosa would secretly do my tasks without my asking if she was around, afraid that my

    mother would yell again and scorn me. I sighed and looked up at Ryder who was watching my gaze with

    a look of amazement and focus. He was smiling and enjoying the conversation about as much as I was,

    imagining the scene in his head and the thought of my angry mother and working sister.

    I would just sit there and draw. It was my only escape from the world that we were living in. I

    dreamed of a world much more beautiful andenlightening. Something of magnificence, where I could

    just escape and live there for the rest of my existence. A world of color and excitement, where I could

    share my art with everybody. Where nobody was separated as a Human or Creature.

    There would be something happening around every corner, and everyone would be so happy

    and of good cheer. Kind of like an old movie, where you see the townspeople in small villages, gathering

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    around their families and friends. A village where everyone knew each other. There would be dances in

    the village square, and young children running around the dancers, squealing happily as the clouds

    moved around the sun.

    I sighed once and looked at Ryder excitedly, almost dream-like. That is another dream of mine.

    The sun. I glanced towards the window in the west and saw that it was pitch black outside, much like

    this cavernous enslavement territory. There is no sun where I am from, being that we are the farthest

    planet. Everything is dark and dreary. There is often rain, tornadoes, and sleet and snow. You can

    imagine why I spent so much time at my mothers shop indoors.

    Not just for the benefit of escaping the outside world and entering my own, but also I was

    often repairing the damage that could be fixed, made from the hazardous weather and fatal tornadoes

    and winds that swept in through each door and window.

    Ryder chuckled sadly. Id like to live in your world, Kirin. Perhaps then we would all be happy.

    Maybe then I would have met you in another life. Not here where ours might end in the next morning,

    hour, or minute. He shook his head. Im so sorry that were here. I cant believe that, what with

    everything going on, we have to suffer through this. But I will get youand Quentout of here and to

    safety. I promise.

    You cant promise something that you cant be sure of, Ryder. You dont know what the

    Humans have planned. None of us do.I know what I have planned for the time being. And that is to keep you safe.

    Because I am the daughter of Hamon? I whispered questioningly.

    Ryder shook his head and rubbed my hand. Because youre Kirin. The creative, funny,

    stubbornhe grinnedbeautiful and talented Creature from Planet 5. The Creature who has a sister

    and an angry, over pronounced mother, who often times got on your case.

    I laughed nervously and pushed the black layers of hair from my face. You were listening, I

    said in approval, avoiding his comments. Me? Beautiful? Funny? Creative? Talented? I sighed once and

    mentally rolled my eyes. Stubbornyes. But why would he say all of those things if he didnt mean

    them? I hardly know this man. For all I know he could be some freak that came from a foreign Planet

    that I have never once visited. I mean he doesnt have his birthmark, right? And Ive never once heard

    about the option of avoiding the tattoo and having it debated by parents choice. He has also denied thethought of providing any information about himself and his life.

    Im the only one talking here.

    But when I looked up into Ryders eyes, my body melted and I saw that there was nothing inside

    of him that I was just pondering. How could I be such a vain person for thinking such things about a man

    I just met? So let him make his assumptions. Let him think these things. Hell sooner or later later come

    to realize that Im not what meets the eyeor hiseyes, for that matterand hell just forget that he ever

    said anything. Nothing will be out of the ordinary and we can just be friends. Its better that way.

    Quent was deep in thought the next morning, discussing the matters at hand with Ryder in low

    murmurs. He scratched his bald head and sighed at Ryders long retort. This happened all morning

    their bickering and planning back and forth. Agreements and disagreements were made, Quent using a

    stone as chalk to write in small letters beneath a crack in the cement ground, just out of sight for anyone

    passing by to see.

    The world grew silent in the dim light of our surrounding cave. There was the faint, musky smell

    of gasoline and fumes in the airperhaps from a nearby mine or heavy workroom. Quents face was

    pinched, Ryders stern and focused. His eyes were like a blazing flame, no longer the soft, molten ice I

    had seen the night before.

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    I could recall a look like this in his eyes the day we met. It wasnt a long period ago. But now

    there was something different. His midnight hair hung loose on his forehead, threatening to collapse

    into his eyes, but remaining in place without much effort.

    He looked up and met my eyes for a second, a small smile forming on his lips. A part of me

    wanted to believe that he wasnt dangerous. But there was something about the look in his eyes that

    read caution. I pushed this dominant feeling down, focusing on the reality that laid in the palms of my

    hands. Would an escape plot really get us home? Was there a home to return to anymore? What were

    the Humans next moves?

    And how did we avoid their attacks?

    We were defenseless. Ryder seemed to have some strength left, but the deprived arches

    underneath his eyes spoke forward into whatever strength he thought he had. In the brighter light, I

    could see his arms had a few black and blue circles and blotches, many from serious beatings not too

    long ago. Some were faded, but some were fresh. What had happened to him before he came here and

    was tortured to death?

    I, myself, was still recovering from Reeds disastrous blow. I could still feel the throbbing of my

    ribs and the stabbing pain of my insides, forcing their way towards recovery. My breathing had returned

    to normal, at least, and the pain wasnt so uncomfortably grand. Which left us with dainty Quent. Even

    frozen in his fourteen year old body, he would have a fewer chance of survival then Ryder and I.Although he depends on his knowledge and intelligence for support, right now he needs strength and

    endurance. Which none of us had a lot of for the time being.

    Silent tears ran down my pale cheeks as I thought about my mother. Yes, she may have been

    stern, but I missed her like crazy; it hurt. Worse than the pain of my broken body. There was a small

    portion of a chance (the smallest I could conjure up) that she had survived. Then there was the other

    side with Rosathe side I knew contained no survivors. With Rosas petite structure, she could have

    been blown to remnants in seconds. Other than my mother, who would have crawled her torn body off

    to die.

    I continued to stare at the wall full of crevices in front of me until I felt a hesitant hand wrapped

    around the bridge of my ankle. I looked up to see Ryder watching me, his face pained also, but

    concerned and wondering. I felt my lips move, but it wasnt a smileI knew for a fact.I grimaced and hugged my chest tighter, flinching at the forgotten pain.

    Quent also touched my right arm and I glanced over to see him smile halfheartedly. I returned

    his smile and patted his hand. Quent would have been the person I would have wished in a younger

    brother. Not only was he timid, sweet, and caringbut he also wouldve provided the knowledge

    necessary to help my family survive our darkest hour.

    I could feel the constant strain of my body whenever I moved now, my figure strongly disliking the feel

    of being cooped up in a small area. I wished I could at least have a few moments to stretch out my

    aching limbs and have the feel of everything that has happened in these past few days disappear. But I

    knew that wasnt going to happen, so I just decided to grin and bear it the best I could. It helped the

    tension in the atmosphere.

    My two companions had been strangely quiet the past few days; considering we had been here

    much longer than I thought was necessary. We were rarely taken out of our cells and often were given

    trays of stale bread, a dried up vegetable of some kind, and a bowl of water. I knew I was losing more

    weight by each minute that passed by during the day, this same meal lacking nutrition and being

    brought to us morning and night.

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    Ryder often refused the meals that were brought to him, but I could see that lately that he was

    giving in to the temptation of the horrific food for the needs of his system. It wouldnt be long now

    before we were brought out. Christopher had come by the other day to visit mewell more like inform

    me, reallythat I was to awake at the crack of dawn to come down to the same room we had been in

    and then to another that would be unknown to me. I sighed at the relief of escaping this room, but also

    for the fear of another trial of getting-to-know-Kirin. Why did the Humans have to be so pushy for the

    answers they were seeking?

    Maybe because I refused to let them have what they sought out. Ha.

    Rise and shine, parasites, a voice boomed throughout our cave, coming in through the

    entrance before banging open my cage door. Well need all three of ya today. Come onout. The

    man, wearing a thick gray beard and a pattern of tattoos up his left arm, rattled the lock on my cage

    along with Ryder and Quents. I thought about how this would be the first time I would see Ryder

    outside of his cage. What would be the height difference? How would it feel to have him standing next

    to me without the feel of bars in between us?

    I shook the thought and crawled achingly, but gratefully, out of my cage and onto the cold, hard

    ground. I pressed cheek to the floor and then stood up, my knees collapsing.

    Ryder quickly looked to me as he climbed out of his cage, fear in his eyes and the thought if I

    was all right. I looked at him for reassurance, but then more than anything glanced over at Quent to seeif he was okay. I guess it was silly, really, for he had the largest cage out of usbut being the young age

    of his body, I couldnt help but feel anxious and worried for him.

    We were handcuffed and I was led alongside Ryder as we passed through the familiar halls. It is

    the first time in days since we have been let out, other than for our needs and nature.

    Ryder had a good six inches on me, his height reaching about six foot-two. I was just barely over

    the height of five foot-five, but I was clearly a finger above his shoulder. I could feel the heat radiating

    from his body, longing for some need of comfort. I knew we couldnt be treated like this for long until I

    lost my point of sanity. I was almost there.

    The same woman who I had been confronted with the first time was there, looking at me

    sordidly and then turning carelessly to chat with another co-member. I raised my eyebrows but

    continued on with our walk until the large Human locked us into our chairs, each handcuff around ourwrists and then arm of the chairs. This must have been a new idea since the last time I had been in this

    room. Thrashing may not have been very pleasant to the Humans, because they all stared.

    We had more visitors in the room this time, murmuring gossip to one another and nodding their

    heads. I could feel the tight pressure that pinched at my wrists when I wiggled them from the handcuffs,

    so I tried my best to keep still. The Human who had ushered us here fled the room, leaving us with the

    redheaded woman who had plunged an IV into my arm (I would never forgive her for that, I still had the

    feeling of a needle mark in my skin), a lean, brown haired man glued to her side, his arm draped over

    her shoulders as she leaned into him, and Dr. Reed, who was speaking with a few doctors and physicians

    about our situation.

    The light was greater in this room. I blinked my eyes uncomfortably. I hadnt been in this type of

    light since my last encounter with Ross and his son, Christopher. Still the thought of Ross adopting

    anybody was truly shocking. Who would have thought Ross would have wanted a child. But the thought

    still left me thinking

    We were sat down in large chairs, very uncomfortable and made of a cold metallic. Small cuffs

    were placed on either side of the arms of the chair, threatening to lock our wrists in place in thought of

    escaping. I suppose my last escape plan and hysterical attack had not gone well with there feelings

    towards us.

    Ryder struggled under the mans grip, flinching as he touched Ryders chill skin. Ryder eventually

    gave up the fight and sat down, glaring the man straight in the eyes through slits of red and blue. The

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    man looked directly at Ryder for the first time and grimaced at the look on Ryders face and the color

    eyes that were snarling. He shivered slightly and backed away slowly to come over to me. Another

    woman had already gotten Quent situated, him being the less uncooperative in our group. The man

    looked up into my eyes as well, but didnt flinch. He simply narrowed his eyes deeper and shoved me

    down into the seat, buckling my wrists. It was then that I recognized his strong build and long, slender

    nose. I had attacked him the last time I was let out of my cell. He had been the one I had elbowed in the

    stomach and fought against. I smiled ever so sweetly at him, sarcasm very pronounced. Served him


    His mouth pulled down at the corners and his eyebrows furrowed, before backing away to stand

    beside Ross, who had just entered the room during his mens struggling. Ryders face was one of

    concern and anxiety as he looked over at me. You okay? he whispered, leaning close to my ear.

    I nodded.

    Ross looked towards me and examined my body, up and down. I began to feel uncomfortable at

    edge and vulnerable from his watching as soon as he did the same to Ryder, who was muttering words

    under his breath much too low for the capability of human ears to process and comprehend. Screw

    this, I heard Ryder mumble as soon as he was finished bickering nonsense. I shot a look towards him,

    my eyes filling with involuntary tears as I blinked them rapidly away to prevent any unwanted attention

    to myself that I was already receiving without choice.Now, Kirin, have you enjoyed your stay? I imagine you were quite comfortable, yes? We tried

    to give you our best, Ross smiled. The smile was much too wide and forced to match his words. It could

    be identified as a grimacea grimace along with pure mockery.

    Yes, I can imagine you went beyond our expectations without fail, I shot back acidly.

    Oh, cut the crap, Ryder growled, clenching his fists tighter, the blue veins popping through his

    tan skin. He let out a quiet huff, clearly angry and impatient.

    Ryder, I warned in a hushed whisper. We didnt need to cause any more trouble than what we

    were already in.

    Oh, please, let the young Creature speak as he feels, young Kirin. And to Ryder: We

    understand how this situation may feel endearingly uncomfortable and tense on your part, but once this

    is all over, you may wish to go home. Ross Dearman paused thoughtfully for a moment, scratching hisscruffy chin in thought. Wait a minute. Now you dont have a home do you? Which Planet might that

    be again?

    Ryder growled once again, this time louder, and clenched his fists tighter. Agony worked its way

    into my system, longing to comfort him. But what could I possibly do? My Planet was gone as well as my

    family. There was nothing left that I could truly care about. Well perhaps one thing

    The pressure had to have been hurting Ryder, but he didnt seem moved or pained in the

    slightest, just angry. Yes, a lot of anger was making itself known well.

    It felt as though every muscle in my body had been put on lock down. The atmosphere in the

    large room left me claustrophobic, begging for air and freedom, yearning for escape. My wrists ached

    underneath the iron grip of each handcuff, pinching tightly to my small, delicate wrists.

    When will this endless torment end? But even I can answer this question with the obvious.

    There will be no end. For it is only the beginning of what lies in the rest of our futures at stake.

    Rosss eyes speculated my figure as I swallowed hard and looked away from Ryder to meet his

    blue venturing eyes. Without tearing his eyes from me, he spoke to his executive on the right. Move

    them to the tranquilization room in the north wing. I would like to run some tests and I know

    Christopher has a plethora of questions to ask ourguests.

    The blond woman nodded and pulled out a syringe. I flinched in my seat and cowered to the

    very back of the chair, positioning myself in a tight ball as Ryder fought beside me, shouting my name as

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    the woman came closer to me and a man to him. I knew he must have fought for a great ideal amount

    of time, but I could no longer hear anything as my sounds and sense of surroundings went black.

    I gulped down the bile rising in my throat as I moaned. My head throbbed and I could feel a

    sharp pain just below my right calve. I reached for the tender spot, my fingertips making a path along a

    cool gravely surface until they found their entreated destination. Just as I was about to lose

    consciousness again, a voice murmured on the cot beside me, just realizing the figure for the first time

    since waking up.

    Kirin. It was a voice I would recognize anywhere, conscious or in a deep traumatic sleep. His

    voice was musical and intense when he spoke my name. The sound of shuffling rang in my ears as a

    strong hand wrapped around mine. I took a deep breath and slowly cracked my eyes open. The light was

    sensitive to my eyes as first as I excruciatingly closed them again, my head throbbing. Ryders fingers

    wrapped firmly around mine, assuring me that everything was going to be okay. I almost believe the lie

    there. Almost.

    Kirin, Im sorry. His voice was strained as he gripped my hand with as much strength as he

    could muster. My stomach flipped at his touch, my hand burning wherever his skin made contact withmine. I swore I would keep you safe, Ryder susurrated with sullen regret and disgust.

    I cracked my eyes open again, slowly lifting them and fighting the pain it caused to do so. Ryder

    laid three feet from me, his face torn and bruised. My eyes filled with tears at the hurt I saw behind the

    fire and ice in his eyes that he tried so forcefully to hide. His forever guarded mask was slowly slipping

    away right before me. My eyes ran down the length of his body, spotting a very scary looking gasp

    tearing his chest and down to the top of his thigh. He shifted his body at an angle so I wouldnt see his

    injuries, but I already had. From the gash on his chest to the bullet marks in his jeans.

    Youre hurt, I whispered, my voice pained at the recognition. My bruises and scrapes were

    childs play compared to what Ryder and suffered through and endured. My vision filled again as I


    Its okay. Im already healing. And you are, too, he vowed to me in a soft tone full of kindness

    and comfort. His free hand slowly lifted to my cheek as he ran his thumb underneath my jaw. I could feel

    his hand shaking from the pain as he tried to keep it steady.

    Quent? I wondered aloud, straining to arch my neck in search for him, and failing. My neck

    had to be broken. Or fractured at the very least.

    Noting Ryders silence and dismay, I gasped. He nodded once at my horror. Ryder watched me

    carefully, contemplating our situation.


    No, no, no.

    Quent couldnt bedead. The word itself was even hard to think. I just could not put the

    thought through my mind. A broken sob escaped my lips as I shut my eyes.

    Where are we? I murmured, trying to keep my voice as even as possible around the thick lum p

    in my throat. Surely we werent in our original storage area. The familiar musky scent had evaporated,left with a cool breeze that cleared out the pollution in my lungs.

    In the upper levels of their cavessomewhere. Stupid Humans wouldnt let me see where the

    heck they were taking us. You were unconscious. His voice came out in a growl that was terrifying and

    menacing, if anything. The doctor moved us up here. It told me to stay put and then it disappeared,

    Ryder said as a matter-of-fact. Like I have a choice of whether I want to move or not.

    Christopher? I asked with a raspy, defeated voice. Surely he didnt mean that. Why would

    Christopher do that? What were the Humans planning to do with us now?

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    Threer. Dearman, a young woman with blond, twisted hair spoke up, taking a step forward from

    the crowd in front of us. I have just received a report from the Head Administrator. He would

    like to speak with you right away. The matter is very urgent.

    Ross let out a hefty sigh. Oh, what a shame. Tell him I will have to postpone to another time. I

    am very busy here at the moment and I havent the time for anything otherwise regarding the matter.

    The woman showed a look of uncertainty, but eventually nodded once.

    Yes, sir, she said.

    Ross turned his attention back to Ryder and I, but just when I thought he was going to address,Ross turned to face Ryders scowling with a look of amusement.
