Creating learning designs for reuse. Outcomes of the IDLD project Olga Marino Gilbert Paquette...

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Transcript of Creating learning designs for reuse. Outcomes of the IDLD project Olga Marino Gilbert Paquette...

Creating learning designs for reuse. Creating learning designs for reuse. Outcomes of the IDLD projectOutcomes of the IDLD project

Creating learning designs for reuse. Creating learning designs for reuse. Outcomes of the IDLD projectOutcomes of the IDLD project

Olga MarinoGilbert Paquette

Presented by: Karin Lundgren-Cayrol Michel LéonardIleana de la Teja

Canada Canada ResearchResearch Chair in Cognitive Engineering, TÉLUQ à UQAM Chair in Cognitive Engineering, TÉLUQ à UQAMMERLOT Conference, 8-11 August, 2006 OttawaMERLOT Conference, 8-11 August, 2006 Ottawa

Research funded by

PlanPlan• Project Goal and Objectives

• Context

• Deployment Strategy

• Implementation Process, Tools and


• Results, Conclusions and Next Steps

• Questions

Project Goal and Project Goal and ObjectivesObjectives

Goal Deploy and Implement the IMS Learning Design Specification in Canada

Objectives• Elaborate a deployment and

implementation strategy• Develop methodological instruments• Develop and provide tools to facilitate

implementation of IMS LD• Field test instruments and tools


Reusable Units of Learning




UNFOLD 2003 - 2005

eduSource 2001-03

R2R 2003 – 2004

IDLD 2005 -2006

TELCERT 2005 -

LORNET 2003 - 2008

Instructional Design for LDMOT+LD editor

Modeling techniqueImplementation process

Deployment strategy

Deployment StrategyDeployment Strategy• Present and explain

– Main concepts of the IMS Learning Design Specification– Advantages and limitations

• Make available adequate tools– MOT+LD graphical editor– PALOMA Repository and Metatagger

• Provide guidelines and methods– Instructional design principles, structured description, etc.– Modeling technique

• Provide expertise– Face to face workshops– Email support– Communities of Practice (Unfold, IDLD, TELCERT,)

• Build Repository LD Units of Learning– UoL Generic Templates – Reusable UoL and Examples– Best Practices

Implementation Process, Tools and Implementation Process, Tools and ParticipantsParticipants (1)(1)

• Present basic concepts• Demonstrate process and tools• Provide basic methodological help

– Unit of Learning Selection Criteria – Instructional Design Principles– Elaborate a structured description

• Model a Level A Unit of Learning– MOT+LD Editor– Modeling Technique

• Add Levels B and C – RELOAD Editor

Process, Tools and ParticipantsProcess, Tools and Participants (2)(2)

• Validate Unit of Learning– RELOAD Player– TELOS LD Player (coming soon)

• Reference, Document & Reuse and Adapt– PALOMA Metadata Tagging Tool

• Structured description• Generic templates• Fully developed UoLs

– PALOMA Search Mechanisms• Keyword search• Advanced Search by Classification and Relation

• Replay UoLs– IMS LD compliant LMS


Participants in the field trialsParticipants in the field trials

• Simon Fraser University• Concordia University• Canada School of Public Service• TÉLUQ

Simon Fraser UniversitySimon Fraser University• Laboratory for Ontological Research

– 1 researcher and 2 students• Expertise

– Instructional design and eLearning strategies

– IMS LD specification– little knowledge about graphical modeling

• Produced 15 UoLs – Descriptions and Best Practices– graphical models – xml manifest files

• Comments– Granularity a problem of reuse– MOT+ LD easily acquired– Complex specifications

Concordia Concordia UniversityUniversity• Albee Team at CSCP

– 2 researchers and 4 students• Expertise

– Instructional design and eLearning strategies

– Some graphical modeling knowledge – No IMS LD knowledge

• Produced 20 UoLs – descriptions– graphical models – xml manifest files– a Rubric type selection grid

• Comments– Granularity and generality of UoL’s– MOT+ LD easily acquired

Canada School of Public Canada School of Public ServiceService

• Québec and Montréal Division– 1 training manager– 2 Instructional Designers

• Expertise– Community of Practice Learning Strategies– eLearning – No knowledge of IMS LD or graphical modeling

techniques• Produced 5 UoLs

– 1 structured description– graphical models – xml manifest files

• Comments– Need more support to implement IMS LD– Easily acquired modeling techniques– MOT+ LD provided them with a ‘common language’

TÉLUQTÉLUQ• CICE (Chaire de recherche en informatique

cognitive et éducation) – 4 researchers

• Expertise– Instructional design and eLearning strategies– Graphical modeling experts – IMS LD experts

• Produced UoLs – Descriptions– Graphical 20 models – Generic templates– Variations of existing models– xml manifest files

• Comments– Granularity and generality of UoL’s– Metatagging and classification of UoLs and

Templates – Analyse variants of same UoL

Conclusions and Conclusions and Next StepNext Step• Tools are adequate, but still need to be

refined– Develop a web based editor– Revise guides and add modeling examples

• Implementation strategy enough to provide insights, but not to develop autonomy– Diversify audience– Carry out more field experiments – Gather specific and generic examples– Elaborate Best Practices

• Measure overall impact in 6 to 12 months– Number of visits and demands for tools– Number of new UoL in the Repository


IDLD SITE: http://www.idld.orgContact person:

Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!

A Unit of LD StructureA Unit of LD Structure








Each act’s scenario is composed of

Activity Structure




Act 1 Act 2P




• 4 Group Work Strategies• 10 Units from an Online Business Administration Course•1 student teams achievement divisions

Concordia UniversityConcordia University

• 3 Nuggets / Patterns• 12 collaborative designs k-12• 5 UoLs according to instructional

and learning theories– Behavioral– Cognitivist– Cognitive apprenticeship– Constructivism– Problem based learning

Canada School of Public Canada School of Public ServiceService

•Human Relations Course–Community of Practice Quebec•Learning the CoP software•CoP Learning Events

–Question of the week (online)–Case study–Luncheon Training (blended)–Special Event –Special Workshops


• MOT+ LD Editor: Construct Level A UoL

• RELOAD LD Editor: Add Levels B and C

• RELOAD Player: Execute the UoL• PALOMA Repository: Reference,

classify, archive and retrieve UoLs Generic UoLTemplates Examples Best Practices

MOTPlus and editorsMOTPlus and editors

• MOTPlus graphical modeling software– Obect oriented modelling– Relatioships built on Cognitive

Sciences– Editors

• Standard• Educational (IMS LD compliant)• Ordinogram ( • Ontology (OWL based )

PALOMA – A resource ManagerPALOMA – A resource Manager• Repository of LO Banks

– Metadata tagger based on IEEE LOM– Learning Resource and metadata record

manager– Five search types

• Key word• Browsing classification schemes • Browsing classified folders• By metadata and combination thereof• Federated search in external Banks

– MERLOT– EdNa online– Smete– Ariadne