Creating a Web portal: Part II HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Bair-Mundy.

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Transcript of Creating a Web portal: Part II HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Bair-Mundy.

Creating a Web portal: Creating a Web portal: Part IIPart II

HyperText Markup Language (HTML)


Surfing the 'Net



Webserver application responds to requests from clientBrowser application

sends requests to server

A word about HTML

HyperText Mark-up Language

ManuscriptChapter One

A Mysterious Visitor It was a dark and stormy night. As was my custom on a Friday night, I was curled up in my favorite armchair reading Cataloging & Classification. All of a sudden, I heard a loud “Tap, tap, tap” on the window. Wondering what type of person would be out and about on such a stormy night, I went over, pulled aside the curtain, and peered out into the darkness.

Marked-up manuscriptChapter One

A Mysterious Visitor It was a dark and stormy night. As was my custom on a Friday night, I was curled up in my favorite armchair reading Cataloging & Classification. All of a sudden, I heard a loud “Tap, tap, tap” on the window. Wondering what type of person would be out and about on such a stormy night, I went over, pulled aside the curtain, and peered out into the darkness.








Chapter OneA Mysterious Visitor

It was a dark and stormy night. As was my custom on a Friday night, I was curled up in my favorite armchair reading Cataloging & Classification. All of a sudden, I heard a loud “Tap, tap, tap” on the window.

Wondering what type of person would be out and about on such a stormy night, I went over, pulled aside the curtain, and peered out into the darkness.

ASCII (text) fileChapter One

A Mysterious VisitorIt was a dark and stormy night. As was my custom on a Friday night, I was curled up in my favorite armchair reading Cataloging & Classification. All of a sudden, I heard a loud “Tap, tap, tap” on the window.

Wondering what type of person would be out and about on such a stormy night, I went over, pulled aside the curtain, and peered out into the darkness.

HTML file<HTML><CENTER><H1>Chapter One</H1><H2>A Mysterious Visitor</H2><IMG SRC=“fleur.gif”></CENTER><P>It was a dark and stormy night. As was my custom on a Friday night, I was curled up in my favorite armchair reading <I>Cataloging & Classification</I>. All of a sudden, I heard a loud <B>“Tap, tap, tap”</B> on the window.</P><P>Wondering what type of person would be out and about on such a stormy night, I went over, pulled aside the curtain, and peered out into the darkness.</P></HTML>

HTML tags (instructions to the browser)

Web page

Chapter OneA Mysterious Visitor

It was a dark and stormy night. As was my custom on a Friday night, I was curled up in my favorite armchair reading Cataloging & Classification. All of a sudden, I heard a loud “Tap, tap, tap” on the window.

Wondering what type of person would be out and about on such a stormy night, I went over, pulled aside the curtain, and peered out into the darkness.

Coding a Web page• Create an ASCII file with

textual content

• Use HTML tags to format text and indicate where to place graphics

• Place file on Web server

• Open directory & file to public

Paired tags

<I> . . . </I>

The most important thing to remember is to <I>remain calm</I>. This is the first lesson to be learned. If you start to …

The most important thing to remember is to remain calm. This is the first lesson to be learned. If you start to …

HTML Displays as

The most important thing to remember is to <I>remain calm. This is the first lesson to be learned. If you start to …

The most important thing to remember is to remain calm. This is the first lesson to be learned. If you start to …

<TABLE> . . . </TABLE>

Single tags

Hello.My name is Kimo.

Hello. My name is Kimo.



HTML Displays as

Hello. <BR>My name is Kimo.

Hello. My name is Kimo.

Hello. <HR>My name is Kimo.


My name is Kimo.

HTML tags



Two parts of a Web page<HTML>





Head of a Web page


<TITLE> donna’s LIS 670 test file page </TITLE>


Title tags

Head of a Web page


<TITLE> donna’s LIS 670 test file page </TITLE>

<meta name="DC.subject" lang="eng " content="Information science technology" />


Meta tags – Dublin Core

Meta tags – Dublin Core




Type (e.g., image)



Body of a Web page


Material that will appear in the viewing window of the browser.


Adding a header


<H1>My Web Portal</H1>

Aloha, World!</BODY>

Level 1 header

Header levels<BODY>

<H1>My Web Portal</H1>

<H2>This is a level 2 header</H2>

Aloha, World!</BODY>

Header levels (cont'd)

Horizontally centering an item


<CENTER><H1>My Web Portal</H1>



Not:<H1><CENTER>My Web Portal</H1></CENTER>

Centering an item (cont'd)

To a Web page in the same directory as the source file

Adding a hot link

<A HREF=“my_other_file.html”>

Click here to go to my other file.




To a Web page in a different location from the source file

Adding a hot link

<A HREF=“”>

Click here to go to the ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom Website.


Full URL of Link


Using an image as a hot link

<A HREF=“”>

<IMG SRC=“”>


IMG tells the browser to place

image hereSRC (source) tells the browser where to find the image

URL of image in quotes

Creating paragraphs

<HTML> In our word processor we can just hit the Enter key a couple of times and we get a new paragraph.

However, that does not work in HTML. Let’s see what this would look like if viewed in a browser.


If we type this:

Creating paragraphs

In our word processor we can just hit the Enter key a couple of times and we get a new paragraph. However, that does not work in HTML. Let’s see what this would look like if viewed in a browser.

We get this:

Creating paragraphs

<HTML> In our word processor we can just hit the Enter key a couple of times and we get a new paragraph.

However, that does not work in HTML. Let’s see what this would look like if viewed in a browser.





Creating paragraphs

In our word processor we can just hit the Enter key a couple of times and we get a new paragraph.

However, that does not work in HTML. Let’s see what this would look like if viewed in a browser.

Creating a table





<TD>Neat stuff


<TD>More neat stuff


Creating a table (cont'd)

Adding a table border


<TD>Neat stuff


<TD>More neat stuff


Adding a table border (cont'd)

Widening a table


<TD>Neat stuff


<TD>More neat stuff


Widening a table (cont'd)

Adding a row to the table<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=3><TR>

<TD>Neat stuff


<TD>More neat stuff


<TD>Stupendous stuff




Added row

Adding color to the table<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=3 BGCOLOR=PINK><TR>

<TD >Neat stuff


<TD>More neat stuff


<TD>Stupendous stuff




Added color

Adding color to specific cells<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=3><TR>

<TD bgcolor=pink>Neat stuff


<TD>More neat stuff


<TD>Stupendous stuff


<TD bgcolor=pink>Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious


Added color

Making table legible with colored rows<TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=3>

<TR bgcolor=pink><TD>Color</TD><TD>makes</TD><TD>row</TD>


<TR> <TD>No color</TD> <TD>gives</TD> <TD>row</TD> <TD>contrast</TD></TR>

<TR bgcolor=pink><TD>Color</TD><TD>makes</TD><TD>row</TD>



pink added

no pink added

pink added

Increased table legibility

Adding a style sheet<HEAD> <TITLE> donna’s Web portal </TITLE>

<style type="text/css">



cascading style sheet

Adding a style sheet<HEAD> <TITLE> donna’s Web portal </TITLE>

<style type="text/css"> h1 { color : green ; }

h2 { color : blue ; } </style>


Style-sheet rule

Selector Declaration block

h2 { color : blue ; }

Property Value

Without a style sheet<html><head><title>Basic HTML document with paragraphs</title></head><body>

<h1>Cascading Style Sheets</h1><h2>Introduction</h2><p>Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to format the way things appear on a Web page. When using Cascading Style Sheets HTML is used to provide structure and the style sheet is used to control how the elements look on the page. </p>

<h2>The Term</h2><p>The term "Style sheet" refers to a list of rules for formatting various elements.The word "Cascading" refers to the fact that you can have multiple style sheets which follow rules of precedence. </p></body></html>

Without a style sheet

With a style sheet<html><head><title>Basic HTML document with paragraphs</title>

<style type="text/css">h2 { color : blue ; }</style></head><body><h1>Cascading Style Sheets</h1><h2>Introduction</h2><p>Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to format the way things appear on a Web page. When using Cascading Style Sheets HTML is used to provide structure and the style sheet is used to control how the elements look on the page. </p><h2>The Term</h2><p>The term "Style sheet" refers to a list of rules for formatting various elements.The word "Cascading" refers to the fact that you can have multiple style sheets which follow rules of precedence. </p></body></html>

With a style sheet

Add a little color to our header<html><head><title>Basic HTML document with paragraphs</title>

<style type="text/css">h2 { color : blue ; background-color : pink ; }</style></head><body><h1>Cascading Style Sheets</h1><h2>Introduction</h2><p>Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to format the way things appear on a Web page. When using Cascading Style Sheets HTML is used to provide structure and the style sheet is used to control how the elements look on the page. </p><h2>The Term</h2><p>The term "Style sheet" refers to a list of rules for formatting various elements.The word "Cascading" refers to the fact that you can have multiple style sheets which follow rules of precedence. </p></body></html>

Adding background color using our style sheet

Adding a style sheet<HEAD> <TITLE> donna’s Web portal </TITLE>

<style type="text/css"> body { background : #FFC0FF ; } h1 { color : green ; }

h2 { color : blue ; } </style>


Color coding in hexadecimal numbers







Binary numbers

0 0 7100 10 1

1 1 14 2 1

Base Ten 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Base Two 0 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 1001 1010

Hexadecimal numbers

2 5 5100 10 1

F F256 16 1

Base Ten 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Base 16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10

0 01 123456789ABCDEF


16 1

Decimal number

Hexadecimal number0

Coding black in hexadecimal numbers


00 00 00

Coding red in hexadecimal numbers


00 00 00FF

Coding green in hexadecimal numbers


00 0000 FF

Coding blue in hexadecimal numbers


00 0000 FF

Coding white in hexadecimal numbers


00 0000 FFFF FF

Coding turquoise in hexadecimal numbers

#00FFFF00 0000 FFFF

Coding fuchsia in hexadecimal numbers


00 0000 FFFF

Coding lilac in hexadecimal numbers

#FFC0FF00 0000 FFFF C0


12 x 16 = 192

Hexadecimal codes for colors

Web search on: hexadecimal codes web page

The <div> tag<html><head><title>Basic HTML document with paragraphs</title>

<style type="text/css">h2 { color : blue ; }div { background-color : #FFDDFF}</style></head><body><h1>Cascading Style Sheets</h1>

<div><h2>Introduction</h2><p>Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to format the way things appear on a Web page. When using Cascading Style Sheets HTML is used to provide structure and the style sheet is used to control how the elements look on the page. </p>

</div><div><h2>The Term</h2><p>The term "Style sheet" refers to a list of rules for formatting various elements.The word "Cascading" refers to the fact that you can have multiple style sheets which follow rules of precedence. </p>


Formatting with the div tag

Linking your pages (1)

<A HREF=“second_page.html”>Click here to go to next page.</A>


<A HREF=“first_page.html”>Click here to return to previous page.</A>


Alt attribute

<IMG SRC="flower.gif" ALT="picture of a flower">

Gives text alternative for image to aid lynx users or viewers with vision problems

<IMG SRC=“smiley_face.gif" ALT="picture of smiling face">

<IMG SRC=“frowney_face.gif" ALT="picture of frowning face">

Table data for screen readers

<TABLE><TR><TD>Neat stuff <BR></TD></TR></TABLE>


End of Part II