Creating a Christ-like Atmosphere in the Classroom Original presentation developed by: Larry D....

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Creating a Christ-like Atmosphere in the Classroom Original presentation developed by: Larry D....

Creating a Christ-like Creating a Christ-like Atmosphere in the ClassroomAtmosphere in the Classroom

Original presentation developed by:

Larry D. Burton, PhD

What Influences Atmosphere?

Physical environmentEmotional environment

Physical Environment


Action PauseAction Pause

Stand upTell someone standing near you one of the

blessings you have received this summer

Emotional Environment

Acceptance by peersAcceptance by teacherAcademic trust/integrityEmotional safety

Some Effects of Classroom Atmosphere on Learning

Downshifting– Physical safety– Emotional safety– Internal/External influences

Assigned tasks– Clarity– Value– Ability

Principles from the Ministry of Christ

And How He Enacted Them

Order in the Physical Environment - 1

Create order according to the activityArrange the classroom according to the

audience/teaching method being used

Order in the Physical Environment - 2

Form small groups

Order in the Physical Environment - 3

Assign classroom assistants/classroom jobsAllow for movement and change of locale

Safety in the Physical Environment

Manage classroom behaviorsKnow when to stop your students from

taking foolish actions– The mob at Nazareth

Interaction PauseInteraction Pause

Think about the physical environment of your classroom(s)

What can you do to ensure safety, comfort, and order in your physical space? Write down 5 ideas

Share your ideas with a partnerBe ready to share with the whole faculty

Acceptance by Peers - 1

Organize your students into small groups/teams for important assignments

Promote interdependence

Acceptance by Peers - 2

Allow teams to develop (form, storm, norm, perform, transform)

Intervene in group processes to foster team development– What were you discussing along the way?

Acceptance by Teacher - 3

Pray for your studentsConnect with your studentsUse their names/create nicknames

Acceptance by Teacher - 4

Spend time with students outside of classVisit students’ homesGet to know students’ families

A Sense of Academic TrustA Sense of Academic Trust

Make assignments reasonableMake assignments relevantHold students accountable

Emotionally Safety - 1

Respect for all children of God– Include the included– Include the marginalized – Include the excluded

Emotionally Safety - 2

Advocate for your studentsProtect your students from each otherShield your students from hostile others

until they are ready to stand alone

Interaction PauseInteraction Pause

Think about the physical environment of your classroom(s)

What can you do to ensure a Christ-like emotional climate in your classes? Write down 5 ideas

Share your ideas with a partnerBe ready to share with the whole faculty

The Importance of the Teacher

We set the toneWe maintain the toneWe can make adjustmentsSome preliminary research results

James 3:1James 3:1

“Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly” (NIV)

It is only through the calling, the gifting, and the guiding of the Holy Spirit that we can be successful in the teaching ministry