Create An Effective Print Ad Michael O’Brien 530.921.2435

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Create An Effective Print Ad Michael O’Brien 530.921.2435

Create An Effective Print Ad

Michael O’Brien 530.921.2435

6 Key Societal Forces All Marketers Must Understand :

Customers are:

1. Extremely cynical

2. Bombarded with too many offers

3. Exposed to 1,500+ marketing messages/day

4. Excellent at tuning out marketing messages

5. Smarter than ever

6. Time starved

Capture The Minds Of Readers With Print Ads…

In our advertisement drenched environment it is critical to create ads that get noticed.

Even within the pages of Enjoy Magazine, too many INEFFECTIVE ads can and do distract our readers.

People choose to view print ads, as opposed to having ads foisted on them by other media.

Print ads tell as much about a local community as does content in the publication in which they are found.

Eyeballs On Your Ad!

Print Ad Goal: Get readers, who we know are choosing to interact with ads, to STOP ON, AND INTERACT WITH, YOUR ad.

HOW? How do we accomplish this?

It’s all in the STRUCTURE of the ad!

Structure = A Simple Yet Powerful Formula






Provoke: To bring about a reaction…

Agitate: To stir up; to disturb or excite; to perturb…

Solve: To find an answer or solution to a problem


Accomplished w/a Great HEADLINE

Combined w/a Powerful IMAGE…


People look at ads to find companies that can and will solve their problems.

Tricky: People realize they have problems when they read provocative Headlines describing problems they may have!


The ad for your ad!

The main GOAL of a headline is to STOP EYEBALLS.

A GREAT headline captures the attention of the reader in a clutter of other ads.

A GREAT Headline's Text Is All First Word Cap'd.

Most people have a microwave/Fed Ex/text message attention span. When someone stops on an ad, they will spend 1 to 3 SECONDS deciding whether or not to continue on the ad.

What Is A Headline?

A great headline will stop a reader and SELL THEM on continuing with the ad.

"On average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy." -David Ogilvy

8 Rules For Creating Headlines That Sell Your Stuff!

1. Appeal to the reader’s self interest

2. Attract a targeted prospect

3. Deliver a clear, understandable message

4. Use words like “quick” and “easy” if they fit what’s being communicated

8 Rules For Creating Headlines That Sell Your Stuff!

5. Use specifics, not generalities

6. When possible, test two headlines against each other

7. Write 40-50 headlines to choose one

8. Create a “swipe file” of headlines

What Does NOT Work As A Headline?

YOUR LOGO!…Unless you are McDonalds or Nike…


Accomplished with text/content found below the Headline


Stirs Up the problem with descritptions of what provokes

Explains the SOLUTION to the problem

For Example: Did you know? 9 out of 10… If … then…


Accomplished with a CALL TO ACTION! “We can help!” “Call Today!” “Make an appointment, Now!”

And … with Advertiser Contact Info

Drive ‘em to your Website Don’t have a website…? Yikes!

Some Examples…

A Successful Response…

Website visited

Store telephoned

Email received

Store visited