CRCT Review Questions

Post on 25-Feb-2016

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CRCT Review Questions. 1. Who is the head of Canada’s government?. Prime Minister. 2. A limit on the quantity of goods that can be imported is a/an. quota. 3. Which physical feature of Canada has poor soil but is plentiful mineral resources. Canadian Shield. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of CRCT Review Questions

CRCT Review Questions

1. Who is the head of Canada’s government?

Prime Minister

2. A limit on the quantity of goods that can be imported is a/an


3. Which physical feature of Canada has poor soil but is plentiful mineral resources.

Canadian Shield

4. Who arrived in Canada, and stayed for a short time, in 1000 AD?


5. Canada’s land area makes it the __________largest in world size.


6. Vladamir Lenin gained control after what conflict?

Russian Revolution

7. Hernan Cortes is most famous for which deed?

Conquest of the Aztecs

8. During which war did the Holocaust occur?

World War II

9. The time of tension without direct warfare from 1945-1991 is called what?

Cold War

10. What are taxes placed on imports called?


11. Who were the two superpowers involved in the Cold War?

United States and Soviet Union

12. Nunavut, created in 1999, is the homeland of Canada’s _______ tribe.


13. What is Canada’s national capital?


14. Economy in which the government answers the three basic economic questions.


15. Which 2 countries explored and colonized Canada?

Britain and France

16. Where did Europeans in the sixteenth century find a cheap labor source for work in the New World (Americas)?


17. Oil, natural gas, and coal are examples of________ fuels.

FossilOr Nonrenewable

18. Literacy rate refers to the number of people in a country who can read. If a country has a high literacy rate, it is more likely to have a higher ____________.

Standard of Living

19. What Canadian territory was established as a homeland for the Inuit people?


20. What word means “able to speak two languages fluently?”


21. How does investment in capital (buildings, tools, etc.) affect productivity and economic growth?

It raises a country’s GDP

22. The agreement that allows goods to be traded between the US, Canada, and Mexico without taxes is


23. What is the Letter A?

Hudson Bay





24. In 1917 the Soviet Union formed as a result of what conflict?

Russian Revolution


25. 1. Started a naval observatory in Sagres.2. Funded expeditions to the coast of Africa.3. Advances in cartography and navigation happened because of him.

Prince Henry

Who did the above?

Pacific Ocean





26. What is the Letter H?

27.Toussaint L’Ouverture was famous for his role in gaining independence for which country?


28. The Sierra Madre Mountains are located in the country of


29. What mountain range borders Spain and France?


30. What is the total value of a country’s good and services in a year called?

GDP(Gross Domestic Product)

Atlantic Ocean





31. What is the Letter G?

32. South and Central America were mainly controlled by which European empire?


33. North America was mainly controlled by which European empire?


34.What were the three reasaons Spain and other European countries wanted to explore the world?

Religion (God)GloryTrading Routes (Gold)

35. The Ural Mountains separate what two continents?

Asia and Europe

36. The Rhine River mainly flows through what European country?


Great Lakes





37. What is the Letter E?

38. What waterway forms a “shortcut” between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?

Panama Canal

39. Miguel Hidalgo was known as the father of independence for which country?


40. What body of water separates Great Britain and France?

English Channel

Canadian Shield





41. What is the Letter D?

42. Which of the following is not a landform in Europe?

Ural MountainsPyrenees MountainsRocky MountainsAlpine Mountain System (Alps)

43. What two countries make up the Iberian Peninsula?

Spain and Portugal

44. How are goods and services traded in a traditional economy?


45. What mountain range is on the northern border of Italy?


46. Simon Bolivar was known as the liberator for his home country? Name it.


47. In which Canadian province do separatists have strong political influence?


St. Lawrence River





48. What is the Letter F?

49. A narrow body of land that connects two larger bodies of land is a/an


50. Where is the Amazon Rain Forest mostly located?


51. What is the longest river in South America?


52. One of the driest places on earth is located in South America. What is it?

Atacama Desert

53. A risk-taker that starts a business


Rocky Mountains





54. What is the Letter B?

55. What is another name for the Great Plains?

Interior Plains

56. A product of the earth that people use to meet their needs is called a

Natural resource

57. What are the 3 regions that make up Latin America?

Central America


South America

58. Who took over as dictator of Cuba in 1959?

Fidel Castro

59. Why is it difficult to access Russia’s resources?

Harsh Climate


Few navigable waterways

60. What mountain range separates Europe and Asian parts of Russia?


61. The dry, dusty interior of Australia is known as

The Outback

62. What two things must you have to find absolute location of a place?



63. The frozen ground in Siberia is called


64.What type of map would you use to find the national boundaries of a country?

Political Map

65. Why did Christopher Columbus call the native Americans he met Indians?

He thought he was in India

66. What is one benefit for European nations to belong to the European Union?

Free trade among member nations, common currency, and common goals

67. In what type of economy does supply and demand answer the 3 basic economic questions.


68. What is the name of the mountain range on the west coast of South America?


69. You are watching a speech by the President of the United States on T.V. with your parents. The President is explaining a plan for improving the U.S. economy. In the speech, the President says: “Our workers must be prepared for the high-tech jobs of the 21st century. My plan will give incentives to companies who invest in new computers and wireless communications systems.”

capital goods

The President wants to increase the country’s GDP by investing in _________________

70.In what ways did the Europeans hurt Native Americans in the Americas?

Brought Weapons and diseases

71. What is the currency of the most European Union nations?

The Euro

72. Country A speaks Spanish and wants to establish trade with Country B that speaks German. What type of trade barrier exists?


73. What is the huge reddish rock in the center of Australia?

Ayers Rock

74. Who was given credit for sailing along, and mapping, the east coast of Australia, and naming it New South Wales.?

James Cook

75. What effect does investment in human capital (education, training) have on a country’s productivity and economic growth?

It raises a country’s GDP

76. A strong central government that shares power with smaller state governments is what type of system?


77. How did the British influence Canada’s culture? Give 2 examples.

Most of Canada is ChristianThe government is a parliamentary democracyMost Canadians speak English

78. A complete trade block between 2 countries, usually for political purposes, is a/an


79.What city in Ukraine was changed forever by a nuclear disaster?


80.Name two countries whose government is a parliamentary democracy.

CanadaAustraliaGreat Britain

81.What is the world’s largest coral reef and what country is it near?

Great Barrier Reef


82. What environmental problem is facing the Great Lakes?

Acid Rain

83. Which country was the first Latin American country to gain it’s independence from European rule?


84. Who were the indigenous people of Canada?


85. In what type of Economy do traditions and customs answer the 3 basic economic questions?


86. How did the French influence Canada’s culture?

They originally settled present-day QuebecRoman Catholics are the largest religious group in QuebecCanada is a bilingual country, with French being one of the two languages

87. In what type of government do the people elect representatives, which then elect a prime minister?

parliamentary democracy

88. What document officially ended WWI?

Treaty of Versailles

89. How is Canada’s political areas organized?

10 provinces

3 territories

90. Who is the government leader in a parliamentary system?

The prime minister

91. What physical feature makes the air pollution problem in Mexico City worse?

It is surrounded by the Sierra Madre Mountains

 92. You are watching a speech by the President of the United States on T.V. with your parents. The President is explaining a plan for improving the U.S. economy. In the speech, the President says:“Our workers must be prepared for the high-tech jobs of the 21st century. My plan will give incentives to companies who provide technology education and training for their employees.”

human capital

This represents an example of an investment in

93. Why do Canadians live along the US/Canadian border?

For the milder Climate

95.What is significant about the year 1492 AD?

Columbus sailed and discovered the New World

96. Why do some people of Quebec want independence from Canada?

They want to maintain their French culture

97. Germany is famous for its Black Forest. Which environmental concern has affected Germany’s forest?

Acid rain

98. Define autocracy.

Rule by one

99. Define oligarchy.

Rule by few

100. Name three actions the Treaty of Versailles required of Germany?

Pay reparations for war damagesAccept the blame for the war

Give up territory and colonies

Keep size of military small

101. Define democracy.

Rule by many

102. What Ocean is west of Mexico?


103. What is the main characteristic of a unitary government?

One powerful central government

104. What are the main characteristics of a confederation government?

Strong individual states, but a weak central government

105. What are the main characteristics of a of a federal government?

Shared power between a powerful central government and smaller state governments

106. In Mexico, the citizens elect the president. What kind of democracy is this?

Presidential Democracy

107. What event ended WWII?

Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japan

108. People elect representatives who, in turn, elect a prime minister in which type Democracy?

Parliamentary democracy