Cpcp brosur batch 7

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Certified Professional Coach Program Dirancang Untuk : Mereka yang ingin menjadi profesional coach . Professional coach yang akan mendaftarkan diri menjadi member ICF (Intenational Coach Federation) dan melanjutkan ke ICF Credential ACC. Para pemimpin, manajer, profesional pengembangan SDM yang ingin meningkatkan keterampilan coaching mereka secara mendasar untuk meningkatkan potensi maupun retensi karyawan dalam organisasi mereka Para Konsultan, Coach, Terapis, Konselor, Akademisi yang ingin menggunakan keterampilan coaching dalam aplikasi profesinya. Para internal coach dan profesional pengembangan organisasi yang ada dalam perusahaan, untuk melatih manajer lain dan berbagi keahlian coaching mereka Kepada siapa saja yang ingin mendapatkan keuntungan dari ketrampilan dalam praktek aplikasi teknik coaching untuk membantu orang lain.

Transcript of Cpcp brosur batch 7

Certified Professional Coach Program Dirancang Untuk :

Mereka yang ingin menjadi profesional coach .

Professional coach yang akan mendaftarkan diri menjadi member ICF

(Intenational Coach Federation) dan melanjutkan ke ICF Credential ACC.

Para pemimpin, manajer, profesional pengembangan SDM yang ingin mening-

katkan keterampilan coaching mereka secara mendasar untuk meningkatkan

potensi maupun retensi karyawan dalam organisasi mereka

Para Konsultan, Coach, Terapis, Konselor, Akademisi yang ingin menggunakan

keterampilan coaching dalam aplikasi profesinya.

Para internal coach dan profesional pengembangan organisasi yang ada dalam

perusahaan, untuk melatih manajer lain dan berbagi keahlian coaching mereka

Kepada siapa saja yang ingin mendapatkan keuntungan dari ketrampilan dalam praktek aplikasi teknik coaching untuk membantu orang lain.

88 Hours of ICF Coach Specific Training Hours

70 Hours Contact time

18 Hours self study

Manfaat Program :

Peserta akan melalui proses belajar selama 4 bulan dan 4 tahap yang membuat peserta langsung dapat men-

gaplikasikan ketrampilan dan kompetensi professional Coach dalam pekerjaan dan kehidupannya

Program berbasiskan ICF Kompetensi, peserta yang telah mengikuti program ini dapat mendaftar sebagai ICF

member dan melanjutkan ICF credential ACC dan bergabung dengan komunitas Professional coach global.

Program ini dibawakan para senior professional Coach - ICF Certified Coach dan ICF Mentor Coach Registry yang

berpengalaman dalam mengembangkan profesi Coach dan telah membantu banyak perusahaan menjalankan

Coaching program.

Peserta akan dilatih dan didampingi dalam proses belajar selama 4 bulan

Peserta yang telah lulus dan memenuhi syarat dapat mengikuti proses aplikasi menjadi Loop Associate Coach.

Bergabung dengan alumni dan komunitas professional coach di berbagai industri.

Peserta akan langsung merasakan manfaat coaching pada dirinya melalui praktek dan sesi coaching

yang terus menerus.

“Outstanding program providing new insights and perspectives on coaching skill building is done in a fun and practitioner way. The coach is excellent proof of pro-

fessionalism, the whole coaching team is very supportive”

Irma A- Head Of Training AJ Sequis Life

4 Phases Learning Journey Phase 1 : 11 - 14 Nov, 2014 Phase 2 : 4 Dec 2014 & Self Study Phase 3 & 4 : 14 - 16 Jan, 2015


ICF ACSTH 88 Hours International Coach Federation - Approved Coach Specific Training

Kurnia Siregar,ACC - Executive and Corporate Coach Founder of Loop Indonesia, ICF Certified Coach, ICF Mentor Regis-

Professional & Organizational Development

What you will learn :

Group Coaching

Coaching in corporate

Creating coaching culture

Developing coaching program

Working with different individual

Building coaching practice

Coaching tools & application

Market your coaching business

Coaching tools (Life Coaching, Career Coaching, Performance

Coaching, Self Discovery, Vision and Goals settings, etc)

Learning structure :

4 days residential training class (Menginap)

1 Day training class

Self Study and Article review and group discussion

15 hours coaching practice and peer coaching

Individual observed coaching session

Module 1 : Fundamental Coaching Concept and Core Coaching Competency | 5 Days

Learning structure :

3 days face to face – in classes

25 hours practice and peer coaching

Individual observed coaching session

Group Project

Article review and discussion

Final Evaluation

Competency 9 : Designing Action

Competency 10 : Planning and Goal Setting

Competency 11 : Managing Progress and Accountability

Coaching Model : PROCESS and conversation

Coaching process :

Session preparation and assessment

Develop effective coaching session

Follow up coaching session

Coaching practice and feedback

Metode : Self Study, Praktek sesi coaching, role plays, studi kasus, diskusi group, presentasi, observed coaching, facilitator feed-

back , tugas individu dan group, real live coaching, group coaching project group. Dukungan bimbingan via telephone dan email

What you will learn : Coaching Concept and Definition:

ICF Definition of coaching

What is professional coaching

The distinctions between coaching and other professional

Loop Coaching Philosophy

The ICF Competency Framework

Competency 1 : Ethics and Professional Standards

Competency 2 : Establishing the Coaching Agreement

Competency 3 : Establishing Trust and Intimacy

Competency 4 : Coaching Presence

Competency 5 : Active Listening

Competency 6 : Powerful Questioning

Competency 7 :Direct Communication

Competency 8 : Creating Awareness

Coaching . Consulting . Training

Program Format

Module 2 : Professional Coach - Skills Development | 3 Days

Ina, executive coach, leadership coach and corporate coach, is one of the founder and director of Loop Indonesia. She is also co founder of International Coach Federation in Indonesia and also one of pioneer of developing coach professions in Indonesia. She was the first president of International Coach Federation and highly involved in developing coaching industry in Indone-sia. She possesses depth and breadth of 12 years experience as a coach, facilitator, consultant and has worked with top teams and individuals across a wide range of industries from fast moving consumer goods, retail, banking, services company, mining, telecommunication etc. She is the first Indonesian female in Indonesia who got International credential coach from In-ternational Coach Federation. Ina sees her role and purpose as providing a catalyst for en-hanced organization and team performance. Ina is frequently described by her clients as chal-lenging, insightful and inspirational.

Ina is ICF Mentor Coach Registry, Certified Coach Practitioner, ICF Credential - Professional Certified Coach, Certified Executive Coach and currently pursuing Advanced Corporate Coach-ing Program at Coach U, USA

Kurnia is Executive Coach, Leadership coach, Corporate coach and Sales coach. He is co founder

of Loop Indonesia, and co founder of International Coach Federation in Indonesia. Currently, He

is President of ICF Jakarta Chapter and he also one of pioneer in coaching development in Indo-


He has had over 15 years experience in the areas of human capital, leadership development, sales

management, service culture and organizational development. He has been working extensively

with top teams and individuals in many top five national and multinational companies as a

Coach, Consultant and Sales Trainer. He is a proactive and dynamic professional. He is a motiva-

tional and inspirational leader capable of coaching and empowering individuals to enable them

to fulfill their potential whilst ensuring that they make a positive contribution to the achievement

of objectives.

Kurnia is ICF Mentor Coach Registry, Certified Coach Practitioner, Certified Executive coach, ICF

Credential - Associate Certified Coach, and currently pursuing Advanced Corporate Coaching

Program at Coach U, USA

Program Director

Ina Rizqie Amalia, PCC

Kurnia Siregar, PCC


Early Bird : Rp. 13,750,000 ( Registrasi s/d 6 Oktober 2014) Regular : Rp. 16, 750,000 ( Registrasi setelah 6 Oktober 2014 Payment : Transfer, Cash or Credit card (Visa/ Master) *Termasuk akomodasi twin sharing 3 malam pada phase 1.

Account Name : PT.Linkar Indonesia Cendekia

Bank : BCA

Cabang : Time Square Cibubur

Account No : 740-1199-300

INFO & REGISTRASI : Tel. : 021 843 11 988 | 021 369 30 300

0812 1080 8790

0812 9845 0997




Account Name : PT.Linkar Indonesia Cendekia

Bank : Bank Mandiri

Cabang : Menara Duta, Jl.HR Rasuna Said Kuningan Jakarta

Account No : 124-000-560-8733





Learning . Integrity . Consistency

“This program is the most valuable time

and money investment I had so far. Good

luck and all the best for Loop Indonesia

and ICF”

Andy Iskandar - Sales & Marketing

Director - PT Multi Indocitra Tbk

“Pelatihan CPCP benar-benar mengupas

tuntas proses menjadi seorang coach,

bila Anda ingin menjadi coach yang baik

join dengan program ini”

Juli Edi Nugroho - Executive Director

PT. Solusi Cerdas Insani

“Luar biasa program ini membawa dan

menginspirasikan diri kita untuk membangun

orang lain dengan pendekatan yang sangat


Alwi Assagaf - Country Manager - Nufarm

“Semakin meyakinkan pada saya, bahwa coaching amatlah penting

untuk kemampuan pertumbuhan potensi dan kualitas dari setiap

manusia . Loop memberikan pemahaman dan keterampilan yang

tepat dan perlu untuk melakukan seni coaching yang powerful”

Ahmad Ismatullah - TV One. PT. Lativi Media Karya

Delivering Value with Trust & Passion