COWs: Lesson I

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Rules, Expectations, Hardware

Transcript of COWs: Lesson I

COWsComputers on Wheels

Mrs. Garton

Technology Curriculum Director Image Credit: publicenergy

Tech Usage Agreement

Violations may result in:

• Loss of access, temporarily or permanently

• Suspension

• Pay for repair or replacements

• Legal action

Image Credit: thinkpanama

Use and Care of Laptops

• Use One Laptop

• Conserve Battery

• No Liquids

• No Nonsense

• Careful with Displays

• Settings are Set

Image Credit: DeclanTM

Get Your Laptop

Image Credit: ChrisL AK

Indicator Lights

Keyboard Indicators

Battery Etc

Touch Pad or Track Stick?

Are You Connected?

No Connection?

Comarts8 Website

Put Up Laptops

As you are dismissed, put your laptop on the appropriate shelf.

Image Credit: tillwe