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International Journal of Management (IJM)

Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2020, pp. 1318-1331, Article ID: IJM_11_06_120

Available online at

ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510

DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.6.2020.120

© IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed



Dr M. Meher Karuna

Associate Professor, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India

Dr S. Vivek

Assistant Professor, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India


Social Marketing is an important discipline in Marketing Management. One of the

perspectives of social marketing is the application of marketing tools to bring in

change in the individual behavior for social good. Society is the group of social

animals living together with some of the defined norms and most of the undefined

norms for individual and social betterment. Social Marketing is the process of setting

an objective for a better society, designing a detailed pre-plan report, planning and

execution through the application of marketing tools, conceptualizing and delivering

nudges for an individual or social behavioral change resulting in a paradigm shift in

the country’s development process.

The world is experiencing a never imagined situation with the spread of COVID

19, a word that is erecting our spine and quivering our body. COVID 19 is a

communicable disease spreading by a virus called Corona. The bless in disguise is that

it spreads only through saliva, mucus and phlegm entering through mouth, nose and

eyes. Hence, it is an individual that should take care of self and in turn the society. One

should not get in contact with the affected person. There is a possibility that the virus

may come in contact with an individual by touch of any object or person. In such case,

one has to ensure not touching one’s eyes, nose and mouth. Remedy is frequent hand


The present study is an attempt to understand the application of social marketing

concepts and tools to fight with COVID 19 emphasizing on the positioning strategy. It

is a descriptive research study based on the secondary sources of information.

Key words: COVID 19, Social Good, Remedy, social marketing, Marketing


Cite this Article: Dr M. Meher Karuna and Dr S. Vivek, COVID 19 – Individual

Behavioral Change for Social Good, International Journal of Management, 11(6),

2020, pp. 1318-1331.

COVID 19 – Individual Behavioral Change for Social Good 1319


Theories emerge from practical situations observed and developed. Social Marketing theories

emerged from behavioral change theories and cognitive theories. Social Marketers identify an

issue, plan for individual behavioral change, develop stage by stage change expectations for a

longer duration and measure the change occurred in individuals and the impact on the society.

Social learning and communication theories also play major role in Social Marketing. Social

Marketers assume that change will not occur suddenly. For example, one individual may

suddenly decide to change himself from his past behavior, but if enquired, there will be a root

grown from a seed sowed sometime back and nurtured with structured communication

sponsored regularly. Social Marketing objective is to bring social change but not individual

change. When individual change itself has a strong root cause, how a social change can be

brought in no time?

Cognitive Theories are also important in Social Marketing to understand the thought

process of the set target group to direct the behavior with appropriate stimuli. Social cognitive

theory postulates that human behavior is reciprocally determined by internal personal factors

(Knowledge and self-efficacy) and environmental factors (levels of deprivation or availability

of facilities)[1]

Fundamental principles at the core of social marketing practice have been used to help

reduce tobacco use, stop the spread of HIV / AIDS, prevent malaria, make wearing a bike

helmet a social norm etc.[2] All those cases had time to plan and execute the principles.

The present situation is a major challenge to the Governments leaving no time to plan,

prepare and position. But India is handling the situation by bringing individual and social

change within no time. Planning and execution are simultaneous and success is expected.


Marketing starts from identifying the problem in the market. As such the social marketing

also identifies the social problem in the society. Sensing the issue springs from intuition and

slowly blossoms into a defined problem. Once the problem is defined, designing social

marketing strategy and executing the same are important initiatives that determine the


The problem of COVID 19 was identified on 30th December, 2019 with the release of a

notification by Wuhan Municipal Health Commission stating that there is an unknown disease

that needs to be taken care..[3] Initially, the world apprehended that it was a virus attack in

only Wuhan, China. The place of origin of the Virus was Huanan Market, a sea food market

in Wuhan, China. Later, on 7th January, 2020, National Institute of Viral Disease Control and

Prevention recognized a novel virus named, Corona[4] and the first genetic code was released

on 12th January to World Health Organization (WHO). On 20th January, 2020, China National

Health Commission revealed that the virus is human to human transmissible.[5]As it has

become pandemic, WHO released a strategic preparedness and response plan on 3rd February,


The first case outside China was recognized in Thailand on 13th January[7] Coming to

India, on 30th January, 2020, the first case has been noticed in Trissur district of Kerala. A

student from Kerala studying in Wuhan University returned home affected with COVID

followed by two more students from the same University returned to their home town in

Alappuzha district and Kasaragod district on 2nd and 3rd February, 2020 consecutively.

Though there were cases in India during January, 2020, as the students were from China,

still there was an apprehension that it is with the people of China only. On 2nd March two more

cases were identified in Delhi, the duo was returned from Italy. One case was admitted in

Dr M. Meher Karuna and Dr S. Vivek 1320

Hyderabad; a 24 year old young software engineer travelled from Bangalore and had a travel

history from UAE. Indian governments became more alert and acted fast on their strategies.

The situation was alarming; the governments started their initiatives towards curbing the virus.

2.1. Strategic Initiatives

In India, the first case was identified on 30th January, 2020. On 31st January, the Office of

Prime Minister and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare started surveillance activities

by establishing a Strategic Health Operations Center (SHOC) by the National Centre for

Disease Control (NCDC).All International Airports were given instructions to scan the


Owing to the COVID spread identified in the country, there are no more deliberations on

prevention. However, it can be seized and controlled in the best possible way. Therefore, the

objective is to identify the individuals affected and stop further spread. Indian population is

138 crores and it is a developing country. It has only 0.55 beds for 1000 population.[8]During

the process of identifying the affected individuals, there is a possibility of spreading the virus

to other individuals. The only option is LOCKDOWN. Lock the unaffected people and

identify the affected and cure. It is estimated that there will be 7 to 8 lakh crore loss to India

for 21 days lockdown.[9] Extended lockdown may cause a loss of $234.4 billion.[10]Health is

given priority over Wealth by the Indian Government. A fast paced strategy of Social

Marketing to bring in the individual change and social change at a time has been executed

with one word. The word is ‘Lockdown’. It has been positioned in the individual mind that

has fear of losing health, in turn life and hope to live better. The caption written on the

subconscious mind is ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe.’


3.1. Segmentation

Segmentation is dividing the market into a homogenous part or grouping the customers based

on the homogeneity. In case of COVID 19, the pre-requisite is administrative ease. Hence, the

segmentation is based on the geography and governance. It is easy to achieve the objective by

controlling the cases, state wise. Central Government advised the states to deal with the cases

and control the boundaries. Each state has become a segment in identifying the cases and

controlling the further spread under the guidance of the Central Government. All the states in

the country have closed their borders with the neighboring states. Further to this, based on the

number of cases and severity, the country has been divided into red zone, orange zone and

green zone.

3.2. Targeting

Central Government is analyzing the cases in the states and targeting on the states which need

more help depending on the challenge that the state is facing. However, the country has been

divided into three zones identified with three colors, red, orange and green.[11]

Green Zone: The districts with no COVID cases.

Orange Zone: The districts with less than 15 identified COVID cases and no increase in the


Red Zone: The districts with more than 15 identified COVID cases.

Government is targeting the Red Zones to control the pandemic. Government is Targeting

Orange zone and Green zones to relax the restrictions.

COVID 19 – Individual Behavioral Change for Social Good 1321

3.3. Positioning

Positioning is occupying a special place in the mind of an individual. It is a strategic and

tactful act of a marketer to occupy a special place in the mind and retain there for a specified

period till the objective is attained. “Positioning is what you do to the mind of a prospect. That

is, you position the product in the mind of the prospect.”[12]Today, we are in a world of

information and widespread communication. Minds are full of information from various

sources and sources are also varied and multiple in nature due to the technological

advancements. But the interesting nature of a human mind is that it receives filters and retains

what is intended by the mind. Hence, it is the right intention that is important for both the

sender and receiver. In Social Marketing, it is an expectation of an individual behavioral

change for social benefit. Both the marketer and the prospect will be sharing the benefit being a

part of the society.

In case of COVID, what is the intended individual behavior change that the government is

expecting to get away the virus from the country? The intended behavior is the value

proposition in this social marketing activity. The value propositions are stay home and stay safe.

Government is expecting the public to stay at home to control the spread of virus.

In case of Social Marketing, Positioning has eight R’s that explain the strategy depicted in

the following diagram.

Figure 1 Positioning

Source: Prepared by authors.

Right Intention: Health is given priority over Wealth. Though lockdown leads to an

economic downturn, being a developing economy, percentage of individuals living under

poverty line is high; it is a sacred intention of the Government prioritizing health over wealth.

Right Stimulus: what will be the action that can be expected from individual, hand wash,

boost immunity, maintain social distance, stay home, self-quarantine and complete lockdown?

Individuals are expected to stay at home. To bring the behavioral change, the whole country is

locked. The announcement of Janata Curfew and its successful execution voluntarily acted as a

pre-launch stimulus and also as a test marketing initiative. The whole country was alerted and

brought to unity by clapping at 5pm that created a sense of responsibility on everyone to fight

with the new Virus. Behavioral change has been implanted in the minds of the people.

Everyone eagerly waited to get the next instruction to follow. Lockdown announcement was a

Dr M. Meher Karuna and Dr S. Vivek 1322

thunderous announcement that was not expected by many, but soon realized the significance

of it and everyone has become a part of it.

Strengthening the positioning: It is an important initiative to alert the society and rejuvenate

the society to continue their committed behavior. For which, on 5th April, there was a call on

lighting a lamp at 9pm. It is an act of strengthening the positioned message by a stimulus.

Right Message: ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe.’ The government wants to identify the affected people

and control the spread among the non-affected people. The message is clear, you are safe at

your home, and outside is a virus. Subliminally, it is communicating that there is a threat

outside. If the message is to ask the individual to lockdown for oneself, it may not strike the

minds. Hence, the whole country is lockdown that implies everyone has to stay home and stay

safe. The message is a forced announcement for individual and social good.

Right Medium: All means of communication completely indulged in spreading the message.

Coronavirus has become a buzz word in every nook and corner of the country. Every celebrity

volunteered to spread the message. Every artist communicated through his art. Everyone

started communicating to every other individual to protect the society in one’s own way.

Right Person: Prime Minister, Chief Ministers and Health Ministers are only making

announcements to showcase the importance of the situation. Prime Minister has become a

leader, everyone else follows. Everyone is eagerly waiting for the message from Prime

Minister and Chief Ministers and accepting the message with high respect and positive mind.

Right Method: Daily essentials are made available. Government aid to the needy people by

supplying the essential commodities along with the money is the right support to ensure them,

stay home. People are allowed to go out to get items of emergency. Police are vigilant on the

movements of the public. Essentials and Emergencies are open for happy stay at home. After

taking the situation into control and getting the right situation analysis and opinions of the

Chief Ministers of each state, lockdown was extended further till 3rd May, 2020.

Right Time: Virus has just entered the country, but not spread much. The time of lockdown

was not early, not late. It was the right time that was announced. There were 236 positive cases

in India by 21st March, 2020.[13] It is the right time, the country decided to shut down.

Right Change: There is a significant behavioral change in Indians during this lockdown time

as expected by the Government that resulted in controlling COVID 19. The change in mass

India is a great success. The country is united.

3.4. Individual Behavioral Change

The never imagined situation emerged in ahasty way has impacted the individual behavior and

has brought out a sea change. Given the choice of two alternate means of understanding

behaviour and trying to bring about change in the world, it is necessary to consider which

approach is best suited to achieving results on the scale demanded by the environmental and

public health challenge, and whether the individualistic approaches, that currently seem

hegemonic, pose undue risks to achieving society's desired aims regarding challenges.[14] A

study that had been taken up by Fudan University on energy behavior of individuals has

considered four main aspects: (1) awareness raising and behavior forming; (2) approaches to

encourage behavior change; (3) beyond the barriers and the constraints; and (4) systems and

mechanisms for the long-term engagement.[15] All such aspects need to be examined during the

present situation.

Lot many changes occurred during this lockdown in relation to the work using virtual

reality. There is an every need for the organizations also to rethink on the work related

individual changes that may emerge after coming out of this critical situation. In the current

era, characterized by dynamic societal, technological, and economic changes as well as an

COVID 19 – Individual Behavioral Change for Social Good 1323

increasing diversity in the workforce, previous approaches to individual work behaviour are

being challenged (Schalk et al. 2010).

There is a lot of change in the individual behavior during the lockdown period that was

achieved through the strategic execution of Social Marketing Concepts. In addition, especially

for workers in highly demanding jobs, such as physicians, who have to survive heavy patient

demands over a longer period of time, it seems to be important to train them in necessary

communication and political skills that manage the physician–patient relationship.[16]


The behavioral change is the result of the lockdown initiative and positioning strategy executed

by the Central and State Governments. This paper is an attempt to measure the effectiveness

and efficiency of the states by using spatial maps and Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS). The

two dimensions taken are number of cases recorded in the States and the number of cases cured

and the fatalities. It is clear that the less number of cases indicates effectiveness and the

cases cured denote efficiency. Rank order is prepared based on the results of the MDS.

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Statistics 22) and MS Excel are used for

calculations and diagrammatic presentations.

Data has been taken from 24th March, 2020 to 15th April, 2020.[17] The duration is the first

lockdown period of 21 days. Out of all the states in the country, 26 states and 4 union

territories have recorded corona virus affected cases during this period. Out of 30 states and

UTs, 7 states and UTs have recorded only single digit cases. Therefore, those states have not

been considered for the study. Out of the 23 remaining states taken for analysis, Delhi is an

outlier in both effectiveness and Efficiency. It is the worst affected state and not able to

manage the cases efficiently. It will not fit into the diagram being an outlier. Therefore, Delhi

is not incorporated in the MDS diagram.

To ascertain the number of cases, there are number of other variables to be considered. As

the problem is related to the population and their spread in the state, Population, area of the

state in square kilometers and density of population that means the number of individuals live

in a square kilometer have been taken as the variables to compare with the number of cases.

The correlation is measured among the number of cases and the other variables. The following

tables show the correlation coefficients.

Table 1 Correlation between the No. of Cases Recorded during the First Lockdown and Population of

the States

Number of cases during



Number of cases during


Pearson Correlation 1 .411

Sig. (2-tailed) .051

N 23 23

Population of the State Pearson


.411 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .051

N 23 23

Dr M. Meher Karuna and Dr S. Vivek 1324

Table 2 Correlation between the No. of Cases Recorded during the First Lockdown and Area of the


Number of cases during



Number of cases during




1 .565**

Sig. (2-tailed) .005 N 23 23

Area of the State in




.565** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .005 N 23 23

Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Table 3 Correlation between the No. of Cases Recorded during the First Lockdown and Density of

Population of the States

Number of cases during



Number of cases during


Pearson Correlation 1 .319

Sig. (2-tailed) .137

N 23 23

Density of Population Pearson


.319 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .137

N 23 23

Among the three variables, all the three variables are positively correlated with the

number of cases identified in the states. The correlation coefficient between the population and

the number of cases identified is 0.41 and the correlation coefficient between the density of

population and the number of cases identified is 0.32. Both are positively correlated but the

relation is weak. However, the correlation coefficient between the area of the states and the

number of cases identified in the states is 0.56, which is considered as a significant positive

correlation. Therefore, effectiveness is measured based on the number of cases in relation to

the area of the states. The following table shows the effectiveness of the states presented in the

rank order.

4.1. Effectiveness and Efficiency

Peter Drucker, the management guru, coined the two words to understand the management

capabilities. “Effectiveness means doing the right thing and efficiency means doing it right.” [18] It is important that during crisis, no manager can be tolerated for non-performance. Both

Central and State Governments completely focused on the issue of the hour instead of treating

the issue as one of the important issues and dealing along with the other activities. It is a war

like situation, where the Government takes tough decisions to overcome the situation. There is

no other situation than this would arise in the world to talk about effectiveness and efficiency.

In this study, the right thing is controlling the number of COVID cases (Doing the right thing)

and efficiency is managing the cases by controlling deaths and curing more patients (Doing

things right).

COVID 19 – Individual Behavioral Change for Social Good 1325

Table 4 Effectiveness of the States during the First Lockdown Period


No. of Cases



Area of the State



No. of cases



Effectiveness (No. of


per 10000 SKMs.)

Delhi* 1609 1484 1.084232 10842

Maharashtra 3086 307713 0.010029 100

Tamil Nadu 1241 130058 0.009542 95

Rajasthan 1096 242239 0.004524 45

Madhya Pradesh 1055 308245 0.003424 34

Uttar Pradesh 760 240928 0.003154 32

Telangana 584 112077 0.005211 52

Andhra Pradesh 523 162968 0.003209 32

Jammu and


303 125535 0.002414 24

Kerala 285 38863 0.007333 73

Karnataka 264 191791 0.001376 14

West Bengal 222 88752 0.002501 25

Haryana 185 44212 0.004184 42

Punjab 166 50362 0.003296 33

Bihar 78 94163 0.000828 8


Sources: Compiled by the authors. Data collected from


State of Delhi: In Delhi, 1609 cases have been recorded. When it is compared with the area of

the state, the cases are 10842 per 10,000 SKM. In other states, it is 100 or below 100 cases

recorded per 10,000 Square Kilometer.If the score of effectiveness is high means the state is

ineffective because of more number of cases recorded.

Once the cases are recorded in the States, it is the efficiency of the states to cure the

patients and reduce fatalities. All the states have prepared emergency strategies to treat the

patients. Doctors and Hospital staff are working for 24 hours in all the states. Their services

during this exigency are commendable. Some of the doctors getting affected and few of them

sacrificed their lives.

To bring balance between the cases cured and the fatalities, Number of deaths has been

subtracted from the number of cases cured. The efficiency of the state is the cases recorded

minus cases cured minus fatalities. Efficiency of the states is depicted in the following table.

Odisha 58 155707 0.000372 4

Assam 35 78438 0.000446 4

Uttarakhand 34 53483 0.000636 6

Himachal Pradesh 33 55673 0.000593 6

Jharkhand 27 79714 0.000339 3

Chhattisgarh 15 135191 0.000111 1

Andaman and


11 8249 0.001333 13

Dr M. Meher Karuna and Dr S. Vivek 1326

Table 5 Efficiency of the States during the First Lockdown Period


No. of Cases during


No. of Cases


Fatali ties Final Cases after deducting


Efficie ncy

Andaman and


11 10 0 10 91

Kerala 285 245 3 242 85

Chhattisgarh 15 9 0 9 60

Bihar 78 37 1 36 46

Himachal Pradesh 33 16 1 15 45

Odisha 58 19 1 18 31

Telangana 584 186 18 168 29

Uttarakhand 34 9 0 9 26

Karnataka 264 82 13 69 26

Haryana 185 43 3 40 22

West Bengal 222 51 10 41 18

Rajasthan 1096 164 3 161 15

Tamil Nadu 1241 180 15 165 13

Assam 35 5 1 4 11

Jammu and Kashmir 303 38 4 34 11

Punjab 166 27 13 14 8

Uttar Pradesh 760 74 13 61 8

Gujarat 896 73 36 37 4

Maharashtra 3086 300 194 106 3

Andhra Pradesh 523 20 14 6 1

Madhya Pradesh 1055 64 53 11 1

Delhi 1609 51 38 13 1

Jharkhand 27 0 2 -2 -7

Sources: Compiled by the authors. Data collected from


It can be understood that Andaman and Nicobar is the most efficient in managing the cases

followed by Kerala. Kerala is the state that is doing things right by executing the lockdown

strictly. Though the cases increased rapidly to 285, most of the cases are cured and the

fatalities are reduced. Efficiency of the states is clearly depicts the performance in managing

the cases in the above table.

4.2. Multi-Dimensional Scaling

Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) is a procedure that enables a researcher to determine the

relative image of a set of objects. Researchers may use measures in making judgements using

objective dimension that has quantifiable attributes. Therefore, the dimensions taken in this

study are objective in nature. Effectiveness and Efficiency are plotted on X Axis and Y Axis

respectively that shows High or Low. The values are projected positive and negative from the

mid-point of the data arranged in a descending order to get an image of high and low. To avoid

the concentration at the central point where both the axis intersects, 5 points are added to each

value obtained, on both the dimensions.

COVID 19 – Individual Behavioral Change for Social Good 1327

Figure 2 Multi-Dimensional Map of Effectiveness and Efficiency of the States during First lockdown period

It is evident that the states which are both effective and efficient categorized as High,

High, cases high in effectiveness but low in efficiency are categorized High, Low, cases

which are Low effective and high in efficiency are shown Low, High and the states scored

low in both are categorized Low, Low. The following table shows the categories.

Table 6 States scored High in Effectiveness and High in Efficiency

States scored High in Effectiveness and High in Efficiency

Andaman and Nicobar 20.5 High 79.4 High

Chhattisgarh 32.5 High 48.5 High

Bihar 25.5 High 34.7 High

Himachal Pradesh 27.5 High 34 High

Odisha 29.5 High 19.5 High

Uttarakhand 27.5 High 15 High

Karnataka 19.5 High 14.6 High

West Bengal 8.5 High 7 High

States scored Low in Effectiveness and High in Efficiency

Kerala -49.5 Low 73.4 High

Madhya Pradesh -10.5 Low 20.5 High

Telangana -28.5 Low 17.5 High

Haryana -18.5 Low 10.1 High

States scored High in Effectiveness and Low in Efficiency

Assam 29.5 High -10.1 Low

Jammu and Kashmir 9.5 High -10.3 Low

Jharkhand 30.5 High -28.9 Low

States scored Low in Both Effectiveness and Efficiency

Rajasthan -21.5 Low -6.8 Low

Tamil Nadu -71.5 Low -8.2 Low

Punjab -9.5 Low -13.1 Low

Uttar Pradesh -8.5 Low -13.5 Low

Gujarat -22.5 Low -17.4 Low

Maharashtra -75.5 Low -18.1 Low

Andhra Pradesh -8.5 Low -20.4 Low

Source: Prepared by authors.

Dr M. Meher Karuna and Dr S. Vivek 1328

The study is relative among the states. It is evident that the states which have recorded

more number of cases managed well in curing and reducing fatalities. Kerala, MP, Telangana

and Haryana are the states that are recording COVID cases, but showing efficiency in treating

the patients and controlling the states. The states, like Assam, Jammu and Kashmir and

Jharkhand recorded less number of cases, but they are not able to treat the patients well. The

states like Rajasthan, TN, Punjab, UP, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh are

ineffective in controlling the number of cases and not able to treat the cases afterwards may be

due to more number and widespread area, such states need more attention.


Social Marketing initiatives by the Central and State Governments could bring in change in

individual behaviors for social good. The strategy of lockdown is the only option available

with the governments to control the number of cases registering and to manage the affected

individuals to safeguard the country. The word, ‘Lockdown’ has been positioned well in the

minds of all the sections in the country and showing the positive results. As there is a positive

correlation between the number of cases recorded and the area of the state in square kilometers,

it can be an important variable to measure the number of cases. Interpretations on effectiveness

and efficiency are relative among the states, but not in absolute measurement.


The same analysis can be done for the second stage of lockdown and can be compared the

differences in the two phases of lockdown. COVID life cycle can be prepared to understand

various stages of its growth to predict the death of the virus. India can be compared with other

countries and can be understood the effectiveness and efficiency of our country in comparison

with the regions of the world. People perceptions can be collected after impact and during the

impact to analyze the positioning success.


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