COURTESY OF KESTENBAUM 2 - Baltimore Jewish Life lazer silver... · 2016. 3. 9. · COURTESY OF...

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Transcript of COURTESY OF KESTENBAUM 2 - Baltimore Jewish Life lazer silver... · 2016. 3. 9. · COURTESY OF...


    Heart of Gold: Rabbi Silver raised funds to ransom Jews from the Nazis.

  • The rabbis march from Union Station. The man in uniform is

    Dr. J.H. Gordon, National Commander of the Jewish Legion of Veterans.

    To Gordon's left, in the front row, are, from left to right,

    Rabbis Eliezer Silver, Israel Rosenberg, and Bernard Levinthal.

    Front row, far left, is Rabbi Nathan Baruch.

  • Vice President Henry Wallace (left) and Congressional leaders listen as

    Rabbi Eliezer Silver reads the petition aloud. Behind Wallace, second from left,

    is U.S. Representative Sam Rayburn (D-TX), Speaker of the House.

  • Rabbi Wolf Gold reads aloud the Rabbis' petition, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

    Two of the protesters. Rabbi Avraham Kalmanowitz is at left.

  • On the steps of the Capitol, the Melitzer Rebbe (Rabbi Yitzchok Horowitz) leads the marchers in

    the recitation of "Kel Maleh Rachamim," a memorial prayer for the Jews murdered by the Nazis.

    Rabbi Eliezer Silver (front row, second from left) leads a rally rabbis Washington, C., in D.ofin 1943, pressing for more decisive action by the U.S. to save European

    Jews. (Photo courtesy David S. Wyman Institute) Rabbi Eliezer Silver was born in Lithuania in 1882 and

    immigrated to the U.S. in 1907. He was elected the first president of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the

    U.S. and Canada, in 1929, and is known for having helped save many thousands of Jews in the Second

    World War. In November 1939, Rabbi Silver convened an emergency meeting in New York City to discuss

    the recent

  • Photo Credit: Needed

    Please help us identify them:

    1. Unknown child

    2. Rav Yitschok Siegel, Bayonne, NJ

    3. Rev Glushok, Washington, DC

    4. Rav Avroham Alperstein, New York City

    5. Rav Gedaliah Silverstone, Washington, DC

    6. Rav Dovid Ginsburg, Wilkes-Barre, PA

    7. Rav Elieser Silver, Harrisburg, PA

    8. Rav Yaakov Redelheim, New York City

    9. Unknown chil

  • Rabbi Eliezer Silver

    January 14th, 2008 · 24 Comm

    (Enter the cemetery at the main gate in the middle section to the left is Rav Silver’s tzion.)

    (Enter the cemetery at the main gate in the middle section to the left is Rav Silver’s tzion.)

  • It’s known that he had a very strong connection with the Rebbe and Frierdiker

    Rebbe. this is also brought down in wikipidia about him, "Rabbi Silver was also a close friend and colleague of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn, the Sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, and

    had a great deal of correspondence with him and later his successor, Rabbi Menachem Mendel


  • Rabbi Eliezer Silver disembarks from an airplane on a visit to the DP camps of

    Europe. [Photograph #49334]

  • Rabbi Eliezer Silver disembarks from an airplane on a visit to the DP camps of

    Europe. [Photograph #49334]

  • Long Letter by Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzensky

  • Letter by Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman

  • Letter by Rabbi Shimon Yehuda HaCohen Shkop

  • Historic Letter from Rabbi Yitzchak Ze'ev Soloveitchik Av Beit Din of Brisk

  • Three Letters – By Rabbi Yitzchak Ze'ev of Brisk, Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer and Rabbi Avraham Yisrael

    Moshe Salomon of Kharkov

  • Letter by Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik – Regarding the Rescue of his Brother Rabbi Yitzchak Ze'ev

  • Rabbi Eliezer Silver (far right) visiting a class at Cincinnati Jewish Day School