Courses in online marketing

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Courses in online marketing

Courses in Online

Marketing: Google+

This week for our courses in online marketing we are going to take a walk

through Google+ for businesses. Google+ is a hands-down necessary

tool in obtaining higher search results, especially with the advent of social

search. If you feel you’re totally lost when it comes to Google+, have no fear because courses in online marketing are

here to save the day.

We are going to go over the best ways to post, how to use Google+ Circles, and

other tools that will enhance your overall Google+ experience.

Courses in Online Marketing | Post Like a Boss!

So here are some great tips from Social Media in 7 Minutes on how to post.

Make sure to jot these down, because these are essential facts from

our courses in online marketing:

There are some specific parts of this post that you’ll want to pay special

attention to, and one of those would be the the hashtags (#) that identify the subjects of the post,

therefore making it easy for users to find your post in a search.

Also adding a link to a piece of media with a link preview always

makes the post more eye-catching and relevant as a quality piece of

content. These strategies in addition to the formatted heading

including your keywords is essential in learning how to use Google+ for


In addition to these hot posting tips for Google+ you also will want to

include headers in your posts. These will make your posts pop

out when users are searching. Its really easy to do as well, all you have to do is just put asterisks around your header like this:

*Courses in Online Marketing: Google+* = Courses in Online Marketing: Google+

Using this message will put your content right before the reader’s


In addition to simply posting awesome content with hashtags

and bold headlines another essential step in courses in online marketing for Google+ is to make

sure that your profile is completely optimized with keywords around

your niche,

Courses in Online Marketing | Make Your Profile Shine In Search

so that you’re SEO is through the roof! Here are essential tips from our previous on Black Box Social Media on Google+ article how to

do just that.

So just as you need to pick your keywords carefully and put them in just the right places when you are creating a blog, the same is true when optimizing

your Google+ profile. As a matter of fact their are four specific places that you need to include keywords so that you will show up in the social search.

“Take away: thread relevant keywords through your Google+ profile…namely

in the Introduction, Employment, Education and Places sections…and

you may start ranking for some highly-competitive broad terms.”


Its not only necessary to remember this particular lesson in courses in online

market to help with your search potential, but repeating the same

keywords several times also makes it stick in your customer’s minds. Make

sure that your keywords are the perfect fit for your niche, because you want

people to associate your name or your business name with that particular


We think that it’s a good idea to search for the keywords in your niche from

within Google+ and go ahead and add the people to your Google+ Circles

that come up first in the stream. These will be the leaders in your

industry and by putting them in your Circles often times they will add you


Courses in Online Marketing | Circles

Just remember this courses in online marketing detail: If you are in an industry leader’s Google+ Circle,

others will follow you, because they think that you have authority. And guess what? If they add you back

then you do!If our readers have anything to add to courses in online marketing then

feel free to leave them in the comments!

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