Course Schedule - 3 - Union College

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Transcript of Course Schedule - 3 - Union College

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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Hours Prerequisites Instructor Location

ACA 495 01 12.00 Adventist Colleges Abroad

Arranged Robison, M

Permission by: Robison, M

ACCT 211 01 3.00 Principles of Accounting

MWF 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Purkeypile, A DB 308

ACCT 211 02 3.00 Principles of Accounting

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Purkeypile, A DB 308

ACCT 313 01 4.00 Intermediate Accounting

MWRF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Forbes, L DB 302

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

ACCT 212 with minimum grade C

ACCT 315 01 3.00 Federal Income Tax-Individual

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Purkeypile, A DB 308

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

ACCT 443 01 3.00 Governmental & Not-for-Profit Accounting

MW 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM Forbes, L DB 302

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

ACCT 314 with minimum grade D-

ACCT 449 01 3.00 Advanced Accounting

TR 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM Purkeypile, A DB 308

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

ACCT 314 with minimum grade C

ART 104 01 2.00 Drawing for Everyone

MW 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM McClelland, J EE 201

ART 105 01 2.00 Drawing I

MW 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM McClelland, J EE 201

ART 115 01 2.00 Design I

MW 3:30 PM - 5:20 PM Noyes, J EE 201

Forbes, B

ART 125 01 2.00 Oil Painting

TR 3:30 PM - 5:20 PM McClelland, J EE 200

ART 135 01 2.00 Pottery

MW 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM Davis, L EE 108

ART 145 01 2.00 Watercolor

TR 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM McClelland, J EE 201

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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ART 215 01 2.00 School Art

TR 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM McClelland, J EE

ART 322 01 3.00 American Art History (WR)

TR 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM Dobos, J DB 214

Forbes, B

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

ART 485 01 1.00 Senior Exhibit

Arranged Forbes, B

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

ASTR 111 01 4.00 Astronomy

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Webb, R KC 133

Corequisites: ASTR 111 LAB MATH 111 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 121 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 165 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 184 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 221 with minimum grade C

ASTR 111 10 0.00 Astronomy

T 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM Webb, R KC 133

Corequisites: ASTR 111 LECT

BIOL 106 01 3.00 Human Biology

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Utt, A KC 135

BIOL 107 10 1.00 Human Biology Lab

T 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM McNeill, C KC 157

BIOL 111 01 4.00 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Utt, A KC 200

Corequisites: BIOL 111 LAB

BIOL 111 03 4.00 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Arranged Gane, A

Corequisites: BIOL 111 LAB

BIOL 111 10 0.00 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

T 7:30 AM - 10:20 AM Utt, A KC 157

Corequisites: BIOL 111 LECT

BIOL 111 11 0.00 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

W 2:30 PM - 5:20 PM Utt, A KC 157

Corequisites: BIOL 111 LECT

BIOL 111 12 0.00 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

M 2:30 PM - 5:20 PM Utt, A KC 157

Corequisites: BIOL 111 LECT

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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BIOL 111 13 0.00 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Arranged Gane, A

Corequisites: BIOL 111 LECT

BIOL 151 01 4.00 General Biology I

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM McNeill, C KC 200

Corequisites: BIOL 151 LAB ((CHEM 101 with minimum grade C OR

CHEM 151 with minimum grade C) AND

(ACT Math Overall 18 OR

SAT Math Overall 430)) OR

Sophomore Level Achieved OR

Permission by: McNeill, C

BIOL 151 10 0.00 General Biology I

R 7:30 AM - 10:20 AM McNeill, C KC 135

Corequisites: BIOL 151 LECT

BIOL 151 11 0.00 General Biology I

R 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM McNeill, C KC 135

Corequisites: BIOL 151 LECT

BIOL 205 01 4.00 Microbiology

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Moguel, S KC 151

Corequisites: BIOL 205 LAB

BIOL 205 10 0.00 Microbiology

T 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM Moguel, S KC 151

Corequisites: BIOL 205 LECT

BIOL 296 01 1.00 Research Methods I

T 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Osborn, K KC 240

ACT Math Overall 20 OR

SAT Math Overall 480 OR

MATH 100 with minimum grade C

BIOL 396 01 1.00 Research Methods III

Arranged Utt, A KC

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

BIOL 386 with minimum grade C

BIOL 403 01 3.00 Molecular Biology

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Moguel, S KC 145

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

BIOL 321 with minimum grade C

BIOL 416 01 4.00 Advanced Human Physiology (WR)

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Rose, F KC 135

Corequisites: BIOL 416 LAB ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

BIOL 112 with minimum grade C OR

BIOL 152 with minimum grade C

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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BIOL 416 10 0.00 Advanced Human Physiology (WR)

T 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM Rose, F KC 135

Corequisites: BIOL 416 LECW

BIOL 445 01 4.00 Biochemistry I

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Moguel, S KC 145

Corequisites: BIOL 445 LAB ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

CHEM 212 with minimum grade C AND

(BIOL 151 with minimum grade C OR

BIOL 111 with minimum grade C)

BIOL 445 10 0.00 Biochemistry I

R 2:00 PM - 5:50 PM Moguel, S KC 145

Corequisites: BIOL 445 LECT

BIOL 487 01 3.00 Tpc:Histology

TR 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM Rose, F KC 109

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

BIOL 487 10 1.00 Tpc:Histology Lab

Arranged Rose, F

Corequisites: BIOL 487 LECT

BUAD 138 01 3.00 Dynamics of Business

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Rickard, J DB 302

BUAD 310 01 3.00 Quality Management (WR)

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Turk, J DB 302

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

BUAD 425 01 3.00 Business Communications (WR)

MWF 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Turk, J DB 302

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Junior Level Achieved AND

COMM 105 with minimum grade D- AND

CPTR 220 with minimum grade CR)

BUAD 425 02 3.00 Business Communications (WR)

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Turk, J DB 302

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Junior Level Achieved AND

COMM 105 with minimum grade D- AND

CPTR 220 with minimum grade CR)

BUAD 430 01 3.00 Conflict Management

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Forbes, B DB 308

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Junior Level Achieved

BUAD 445 01 4.00 Business Law

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Huenergardt, D DB 308

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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Forbes, B

TR 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Junior Level Achieved OR

Permission by: Forbes, B

BUAD 455 01 2.00 Advanced Human Resource Management

MW 7:30 AM - 8:20 AM Forbes, B DB 302

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

BUAD 376 with minimum grade D-

CHEM 104 01 4.00 Intro to General, Organic & Biochemistry

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Osborn, K KC 230

Corequisites: CHEM 104 LAB ACT Math Overall 18 OR

SAT Math Overall 430 OR

MATH 100 with minimum grade C

CHEM 104 10 0.00 Intro to General, Organic & Biochemistry

T 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM Osborn, K KC 200

Corequisites: CHEM 104 LECT

CHEM 151 01 4.00 General Chemistry I

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Clark, R KC 200

R 7:30 AM - 8:50 AM

Corequisites: CHEM 151 LAB ACT Math Overall 20 OR

SAT Math Overall 480 OR

MATH 100 with minimum grade C OR

Permission by: Clark, R

CHEM 151 02 4.00 General Chemistry I

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Clark, R KC 230

R 7:30 AM - 8:50 AM KC 200

Corequisites: CHEM 151 LAB ACT Math Overall 20 OR

SAT Math Overall 480 OR

MATH 100 with minimum grade C OR

Permission by: Clark, R

CHEM 151 10 0.00 General Chemistry I

M 2:30 PM - 5:50 PM Clark, R KC 230

Corequisites: CHEM 151 LECT

CHEM 151 11 0.00 General Chemistry I

T 7:00 AM - 10:20 AM Clark, R KC 230

Corequisites: CHEM 151 LECT

CHEM 211 01 4.00 Organic Chemistry I

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Wolfe, C KC 230

T 5:30 PM - 6:20 PM

Corequisites: CHEM 211 LAB CHEM 152 with minimum grade C

CHEM 211 10 0.00 Organic Chemistry I

W 2:30 PM - 6:20 PM Wolfe, C KC 230

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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Corequisites: CHEM 211 LECT

CHEM 296 01 1.00 Research Methods I

T 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Osborn, K KC 240

MATH 100 with minimum grade C OR

ACT Math Overall 20 OR

SAT Math Overall 480

CHEM 311 01 4.00 Analytical Chemistry

MWF 7:30 AM - 8:20 AM Clark, R KC 230

Corequisites: CHEM 311 LAB ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

CHEM 152 with minimum grade C

CHEM 311 10 0.00 Analytical Chemistry

W 2:30 PM - 6:20 PM Clark, R KC 251

Corequisites: CHEM 311 LECT

CHEM 396 01 1.00 Research Methods III

Arranged Wolfe, C KC

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

CHEM 386 with minimum grade C

CHEM 445 01 4.00 Biochemistry I

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Moguel, S KC 145

Corequisites: CHEM 445 LAB ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

CHEM 212 with minimum grade C AND

BIOL 151 with minimum grade C

CHEM 445 10 0.00 Biochemistry I

R 2:00 PM - 5:50 PM Moguel, S KC 145

Corequisites: CHEM 445 LECT

CODR 110 01 1.00 Adventist Christian Theatre

M 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Hadley, B LN WOODS

CODR 229 01 3.00 Play Production I

TR 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM Hadley, B LN 209

Permission by: Hadley, B

COEM 324 01 3.00 Web Research and Analytics

MW 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM Maxwell, P DB 005

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

COEM 362 01 3.00 Interacting with an Online Audience

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Hadley, B DB 205

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

COJR 245 01 3.00 Editing

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Blake, C DB 201

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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COMM 105 01 2.00 Public Speaking

MW 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Hadley, B DB 205

COMM 105 02 2.00 Public Speaking

MW 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Hadley, B DB 205

COMM 105 03 2.00 Public Speaking

MW 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM Blake, C DB 205

COMM 105 04 2.00 Public Speaking

TR 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Maxwell, P DB 005

COMM 105 05 2.00 Public Speaking

TR 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Blake, C DB 204

COMM 105 06 2.00 Public Speaking

TR 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Hadley, B DB 205

COMM 125 01 3.00 Media and Meaning

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Cochran, T DB 005

COMM 290 01 1.00 Sophomore Seminar

F 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Maxwell, P DB 005

COMM 490 01 1.00 Senior Seminar

W 4:30 PM - 5:20 PM Blake, C DB 205

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

COPR 241 01 3.00 Public Relations Principles

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Maxwell, P DB 005

COPR 332 01 3.00 Rhetoric (WR)

TR 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM Cochran, T DB 005

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

COPR 377 01 2.00 Crisis Public Relations

TR 2:30 PM - 3:20 PM Maxwell, P DB 005

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

CORE 108 01 1.00 Connections

R 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Forbes, B EE

CORE 108 02 1.00 Connections

W 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Forbes, B DB 302

CORE 108 03 1.00 Connections

T 5:30 PM - 6:20 PM Bollinger, K DB 202

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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CORE 108 04 1.00 Connections

R 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Razo, S LLC

CORE 108 06 1.00 Connections

T 5:30 PM - 6:50 PM Robison, M OC 116

CORE 108 07 1.00 Connections

T 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Young, R LS 223

CORE 108 08 1.00 Connections

Arranged Miyashiro, K EW 206

CORE 108 09 1.00 Connections

R 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Orian, N LLC 410

CORE 108 10 1.00 Connections

T 5:30 PM - 6:20 PM Gabbert, M DB 202

CORE 108 11 1.00 Connections

Arranged Holdsworth, B DB

CORE 108 12 1.00 Connections

R 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Wolfe, C KC 200

CORE 108 13 1.00 Connections

T 5:30 PM - 6:20 PM Detwieler, J DB 202

CORE 108 19 1.00 Connections

R 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Orian, N LLC 410

CPTR 126 01 3.00 Fundamentals of Computer Science

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM McNeill, S DB 303

CPTR 220 01 3.00 Microcomputer Applications

MWF 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Unterseher, D DB 303

CPTR 220 02 3.00 Microcomputer Applications

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Unterseher, D DB 303

CPTR 220 03 3.00 Microcomputer Applications

Arranged Unterseher, D

CPTR 226 01 4.00 Computer Science I

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Dickerson, G DB 303

T 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM DB 306

MATH 100 with minimum grade D- OR

MATH 111 with minimum grade D- OR

MATH 121 with minimum grade D- OR

MATH 184 with minimum grade D- OR

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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ACT Math Overall 20 OR

SAT Math Overall 480

CPTR 240 01 3.00 System Administration

TR 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM Flowers, S DB 307

CPTR 126 with minimum grade C

CPTR 320 01 3.00 Networking

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Dickerson, G DB 303

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

CPTR 126 with minimum grade C

CPTR 335 01 3.00 Web Technologies

TR 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM Barber, B DB 303

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

CPTR 226 with minimum grade C AND

CPTR 245 with minimum grade C

CPTR 424 01 3.00 Database Systems

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Dickerson, G DB 307

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

CPTR 322 with minimum grade C AND

CPTR 327 with minimum grade C

ECON 235 01 3.00 Principles of Microeconomics

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Russell, M DB 303

ENGL 111 with minimum grade D- AND

(MATH 100 with minimum grade D- OR

ACT Math Overall 20 OR

SAT Math Overall 480 OR

MATH 111 with minimum grade D-)

EDUC 125 01 3.00 Introduction to Teaching

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Bollinger, K DB 214

EDUC 225 01 1.00 Seminar in Educ Diversity:Multicult/HRT

M 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Bollinger, K DB 201

White, D

Permission by: Bollinger, K OR

Permission by: White, D

EDUC 345 01 3.00 Learning Theories and Measurement

MWF 7:30 AM - 8:20 AM Simon, T DB 202

White, D

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

((EDUC 218 with minimum grade D- AND

PSYC 215 with minimum grade D-)) OR

Permission by: Simon, T)

EDUC 357 01 2.00 Literature for Children and Adolescents

TR 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM Bollinger, K DB 202

White, D

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

EDUC 345 with minimum grade D- OR

Permission by: White, D

EDUC 416 01 3.00 Methods:Physical Education

Arranged Sylvester, M

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

EDUC 218 with minimum grade D-

EDUC 425 01 3.00 Educational Organization and Admin (K-8)

MW 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM White, D DB 202

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

EDUC 345 with minimum grade D-

EDUC 446 01 2.00 Reading Assessment (K-8)

W 4:15 PM - 5:55 PM Simpson, J DB 204

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

EDUC 345 with minimum grade D-

EDUC 458 01 4.00 Methods in Rel,Hlth,Sci,Soc Studies K-8

MTWR 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Bollinger, K DB 202

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

EDUC 345 with minimum grade D-

EDUC 465 01 3.00 Math Methods and Materials (K-8)

MW 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM White, D DB 202

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

EDUC 345 with minimum grade D-

EDUC 475 01 16.00 Student Teaching

Arranged Bollinger, K

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

EDUC 475 02 16.00 Student Teaching

Arranged Simon, T

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

EDUC 476 01 3.00 Content Reading and Writing

MW 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM Kriegelstein, J DB 215

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

EDUC 345 with minimum grade D-

EDUC 490 01 1.00 Student Teaching Seminar-Elementary

R 4:30 PM - 5:20 PM Bollinger, K DB 202

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

EDUC 345 with minimum grade D-

ENGL 080 01 3.00 Basic Skills in Grammar

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Wahlen, P DB 213

TR 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM

Corequisites: ENGL 100 LECT TOEFL Writing OR

iBT Writing OR

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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ACT English Overall Score OR

SAT Writing

ENGL 100 01 3.00 Basic Skills in English

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Wahlen, P DB 213

TR 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM

Corequisites: ENGL 080 LECT TOEFL Writing OR

iBT Writing OR

ACT English Overall Score 14 OR

SAT Writing 390 OR

ENGL 080 with minimum grade C

ENGL 100 02 3.00 Basic Skills in English

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Wahlen, P DB 213

TOEFL Writing OR

iBT Writing OR

ACT English Overall Score 14 OR

SAT Writing 390 OR

ENGL 080 with minimum grade C

ENGL 100 03 3.00 Basic Skills in English

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Wahlen, P DB 213

TOEFL Writing OR

iBT Writing OR

ACT English Overall Score 14 OR

SAT Writing 390 OR

ENGL 080 with minimum grade C

ENGL 103 01 3.00 Reading Skills

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Wahlen, P DB 213

TOEFL Reading Overall OR

iBT Reading Overall OR

ACT Reading Overall OR

SAT Reading Overall

ENGL 111 01 3.00 College Writing I

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Fitts, B DB 214

ACT English Overall Score 17 OR

SAT Verbal 430 OR

ENGL 100 with minimum grade C OR

TOEFL Writing 55 OR

iBT Writing 17 OR

SAT Writing 430

ENGL 111 02 3.00 College Writing I

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Blake, C DB 205

ACT English Overall Score 17 OR

SAT Verbal 430 OR

ENGL 100 with minimum grade C OR

TOEFL Writing 55 OR

iBT Writing 17 OR

SAT Writing 430

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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ENGL 111 03 3.00 College Writing I

MWF 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Blake, C DB 205

ACT English Overall Score 17 OR

SAT Verbal 430 OR

ENGL 100 with minimum grade C OR

TOEFL Writing 55 OR

iBT Writing 17 OR

SAT Writing 430

ENGL 111 04 3.00 College Writing I

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Morstad, J DB 205

ACT English Overall Score 17 OR

SAT Verbal 430 OR

ENGL 100 with minimum grade C OR

TOEFL Writing 55 OR

iBT Writing 17 OR

SAT Writing 430

ENGL 111 05 3.00 College Writing I

TR 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM Morstad, J DB 205

ACT English Overall Score 17 OR

SAT Verbal 430 OR

ENGL 100 with minimum grade C OR

TOEFL Writing 55 OR

iBT Writing 17 OR

SAT Writing 430

ENGL 111 06 3.00 College Writing I

MW 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM Mennard, M DB 303

ACT English Overall Score 17 OR

SAT Verbal 430 OR

ENGL 100 with minimum grade C OR

TOEFL Writing 55 OR

iBT Writing 17 OR

SAT Writing 430

ENGL 111 07 3.00 College Writing I

TR 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM Vogt, B DB 205

ACT English Overall Score 17 OR

SAT Verbal 430 OR

ENGL 100 with minimum grade C OR

TOEFL Writing 55 OR

iBT Writing 17 OR

SAT Writing 430

ENGL 112 01 3.00 College Writing II

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Morstad, J DB 204

ENGL 111 with minimum grade D- AND

(ACT Reading Overall 17 OR

SAT Reading Overall 430 OR

SAT Verbal 430 OR

TOEFL Reading Overall 55 OR

iBT Reading Overall 20 OR

ENGL 103 with minimum grade C)

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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ENGL 112 02 3.00 College Writing II

TR 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM Gildow, J DB 201

ENGL 111 with minimum grade D- AND

(ACT Reading Overall 17 OR

SAT Reading Overall 430 OR

SAT Verbal 430 OR

TOEFL Reading Overall 55 OR

iBT Reading Overall 20 OR

ENGL 103 with minimum grade C)

ENGL 112 03 3.00 College Writing II

TR 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM Cochran, T DB 205

ENGL 111 with minimum grade D- AND

(ACT Reading Overall 17 OR

SAT Reading Overall 430 OR

SAT Verbal 430 OR

TOEFL Reading Overall 55 OR

iBT Reading Overall 20 OR

ENGL 103 with minimum grade C)

ENGL 271 01 3.00 History of the English Language

MW 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM Fitts, B DB 201

ENGL 112 with minimum grade D- OR

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

HONS 112 with minimum grade D-

ENGR 111 01 2.00 Introduction to Engineering

TR 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM McNeill, S KC 242

ENGR 211 01 3.00 Statics

MWF 7:30 AM - 8:20 AM McNeill, S KC 123

MATH 184 with minimum grade C

ENGR 228 01 4.00 Electric Circuit Analysis

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM McNeill, S KC 123

Corequisites: ENGR 228 LAB MATH 184 with minimum grade C

ENGR 228 10 0.00 Electric Circuit Analysis

M 2:30 PM - 5:20 PM McNeill, S KC 123

Corequisites: ENGR 228 LECT

FNCE 215 01 3.00 Personal Finance

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Glass, J DB 302

Sophomore Level Achieved

FNCE 325 01 3.00 Business Finance

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Stahly, K DB 308

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

ACCT 212 with minimum grade D- AND

(MATH 111 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 121 with minimum grade C OR

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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MATH 165 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 184 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 221 with minimum grade C)

FNCE 330 01 3.00 Financial Institutions and Markets

TR 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM Forbes, L DB 302

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

ACCT 212 with minimum grade D- AND

(ECON 235 with minimum grade D- OR

ECON 236 with minimum grade D-)

GEOG 137 01 3.00 Introductory Geography

W 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM Kinworthy, J DB 002

GRPH 150 01 3.00 Introduction to Graphic Arts

MW 9:30 AM - 11:20 AM Forbes, B EE 202

GRPH 210 01 3.00 Page Layout

TR 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM Forbes, B EE 202

GRPH 150 with minimum grade D- OR

Permission by: Forbes, B

GRPH 252 01 3.00 Computer Design

TR 3:30 PM - 5:20 PM Nazario, S EE 202

Forbes, B

GRPH 150 with minimum grade D- OR

Permission by: Nazario, S

GRPH 401 01 3.00 Interactive Web Design

TR 5:30 PM - 7:20 PM Olson, M EE 202

Forbes, B

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

((CPTR 245 with minimum grade D- AND

GRPH 301 with minimum grade D-) OR

Permission by: Forbes, B)

HHPA 115 01 1.00 Beginning Swimming

MWF 7:30 AM - 8:20 AM Gorton, P LLC

HHPA 116 01 1.00 Leisure and Recreational Activities

MW 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Petta, N LLC

Perry, R

HHPA 145 01 1.00 Beginning Badminton

MW 2:30 PM - 3:20 PM Spaulding, R TD

HHPA 146 01 1.00 Beginning Pickleball

MW 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Petta, N TD

HHPA 149 01 1.00 Beginning Golf

TR 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM Spaulding, R LLC

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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HHPA 155 01 2.00 Concepts of Wellness

TR 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Petta, N LLC 212

Corequisites: HHPA 155 LAB

HHPA 155 02 2.00 Concepts of Wellness

TR 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Petta, N LLC 212

Corequisites: HHPA 155 LAB

HHPA 155 10 0.00 Concepts of Wellness

M 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Petta, N LLC

Corequisites: HHPA 155 LECT

HHPA 155 11 0.00 Concepts of Wellness

T 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Razo, S LLC

Corequisites: HHPA 155 LECT

HHPA 155 12 0.00 Concepts of Wellness

M 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Spaulding, R LLC

Corequisites: HHPA 155 LECT

HHPA 155 15 1.00 Concepts of Wellness

Arranged Petta, N

HHPA 215 01 1.00 Intermediate/Advanced Swimming

MWF 7:30 AM - 8:20 AM Gorton, P LLC

HHPA 217 01 1.00 Skin and Scuba Diving

Arranged Young, R LLC

HHPA 219 01 1.00 Water Safety Instruction

TR 7:30 AM - 8:20 AM Gorton, P LLC

HHPA 220 01 1.00 Healthy Eating and Fitness

MW 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Petta, N LLC 212

HHPA 155 with minimum grade D-

HHPA 235 01 1.00 Weight Training & Physical Conditioning

MW 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Razo, S LLC

HHPA 250 01 1.00 Running for Fitness

TR 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM Razo, S LLC

HHPT 129 01 3.00 Intro to Fitness & Wellness Management

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Razo, S LLC 212

HHPT 215 01 2.00 Emergency Health Care

TR 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Petta, N LLC

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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HHPT 256 01 1.00 Medical Terminology

F 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Petta, N LLC 212

HHPT 316 01 2.00 Leisure and Recreational Activities

MWF 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Petta, N LLC

Perry, R

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Petta, N

HHPT 335 01 3.00 Administration of Intramural Sports

TR 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM Perry, R LLC

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

((HHPT 235 with minimum grade D- AND

HHPT 236 with minimum grade D-) OR

Permission by: Perry, R)

HHPT 345 01 2.00 Sports Nutrition

TR 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Razo, S LLC 212

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

BIOL 111 with minimum grade D- AND

BIOL 112 with minimum grade D-

HHPT 350 01 1.00 Practicum

Arranged Petta, N LLC

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

HHPT 351 01 1.00 Practicum

Arranged Petta, N LLC

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

HHPT 356 01 3.00 Physiology of Exercise

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Razo, S LLC

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

BIOL 111 with minimum grade D- AND

BIOL 112 with minimum grade D-

HHPT 474 01 2.00 Internship

Arranged Razo, S

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

HHPT 475 01 4.00 Internship

Arranged Razo, S

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

HHPV 145 01 0.50 Varsity Sports I

Arranged Spaulding, R

Permission by: Spaulding, R

HHPV 170 01 1.00 Varsity Sports II

Arranged Spaulding, R

Permission by: Spaulding, R

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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HIST 157 01 3.00 West and the World

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Tyner, B DB 003

HIST 255 01 3.00 Early American History

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Gibson, G DB 215

HIST 349 01 3.00 Medieval Europe (WR)

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Tyner, B DB 005

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

HIST 157 with minimum grade D- OR

HIST 160 with minimum grade D- OR

HIST 161 with minimum grade D- OR

HONS 125 with minimum grade D- OR

HONS 126 with minimum grade D-

HIST 450 01 3.00 20th Century American History

MW 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM Banks, C DB 214

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

HIST 497 01 3.00 Historiography (WR)

Arranged Tyner, B

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

(HIST 157 with minimum grade D- OR

HIST 160 with minimum grade D- OR

HIST 161 with minimum grade D- OR

HONS 125 with minimum grade D- OR

HONS 126 with minimum grade D-) AND

Permission by: Tyner, B

HMNT 305 01 2.00 Arts and Ideas

TR 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Tyner, B DB 003

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

HIST 157 with minimum grade D- OR

HIST 160 with minimum grade D- OR

HIST 161 with minimum grade D- OR

HONS 125 with minimum grade D- OR

HONS 126 with minimum grade D-

HONS 126 01 3.00 Western Culture II

M 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Fitts, B DB 204

Tyner, B

Union Scholar Union Scholar OR

Permission by: Fitts, B

HONS 245 01 3.00 Freedom and Responsibility (WR)

MW 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM Robison, M DB 204

Union Scholar Union Scholar OR

Permission by: Robison, M

HONS 398 01 2.00 Research Methods

MW 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Riley, S LIB 121

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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Cochran, T

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Union Scholar Union Scholar

HONS 498 01 3.00 Honors Thesis

Arranged Allen, E

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Union Scholar Union Scholar

INRR 202 01 4.00 Emergency Medical Technician II

M 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Walter, G LS 223

Young, R

Corequisites: INRR 202 LAB INRR 100 with minimum grade D- OR

Permission by: Young, R

INRR 202 10 0.00 Emergency Medical Technician II

R 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Walter, G LS 223

Corequisites: INRR 202 LECT

INRR 210 01 3.00 Principles of Emergency Management

TR 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM Walter, G LS 214

INRR 302 01 1.00 HIV and Emerging Diseases

W 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Walter, G LS 223

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

INRR 310 01 3.00 Emergency Care I

MWF 2:30 PM - 3:20 PM Walter, G LS 223

Kent, A

Young, R

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

(((BIOL 106 with minimum grade D- OR

BIOL 111 with minimum grade D- OR

BIOL 205 with minimum grade D-) AND

INRR 100 with minimum grade D- AND

INRR 110 with minimum grade D- AND

INRR 112 with minimum grade D- AND

INRR 114 with minimum grade D- AND

INRR 116 with minimum grade D- AND

INRR 202 with minimum grade D-) OR

Permission by: Young, R)

INRR 351 01 1.00 Stress and Rescue Diving

Arranged Young, R LLC

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

HHPA 217 with minimum grade D- OR

Permission by: Young, R

INRR 420 01 1.00 IRR Preceptorship

Arranged Young, R

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Senior Level Achieved

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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INRR 482 01 3.00 Intl Devlpmnt & Cultural Integration (WR

W 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM Young, R LS 223

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Junior Level Achieved

INRR 491 01 3.00 Disaster Management and Terrorism (WR)

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Young, R LS 223

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Junior Level Achieved

LEAD 225 01 3.00 Creative Leadership

M 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Becker, L DB 308

Davis, L

LEAD 245 01 1.00 Leadership Cohort

T 5:30 PM - 6:20 PM Becker, L DB 212

LEAD 225 with minimum grade D-

LEAD 345 01 1.00 Leadership Cohort

T 5:30 PM - 6:20 PM Becker, L DB 212

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

LEAD 245 with minimum grade CR

LITR 231 01 3.00 Ancient Western Literature (WR)

TR 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM Robison, M DB 204

ENGL 112 with minimum grade D- OR

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

HONS 112 with minimum grade D-

LITR 235 01 3.00 Approaches to Lit:British & Amer (WR)

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Fitts, B DB 201

ENGL 112 with minimum grade D- OR

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

HONS 112 with minimum grade D-

LITR 348 01 3.00 Studies in British Literature (WR)

MWF 2:30 PM - 3:20 PM Fitts, B DB 205

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

LITR 231 with minimum grade D- OR

LITR 232 with minimum grade D- OR

LITR 235 with minimum grade D- OR

ENGL 236 with minimum grade D- OR

Permission by: Fitts, B

LITR 352 01 3.00 Women and Minority Writers (WR)

TR 11:30 AM - 12:50 PM Robison, M DB 212

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

LITR 231 with minimum grade D- OR

LITR 232 with minimum grade D- OR

LITR 235 with minimum grade D- OR

ENGL 236 with minimum grade D- OR

Permission by: Robison, M

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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MATH 017 01 3.00 Elementary Algebra

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Kean, L KC 240

MATH 100 01 3.00 Intermediate Algebra

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Hardt, A KC 130

ACT Math Overall 16 OR

SAT Math Overall 380 OR

MATH 017 with minimum grade C

MATH 100 02 3.00 Intermediate Algebra

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Axmaker, N KC 135

ACT Math Overall 16 OR

SAT Math Overall 380 OR

MATH 017 with minimum grade C

MATH 111 01 3.00 College Algebra

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Axmaker, N KC 230

ACT Math Overall 20 OR

SAT Math Overall 480 OR

MATH 100 with minimum grade C

MATH 121 01 5.00 Precalculus

M-F 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Axmaker, N KC 230

ACT Math Overall 20 OR

SAT Math Overall 480 OR

MATH 100 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 111 with minimum grade C

MATH 221 01 3.00 Elementary Statistics and Probability

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Osborn, K KC 130

ACT Math Overall 20 OR

SAT Math Overall 480 OR

MATH 100 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 111 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 121 with minimum grade C

MATH 221 02 3.00 Elementary Statistics and Probability

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Osborn, K KC 130

ACT Math Overall 20 OR

SAT Math Overall 480 OR

MATH 100 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 111 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 121 with minimum grade C

MATH 285 01 4.00 Calculus II

MWRF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Kean, L KC 240

MATH 184 with minimum grade C

MATH 320 01 3.00 Math Concepts for Elementary Teachers

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Kean, L KC 240

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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(MATH 111 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 121 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 184 with minimum grade C) AND

EDUC 345 with minimum grade D-

MATH 340 01 3.00 Discrete Mathematics

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Ruyle, R KC 240

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

MATH 184 with minimum grade C

MATH 385 01 3.00 Differential Equations

MWF 7:30 AM - 8:20 AM Kean, L KC 240

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

MATH 286 with minimum grade C

MRKT 327 01 3.00 Marketing (WR)

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Turk, J DB 302

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

MRKT 456 01 3.00 Marketing Research

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Fryda, S DB 303

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

COPR 241 with minimum grade D- OR

MRKT 327 with minimum grade D-

MUAP 247 01 1.00 Vocal Techniques and Materials

Arranged Little, R EW 260

MUAP 257 01 1.00 Woodwind Techniques and Materials

Arranged Brown, P

MUED 317 01 2.00 Instrumental Pedagogy

Arranged Miyashiro, K EW 102

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Miyashiro, K

MUED 327 01 2.00 Vocal Pedagogy

Arranged Little, R EW 260

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Little, R

MUED 347 01 2.00 Music in the Elementary School

TR 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Gilbert, S

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

EDUC 218 with minimum grade D- OR

Permission by: Gilbert, S

MUHL 260 01 3.00 Music in the Western World

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Miyashiro, K EW 260

MUHL 353 01 2.00 Music History III (WR)

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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TR 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM Little, R EW 260

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Little, R

MUPF 101 01 1.00 Voice

Arranged Little, R EW 106

MUPF 101 02 1.00 Voice

Arranged Deemer, L

MUPF 101 03 1.00 Voice

Arranged Gilbert, S

MUPF 101 04 1.00 Voice

Arranged Pearcy, D EW 205

MUPF 105 01 1.00 Flute

Arranged Staff EW 103

MUPF 106 01 1.00 Oboe

Arranged Staff EW 103

MUPF 107 01 1.00 Clarinet

Arranged Reeves, J EW 103

MUPF 108 01 1.00 Bassoon

Arranged Staff EW 103

MUPF 109 01 1.00 Saxophone

Arranged Brown, P EW 103

MUPF 111 01 1.00 Piano

Arranged Fabrikant, M

MUPF 111 03 1.00 Piano

Arranged Staff

MUPF 111 04 1.00 Piano

Arranged Gilbert, S

MUPF 112 01 1.00 Organ

Arranged Reid, C

MUPF 114 01 1.00 Harp

Arranged Staff

MUPF 115 01 1.00 Trumpet

Arranged Staff EW 205

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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MUPF 116 01 1.00 Horn

Arranged Staff EW 205

MUPF 117 01 1.00 Euphonium (Baritone Horn)

Arranged Staff EW 205

MUPF 118 01 1.00 Trombone

Arranged Staff EW 205

MUPF 119 01 1.00 Tuba

Arranged Staff EW 205

MUPF 121 01 1.00 Percussion

Arranged Kroon, K EW 102

MUPF 121 02 1.00 Percussion

Arranged Staff EW 102

MUPF 125 01 1.00 Violin

Arranged Nielsen, L EW 204

MUPF 125 02 1.00 Violin

Arranged Staff EW 204

MUPF 126 01 1.00 Viola

Arranged Nielsen, L EW 204

MUPF 126 02 1.00 Viola

Arranged Staff

MUPF 127 01 1.00 Cello

Arranged Grunin, E EW 205

MUPF 128 01 1.00 String Bass

Arranged Staff

MUPF 129 01 1.00 Guitar

Arranged Martinez, D EW 205

MUPF 130 01 1.00 Composition

Arranged Miyashiro, K

MUPF 175 01 1.00 Symphonic Concert Band

TR 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM Miyashiro, K EW 102

MUPF 176 01 1.00 Chamber Orchestra

T 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Miyashiro, K EW 102

R 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM EE 102

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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MUPF 177 01 1.00 Chamber Choir

TR 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM Little, R EW 260

Permission by: Little, R

MUPF 185 01 1.00 Advanced Choir (Unionaires)

MWF 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Little, R EW 260

Permission by: Little, R

MUPF 191 01 1.00 Brass Ensemble (Brass Union)

Arranged Miyashiro, K EW 102

Permission by: Miyashiro, K

MUPF 192 01 1.00 Guitar Ensemble

Arranged Martinez, D

Permission by: Martinez, D

MUPF 194 01 1.00 Keyboard Ensemble

Arranged Fabrikant, M EW 107

Permission by: Fabrikant, M

MUPF 195 01 1.00 String Ensemble (Golden Cords)

Arranged Miyashiro, K EW 102

Permission by: Miyashiro, K

MUPF 196 01 1.00 Vocal Ensemble

Arranged Little, R EW 260

Permission by: Little, R

MUPF 197 01 1.00 Woodwind Ensemble

Arranged Miyashiro, K EW 102

Permission by: Miyashiro, K

MUPF 209 01 1.00 Saxophone

Arranged Brown, P

MUPF 211 01 1.00 Piano

Arranged Fabrikant, M

MUPF 375 01 1.00 Symphonic Concert Band

TR 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM Miyashiro, K EW 102

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

MUPF 376 01 1.00 Chamber Orchestra

T 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Miyashiro, K EW 102

R 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM EE 102

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

MUPF 377 01 1.00 Chamber Choir

TR 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM Little, R EW 260

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Little, R

MUPF 385 01 1.00 Advanced Choir (Unionaires)

MWF 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM Little, R EW 260

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Little, R

MUPF 391 01 1.00 Brass Ensemble (Brass Union)

Arranged Miyashiro, K EW 102

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Miyashiro, K

MUPF 392 01 1.00 Guitar Ensemble

Arranged Martinez, D

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Martinez, D

MUPF 394 01 1.00 Keyboard Ensemble

Arranged Fabrikant, M EW 107

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Fabrikant, M

MUPF 395 01 1.00 String Ensemble (Golden Cords)

Arranged Miyashiro, K EW 102

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Miyashiro, K

MUPF 396 01 1.00 Vocal Ensemble

Arranged Little, R EW 260

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Little, R

MUPF 397 01 1.00 Woodwind Ensemble

Arranged Miyashiro, K EW 102

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Miyashiro, K

MUPF 401 01 1.00 Voice

Arranged Little, R

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

MUPF 401 03 1.00 Voice

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM Gilbert, S

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

MUPF 407 01 1.00 Clarinet

Arranged Reeves, J

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

MUTH 151 01 3.00 Theory I

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Fabrikant, M EW 206

Meier, N

Permission by: Fabrikant, M OR

Permission by: Meier, N

MUTH 161 01 1.00 Sight-Singing and Ear Training I

TR 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Miyashiro, K EW 260

MUTH 151 with minimum grade D-

MUTH 253 01 3.00 Theory III

T 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Fabrikant, M EW 206

F 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM EE

MUTH 152 with minimum grade C AND

MUTH 162 with minimum grade C

MUTH 462 01 2.00 Introduction to Counterpoint

TR 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Fabrikant, M

Meier, N

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

MUTH 254 with minimum grade D- OR

Permission by: Meier, N

NURS 204 01 3.00 Introduction to Professional Nursing

M 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM Boyd, K LLC 410

Sorter, M

W 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM

Permission by: Boyd, K OR

Permission by: Sorter, M OR

(BIOL 111 with minimum grade C AND

BIOL 112 with minimum grade C AND

BIOL 205 with minimum grade C AND

(CHEM 104 with minimum grade C OR

CHEM 151 with minimum grade C) AND

(ENGL 112 with minimum grade C OR

HONS 112 with minimum grade C) AND

MATH 221 with minimum grade C AND

PSYC 215 with minimum grade C))

NURS 208 01 6.00 Fundamentals

W 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Halley, J LLC 410

Eno, D

Sorter, M

F 9:30 AM - 11:20 AM

(Permission by: Eno, D OR

Permission by: Sorter, M OR

Permission by: Halley, J OR

(BIOL 111 with minimum grade C AND

BIOL 112 with minimum grade C AND

BIOL 205 with minimum grade C AND

(CHEM 104 with minimum grade C OR

CHEM 151 with minimum grade C) AND

(ENGL 112 with minimum grade C OR

HONS 112 with minimum grade C) AND

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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MATH 221 with minimum grade C AND

PSYC 215 with minimum grade C))) AND

NURS 305 with minimum grade C

NURS 243 01 3.00 Evidence-Based Practice (WR)

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Eno, D LLC 410

Sorter, M

NURS 204 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 208 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 305 with minimum grade C AND

(Permission by: Sorter, M OR

Permission by: Eno, D OR

(BIOL 111 with minimum grade C AND

BIOL 112 with minimum grade C AND

BIOL 205 with minimum grade C AND

(CHEM 104 with minimum grade C OR

CHEM 151 with minimum grade C) AND

(ENGL 112 with minimum grade C OR

HONS 112 with minimum grade C) AND

MATH 221 with minimum grade C AND

PSYC 215 with minimum grade C)))

NURS 305 01 3.00 Physical Assessment

M 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM Rose, E LLC 410

Krueger, V

Sorter, M

NURS 208 with minimum grade C AND

(Permission by: Rose, E OR

Permission by: Krueger, V OR

Permission by: Sorter, M OR

(BIOL 111 with minimum grade C AND

BIOL 112 with minimum grade C AND

BIOL 205 with minimum grade C AND

(CHEM 104 with minimum grade C OR

CHEM 151 with minimum grade C) AND

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

MATH 221 with minimum grade C AND

PSYC 215 with minimum grade C)))

NURS 310 01 3.00 Pharmacology

M 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM Ockenga, E LLC 428

Sorter, M

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

NURS 311 with minimum grade C

NURS 311 01 2.00 Pathophysiology I

W 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM Rose, E LLC 428

Krueger, V

Sorter, M

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

NURS 310 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 321 with minimum grade C AND

(NURS 208 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 305 with minimum grade C)

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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NURS 312 01 2.00 Pathophysiology II

M 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM Rose, E LLC 429

Krueger, V

Sorter, M

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

(NURS 311 with minimum grade C OR

Permission by: Rose, E) AND

NURS 322 with minimum grade C

NURS 321 01 6.00 Medical-Surgical I

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Todd, K LLC 428

Sorter, M

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

NURS 208 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 305 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 310 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 311 with minimum grade C

NURS 322 01 6.00 Medical-Surgical II

W 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM Fandrich, L LLC 429

Orian, N

Sorter, M

F 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

NURS 208 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 305 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 312 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 321 with minimum grade C

NURS 334 01 2.00 Gerontology

F 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM Mendenhall, R LLC 428

Sorter, M

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

NURS 310 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 311 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 321 with minimum grade C

NURS 347 01 3.00 Nursing Program Integration

M 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM Boyd, K LLC 428

Sorter, M

W 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

NURS 383 01 3.00 Mental Health

F 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM Schober, C LLC 429

Sorter, M

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

NURS 305 with minimum grade C

NURS 415 01 6.00 Maternal Child Health

MF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Boyd, K LN 122

Karges, L

Sorter, M

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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W 9:30 AM - 11:20 AM

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

PSYC 215 with minimum grade C) AND

NURS 305 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 310 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 311 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 312 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 322 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 383 with minimum grade C

NURS 423 01 5.00 Medical-Surgical III

M 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM Mendenhall, R LN 122

Sorter, M

W 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

NURS 305 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 310 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 311 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 312 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 322 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 383 with minimum grade C

NURS 433 01 2.00 Disaster Nursing

F 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM Follett, K LN 122

Sorter, M

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

NURS 243 with minimum grade C) AND

NURS 305 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 311 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 312 with minimum grade C

NURS 453 01 3.00 Management & Leadership

MW 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Golter, A LLC 430N

F 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

NURS 415 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 423 with minimum grade C

NURS 474 01 4.00 Community Health (WR)

MW 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM Follett, K LLC 430N

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

NURS 383 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 415 with minimum grade C AND

NURS 433 with minimum grade C

NURS 495 01 2.00 Transition to Professional Practice

MF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Karges, L LLC 430N

Orian, N

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

NURS 499 01 4.00 Preceptorship

F 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Golter, A LLC 430N

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

NURS 495 with minimum grade C

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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PHAS 510 01 2.00 Clinical Nutrition

M 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM Buller, M LS 214

R 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM

PHAS 511 01 5.00 Human Anatomy

MTWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Rose, F KC 157

Corequisites: PHAS 511 LAB

PHAS 511 10 0.00 Human Anatomy

R 2:30 PM - 5:20 PM Rose, F KC 157

Corequisites: PHAS 511 LECT

PHAS 514 01 4.00 Medical History & Physical Exam Skills

MWF 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM Buller, M LS 214

PHAS 515 01 3.00 Clinical Diagnostic Procedures

M 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Korf, C LS 213

W 9:30 AM - 11:20 AM

PHAS 531 01 6.00 Clinical Medicine I

MWF 7:30 AM - 9:20 AM Leonhardt, D LS 213

PHAS 539 01 3.00 Christian Health Care and Bioethics (WR)

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Holdsworth, B LS 214

PHAS 546 01 4.00 Clinical Skills I

TR 11:30 AM - 3:20 PM Korf, C LS 213

PHAS 557 01 2.00 Electrocardiography

TR 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Heidtbrink, M LS 213

PHAS 558 01 3.00 Medical Physiology

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Rose, F KC 130

PHAS 595 01 1.00 Master's Capstone Project II

M 12:30 PM - 1:50 PM Chewakin, J LS 213

PHAS 505 with minimum grade C AND

PHAS 585 with minimum grade C

PHAS 620 01 4.00 Family Practice I Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

PHAS 621 01 4.00 Family Practice II Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

PHAS 622 01 4.00 Internal Medicine Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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PHAS 623 01 4.00 Surgery Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

PHAS 624 01 4.00 Obstetrics & Gynecology Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

PHAS 625 01 4.00 Pediatrics Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

PHAS 626 01 4.00 Cardiology Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

PHAS 627 01 4.00 Emergency Medicine Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

PHAS 628 01 4.00 Orthopedics Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

PHAS 629 01 4.00 Psychiatry Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

PHAS 630 01 2.00 Elective Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

PHAS 630 02 2.00 Elective Rotation

Arranged Heidtbrink, M

PHOT 151 01 3.00 Introduction to Photography

TR 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM Forbes, B DB 201

PHYS 151 01 4.00 General Physics I

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Webb, R KC 133

Corequisites: PHYS 151 LAB MATH 111 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 121 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 165 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 184 with minimum grade C OR

MATH 221 with minimum grade C

PHYS 151 10 0.00 General Physics I

T 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM Webb, R KC 133

Corequisites: PHYS 151 LECT

PHYS 228 01 4.00 Electric Circuit Analysis

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM McNeill, S KC 123

Corequisites: PHYS 228 LAB MATH 184 with minimum grade C

PHYS 228 10 0.00 Electric Circuit Analysis

M 2:30 PM - 5:20 PM McNeill, S KC 123

Corequisites: PHYS 228 LECT

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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PHYS 251 01 4.50 College Physics I

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Webb, R KC 133

T 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM

Corequisites: PHYS 251 LAB MATH 184 with minimum grade C

PHYS 251 10 0.00 College Physics I

T 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM Webb, R KC 133

Corequisites: PHYS 251 LECT

PHYS 296 01 1.00 Research Methods I

T 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Osborn, K KC 240

ACT Math Overall 20 OR

SAT Math Overall 480 OR

MATH 100 with minimum grade C

PHYS 396 01 1.00 Research Methods III

Arranged Webb, R KC

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

PHYS 386 with minimum grade C

PHYS 496 01 1.00 Research Methods IV (WR)

Arranged Webb, R KC

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

PHYS 396 with minimum grade C

PLSC 105 01 3.00 Introduction to International Relations

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Banks, C DB 308

PLSC 258 01 3.00 Africa's Global Emergence

TR 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM Banks, C DB 308

PLSC 260 01 3.00 Latin America and the Carribean

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Banks, C DB 005

PSYC 100 01 0.50 Careers in Psychology

T 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM Gabbert, M DB 214

PSYC 105 01 3.00 Introduction to Psychology

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Gabbert, M DB 002

PSYC 215 01 3.00 Developmental Psychology

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Belcher, S DB 002

PSYC 225 01 3.00 Psychology of Religion

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Holmes-Caines, T

DB 215

PSYC 300 01 0.50 Career and Graduate School Preparation

Arranged Gabbert, M DB

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Junior Level Achieved

PSYC 311 01 3.00 Intro to Counseling Theory & Techniques

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Swift, N DB 201

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

PSYC 105 with minimum grade CR

PSYC 340 01 3.00 Research Methods I

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Holmes-Caines, T

DB 201

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

PSYC 105 with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Holmes-Caines, T

PSYC 375 01 3.00 Theories of Personality

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Gabbert, M DB 215

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

PSYC 105 with minimum grade CR

PSYC 455 01 1.00 Internship

Arranged Gabbert, M

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

PSYC 475 01 2.00 Current Issues in Psychology

W 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM Holmes-Caines, T

DB 212

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

PSYC 105 with minimum grade CR

PSYC 476 01 3.00 Senior Research Project (WR)

Arranged Holmes-Caines, T

DB 403D

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

PSYC 341 with minimum grade D-

RELB 110 01 3.00 Heroic Characters of the Bible

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Carlson, R DB 214

RELB 246 01 3.00 Sanctuary and Salvation

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Toews, T DB 215

RELB 255 01 3.00 Jesus and the Gospels

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Allen, E DB 204

RELB 348 01 3.00 Daniel (WR)

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Fetrick, B DB 214

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

RELL 171 01 4.00 New Testament Greek I

M-F 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Holdsworth, B DB 214

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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RELL 273 01 3.00 New Testament Greek III

MWF 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM Toews, L DB 212

RELL 172 with minimum grade D-

RELL 385 01 3.00 Biblical Hebrew I

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Toews, T DB 212

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

RELP 322 01 3.00 Biblical Preaching II

Arranged Fetrick, B

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

RELP 321 with minimum grade D-

RELP 336 01 3.00 Youth Leadership Practicum

Arranged Carlson, R

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

RELP 235 with minimum grade D- AND

RELP 335 with minimum grade D-

RELP 362 01 3.00 Church Leadership II

Arranged Fetrick, B

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

RELP 361 with minimum grade D-

RELP 465 01 3.00 Personal Witnessing

Arranged Fetrick, B

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

RELP 490 01 1.00 Senior Seminar

Arranged Fetrick, B

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

RELT 110 01 3.00 Intro to Christian Faith and Adventism

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Carlson, R DB 212

Fetrick, B

Permission by: Carlson, R OR

Permission by: Fetrick, B

RELT 141 01 3.00 Christian Beliefs

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Paradise, M DB 003

RELT 141 02 3.00 Christian Beliefs

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Toews, T DB 003

RELT 141 03 3.00 Christian Beliefs

MWF 10:30 AM - 11:20 AM Alomia, H DB 003

RELT 205 01 3.00 Developing the Christian Mind

MWF 8:30 AM - 9:20 AM Allen, E DB 202

Fetrick, B

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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Union Scholar Union Scholar OR

Permission by: Fetrick, B OR

Permission by: Allen, E

RELT 305 01 3.00 Christian Ethics

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Holdsworth, B DB 003

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

RELT 337 01 3.00 Christian Theology I

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Toews, T DB 212

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Toews, T OR

THEO Major THEO Major OR

RELT 141 with minimum grade D-

RELT 347 01 3.00 World Religions

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Allen, E DB 204

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

SOCI 105 01 3.00 Introduction to Sociology

MW 2:30 PM - 3:50 PM Detwieler, J DB 003

SOCI 315 01 3.00 Marriage and Family

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Gabel, J DB 201

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR

SOCI 321 01 3.00 Issues of Diversity (WR)

MWF 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM Herwick, S DB 212

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

SOCI 105 with minimum grade CR

SOWK 227 01 3.00 Human Behavior in the Social Environ I

TR 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Detwieler, J DB 215

SOWK 115 with minimum grade D- OR

Permission by: Detwieler, J

SOWK 336 01 3.00 Social Work Practice I

TR 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM Detwieler, J DB 212

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

SOWK 228 with minimum grade D-

SOWK 390 01 2.00 Research Seminar

Arranged Holmes-Caines, T

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

PSYC 341 with minimum grade D-

SOWK 437 01 3.00 Social Work Practice III

M 3:30 PM - 5:10 PM Herwick, S DB 308

Corequisites: SOWK 437 LAB ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

SOWK 228 with minimum grade D-

Union College

Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Sophomore standing and ENGL 112 or HONS 112 are required for all upper division courses

For text book information see

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SOWK 437 10 0.00 Social Work Practice III

W 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Herwick, S DB 308

Corequisites: SOWK 437 LECT

SOWK 475 01 6.00 Field Practicum

R 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Detwieler, J DB 005

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

SOWK 228 with minimum grade D-

SPAN 101 01 3.00 Beginning Spanish

MWF 11:30 AM - 12:20 PM Subiabre, D DB 214

TLCM 100 01 1.00 Bridge:Building Connections

T 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM Forshee-Sweeney, D

LIB 121

UCSM 490 01 6.00 Student Mission Service I

Arranged Carlson, R

Younkin, M

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Carlson, R

UCTF 490 01 6.00 Task Force Service I

Arranged Carlson, R

ENGL 12X with minimum grade CR OR

Permission by: Carlson, R