Couchbase 105: Realtime analytics and reporting using Couchbase with Elastic Search + Kibana, and...

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Couchbase 105: Realtime analytics and reporting using Couchbase with Elastic Search + Kibana, and...

Part I

People Love Monkeys

Lowly Code Monkey

More Experienced Code Monkey

Mighty Code Ape

Mostly Human Software Architect

@DavidOstrovskySenior Solutions Architect @ Couchbase

Co-author of:“Pro Couchbase Server” – Apress Media 2014

“Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using C#”

“Advanced Windows Store App Development Using C#”

Big data and NoSQL nerd

Part II

Doing Something Useful

What is this all about?

Couchbase + ElasticSearch + Kibana = Awesome

Why use Couchbase Server?

Document database

Scales easily

Built for performance

High throughput

Low latency

Cross-cluster replication

Why use ElasticSearch?

Fast full-text searches

Supports over a hundred languages

Geo-querying, scoring, faceting

Easy to deploy, use and scale

Huge number of plug-ins

High buzzword count

Why these two in particular?

Both use JSON documents

Complimenting strengths:

ElasticSearch for flexible search, geolocation, analytics tools, and more

Couchbase for efficient data storage and retrieval, extremely fast response times

Couchbase uses XDCR to push data to ElasticSearch

Lower latency than polling, e.g. with River


Demo time!

Common use cases

Ad-hoc querying an existing Couchbase database

Geospatial searches on data

Real-time analytics of Couchbase data


More demo time!

Kibana is a dashboard for real-time visualization of streaming data

Talks directly to ElasticSearch

Drag-and-drop dashboard construction

No coding required

Why use Kibana?

Putting it all together

A typical Couchbase-ElasticSearch deployment uses a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of nodes

ElasticSearch only stores indexed data

Source data stored in Couchbase

All CRUD operations go to Couchbase

CouchbaseElasticSearch KibanaServer ClientCouchbase



So many demos!


Connecting Couchbase to ElasticSearch and Kibana is awesome!

Lets developers and analysts focus on what each does best

Provides a resilient, scalable data storage and BI solution

Fast and inexpensive
