Correct Sentence Structure 2

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Correct Sentence Structure 2

Correct sentence structure, sentence punctuation and clarity. In the following questions, part of each item is underlined. Immediately following are four ways of writing the underlined part. Choose the best one.

Choice A repeats what is underlined; choose it if the original needs no revision.

1.  Campus parking is very limited. People only with valid stickers will be allowed to park on campus.

 A. People only with valid stickers will be allowed to park on campus.

 B. People with valid stickers only will be allowed to park on campus.

 C. People with valid stickers will be allowed to park only on campus.

 D. Only people with valid stickers will be allowed to park on campus.

2. Fishing can be relaxing and exciting at the same time. This is hard to explain to someone who has never gone fishing.

 A. Fishing can be relaxing and exciting at the same time. This is hard to explain to someone who has never gone fishing.

 B. Fishing can be relaxing and exciting at the same time. This is hard to explain. To someone who has never gone fishing.

 C. Fishing can be relaxing and exiting at the same time, this is hard to explain to someone who has never gone fishing.

 D. Fishing can be relaxing and exciting at the same time this is hard to explain to someone who has never gone fishing.

3. I plan to move off campus in the spring. If I can find a suitable apartment nearby.

 A. I plan to move off campus in the spring. If I can find a suitable apartment nearby.

 B. I plan to move off campus. In the spring. If I can find a suitable apartment nearby.

 C. I plan to move off campus in the spring if I can find a suitable apartment nearby.

 D. I plan to move off campus. In the spring, if I can find a suitaae apartment nearby.

4. My brother told my father that his car keys were on the desk.

 A. My brother told my father that his car keys were on the desk.

 B. My brother told my father, "Your car keys are on the desk."

 C. My brother John told my father that his car keys were on the desk.

 D. My brother spoke to my father and told him that his car keys were on the desk.

5. Many people develop an interest in German movies without ever going there.

 A. Many people develop an interest in German movies without ever going there.

 B. Many of us are developing an interest in German movies even though we have never gone there.

 C. Even though they like German movies, many people have never even gone on a visit there.

 D. Many people develop aninterest in German movies without ever going to Germany.

6. Whoever parked a blue station wagon in front of the building. Must move it. The car is blocking traffic.

 A. Whoever parked a blue station wagon in front of the building. Must move it. The car is blocking traffic.

 B. Whoever parked a blue station wagon in front of the building must move it. The car is blocking traffic.

 C. Whoever parked a blue station wagon in front of the building must move it the car is blocking traffic.

 D. Whoever parked a blue station wagon in front of the building. Must move it, the car is blocking traffic.

7. People have many mistaken ideas about snakes, one error is that all snakes are poisonous. Another is that snakes are slimy.

 A. ideas about snakes, one error is that all snakes are poisonous. Another is that snakes are slimy.

 B. ideas about snakes, one error is that all snakes are poisonous, another is that snakes are slimy.

 C. ideas about snakes. One error is that all snakes are poisonous; another is that snakes are slimy.

 D. ideas about snakes; one error is that all snakes are poisonous, another is that snakes are slimy.

8. Peering through my telescope, people twenty floors below were almost close enough to recognize.

 A. Peering through my telescope, people twenty floors below were almost close enough to recognize.

 B. People twenty floors below, peering through my telescope, were almost close enough to recognize.

 C. people twenty floors below were almost close enough to recognize peering through my telescope.

 D. Peering through my telescope, I saw that people twenty floors below were almost close enough to recognize.

9. My uncle is a sales representative he is on the road for weeks at a time calling on customers.

 A. representative he is on the road for weeks at a time calling on customers.

 B. representative, he is on the road for weeks at a time calling on customers.

 C. representative. He is on the road for weeks at a time. Calling on customers.

 D. representatvie. He is on the road for weeks at a time calling on customers.


Our neighbor's car needs a new muffler. Everyone on the block can hear her leaving.

 A. Our neighbor's car needs a new muffler. Everyone on the block can hear her leaving.

 B. Our neighbor's car needs a new muffler. We can hear her leaving from down the block.

 C. Our neighbor needs to get a new muffler for her car. Everyone on the block can hear her leaving.

 D. Our neighbor's (Diane Ratz) car needs a new muffler. Everyone on the block can hear her leaving.


Rebuilding the engine, our overalls were stained with grease.

 A. Rebuilding the engine, our overalls were stained with grease.

 B. Rebuilding the engine, with grease our overalls were stained.

 C. Rebuilding the engine, we stained our overalls with grease.

 D. With grease our overalls were stained, rebuilding the engine.


Because a babysitter may need to reach you in a hurry, always leave a number where you can be reached. And a forwarding number if you do not stay in that place.

 A. always leave a number where you can be reached. And a forwarding number

 B. always leave a number where you can be reached, and a forwarding number

 C. always leave a number where you can be reached, and leave a forwarding number

 D. always leave a number where you can be reached; and a forwarding number


The old house needed rewiring, which the buyers did not understand.

 A. The old house needed rewiring, which the buyers did not understand.

 B. The old house needed rewiring and the buyers did not understand.

 C. The old house needed rewiring, which was something that the buyers did not know how to do.

 D. The old house, which the buyers did not understnad, needed rewiring.


Resting comfortably, the hospital said the patient would be released next week.

 A. Resting comfortably, the hospital said the patient would be released next week.

 B. Resting comfortably, the hospital said that next week the patient would be released.

 C. The hospital, resting comfortably, said the patient would be released next week.

 D. The hospital said the patient was resting comfortably and would be released next week.


In front of us in line at the movies. I saw a woman in a coat just like mine.

 A. In front of us in line at the movies. I saw a woman in a coat just like mine.

 B. In front of us in line at the movies, I saw a woman. In a coat just like mine.

 C. In front of us in line at the movies, I saw a woman in a coat just like mine.

 D. In front of us in line at the movies. I saw a woman. In a coat just like mine.

16 Many countries require tourists to have visas before entering, therefore, always check with a travel agent before leaving on a trip overseas.


 A. entering, therefore, always check with a travel agent

 B. entering therefore always chheck with a travel agent

 C. entering; therefore, always check with a travel agent

 D. entering, therefore; always check with a travel agent


The public does not realize how difficult running for public office can be. For example, you have to expect to have every move you make scrutinized by the media.

 A. you have to expect to have every move you make scrutinized by the media.

 B. you have to expect to be scrutinized by the media.

 C. candidates must expect every move you make to be scrutinized by the media.

 D. candidates must expect to have every move they make scrutinized by the media.


Glancing out the car window. I noticed a herd of cows moving slowly across a field.

 A. Glancing out the car window. I noticed a herd of cows moving slowly across a field.

 B. Glancing out the car window. I noticed a herd of cows. Moving slowly across a field.

 C. glancing out the car window, I noticed a herd of cows. Moving slowly across a field.

 D. Glancing out the car window, I noticed a herd of cows moving slowly across a field.


People today think of pirates as being men, Anne Bonny and Mary Read, surprisingly, were exceptions. These two disguised themselves as men and lived as pirates for years.

 A. being men, Anne Bonny and Mary Read, surprisingly, were exceptions.

 B. being men; Anne bonny and Mary Read, surprisingly, were exceptions.

 C. being men Anne Bonny and Mary Read, surprisingly, were exceptions.

 D. being men, anne bonny and Mary Read, surprisingly; were exceptions.


The chef minced onions expertly explaining the need for properly sharpened knives.

 A. The chef minced onions expertly explaining the need

 B. As she minced onions expertly, the chef explained the need

 C. The chef minced onions expertly and explaining the need

 D. The chef was mincing onioins expertly explaining


The winning entry was beautifuly displayed. And well documented with beautiful pictures which added to the effect.

 A. The winning entry was beautifully displayed. And well documented with beautiful pictures which added to the effect.

 B. The winning entry was beautifully displayed; and well documented with beautiful pictures which added to the effect.

 C. The winning entry was beautifully displayed and well documented with beautiful pictures which added to the effect.

 D. The winning entry was beautifully displayed, and well documented with beautiful pictures which added to the effect.


We saw the city in the distance coming in on the train.

 A. We saw the city in the distance coming in on the train.

 B. We saw in the distance, coming in on the train, the city.

 C. The city in the dstance coming in on the train we saw.

 D. Coming in on the train, we saw the city in the distance.


The conductor walked to the center of the stage then he bowed several times.

 A. The conductor walked to the center of the stage then he bowed several times.

 B. The conductor walked to the center of the stage; then, he bowed several times.

 C. The conductor walked to the center of the stage, then he bowed several times.

 D. The conductor walked to the center of the stage, then, he bowed several times.


The pitcher threw the ball to first base. Only because he m isunderstood the signal.

 A. The pitcher threw the ball to first base. Only because he misunderstood the signal.

 B. The pitcher threw the ball to first base only because. He misunderstood the signal.

 C. The pitcher threw the ball to first base only because he misunderstood the signal.

 D. The pitcher threw. The ball to first base because. He only misunderstood the signal.