Corporate Profile - トップページ | DNP ... · Corporate Profile Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd....

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Transcript of Corporate Profile - トップページ | DNP ... · Corporate Profile Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd....


1-1, Ichigaya-Kagacho 1-chome,

Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 162-8001, Japan

Phone: +81-3-3266-2111


Corporate Profile

Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

Semiconductor photo mask Optical films used for displaysDry medium for microbial counting

Capillary patterns-forming technology

Publication printing

Master template for nanoimprinting

Residential interior materials (floor coverings)

Residential interior materials (wall coverings)

Automotive interior materials

Transparent high barrier filmsDye-sublimation thermal transfer printing media

Thermal transfer printing media

Lead frames for compact semiconductor package

Lippmann hologram

Smart cards

PET plastic bottles (left) and PET preforms (right)

Aseptic filling system for PET plastic bottles

Hybrid bookstore network that links online and in-store sales of paper and electronic books

ID photo booth

Virtual realityUniversally designed touch screens

Business Process Outsourcing Center

Household budget-tracking app

In-Mold Labeling containers

Exterior materials for building Interior coverings for railway cars (Hokuriku Shinkansen)

Battery pouches for lithium-ion battery

Self-service photo printing systems Commemorative photo boothEnergy conservation assessment system for household use

Packaging with biobased plastic On-the-Spot Paperboard POD System

E-PaperElectrode film for capacitive touch panels

PV materials

Disaster and crime prevention assistance signage using renew-able energy power generation

Cloud-based mobile payment services

Various forms of liquid paper cartons

Medical packages for patients’ daily life monitoring system

Lighting film (Left: with; Right: without)

Light dispersion film Large scale curved organic EL display-driven digital signage

Tourist information app

Anti-counterfeiting technologies

Packaging evaluation services

is indispensable tobusiness processes and consumers’ lifestyle.

We create value thatEverywhere you look

How DNP creates new value

printingBasicproce sses

Product delivery



Create layout data consisting of integrated text and image data.






Font technologies

Publishing solutions

Sales promotion design

Information design

Packaging design

Living space design

Optical design

Media conversion technologies

Image processing andrecognition

Data analysis

Information security

DNP is one of the largest comprehensive printing companies in the world. We provide a variety of products and services in a wide range of business �elds to consumers and some 30,000 corporate clients in Japan and around the globe. DNP’s main strengths are the printing and information technologies that it has cultivated since its founding in 1876. The Company has used these technologies to branch out from book, magazine and commercial printing into diverse �elds including packaging, decorative materials, display components and electronic devices, and has developed many products for which it holds the world’s largest market share.

Expanding our business fields by applying and developing printing technologies

Example of publication printing


Wrap plate around cylinder, apply ink, and perform high-speed, high-precision printing.


Collate and bind printed pages together to form books.

Binding and post-processing

Plan and design products; design every process from selecting materials and printing methods to delivery.

Project planning and design

Film making

Plate making

Process information appropriately while controlling its security

Information Processing

Applied to digital media, information security, and other fields

Etching processing Molding

Precision engraving Hologram


Form minute patterns on metal surfaces


Applied to electronics, life science and other fields


Printing Coating

EB and UV curing Vacuum deposition

Apply a thin, uniform layer of ink

Precision Coating

Combine material design with technologies like film thickness control, multi-layering, and surface processing in order to provide functionality

Bookbinding processing

Aseptic filling processing

Plastic forming

Laminating technologies

Transfer processing

Form into easy-to-use shapes


Develop aseptic filling systems and other packaging products; Realize consistent quality and improved productivity

Separate color-image into four colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) and generate a film for each (film making).Transfer the film image onto metal plates (plate making).

Digital font

Smart card

Color management LSI

A paper book, e-book, and hybrid bookstore membership card

Printing inspection equipment for printed materials

Color filter (magnified view)

Touch panel sensor

Transparent high barrier films

Photo mask

Residential interior materials (floor coverings)

Aseptic filling system for PET plastic bottles

Packaging with biobased plastic

Battery pouch for lithium-ion battery

Dye-sublimation thermal transfer printing media

Anti-reflection films

1983 Developed smart cards

1912 Released complete set of DNP’s original Shueitai font

1925 Printed the first edition of “King” magazine Established a framework for mass production

1945 Printed paper currency

1955 Printed the inaugural edition of “Kojien,” one of the most

authoritative dictionaries in Japan

1956 Printed “Shukan Shincho,” the first weekly magazine issued by a publishing company in Japan

1898 Started printing stock certificates

1877 Printed revised edition of “Self Help,” translated by Masanao Nakamura, the first book with Western-style binding made entirely in Japan using letterpress printing

1949 DNP shares listed on Tokyo Stock Exchange1951 Began “expansion printing”

1944 Launched the Technical Research Laboratory1963 Established Hokkaido Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Ltd.

2001 Announced “DNP Group Vision for the 21st Century”

2015 Announced “DNP Group Vision 2015”

1965 Started mass production of OCR ledgers

1973-74 Began full-scale production of bankbooks and cards with magnetic stripes

1951 Full-scale entry into paper containers and film packaging businesses

1952 Developed technologies for printing decorative

materials with endless patterns

1984 Began manufacturing PET plastic bottles

1969 Began production of laminated tubes

1967 Began blow molding of plastic bottles

1975 Began producing retort pouches

1976 Developed liquid paper cartons

1976 Developed aseptic filling system for coffee creamer

1972 Commercialized computerized typesetting system (CTS) in Japan

1978 Developed large-scale holograms

1985 Developed Japan’s first electronic dictionary on CD-ROM

1935 Shueisha merged with Nisshin Printing Co., Ltd. to form Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

Information Communication P.9



1959 Succeeded in producing prototypes of photo masks (original plates for making semiconductor circuits)

1964 Began manufacturing lead frames

1973 Developed color filters for imaging tubes

1985 Developed technology for producing color filters used in liquid crystal displays


Since its founding in 1876, DNP has been developing its business with one thing in mind: What can we do to make society better? The Company’s motto from the time of its founding—“Run a civilized business”—expresses the desire of DNP’s founders to contribute to the improvement of people’s lives and to the development of society. This desire has been passed down faithfully to today’s DNP. Since the 1950s, we have expanded from our original business �elds of book, magazine and commercial printing to include packaging, decorative materials, display components, electronic devices and more by promoting “expansion printing” that explores the broad potential of printing technologies. Today, we are even expanding our business into such areas as environmental preservation, energy and life science.

1996 Began producing EB-coated paper for use in decorative materials

2014 Established research facility “DNP Sumai Mirai Lab” concerned with pleasant future living

1995 Launched multilayer wiring formation technology

1999 Entered semiconductor package substrate field

2011 Developed the world’s thinnest (0.28 mm) printed circuit board with built-in components

2001 Began Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) foundry service

1983 Began production of rear projection screens

1999 Completed production line for high-density build-up boards

1998 Began selling Innovative Barrier (IB) film, a non-PVC film with excellent barrier properties

2001 Developed flexible organic EL displays

1997 Commercialized inline aseptic filling system for PET plastic bottles

2007 Developed Japan’s first packaging for Japanese-style space food

1993 Developed contactless smart cards

2005 Established and participated in Shared Security Formats Cooperation (SSFC) aimed at formulating common data formats for smart cards

2017 Enlarged network of BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) centers in Japan to 13 locations

1997 Start of online publishing business

1995 Launched “Media Galaxy” Internet service

2010 Startup of “honto” e-book sales service

2004 Developed front projection screens

2014 Developed ultra-low reflection film

2016 Annouced expanded production capacity of metal masks used for organic EL displays

2004 Introduced the photo printing KIOSK

2015 Began offering “My Number” citizen ID card application service through ID photo booths

2007 Developed printed organic photovoltaic cells

1999 Commercialized pouches for lithium-ion rechargeable batteries

2015 Developed light dispersion film for agricultural use

2015 Developed “lighting film” that brightens a room by reflecting and diffusing sunlight entering from windows

Established Shueisha(the predecessor to Dai Nippon Printing): began letter press printing

1983-85 Developed thermal transfer printing media

1961 Began printing directly onto steel plates

Lifestyle and Industrial Supplies

Electronics1958 Succeeded in producing

prototypes of shadow mask used in color television

For more than 140 years, DNP has been generating new value for the future.

1876 1950 1980 2000 2020


Tomorrow’s Basic”

“DNP has been creating “Tomorrow’s Basic.” That means developing products and services that solve challenges for corporate clients, consumers and society, whereby the solutions become such an integral part of our lives that we cannot imagine living without them.DNP will continue to generate new value for the society of the future by combining our strengths in printing and information technology, as we always have.

Today’s Innovation is

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Pay by


1234 5678 9012 3456


DNP focuses on activities that strengthen and improve the connections between businesses that provide products and services, and consumers who want to use those products and services on a daily

basis. For example, we stimulate communication between consumers and corporations both in Japanese and overseas markets by analyzing consumer needs, helping with marketing, planning and producing all types of sales promotion tools, developing and operating websites and apps, developing advertising, events and campaigns, and operating customer service centers.

Information Communication

Facilitating access to books and broadening the reading experience


As information becomes increasingly digitized and networked, and information media become increasingly diverse, consumers’ values and lifestyles have been undergoing major changes. Rather than simply responding to those changes, DNP works to generate its own changes by developing a wide range of businesses that both “deliver the information consumers want, when they want it, in optimal media formats” and “enable comfortable and highly secure communication.”

As the Japanese publishing industry’s “No. 1 partner,” DNP goes beyond the printing and binding of books and magazines that one would expect from a printing company. We handle business related to the entire content life cycle, from publication planning and production to distribution and marketing, including digital content. In addition, we continue to broaden the possibilities of the publishing culture by working with publishers and other relevant parties to generate new styles of book-reading. As an example, we created the “honto” hybrid bookstore network that sells both paper and e-books, online and through physical stores.

Adding value to all aspects of imaging, and adding color to people’s lives

Imaging Communication

“Everything to do with images” is the business field that we targeted at. DNP has been creating businesses in the imaging market by leveraging its strengths both as a manufacturer and as an information service provider. Taking advantage of DNP’s printing technologies, we provide the global market with products for printing photographs, bar codes, and other images. We will continue to develop new possibilities for consumers’ image-based communication by integrating images with information services protected by advanced security measures.

In order to bring new value to consumers and corporations

Information Innovation Marketing

During the more than 140 years since DNP’s founding, we have made a wide variety of printed products and developed many types of services that entail the safeguarding of sensitive information that belongs to consumers or corporate clients. In response to an especially rapid rise in demand for information security in recent years, we have developed

businesses like smart card manufacturing and issuance, electronic money and payment platforms, and business process outsourcing (BPO) services that provide comprehensive support for client companies. DNP makes use of its solid information security infrastructure to realize a society where people can live with peace of mind.

Using security technologies to enable safe and secure communication

Information Innovation Information Security

Total supportfor all types

of processes

Total supportfor all types

of processes


DNP’s Businesses Process Outsourcing ServicesDNP’s Businesses Process Outsourcing ServicesBusinessesand

organizations• Catalogs and brochures• Web site construction


• Direct mail• Preprinted application forms


• Document reception centers• Call centers

Collect• Confirmation of entered information• Identity verification


• Image scanning• Punch input


• Data centers• Secure warehousing


• Issuance of all types of cards• Issuance of vouchers and gift certificates


• Invoices and notifications• Electronic issuance




Lifestyle and Industrial Supplies

Food, clothing, shelter: DNP supports people’s lives on various fronts. We provide a large number of products and services, including packaging products, interior and exterior decorative materials for buildings, and energy-related products, which are indispensable to the comfort of people in their daily lives and to the operational processes of companies. We are committed to contributing to the realization of a sustainable society by promoting resource and energy conservation, universal designs that make products easy for anyone to use, and minimizing the burden that products place on the environment throughout their life cycles.

Wrapping gently and safely, providing easy-to-use packages with minimal stress on the environment


Using DNP technologies in lithium-ion batteries and photovoltaic cells

Industrial Supplies

Packaging products serve a variety of functions in addition to containing and protecting contents; for example, they may attract customers at the point of sale, make products easy to use, and give back to the Earth. The packaging business that DNP started in the 1950s has developed products and services that are essential to the daily lives of people around the world, including packaging for foods, beverages, household items and pharmaceutical products. We will continue to work hard to provide high-quality, advanced packages that are highly durable, easy for anyone to use, environmentally friendly, and, of course, do an excellent job of preserving their contents.

Many advanced products that take advantage of DNP’s proprietary materials processing technologies are highly effective at solving social issues related to our “four growth areas.” As the world’s top supplier of pouches used in lithium-ion batteries, we intend to expand applications beyond mobile devices to include, for example, electric vehicles and household-use storage batteries. In addition, we are responding to increased demand for clean energy by focusing on the development of diverse, high-performance films that control the passage of light, heat, moisture and gases, and other related products including photovoltaic module components.

Adding comfort to the various spaces where people spend time

Living Spaces

DNP develops and supplies a wide range of interior and exterior decorative products that provide new value to the various spaces where people spend their time, including homes and offices, commercial facilities and hotels, schools and medical facilities, automobiles and railway cars. In addition to offering comprehensive solutions that address the entire living-space supply chain, we aim to realize comfortable living spaces all over the world by developing products with an awareness of such factors as reducing stress on the environment, preserving human health, and increasing durability and aesthetic appeal.



DNP will continue to provide the best possible products for every size of display, from smartphones and other small, portable devices to large-scale displays used in mass transit stations, all types of public facilities, and outdoor locations. Along with making effective use of our facilities and technological strengths, we will increase cooperation with partners in order to develop new products like touch panel sensors and metal masks used for making organic EL displays, in addition to our mainstay color filters for liquid crystal displays.

Freely shaping displays to suit individuals and society

Display Components

Electronic devices enrich modern lifestyles in a variety of ways. DNP, for its part, promotes development of new products in Japan and overseas and is working to create new business models. We already supply state-of-the-art photomasks (for manufacturing semiconductors) with line widths of less than 20nm*1, and we are further developing nanoimprinting and related technologies. DNP will continue to provide a diverse lineup of products, including MEMS*2 components, that respond to demand for miniaturization and light-weighting of electronic devices.

Creating next-generation electronic devices through ingenuity at the nano level

Electronic Devices

Enabling rich expression of information by offering cutting-edge optical films

Optical films

DNP provides a wide variety of optical films that control light by making good use of our optical designs, materials development, and converting technologies for processing materials in clean room environments, etc. DNP has achieved the position of the world’s top supplier of anti-reflection films that prevent reflection on liquid crystal displays.

As we focus on developing new products like components for organic EL panels and touch panels, we must also strive to find solutions for the problem of how to simultaneously increase conflicting qualities: higher definition and higher performance versus miniaturization and light-weighting.

*1 nm (nanometer): one billionth of a meter*2 MEMS: micro electro mechanical systems

DNP will provide new value by taking advantage of the cutting-edge technologies that we have cultivated through our printing business as we respond to global advances in the Internet of things (IoT) and evolution in smartphones and other information devices. We will further refine technologies such as photolithography and nanoimprinting for forming micropatterns, and coating techniques for applying thin and uniform layers of functional materials, so that we can deliver to the consumers of the future the type of high-added value products that we have been developing for over half a century.








Patents/ Intellectual


We reformulated our Corporate Philosophy, Business Vision and Guiding Principles to point the way toward

medium- and long-term growth for DNP that will result in contributing to society.

DNP’s “Four Growth Areas”

DNP Group Vision 2015

Areas in which DNP can capitalize on its strengths in order to solve social challenges, enhance its corporate value, and contribute to society

Resolve social issues in four growth areas; Expand businesses by providing new value

Based on our competence in solutions-based, consulting-based sales and planning, DNP quickly detects new issues and proposes solutions in response to changes in the environment and/or in individual or social value systems. We do this by combining technologies and by working with people across departmental lines.

Sales and Planning

DNP’s production systems actualize innovative products that respond to market demands. We have production networks and facilities in optimal locations in Japan and other countries, and we use our efficient production lines to provide prompt and stable supplies of high-quality products that meet the needs of consumers and corporate clients.


In order to realize the most suitable solutions to the problems of a rapidly changing world, DNP’s research and development is geared toward new business creation. In addition to accumulating expertise and thinking outside the box to create new businesses, DNP is building a framework that will enable us to commercialize our ideas more quickly.

Research and Development

Knowledge andCommunication

Food and Healthcare

Lifestyle and Mobility

Environment and Energy

Supporting safer and higher-quality living and lifelong health maintenance amid changing population dynamics, including the increasing aging of society.

Supporting people’s lifestyles and fostering culture within an advanced information society by conveying valuable information reliably, safely, and in optimal formats.

Aiming to achieve greater comfort in response to increasing desire for personal space as a result of consumers’ diversifying values.

Aiming to make environmentally friendly society a reality in order to simultaneously achieve economic growth and environmental preservation.


P&I Innovations



DNP is a comprehensive printing company that delivers value to approximately 30,000 domestic and overseas client companies and consumers. DNP’s main strengths are the printing and information technologies that it has cultivated since its founding in 1876. The DNP Group has used these technologies to branch out from book, magazine and commercial printing into diverse fields including packaging, decorative materials, display components, and electronic devices. We intend to continue deepening dialogue with consumers, customers and all kinds of stakeholders to remain aware of diversifying needs and challenges, and to promote “P&I Innovations” that combine printing (P) and information (I) technologies.

The DNP Group connects individuals and society, and provides new value.


Taiwa (dialogue) and cooperation


Use P&I Innovations to expand business,

primarily around four growth areas.

















Kita kyushu























New YorkSalem

Mount Pleasant



RoissyLondon Dusseldorf

Agrate Brianza


Santa ClaraConcord

Ho Chi Minh City

Binh Duong

Pasir GudangSingapore










Johor Bahru












The DNP Group connects individuals and society, and provides new value.

DNP Ginza Building 7-2, Ginza 7-chomeChuo-ku, Tokyo104-0061 JapanPhone: +81-3-3571-5206

10, Uzumasa-Kamikeibucho,Ukyou-ku, Kyoto616-8533 JapanPhone: +81-75-871-1480

Miyata 1, Shiota Sukagawa-shi,Fukushima962-0711 JapanPhone: +81-248-79-4811

DNP Ginza Annex 7-4 Ginza 7-chomeChuo-ku, Tokyo104-0061 JapanPhone: +81-3-3574-2380

10, Uzumasa-Kamikeibucho,Ukyou-ku, Kyoto616-8533 JapanPhone: +81-75-871-1481

ggg (ginza graphic gallery) Kyoto ddd gallery

CCGA(Center for Contemporary Graphic Art) MMM (Maison des Musées du Monde)

DNP Kyoto Uzumasa Cultural Heritage Gallery

The DNP Groupprovides society with what individuals need,provides individuals with what society needs.

DNP’s most important mission is to remain a company that can always be fully trusted by its various stakeholders. We will work to improve our credibility by carefully responding to each of the expectations of our various stakeholders, and by fulfilling the following “three responsibilities.”

Three Responsibilities

Value creation

Providing new value to society

Integrityin conduct


Practicing fairness and impartiality as

we create value

Being a company that is accountable

and highly transparent

Japan Sales offices Production plants

Name:Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

Head office:1-1, Ichigaya-Kagacho 1-chome,Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 162-8001, JapanPhone: +81-3-3266-2111URL:

Established:October 1876

Incorporated:January 1894 

President:Yoshitoshi Kitajima

Paid-in capital:¥114,464 million

Annual net sales:¥1,410,173 million (consolidated)¥976,797 million (parent company only)

Consolidated operating income:¥31,411 million

Consolidated ordinary income:¥36,740 million

Consolidated net income:¥25,226 million

Number of employees:38,808 (consolidated)10,800 (parent company only)

Corporate Philosophy

Today’s Innovation is “Tomorrow’s Basic”

Brand Statement

Sales offices・Production plants (As of June 2017)

Being a company that is trusted by society

DNP’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Profile(As of March 2017)

Art Galleries

Worldwide Sales offices in 16 countries and a region Production plants in 7 countries and a region


1-1, Ichigaya-Kagacho 1-chome,

Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 162-8001, Japan

Phone: +81-3-3266-2111


Corporate Profile

Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.