CORONAL POLISH. Coronal Polish Not a Prophylaxis Part of a prophy. NO scaling! Tartar / Calculus...

Post on 18-Jan-2018

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Coronal Polish Removing..? Soft deposits Food debris Plaque  Colonies of bacteria Stain Extrinsic  Outside of the tooth. Food Drink Tobacco

Transcript of CORONAL POLISH. Coronal Polish Not a Prophylaxis Part of a prophy. NO scaling! Tartar / Calculus...


Coronal Polish Removing..?

Soft deposits Food debris Plaque

Colonies of bacteria Stain

Extrinsic Outside of the

tooth. Food Drink Tobacco

Crown of the tooth. Clinical crown

Part of the tooth you ‘see’ w/ looking in the mouth.

Polish the clinical crown.

Including exposed root surface.

Anatomical Crown? Part of tooth covered

w/ enamel

Indications/Contra-indications Indications

Plaque present Stain

Extrinsic Fluoride absorption Sealant placement Placement of Ortho

appliances Encourages good oral


Contra-indications / modifications. Bleeding/sensitive

gums Ortho appliances

present Hypersensitive teeth Cold sores No ‘pre-med’ No plaque/stain

Stains Extrinsic

Outside of the tooth Intrinsic

Inside of the tooth. Endogenous

Before eruption Exogenous

After eruption All extrinsic stains

are exogenous.

Extrinsic stain

Intrinsic stain

Stain examples Extrinsic

Food Coffee / Tea Tobacco Green stain.

Mold Orange / yellow /

brown stain Black line stain Chlorhexidine stain

Rx mouth rinse

Intrinsic Fluorosis Tetracycline

Antibiotic Necrotic pulp

Trauma RCT Amalgam stain Genetics

Dentinogenesis imperfecta

Picture is worth a 1000 words….

Frictional Heat Heat generated by:

2 moving objects rubbing together

1moving object rubbing against a stationary object.

Controlled by. Time Speed Pressure Dryness

Lack of moisture Type of abrasive

material Coarse vs. fine

Amount of abrasive material

Polishing Slow/low speed hp

Right angle / prophy attachment

Fulcrum Intraoral Extraoral

Start in the post. Buccal or lingual Work towards anterior

teeth Repeat on opposing


Stroke Start at gums

Move towards occlusal / incisal surface.

Slow – even speed. Overlapping

Like mowing your lawn.

3 strokes per tooth. Guideline More or less to clean

the surface of the tooth

Associated Vocabulary Words (not every one on the list!) Supragingival

Above the gums Subgingival

Below the gums Bridge threader

Aids in flossing under fixed appliances

Interdental papilla Point of gums between

the teeth.

Interproximal brush Cleans between the

proximal surfaces. Mesial Distal

Prophy brush Used to clean

Around ortho Pits and fissures Instead of a prophy


Things to remember Maintain professional

standards. Never diagnose! Always review and

check medical Hx. Be aware of

Infection control Asepsis Cross-contamination

Ask for help w/ needed. Fulcrum, Fulcrum, Fulcrum! Ask questions if unsure

of what you are doing.

Coronal polish will be demonstrated in the lab.


Coronal polish is a treatment. You are the provider. Make sure you understand

Different types of stains. When they occur Where they occur

Indications and of course… Contra-indications.

Any Questions????