Copyright 2017...MOST IMPORTANT: Eat every 3 hours, 5-6 meals per day. Don’t go longer than 3...

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Transcript of Copyright 2017...MOST IMPORTANT: Eat every 3 hours, 5-6 meals per day. Don’t go longer than 3...

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Welcome to my Healthy Eating Starter Guide.

When I was starting my journey to lose fifty pounds, I didn’t know where to start or what really worked.

Unlike some of my friends, I was never the “dieting type.” That just sounded miserable and limited to

me. I love food far too much to restrict myself. I knew if I really wanted lasting results, I would have to

make a healthy lifestyle change. I started this journey when I was still in college, so most of what I’ve

learned has been through trial and error. There weren’t near the resources then that we have today.

When I was starting, I committed to working out just three days per week. I didn’t want to burn out.

I soon learned that nutrition determines 80-90% of our results. By just limiting both going out to eat and

drinking alcohol, the pounds and inches started dropping.

Once I eventually lost the fifty pounds, I started really studying healthy nutrition and portion sizes. I

really wanted to see what my body could do given the exact nutrients it needed.

It took me years to figure out the knowledge in this e-book. My hope is that you take what I learned and

implement it into your life to get fast results.

Just remember, it’s not an “all or nothing” mentality. You can still have foods you love in moderation. I

have a feeling your body will start craving nutritious food once you develop healthy habits like I did.


Love, Kelsey

Disclaimer: This is a generic meal guide. For a specific meal plan to meet your macros and goals, I will be happy to recommend a certified nutritionist.

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Don’t diet. Eat for your goals. Food is FUEL, not entertainment. That was a tough lesson for me to learn. My life once revolved around food and happy hours. I was also 50 pounds heavier. While it’s okay to enjoy treats you love, you have to find that moderation for yourself. It’s also smart to choose treats that don’t send you into a downhill spiral.

Don’t be afraid of food. Eating the right foods frequently will actually speed up your metabolism and burn fat. We are not restricting carbs or “dieting” here. We are learning how to eat for life.

If you grasp one thing from my plan, I hope it is this:

Eating every 3 hours, at least 5 meals per day will speed up your metabolism. You must do this in order to be successful with the program. I have been eating this way for years and it works like a charm. I have seen people of all ages succeed with this type of meal plan. However, eating the right types of food and portion sizes is key to reaching your goals.

Recommendation: Buy a digital food scale and use measuring cups to weigh food. This is so important to your success. You can hold or gain weight if you under-eat or over-eat.

Rules for Success with Fat Loss:

1. MOST IMPORTANT: Eat every 3 hours, 5-6 meals per day.

Don’t go longer than 3 hours between meals. Eat 5 meals minimum for best results. You can eat every 2.5 hours if

you want, but if you are hungry every 2 hours, it probably means you aren’t eating enough and it’s time to increase

your portion sizes.

2. Each meal should consist of a lean protein, carbohydrate and veggie. Add in healthy fats in moderation. Try to

eat vegetables almost every meal. They keep you feeling full longer.

3. Track your sugar intake. I recommend keeping your daily sugar intake under 50 grams in order to stay successful

with your goals. Do not count sugar that occurs naturally in fruit or vegetables. I do not recommend drinking juice,

as it typically has lots of added sugar.

4. Stay hydrated – 100-128 ounces of water per day. Tea and coffee are fine, too.

Note: If you are not accustomed to eating much throughout the day, this will be a big change for you and it will

seem like a lot of food at first. I have been there. You have to trust the process.

The faster you create this new habit, the faster you will lose weight, tone up and see results. Trust me on this. If

you are starting out, work your way up to five meals a day during the first few weeks. Your body will start to feel

hungry. Consistency is everything and you determine your results.

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit


If you find yourself constantly having cravings, it’s most likely because you are not eating enough during the day.

Also, if you’re struggling with sugar cravings, just remember this: YOU CRAVE WHAT YOU CONSUME. It doesn’t

mean you can’t have that cupcake on the weekend, but just be aware you might fight some cravings for a few days

after. If it’s “that time of the month” I might have a few bites of dark chocolate and that usually does the trick.

Keeping your meals on point will solve your cravings problem if you eat enough as discussed in this e-book. I used

to be the world’s worst about ordering a sugar drink, a meal AND a dessert at a restaurant. Once I took control of

my nutrition all that changed.


If you are just starting out, I would start measuring your food using this method. You don’t want to get

overwhelmed and quit. I want you to stick with this. In the beginning of my journey, I wouldn’t have stuck with

anything that required calorie or macro counting. That’s why I give you this simple way to start off if you’re

wanting to keep things easy and be successful with your goals. However, if you have done the “eyeball” method

and you aren’t seeing results, I would definitely buy a digital food scale and start weighing your portions.

Each meal should consist of the following:

• Protein the size of your palm

• Complex carbohydrate the size of your fist

• A serving of vegetables the size of one to two cupped handfuls (when possible)


• Add one to two cupped handful size portions of healthy fat per day

Another Option:

• A meal replacement shake (limit to twice per day)

Calculating Calories: The best way to determine the calories your body needs for training is to take your goal weight and multiply it by 10. Then add 300-400 calories for training. For example, if your goal weight for this month is 120 pounds, take 120 x 10 = 1,200. 1,200 calories is what your body needs to function. Then add 300 to 400 more calories for training, which brings us to 1,500 - 1,600 daily calories needed.

If you do not want to lose weight and just want to maintain your weight to build muscle and get leaner, just use your current weight multiplied by 10, then add 300 - 400 calories for training. For example, I weigh 145 and I’m happy at that weight. 145 x 10 = 1,450 + 400 = 1,850 calories needed per day.

Note: that doesn’t mean to go out and eat junk food every 3 hours, the quality of your calories makes the biggest difference. Remember, you cannot out train a bad nutrition plan.

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Don’t Weigh Yourself Weighing yourself constantly can get discouraging. I can gain/lose five pounds in a week from sodium intake alone. Scale weight can be misleading. Do not let the number on the scale determine your progress.

Fact: when going on a restrictive diet, you can lose muscle which will reflect a number decrease on the scale. This is not what you want. It’s better to lose fat and inches. That way you are toned and smaller.

See these photos? I weighed 140 pounds in both photos. However, the difference in body fat was 24% (left) and 15% (right). That’s a difference in a size 10 jeans and a size 4. This is a result of healthy eating and consistent training for 3-4 months. Muscle takes up less space than fat. I hope these photos show you that obsessing about the scale is not worth it. During this transformation, if I had weighed myself daily, I might have gotten discouraged and quit.

If you “do your time” and focus on your nutrition, you will see results. I promise! This transformation was possible with healthy eating (every 3 hours, 5 meals a day) all week with one treat meal on the weekend.

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Check out the schedule below. This is an example of how to time your meals. If you are not accustomed to this meal frequency, it may take some time to ease into it. I know when I started eating every few hours, I constantly felt “full.” I started out eating four meals, then a week or two later, adding a fifth meal.


Set a timer on your phone for every 2.5 hours. That way you know you have 30 minutes to eat.

Plan ahead – meal prepping and meal replacement shakes & bars are the easiest way to stick with it.

Journal – Write your meal times and portions in a planner. This helps you have a realistic view of how well you are actually doing. Our memories can deceive us. If you are not seeing progress in 2 weeks, you can look back and actually see how well you ate.

Try to eat within 30-60 minutes of waking in the morning. If you’re a coffee drinker, eat before you have coffee. It’s a natural diuretic and can suppress your appetite. This is not good for fat loss.

What to Eat and How Much

To succeed in this program, you must focus 100% on nutrition. If you are not accustomed to eating

frequently, set an alarm on your phone to remind you. Frequent eating (with the right portions) will

increase your metabolism. This is the MOST important part.

The goal is to eat every 3 hours, 5 meals a day.

Aim for 20-25g protein and carbs per meal. Add in veggies when possible.

Choose a lean protein and carb at each meal with healthy fats in moderation.

Drink 100 – 128 ounces of water per day.

Keep sugar intake under 50g per day, not counting sugar in fruits or veggies.

Aim for only 1 cheat meal per week or every other week.

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Choose one of the following categories from the grocery list above for each meal. Mix things up to keep

yourself from getting bored! If you are hungry after meal 5, feel free to add a meal 6.

Meal 1: A, B, D

Meal 2: A & B or A & E

Meal 3: A, B, C – (1 tablespoon of fat)

Meal 4: A, B, D

Meal 5: A, B, D & C - (1 tablespoon of fat) (15g of carbs only)

Meal 6: A, D (optional)

Note: IsaLean meal replacement shakes and bars count as a full meal so no need to add anything

additional. Fruit: limit fruit to one serving per day.

Portion Sizes: Aim for 20-25g of protein and carbs per meal. I like to keep my meals under 6-8g of fat, unless I’m

adding a healthy fat (see above in reference to column E). A good serving size of healthy fat is

approximately 1-2 tablespoons of nut butter or oil or 1 ounce of nuts.

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit


Here are some quick reference portions that will help make your life easier. Be sure to use a digital food

scale and measuring cups to make sure you are eating enough or not over eating. Weigh most food after

cooking except oatmeal and grits.

Protein Portions: (20-25g)

Eggs: 4-5 egg whites or ¾ cup liquid egg whites

Meat: 4-5 ounces

*Note: for any other protein source, aim for 20-25g of protein per meal.

Carbohydrate Portions: (20-25g)

Baked potato, sweet potato or hash browns: 4-5 oz

Rice or beans: ½ cup – ¾ cup

Corn tortillas: 2

Oatmeal: ½ cup (measured dry)

Grits: ½ cup or 1.5 packages

Bread: 1-2 slices

1 Medium apple (25g carbs)

1 banana (27g carbs)

1 cup blueberries (21g carbs)

Note: You can google search any food “how many carbs in _____” and add items to your cheat sheet.


You can get veggies unlimited except for peas and corn. You need to measure those out for your carb

portion because they are more carb-dense. Also, edamame is a bean so be sure to measure those out as



To determine the number of calories you need, take your goal weight x 10. Then add 300 extra calories

for training. Since I train consistently about five days per week, I typically eat the same number of

calories daily.

Macronutrients aka Macros:

You are welcome to track your macros in an app like MyFitnessPal. Many people love tracking macros

daily, while it overwhelms others. I personally do not track macros daily or even weekly. However, it is a

good idea to do it for a few days to get an idea of where you could be over-or-under eating.

Note: If you want to track your macros, stick to a 40-40-20 (40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat) plan or

40-30-30. If you want to get your nutrition down to a science, you can figure out how much protein,

carbs and fats you need daily. Here is an online macro calculator to help you get started.

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit


Many people seem to be afraid to eat carbs. We actually need complex carbs for energy. Simple carbs

like candy, chips, ice cream, white bread, white pasta, etc are those we want to limit. Your body burns

MORE CALORIES when you eat COMPLEX CARBS. Yay! Choose a carbohydrate from my food list to stay



It is not necessary or realistic to cut out sugar. Keep your sugar intake under about 50 grams daily to stay

successful with your weight loss goals. Not sure where you fall? Track your intake for a few days. You

don’t have to count sugar found naturally in fruits or veggies. Everything else counts!

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Before I became a mom, meal prep was a breeze! I had

plenty of time to cook my healthy meals for the week.

However, once our little girl arrived, I found myself

struggling. Eat every three hours? Please! I was doing

good to brush my teeth daily with a newborn at home.

You mamas know what I’m talking about!

I am grateful for a friend who introduced me to an all-

natural product line by Isagenix that made my meals

effortless and quick. I have been referring this product

line to friends and family ever since! Can you say #BusyGirlsBestFriend?

The products have no artificial sweeteners (like sucralose), no soy, gluten-free and the protein is

undenatured (highest quality). I even let my daughter, who is now a toddler, share a shake or bar with

me. The shakes and bars are cheaper than meal prep

and way cheaper than going out to eat. You can’t

beat spending under $3 a meal.

If you order shakes and bars, I recommend the

following amounts to get you through a month.

Shakes: 4 Canisters or boxes (drink 2 shakes per day)

(Each container has 14 meals)

Bars: 3 boxes (1 bar per day)

(Each box has 10 meals)

Note: All products come with a 30-day guarantee, so if you’re not in love with a flavor, send it back and

exchange it or get your money back.

To enroll as a Preferred Customer, go to and click “sign up and save.”

Shakes are in the “weight loss” section and bars are in the “snacks & mini meals” section.

The annual wholesale membership fee for Isagenix is $29. It pays for itself in one trip to the grocery

store. My family saves close to $250 a month.

Dairy-free shake and bar options are available as well.

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

My favorite flavors are:

Shakes – chocolate, strawberry and dairy-free chocolate.

Bars – lemon passion crunch, chocolate decadence and dairy-free chocolate peanut butter.

As far as supplements go, I would stay away from fat burners & carb blocker type products. Check out

the next page for recommendations based on what I use personally.

I love the Amped Recover BCAA drink mix to help with soreness and muscle recovery after lifting

weights. It’s yummy!

Amped Hydrate is a healthier form of sports drink without all the extra sugar. This is great for

helping you maintain electrolytes during and after training.

I love that these shakes and bars for safe for pregnant and breastfeeding mamas. As a rule for

any moms-to-be, I would send any labels in question to your doctor for approval.

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Note: the “see recipes” refers to the recipe book on my website.

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Copyright 2017 – Kelsey Byers Fitness, LLC. – Visit

Health, Sleep & Stress Solutions:

Many times if your body is stressed, you could have trouble

sleeping, which can also affect weight loss. When we are

stressed, our cortisol levels are increased. These products are

some my favorite to help with sleep and stress. You can also

find Melatonin at your grocery store.

Ionix® Supreme – is a nutrient-rich drink with an Adaptogen

blend designed to deliver energy and stamina support. It’s a

natural stress-relief and helps with mental clarity. I call this

“happy mommy juice.” I love to drink this as a tea at night.

Sleep Spray

I love this non-habit forming melatonin sleep spray. It’s perfect for travel and I

personally notice improved sleep quality when I use melatonin.


Do you have trouble getting in the minimum of five servings of veggies a day? I love

these greens for that purpose. These have antioxidants and phytonutrients to

promote overall health.


Every woman and man should invest in a great multivitamin for daily

use. These vitamins support bone, heart and breast health.

These solutions and more can be found at

Thank you for reading my nutrition and wellness guide. Everything you put in your body counts. You get

out what you put into it, so choose wisely.

For any questions, email

Thank you, Kelsey