Copenhagen keynote service desk future presentation barclay rae

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Transcript of Copenhagen keynote service desk future presentation barclay rae

The future of the

Service Desk

Service Desk 2014Copenhagen

Agenda Service Desk résumé The real issues Service Catalogue The Elephant in the Service Desk Service Desk Technology Practical Tips Service Desk Futures Questions

Service Desk résumé

Service Desk 2014Copenhagen


Service Desk evolution 80s call centre growth IT Helpdesks set up to reduce licence costs Initially ‘poor relation’ in IT ‘un-helpful’ desk’ Given little support by IT colleagues Growth of ITIL/ITSM and Service Management industry Improved recognition, salaries, status


Service Desk quotes ‘Service Desk of the Future’ ‘Quiet, proactive places’ – IBM 1990 ‘We’re still facing the same issues’ ‘Changes are made but not embedded’ ‘We’ve moved forward but the world moved around us’ ‘Still have issues with respect and acknowledgement’ ‘CIOs still think that ITSM/ITIL is just about Service Desk’

Service Desk Challenges Consumerisation BYOD Cloud and new IT models IT image and relevance ITIL process legacy Less need for ‘break fix’ Still seen as the poor relation in IT Too many poor outsourced Service Desks

Service Desk issues

Service Desk 2014Copenhagen

A Service Desk valued…

Is the shop front / flagship for your organisation

Is an engine for service quality and improvement

Manages customer experience, expectations and service improvement

Shows that customer experience is understood and valued

Service Desks…Failing

Not ‘joined up’ to the organisation they work for

Focussed on incident processing rather than customer experience

Over-focussed on SLAs and KPIs – or the wrong ones

Not embracing new technologies and ways of working


Invest in the Service Desk


Invest in the Service Desk

If you don’t ‘invest’ in SD…

In people, skills, resources, empowerment. management time, quality control, training, tools, communications, marketing – then you are:

Missing a huge opportunity to manage your customers expectations and the view of your service

Missing huge opportunities to optimise the quality and efficiency of your overall IT services, and

Basically demonstrating that you don’t understand how to manage a customer service, or simply don’t care about it

Customer Experience *

* SITS, SDI Cherwell White Paper 2014

Customer Experience

Customer Experience

Customer Experience

Risks of no CX Strategy Customer dissatisfaction if the experience is poor the reputation and

perception of IT will suffer Customers go elsewhere it is becoming simpler and easier for customers

to by-pass IT Missing real business needs by not supporting key business requirements

and priorities IT can inhibit innovation and differentiation Missing opportunities to develop a lack of focus on the end-to-end

experience removes perspective and opportunities to grow Unable to deliver value when IT struggles unable to articulate and

demonstrate actual value to the business Cost risk wasting resources and money through ineffective and bad


Service Desk Triangle

Service Desk

IT Department


ITSM Geometry

Service Desk

IT Department

Customers Problem



User View


Business View




Service Desk

ITSM engine

Service Catalogue


Service Catalog

Service Desk 2014Copenhagen

Catalog – menu?

Key points

•Service Catalog (SC) is not one single document or tool•SC has a number of stakeholders and outputs, so can be manifest

in many forms•The value is achieved from engaging with IT customers and IT

departments – to work towards demonstrably common goals•Customers should be engaged to discuss service improvement, not

SLAs or Service Catalogs•This (SLM) is a process and approach rather than a single

document or tool - which is what tends to be focussed on. 'Service Catalog'.

Service Structure

Metric ‘Bundles’

Metric What Threshold Weighting

Telephony ABR/AHT/ATR ABR<5%AHT<5 minATR<2 min


Incident logging SLA Key apps – HR + Payroll apps+ Email

99.8% Service Hours


Incident resolution SLA Weekly review Target 90% 20%

Agent efficiency Weekly review Target 90% 10%

Customer satisfaction Month end billing 100% availability


Efficiency/scheduling Internal metrics % targets 10%



Metric What Threshold Weighting

SLA Incident/fix <5 per week 20%

Availability Key apps – ERP + Email 99.6% Service Hours


Customer Satisfaction Weekly review Target 85% 25%

NPS/KCI Weekly review Target 75% 10%

Key Metric – Moment of truth

Key time availability 100% availability




Metric ‘Bundles’


Service Desk 2014Copenhagen


So What’s holding you back?

Why isn’t Service Desk more valued?

The Elephant in the Service Desk

The real and obvious issue that nobody talks about…

Sorry to say, but…

Too often the Service Desk is:

Ignored, forgotten, excluded By-passed Undervalued Patronised Brought in too late Not seen as a real part of IT – all by IT!

ITSM Elephants

Service Desk Manager ElephantManaging the triangle…

Key Role Management, delegation Communications, marketing, sales Negotiation, facilitation, diplomacy Operational control and People skills

Service Desk

IT Department


The ITIL Elephant

The ITIL Elephant Silver bullet expectations:

‘Training will change the organisation’ ‘Processes and documentation will sort it’

Governance and enforcement of working practises? Acceptance across teams? Practical guidance? Process silos?

The Software Elephant Expectations Being realistic about planning Clarity on objectives The tool gives us ‘ITIL’, right? Rip and replace …? Start with Services..!

The Culture Elephant Acceptance of working practises Governance? management! Teamwork Not just the Service Desk Respect

Living with the Elephants The right manager The right team Customer Experience Code of conduct Teamwork Management and Leadership Open and positive culture

Service Desk Technology

Service Desk 2014Copenhagen

The market

Vibrant and (still) growing Many new features and areas of work Embracing new technologies and new commercial

models Wakened up… Lots of commercial activity – replacements New business areas – Outside IT.. ... Non-IT driving innovation

Improving the customer experience: Automation of IT and business processes Self service + Self help Chat + Social + Mobile ‘Shift left’ / greater first time fix Incident avoidance Higher service availability Faster response and fix Easy to do business with Accessible, approachable


Customer profiling Last good/bad experience IT literacy/maturity Online request and provisioningReporting and visibility - internal Knowledge and crowdsourcing Team response and fix rates Problem visibility Breach alerts, bounce alerts System and service availability SLA/OLA performance, trends


Reporting and visibility - external Business performance Service bundle reporting (SLA/Availability, /CSAT/NPS/MOT) Consumption, Supply Demand Simple RAG DashboardsTechnical Discovery tools ‘Codeless’ interfaces Real time workflow/process admin Integrations


Practical tips

Service Desk 2014Copenhagen


Build a SD code of conduct Get in control of statistics Make SD an aspirational team Spread the ‘Customer Experience’ message Be clear on basic rules and goals - give people

flexibility to excel Show the Service Desk the bigger picture


Get the department on-side get or take authority Get the CIO to spend time on the Service Desk Avoid all temptation to factionalise/blame Communicate and promote success Make tools + processes work for you Be positive and constructive

Service Desk Futures

Service Desk 2014Copenhagen

Service Desk Futures

Supporting people not just technology

Human to Human

H2H - not B2B or B2C

Service Desk Futures

Arranging Fixing Innovating Co-ordinating Supporting Managing Chasing

Curating Transitioning Reporting Meeting Improving Personalising Leading – by


Service Desk Futures

Managing the Customer Experience…


Influence, example, communications, facts, relationships

Customer Experience Business Outcomes

Outcomes over outputPrinciples over process

Thank you for listening!


BrightTALK CH 9885@barclayrae