CoPack was funded by the European Commission’s

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Transcript of CoPack was funded by the European Commission’s

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

CoPack was funded by the European Commission’s

Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme.

This document is published under a Creative Commons

Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.

For more information on CoPack, please contact:

Mr Jukka Tikkanen

Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Metsäkouluntie 90660 Oulu


+358 10 2723 290

Ms Arja Maunumäki

Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Metsäkouluntie 90660 Oulu


+ 358 10 2722 779


Table of Contents

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4

6-3-5 Brainwriting .................................................................................................. 5

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) ............................................................................. 7

Analytic Network Process (ANP) ............................................................................. 10

Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) ........................................................................... 12

CATWOE ............................................................................................................. 16

Discourse-based Valuation .................................................................................... 19

Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) ................................................................... 21

Mesta ................................................................................................................. 25

Nominal Group Technique (NGT) ............................................................................ 28

Scoring methods .................................................................................................. 30

Stakeholder Analysis ............................................................................................ 32

Visioning and Pathways ........................................................................................ 36

Voting methods ................................................................................................... 38

World Café .......................................................................................................... 42



This manual gives an overview of selected methods for collaborative planning. It is

part of the CoPack toolkit for collaborative planning as presented on the website

The introduction is not complete yet. It will contain some additional text and tables

on how to select methods.

As of 17.12.2012, fifteen methods have been included. Another 11 methods are still

to come.

CoPack Methods Manual 6-3-5 BRAINWRITING

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

6-3-5 Brainwriting

6-3-5 Brainwriting is a group creativity technique based on the concept of

brainstorming. The aim is to generate 108 new ideas in half an hour. The

method is suitable for a moderate number of participants.

Scope of application

Problem structuring and solving.

Method description

6-3-5 Brainwriting (also known as the 6-3-5 method or method 635) is a group

creativity technique traditionally used in marketing, advertising, design, writing and

product development. It was originally developed by Professor Bernd Rohrbach in

1968. It has similarities with brainstorming methods but starts with each person

writing down their thoughts and ideas first instead of an open discussion. In a similar

way to brainstorming, it is not the quality of ideas that matters but the quantity.

1. Participants are divided into small groups of 3-8. The ideal number is 6.

2. The session starts with a clear presentation of the problem/question to be

answered. The problem has to explained, so that every participant really

understands what they are working on.

3. Each participant writes down 3 solutions/ideas on the provided brainwriting

sheet in 5 minutes (see Table 1).

Table 1: An example of a brainwriting sheet

Name Idea/solution 1 Idea/solution 2 Idea/solution 3








4. The sheets of paper are exchanged so that other participants can further

develop/expand the original three solutions/ideas or provide completely

unrelated new ideas. The exchange of papers continues until everyone in the

group has gotten a chance to see each of the three original solutions/ideas and

contribute to the document.

5. In half an hour 6 (6 people) x 3 (3 ideas) x 6 (6 exchanges) = 108

solutions/ideas in total can be gathered (note that the number of ideas, number

of people and time limits can all be variable).

6. In the next step the gathered ideas/solutions are reviewed. Everyone can choose

1-3 most interesting ideas on their own brainwriting sheet for further discussion.

The chosen ideas can be written down on pieces of paper and attached to a wall

so that everyone can see them. Any exact duplicates are eliminated, but all the

variations or extensions of the solutions/ideas are kept.

7. A discussion starts with everyone shortly presenting in turn their most

interesting ideas/solutions. At this point discussion can and should be


8. A consensus should be reached to pursue some of the most promising ideas

further. Some type of voting can be arranged.


Easy for facilitator and participants.

Exchange of knowledge and opportunities to develop ideas.

Everybody gets to express their opinions.

A large quantity of ideas doesn’t guarantee their quality.

Some participants may find it difficult to express themselves in writing.


Rohrbach, Bernd 1969: "Kreativ nach Regeln – Methode 635, eine neue Technik zum

Lösen von Problemen". Creative by rules - Method 635, a new technique for solving

problems first published in the German sales magazine "Absatzwirtschaft", Volume

12 and 19.

More information about 6-3-5 Brainwriting

A short (5 min) video about the 6-3-5 method of brainwriting can be found on


CoPack Methods Manual AHP

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is a numerical decision analysis

method. In natural resources planning, AHP has been mainly used for discrete-

choice problems. AHP is most suitable when the number of planning

participants, decision criteria and decision alternatives is quite low (less than 10

per hierarchy level). There are many decision-support computer programs

available to perform the necessary calculations.

Scope of application

Problem structuring and solving.

Method description

The method is based on mathematics and psychology and was developed by Thomas

L. Saaty in the 1970s and has been extensively studied and refined since then

(Saaty, 1977). Rather than resulting in a ‘correct’ decision, the AHP helps decision

makers find one that best suits their goals and their understanding of the problem. It

provides a comprehensive and rational framework for structuring a decision problem,

for representing and quantifying its elements, for relating those elements to overall

goals, and for evaluating alternative solutions.

The four basic steps involved in using the AHP to address decision problems are:

1. A decision hierarchy is constructed by decomposing the original problem

into a hierarchy of interrelated decision elements. In the simplest case, the

decision hierarchy includes the decision maker’s goals and the decision

alternatives. However, the hierarchy may also contain additional levels. For

example, in participatory cases the hierarchy may also include the planning

participant’s level, and when using AHP as a foresight method, different future

scenarios of the operational environment can also be defined in the hierarchy.

2. Pairwise comparisons are made at each level of hierarchy. Direct numerical

values, verbal statements of importance, or graphical representations can be

used for presenting preference information in the pairwise comparisons. The

preference data is translated into a numerical range also when using verbal or

graphical descriptions as the original scale of measuring preferences.

3. Using the preference data collected in pairwise comparisons as input, the

relative weights (importance/preference) of elements at each level are

computed. This is done automatically when using an appropriate decision-

support software. The AHP has been programmed for many decision analysis

software (for example Web-HIPRE,


4. The ratings for the decision alternatives are calculated based on the relative

weights of the decision elements. This can also be done automatically.

Furthermore, a so-called sensitivity analysis is an additional step of the AHP

method. In the sensitivity analysis, for example, the effects of changing the

weights of the decision criteria on the priorities of the decision alternatives can

be analysed.

Example: A decision hierarchy. This hierarchy was formulated for regional strategic-level planning

of natural resources in Finland. The planning area covered the state-owned land and water areas in

western Finland and the planning process was carried out by Finnish government organisation


The mathematics of AHP are not explained here. For more information, see the list at

the end of this document.


Analytical and profound method for supporting selection tasks with well-

structured problems.

Can also be used for ranking, prioritization, resource allocation,

benchmarking, quality management and conflict resolution problems.

Requires a facilitator who quite deeply understands the theory of decision


Profound introduction for the participants is needed in participatory cases.

Ecology ECONET [ha]

RICH [ha]

Economy CUT [m3/a]

INC [M€/a]

Recreation RECR [ha]

BEAUT [ha]

Social impacts TURN [M€/a]

JOBS, p.y.

Recommendationfor the natural

resourcesstrategy in western











Saaty, T.L. 1977. A scaling method for priorities in hierarchical structures. Journal of

Mathematical Psychology 15(3): 234-281. doi:10.1016/0022-2496(77)90033-5

More information about AHP

Alho, J.M., Kolehmainen, O. and Leskinen, P. 2001. Regression methods for pairwise

comparison data. P. 235-251 in The Analytic Hierarchy Process in Natural Resource

and Environmental Decision Making, Schmoldt, D.L., Kangas, J., Mendoza, G.A. and

Pesonen, M. (eds.). Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Ananda, J. and Herath, G. 2003. The use of Analytic Hierarchy Process to incorporate

stakeholder preferences into regional forest planning. Forest Policy and Economics

5(1): 13-26. doi:10.1016/S1389-9341(02)00043-6

BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna: An Illustrated Guide

to the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Kangas, A., Kangas, J. & Kurttila, M. 2008. Decision support for forest management.

Managing Forest Ecosystems 16. Springer. 222 p.

CoPack Methods Manual ANP

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

Analytic Network Process (ANP)

The Analytic Network Process (ANP) method is a multi-criteria decision analysis

method that allows incorporating interdependencies among criteria and

indicators in decision-making. The method is based on pairwise comparison and

eigenvalue calculations. Specific computer software is recommended for the


Scope of application

Problem structuring and solving.

Method description

The Analytic Network Process (ANP) is a generalisation of the Analytical Hierarchy

Process (AHP) (Saaty, 1977, 1996) which allows the inclusion of interdependencies

among indicators into the decision model. It is based on the concept of pairwise

comparisons between elements and clusters using ratio-scale measurement of

preferences. Using special software for ANP (see below) is strongly recommended.

From a methodological point of view, AHP and ANP are very similar. There are three

generic principles that apply to both:

1. A decision problem is decomposed into a multi-attribute structure in terms of a

goal, a set of criteria and sub-criteria and a selection of decision alternatives

(decomposition principle). This is also valid for the ANP with the generalisation

that the hierarchical structure of the AHP is extended to a general n-dimensional

network. A typical ANP model is arranged in clusters containing, for instance,

indicators. Any dependence among the indicators is mapped and the direction of

the influences is determined. Connections can be set among elements within a

cluster (inner dependence) and between clusters (outer dependence).

2. Secondly, preferences for alternatives are derived by ratio-scale measurement

and pairwise comparisons (principle of comparative judgment). The eigenvalue

approach provides a measure for the consistency of the judgments given

(consistency ratio), aiming to improve the coherence among redundant

judgments. Pairwise comparisons are performed on a scale of relative

importance with the option to express preferences between two elements on a

ratio scale from equally important (i.e., equivalent to a numeric value of 1) to

absolute preference (i.e., equivalent to a numeric value of 9) of one element

over another. For the ANP, pairwise comparison is done for both weighing the

criteria and estimating the direction and importance of influences of one element

on another, numerically expressed as ratio scales in a so-called supermatrix.


3. Thirdly, the synthesis of local priorities to overall priorities for each alternative

allows for both a cardinal and ordinal ranking of alternatives (synthesis of

priorities principle). In the ANP, the basic aggregation principle is also an

additive one which is especially apparent in the form of the semi-hierarchical


In practical terms, the building of an ANP model consists of several more steps:

1. Choosing a structure: a flat generic network or a control hierarchy defining a

control criterion (goal).

2. Definition of criteria clusters.

3. Definition of indicators assigned to the criteria clusters.

4. Definition of a cluster of strategies.

5. Definition of interdependencies (influences) among indicators within a cluster or

between clusters.

6. Interlinking the cluster of strategies with the criteria clusters to incorporate

indicator performances.

7. Creating an unweighted supermatrix of ratio scales by pairwise comparison of

the importance of elements with regards to a parent element.

8. Transforming performance data of the strategies onto a ratio scale.

9. Weighing the clusters according to their relative priority.

10. Calculating overall priorities for each strategy within a limits supermatrix


Allows to incorporate complexity into decision analysis.

Promotes systemic thinking.

Setting up the decision model is a laborious procedure.

Pairwise comparisons and synthesis are not intuitive and are very technical.


Saaty, T.L. (1977): A scaling method for priorities in Hierarchical Structures. Journal

of Mathematical Psychology 15: 234–281.

Saaty, T.L. (1996): Decision Making with Dependence and Feedback: The Analytic

Net-work Process. Pittsburgh: RWS Publishing.

More information about ANP

Tutorial on the use of ANP and the available software:

CoPack Methods Manual Bayesian Belief Networks

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs)

Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) are probability-based modelling tools, usually

computer software packages, for understanding variables, knowledge or data

and relationships between them. BBNs allow a formal and graphical

representation of a problem domain and describe the factors influencing a

decision or a problem and how they relate to each other by means of


Scope of application

Problem identification and structuring.

Method description

Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) are often used by practitioners and scientists to

incorporate probabilities and uncertainty in modelling environmental problems and

supporting decision making. BBNs are a kind of probabilistic graphical representation

of a problem that describes the influencing factors and how they relate to each other.

They may be constructed to represent qualitative, quantitative, discrete or

continuous relationships. Most often the factors and relationships are defined in

numerical terms, but BBNs may also deal with qualitative variables (Cain, 2001).

BBNs produce directed graphs or network models that incorporate uncertainty and

that can learn from data or expert opinion. The models are dynamic, meaning that

variables can be changed to test the impact on other variables. The models can be

very simple, describable on paper but more often they are complex, created with

computer programs.

The use of BBNs requires time, several workshop sessions with small groups (less

than 10) of motivated and interested participants. Facility and comfort with concepts

of probability and uncertainty are important. Participants should have knowledge and

experience with the system being modelled in order to provide information and test

the model. Preliminary discussions with a target group define the factors that play

a role in a system and the relationships between factors. Information on the factors

is collected and included in the model. Participants use their knowledge and intuition

about behaviors to test and tweak the model until it represents interrelationships and

cause and effect realistically.

Once the model is developed, participants can test possible outcomes by changing

the input of the variables. Due to their capacity to display causal relationships and

their ability to cluster the main problem into smaller solvable sub-problems BBNs can

be used to decrease complexity. BBNs are a suitable method for stakeholder

communication because they use a more understandable terminology than other

modelling techniques do.


Following the knowledge engineering process introduced by Woodberry et al. (2004)

a spiral model containing three main process steps can be described:

1. Structural development

2. Parameter estimation

3. Quantitative evaluation

Every stage of the process ends with a prototype of the BBN to be developed.

For the first process step, a

preliminary causal network,

which represents causal

relationships between knowledge

domain variables, has to be


For the second step Pollino et al.

(2007) provide a way to

parameterise BBNs with both

data and knowledge.

Third, the knowledge engineering

process of Bayesian Belief

Networks recommends two types

of sensitivity analyses.

Sensitivity to parameters is used

to estimate sensitivity of

predictions to parameter changes

and sensitivity to findings is

utilized to show influences on one

node if there is evidence on

another parent node.

Some guidelines should be followed in Bayesian Belief Network development:

● Parent nodes should be limited to three or less.

● Nodes without parents, so called input nodes, might be filled with existing data.

● Intermediate nodes should be used to summarize.

● All nodes should be able to be tested, observed and quantified.

● As few states as possible to indicate the influence of the node should be used.

● Enough nodes are needed to guarantee required precision and allow for

classification of a variety of data in the input nodes.

● Network depth should not exceed four layers.

● Different spatial scale can be implemented by using the output of one network

as input for another one.


● All network components should be documented in writing.

● Relationships between input nodes should be used to indicate correlations

between them.


Allows incorporating probabilities and uncertainty in modelling.

Encourages stakeholder discussion and interaction.

Almost anything can be modelled with BBNs.

Requires a skilled facilitator, he or she must have training and experience with

the method, quantitative skills and knowledge of probability.

Usually requires special software.

Not a quick method, development of BBNs is time consuming.


Cain, J. (2001): Planning improvements in natural resources management.

Guidelines for using Bayesian networks to manage development projects. Institute of

Hydrology, Wallingford, UK.

Lynam, T., Cunliffe, R., and Mapaure, I. (2004): Assessing the importance of

woodland landscape locations for both local communities and conservation in

Gorongosa and Muanza Districts, Sofala Province, Mozambique. Ecology and Society


Pollino, C.A. Woodberry O. Nicholson A. Korb K. Hart B.T (2007): Parameterisation

and evaluation of a Bayesian network for use in an ecological risk assessment. In:

Environmental Modelling and Software 22 (8), S. 1140–1152.

Sayer, J. and Campbell, B. (2004): The science of sustainable development: local

livelihoods and the global environment. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Woodberry, O., Nicholson, A.E., Korb, K.B., Pollino, C.A., (2004): Parameterising

Bayesian networks. In:Webb, G.I., Xinghuo, Y. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer

Science. AI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 17th Australian Joint Conference

on Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, Australia, pp. 1101e1107.

More information about BBN

Computer as well as appropriate BBN software (e.g. NETICA from Norsys or HUGIN

from HUGIN Expert) are needed to develop the BBNs jointly. An LCD projector for

larger groups is needed.

BBN software can be found at:

CoPack Methods Manual Catpac

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license


Catpac is a computer program that analyses text samples to identify key

concepts contained within the samples. Catpac is able to identify the most

important words in a text and determine patterns of similarity based on the

way they are used. It produces such outputs as simple word counts, cluster

analysis, and interactive neural cluster analysis.

Scope of application

Problem identification and structuring.

Method description

Catpac is a computer program that can read any text and summarise its main ideas.

It has been employed especially in social sciences for analysis of political speeches,

focus-group interviews and tourism-related research. The program produces a

variety of outputs: word counts, frequency rankings, cluster diagrams, and

interactive neural cluster analysis. Its add-on function ThoughtView can generate

two- and three-dimensional concept maps based on the results of the analyses. A

major benefit of this tool is that it does not require pre-coding. This allows themes

and concepts to emerge from the data and reduces bias in the analysis. For

collaborative planning purposes, Catpac could be used, for example, for analyzing

open-ended question responses or recorded and transcribed interviews.


Can save time when dealing with large textual data sets

Can read any language that can be coded into ASCII or RTF

Allows processing just one file at a time and does not assist with data


More information about CATPAC

Allen, D. (2005): Using perceptual maps to communicate concepts of sustainable

forest management. Forestry Chronicle 3: 381-386.

Catpac software (Galileo Company):

CoPack Methods Manual CATWOE

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license


CATWOE is basically a checklist for thinking. It helps to identify and structure a

certain problem at hand. Originally it has been presented as a means for

constructing a ‘root definition’ of a system as a part of the Soft Systems

Methodology (SSM) approach, although it can also be used on its own.

Scope of application

Method description

CATWOE is a tool to identify and structure problem situations of a system that is

under analysis. It was originally defined by Peter Checkland as a part of his problem-

solving methodology called Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) (Checkland and

Scholes, 1990). CATWOE helps to carry out the Stage 3 of the Soft Systems

Methodology which has 7 stages in total. The aim is to formulate a root definition, a

structured description of a system by analysing the system through CATWOE

elements (Table 1).

Table 1: CATWOE elements

C Customers, those who benefit or suffer from the operations of the system

A Actors, those who can act in the system

T Transformation, what the system does to change its inputs to outputs

W World view, wider context of the system, or the values behind the system

O Owners, those with power over the system and who can abolish it

E Environment, constraints and limitations for outputs of the system


CATWOE has been used in developing the Regional Forestry Programme (RFP)

process in Finland (Oamk, 2012). A Soft Systems Methodology process was

conducted in order to develop the RFP process, and the root definition was

constructed after careful situation analysis by a group of about 10 members,

consisting of RFP leaders from Forestry Centers and researchers.

The root definition was synthesised as follows:

”The Regional Forestry Centre constructs together with the Regional Forest Council a


Regional Forestry Programme for the Board to be accepted. Forest related interest

groups and members of the public are widely involved when the Forestry Programme

is constructed. The Forestry Programme takes equally into account all relevant forest

uses. The Forestry Programme is one of the public tasks of the Forestry Centre. The

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is supervising the preparation process. The

guidelines for the preparation process are jointly agreed in an annual discussion with

the Forestry Centre and the Ministry.’’

Table 2: CATWOE elements of the Regional Forestry Programme

C Customers: the Forest Council, interest groups, members of the public

A Actors: the Forest Centre

T Transformation: constructing the programme, working together with the

Council, consulting other parties

W World view: equality and coverage

O Owners: the Board, The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

E Environment: funding agreed in yearly negotiations with the Ministry

The definition was tested with CATWOE (Table 2). A conceptual model of the Regional

Forestry Programme was constructed using the elements of the root definition. The

vision, the present state and development ideas were discussed and modeled with a

decision hierarchy. The aim was to agree on desired and feasible actions in order to

improve the Regional Forestry Programme process.


Stimulates thought.

Permits to consider different perspectives and views of a problem.

Does not offer a direct solution for the problem at hand - additional

analyses are needed for the forthcoming phases.


Checkland, P. and Scholes, J. 1990: Soft Systems Methodologies in Action. John

Wiley & Sons Ltd, New York.

Kangas, A., Kangas, J. & Kurttila, M. 2008: Decision support for forest management.

Managing forest ecosystems, Volume 16, Springer.

Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk) 2012: HyvAMO-project (The Regional

Forest Programme as an Acceptable and Influencing Process).


More information about CATWOE and the SSM approach

SSM presentation:

CoPack Methods Manual Discourse-based Valuation

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

Discourse-based Valuation

Discourse-based valuation strives for fair and equitable valuation of common-

pool resources, such as land, water and forests. The approach emphasizes the

role of a free and open public debate instead of aggregation of separately

measured individual preferences when valuating public goods. In discourse-

based valuation, citizen groups deliberate in a structured manner about an

important issue. The goal is to make consensus-based judgements.

Scope of application

Problem structuring and solving.

Method description

Discourse-based Valuation consists of a series of meetings by small groups in a

public forum. The goal of discourse is to reach a consensus value among the

participants. Because the process is public, the discussion tends to revolve around

maximizing the public good instead of benefiting individuals. Results from meeting

discussions are presented to policy makers, civil society leaders and experts.

Many kinds of techniques can be used to support free and open discussion when

applying Discourse-based valuation.

These are the procedural rules for fair outcome:

1. Anyone who wishes has to be allowed to participate in the discourse.

2. Each participant has to be allowed to place issues on the agenda.

3. Each participant has to be allowed to introduce his or her own assessments.

4. Each participant has to be allowed to express his/her own attitudes, needs and


5. Anyone who speaks should not be hindered by external compulsion or pressure.

6. The goal of discourse is to reach a consensus value among the participants.



Very flexible, suits many cases.

Methodological issues do not prevent fair and genuine citizen participation.

Risk of open ended discussions.

Some people might still dominate the discussion.


Wilson, M., and Howarth, R. 2002. Discourse-based valuation of ecosystem services:

Establishing fair outcomes through group deliberation. Ecological Economics 41: 431-

443. doi:10.1016/S0921-8009(02)00092-7

More information about Discourse-based Valuation

Gregory, R. and Wellman, K. 2001. Bringing stakeholder values into environmental

policy choices: a community-based estuary case study. Ecological

Economics 39(1):37–52.

Perkins, P. 2004. Public participation and ecological valuation. Paper presented at the

conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE), Montreal,



CoPack Methods Manual MCDA

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)

Multi-criteria decision analysis is a generic approach for assessing alternatives

in planning situations by evaluating their ratings under different criteria. Here is

a description about the principles behind several different MCDA methods with

a simple example. Some other methods described in this manual, namely

Mesta, SMART, AHP and ANP belong to the same family of methods.

Scope of application

Problem structuring and solving.

Method description

1. MCDA starts with a set of possible decisions (alternatives, scenarios) for a

planning issue. These alternatives may or may not have been created in the

course of the collaborative process itself.

Example: For a road to connect the villages X and Y, three routes A, B and C have been proposed.

The landscape between the villages includes a lake with a beach that can be accessed by bicycle

only and an ecologically valuable wetland area. Amphibians migrate between the wetland and lake.

2. The second step of MCDA is to find a set of criteria (indicators) influenced by

the decision that will mirror its quality or ‘degree of fulfilment’ in different

aspects. In collaborative planning, the selection of criteria should be part of the

collaborative process. For further refinement, they are often divided into sub-











In the above example, we may define the following generic criteria:

● Conservational value (How much does the solution allow for conservation issues?)

● Human benefit (What extra benefit arises from the solution for the local population?)

● Economy (Is the solution cheap?)

Concerning sub-criteria we may distinguish, for instance, between value for plant species, animal

species and biotope types in the ‘Conservation’ category.

3. Further, a value range must be defined with each criterion. According to the

nature of the criterion, such a range may comprise integer or fractional numbers

or just a ‘yes or no’ statement. It is important that numeric values should all

point in one direction, i.e. a high value should indicate either the best or worst

outcome with any possible criterion. At this point, the collaborative process will

possibly have to deal with the question what is ‘best’ or ‘worst’ related to

individual criteria.

With our example, we will allow values of -1 (low value or counteracting the purpose), 0 (neutral),

1 (medium value) and 2 (high value).

4. Then we must assign values to criteria, this also being part of the collaborative

process. Finding an agreement on how to do this is probably the most difficult

part of the method: First because there are many aspects of planning issues

which can hardly be mapped to a numeric range (e.g. the beauty of a scenery),

second because opinions on how to rate a given situation in comparison with

others may differ considerably between stakeholders.

In our example, the ‘human benefit’ value of route A may be considered high because it makes the

beach accessible more easily. At the same time, some may consider this a disadvantage because of

the noise exposure of bathers, arguing that bicycle access was completely sufficient. Let us assume

that the stakeholders agreed on the following values:


Conservational value

2 (no ecologically

sensitive areas are


0 (impedes

amphibian migration,

but tunnels can be


-1 (impairs the

wetland biotope)

Human benefit 0 (has been

negotiated between

conflicting parties as

described above)

1 (nice scenery view

from the road)

2 (shortest


Economy 0 (comparatively long


-1 (as long as route A

but more expensive

because of amphibian

tunnels required)

1 (shortest route but

more expensive

where wetland must

be traversed)


5. Finally, the result may be visualised in different ways.

Multi-criteria decision analysis, in its simple form, does not give an overall rating

which would combine all criteria.

In our case, having the same range of values with all criteria and assuming them to be equally

important, we could simply add the values of the Con, Hum and Eco categories for each scenario.

The overall rating would then be 2 for routes A and C and 0 for route B. But the categories mirror

different aspects of a problem which cannot usually be weighed against each other in such a simple


There are a number of advanced methods continuing at this point, trying to provide

solutions to the mathematical representation of the problem: an optimisation task in

a multi-dimensional space. This implies introducing weighing algorithms for different


Even without an overall rating, MCDA can give a good impression of how different

alternatives cope with different challenges of a task.


Summarised, the steps with simple MCDA are these:

1. Collect possible solutions to your problem (scenarios).

2. Find all criteria that will determine the value of a solution.

3. Conceive a rating for each criterion by defining a value range and the meaning of


4. Assign values to criteria with all scenarios investigated.

5. Visualise ratings.





Route A

Route B

Route C

Example: MCDA evaluation of routes






Gives a structured approach and quick overview of the rating of

alternatives under different criteria.

Necessarily entails a discussion about how to rate criteria which can be

even more important than the result itself.

The visually plausible shape of the result may be misleading because MCDA

involves a lot of simplifications.

The quality of the result is limited by the grade of fidelity in conceiving

criteria and rating procedures.

More information about MCDA

Keeney, R.L. & Raiffa, H. 1993: Decisions with multiple objectives. Preferences and

value tradeoffs. Campridge University Press, Cambridge, Massachusettes.

Kangas, A., Kangas, J. & Kurttila, M. 2008: Decision support for forest management.

Managing Forest Ecosystems 16. Springer. 222 p.

CoPack Methods Manual Mesta

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license


Mesta is both a method and internet application that can be used for selecting

one alternative among a set of alternatives in a multi-objective decision-making

situation. It can be used by a single user individually but is also suitable for a

participatory decision-making situation with a limited stakeholder group.

Scope of application

Method description

Mesta is a generic method and an internet decision-support application suitable for

participatory planning situations developed by the Finnish Forest Research Institute

(Metla) (Hiltunen et al., 2009). Before applying the method, decision criteria and a

limited number of alternatives have to be produced. In forest planning situations

alternative plans can be created e.g. by using GIS operations, linear programming or

other available optimisation methods. By using Mesta, participants can evaluate a

limited number of alternatives and make a decision about the preferred alternative.

The properties of each alternative are described numerically, i.e. each alternative has

a numerical value against each criterion.

The Mesta web application provides an interface where users can detect all the

criteria (bars in Figure 1) and the values of alternatives (squares in each bar).

Participants can interactively reduce the alternatives considered feasible by defining

‘acceptance thresholds’ (thick black lines in the Figure 1) that divide the alternatives

into ‘acceptable’ and ‘not acceptable’ against each criterion. The thresholds are

adjusted holistically, so that all decision criteria and criteria values of all alternatives

are simultaneously visible on the user interface. When having finioshed this step,

users can press the ‘Show situation’ button (not visible in Figure 1) and the

application will analyse the current situation and show which, if any, of the

alternatives are acceptable with respect to all criteria. The adjustment process

continues until a solution that is accepted with respect to all criteria is found.

In participatory planning situations, Mesta includes two phases:

1. Each participant uses Mesta individually and defines the alternative that is the

most suitable for her/him.

2. The results from the first phase are collected and reported to all participants. For

example, the participants can be informed which alternatives became selected

and by how many participants. After this, the Mesta application can be used to

support the group’s negotiation process. The negotiation process can start from


the mean acceptance threshold values and the participants can go through

criteria and try to agree if it is possible to lower the acceptance threshold of

some criteria so that new alternatives become acceptable.

Figure 1: The user interface of the Mesta internet application. The thick black lines divide

the value ranges of each criterion into ‘acceptable’ and ‘not acceptable’. The user can

move the black line with a computer mouse according to his/her preferences. In the

situation shown in the figure, only plan C (3) has been accepted, i.e. all the yellow boxes

that show the outcome of plan C with respect to the decision criteria appear to be in

acceptable range (Eyvindson et al.2011).


Easy-to-use user interface where all information is visualized at the same


Supports individual evaluation and group negotiations.

Alternatives need to have numerical values for each criterion.

The number of alternatives and criteria is limited, preferably less than 10

criteria and less than 30 alternatives.



Eyvindson, K., Kurttila, M., Hujala, T. & Salminen, O. 2011. An internet-supported

planning approach for joint ownership forest holdings. Small-scale Forestry 10(1):


Hiltunen, V., Kurttila, M., Leskinen, P., Pasanen, K. & Pykäläinen, J. 2009. Mesta: an

internet-based decision-support application for participatory strategic-level natural

resource planning. Forest Pol. Econ. 11(1): 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2008.07.004

More information about Mesta

The Mesta internet application:

CoPack Methods Manual NGT

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

Nominal Group Technique (NGT)

Nominal group technique (NGT) is a simple decision making method. It is

essentially a structured discussion with a small group of participants (9-12)

designed to generate and prioritize ideas about a particular topic. Before group

discussions and ranking, participants are asked to write down their ideas

silently and independently in order to encourage everyone‘s participation.

Scope of application

Method description

Nominal group technique evolved from organisational planning research and was

developed by Andre Delbecq and Andrew Van de Ven in 1968 (Delbecq et al., 1975).

It is a group session with a moderate number of participants (9-12) and has

similarities with the method called Focus groups. However, discussion in a nominal

group is more structured and the result is a list of preferred alternatives.

Variations of this method exist and, for example, alternatives do not always have to

be ranked, but may be evaluated more subjectively.

Nominal group meeting typically deals with a single topic and consist of six stages:

3. Presenting the problem/question to be answered. The problem has to be

explained thoroughly, so that every participant really understands what they are

working on.

4. Brainstorming. Participants are asked to write down all the ideas/solutions that

come to their minds in 5 minutes. The writing is done individually and silently, so

that everyone has a change to think and express their own personal point of


5. Documentation. In documentation rounds, each participant is asked to present

their ideas one at a time. The facilitator numbers the ideas and writes them on a

board or a flip chart exactly as stated by the participants. At this point,

discussion should be limited.

6. Consolidation and review of ideas. After all the ideas/solutions have been

documented, they are arranged together with the participants. Similar ideas can

be grouped and all duplicated ideas are identified and discarded. At this point,

discussion is encouraged and all unclear issues clarified. Possible new arising

ideas/solutions are recorded and taken into consideration as well.

7. Ranking. The recorded ideas are prioritized in relation to the original


issue/problem. This can be done by voting or using some other suitable method.

For example, Acceptance voting is a simple voting method suitable for this


8. Compilation of results. The scores are summed and the most preferred

alternatives identified. The session should end with a discussion to ensure that a

consensus has been reached.


Ensures relatively equal participation.

Simple and quite quick method.

Results in a tangible list of prioritized ideas or solutions.

Writing individually usually generates more ideas.

- limited to a single topic – only one problem at a time

- some participants may find it difficult to express themselves in writing

- structured and not very flexible


Delbecq, A.L., Van de Ven, A.H., & Gustafson, D.H. 1975: Group techniques for

program planning: A guide to nominal group and delphi processes. Glenview, IL:

Scott, Foresman and Company.

More information about NGT

Clark, J.K. & Stein, T.V. 2004: Applying the Nominal Group Technique to Recreation

Planning on Public Natural Areas. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration

22(11):1-22. for Website/Applying Nominal

Group in Florida.pdf

CoPack Methods Manual Scoring methods

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

Scoring methods

Scoring methods serve to weigh the importance of individual goals and criteria

related to complex decisions. They are often used in connection with more

sophisticated methods of evaluation and rating such as MCDA.

Scope of application

Problem structuring, problem solving.

Method description

Scoring is part of evaluation and rating methods. It aims at establishing factors of

significance for individual criteria or sub-goals within a more comprehensive system.

As an example, the importance of a woodland area shall be rated from different

stakeholders’ perspectives.

1. As a first step, sub-criteria of importance must be defined, each one

representing a particular function of the area. Table 1 shows a simplified

example of five criteria, whereas in practice the number will often be higher.

2. Stakeholders are then asked to put a weight on each of them from their

individual perspective. For that purpose, every participant is allowed a total

number of points (e.g. 100) to allocate to individual criteria. The more points a

criterion receives, the higher the importance in the eyes of the participant. The

allocation of points should be performed in a ballot procedure rather than as

group work in order to avoid stakeholders influencing or manipulating each


Table 1: Example of a simple scoring result



Timber harvest

Recrea-tional value

Ecosystem function

Climate-balancing function

Soil conser-vation


Forestry 40 10 30 10 10 100

Conservancy 0 10 50 20 20 100

Tourism 20 40 20 20 0 100

Sum 60 60 100 50 30 300

Average 20 20 33,3 16,7 10 100


3. Finally, individual scores are added per criterion and divided by the number of

participants to arrive at average values representing the group’s collective

preferences. The result may be discussed and revised by the group if necessary.


Due to everyone’s equal vote, scoring in a group can increase the

acceptance of evaluation results.

The method is more objective than a rating performed by a single person.

The result depends on the selection of stakeholders.


Sheil, D. and Liswanti, N. (2006): Scoring the importance of tropical forest

landscapes with local people: patterns and insight. Environmental Management 38:


Sheil, D., Puri, R., Wan, M., Basuki, I., van Heist, M., Liswanti, N., Rukmiyati,

Rachmatika, I. and Samsoedin, I. (2006): Local people’s priorities for biodiversity:

examples from the forests of Indonesian Borneo. Ambio 35: 17-24.

Sheil, D. et al. (2004): Exploring biological diversity, environment and local people’s

perspectives in forest landscapes. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

CoPack Methods Manual Stakeholder Analysis

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder Analysis is a method for planners to systematically identify all

relevant stakeholders and assess their impact on a planning process.

Scope of application

Mainly to be used during the ‘problem identification’ phase. However, stakeholder

analysis can be conducted subsequently through all stages of a project to redefine

positions in case of changes to the participants’ attitudes, interests or relationships.

Method description

Stakeholders are all persons or parties directly or indirectly affected by a planning

process or having an interest in its outcome. Under this generic definition,

stakeholder interests can be as different as to support and promote or to impede

projects. Along with identifying these interests, it is helpful in a planning process to

analyse relationships, strategic partnerships and networks that already exist between


Stakeholder analysis was first used in commercial project management and business

administration to identify prospective supporters or adversaries of a project.

Stakeholders in this context are seen in the first place as beneficial or hostile

outsiders whose capacities to either promote or hinder a process must be assessed.

The goal was to develop strategies for communication and interaction with those

parties (which does not necessarily mean to cooperate).

In collaborative planning stakeholders are meant to be part of the process. The

division between stakeholders is more likely between those who affect (determine) a

decision or action and those who are affected (whether positively or negatively). The

distinction may not be absolute, however, as some groups (e.g. local people) may be

involved in natural resource management in both active and passive ways.

Stakeholder analysis is a tool to

● figure out other participants' interests,

● assess those parties' weight in the process, their influence, needs, dependencies

and relationships,

● analyse and, to some extent, anticipate their attitudes and actions,

● identify possible sources of conflict.

The method makes it possible to identify conflicts early and develop strategies to

turn adversaries into partners.


There are various techniques for conducting Stakeholder analysis but typically it

includes these three steps:

1. Identifying all relevant stakeholders

2. Analysis of stakeholder interests and stances towards the subject of the

planning process

3. Analysis of stakeholders‘ relationships (conflicts, compliances, dependencies)

The first two steps are best performed by setting up a stakeholder matrix. This is a

table comprising all stakeholders and assessing how they respond to certain criteria,

eventually resulting in a recommendation how to proceed in negotiations with them.

Table 1: Template for a stakeholder matrix

Name and function Crit. 1 Crit. 2 Crit. 3 … Recommendations

Forest owner … … … … …

Conservation authority … … … … …

There have been various attempts at defining the range of criteria to use. The

following proposal is somewhat tailored to collaborative planning and is built so as to

permit reasoning from causes to consequences while one proceeds from the left to

the right side of the table.

Criteria may first include the following qualitative ones which will have to be

circumscribed textually:

● Gains: How can the stakeholder possibly benefit from the project?

● Support: What kind of support can be expected from the stakeholder?

● Losses: Which disadvantages can grow from the project for the stakeholder?

● Resistance: What kind of resistance can be expected from the stakeholder?

As a result, an Expectations column may describe what kind of contribution (positive

or negative) you expect the stakeholder to give.

Then there are some more quantitative criteria which allow for comparison:

● Power: How strong is the influence the stakeholder can exert over the planning


● Needs: How much does the stakeholder depend on the project?

● Control: How strong is the influence the planning group as a whole has on the


● Dependency: How much does the planning group depend on the stakeholder?

A final column named Recommendations may state how you intend to proceed with

regard to that stakeholder. Although the idea of collaborative planning is that

stakeholders communicate on an equal-rights basis, the process will not always work


under that lofty egalitarian approach. It may sometimes be necessary to develop

communication strategies, for instance to avoid a powerful stakeholder exerting too

much pressure on the group which would, in its turn, destroy the collaborative


The first two steps of identification and analysis of interests and stances can be

accomplished by a survey of key stakeholders (e.g. mayors and other officials) who

can involve more stakeholders through a pyramid scheme. Structured or semi-

structured interviews can give more information on the stakeholders’ interests and


For the third step it can be helpful to draw a chart describing stakeholders’

relationships. An example is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: A stakeholder chart

Note that this analysis of relationships has some correlation with the above

Power/Needs/Control/Dependency part of the stakeholder matrix. The criteria may

become easier to establish when viewing a graphical representation of relationships

which, in its turn, depends on some preliminary thoughts on the above criteria.



Permits systematic identification of stakeholders and their roles unbiased by

personal communication patterns.

Permits to identify possible conflicts at an early stage.

Stakeholders’ roles and properties are snap-shot assessments and may

change during the process. To cling to a matrix of properties once established

may be misguiding.


Grimble, R. (1998). Stakeholder methodologies in natural resource management.

Natural Resources Institute, The University of Greenwich.

Rastogi, A, Badola, R., Hussain, S.A. and Hickey G.M. (2010): Assessing the utility of

stakeholder analysis to Protected Areas management: The case of Corbett National

Park, India. Biological Conservation 143(12), pp. 2956-2964.

CoPack Methods Manual Visioning and Pathways

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

Visioning and Pathways

Visioning and Pathways are a pair of creative techniques to develop a long-term

group vision and strategies to reach that vision. During Visioning exercises,

participants think about their ideal future, discuss the possibilities, and ideally

come to a consensus. During Pathways, participants develop specific strategies

and action plans to reach a desired future. This method cannot be rushed

through, it requires several days for preparation and execution.

Scope of application

Problem identification and problem structuring.

Method description

The method is based on the Future Search methodology created in the 1980s which

grew from a commitment to democratic ideals and a belief that local people should

manage their own planning. The method was adapted from business visioning and

planning techniques developed in Trist and Emery’s Search Conference (Holman and

Devane 1999). In collaborative planning approach, the method comprises the

following elements:

1. One day workshop/s are held with stakeholder groups, with 10-25 participants

participating in a single workshop. Separate workshops can be held with

different stakeholder groups, but a final combined group workshop is


2. The facilitator in the workshop provides an opportunity for the participants to

develop a shared ideal future. The ultimate goal is to encourage long-term

thinking. Visioning part should create a consensus vision of an ideal future,

although breakout groups might create their own visions separately first. A

voting can be arranged to determine the most important aspects of the vision.

The vision might have various focuses: a community, a region, a natural

resource, a protected area. The vision produced can be written narratives,

drawings, maps, models or combinations of all.

3. Based on the vision created, strategies are then developed to move towards

those desired future conditions. Usually a second workshop has to be arranged

for this purpose. All participants are now asked to express ‘pathways’, their

ideas for developing strategies to make the desired future a reality. Those

actions are then rearranged in a simple planning structure. Pathways part

generates step by step written plans to reach a desired condition, specifying

‘How, Who and When’ to implement each step.


The method can be used

● for long term community development or natural resource use planning,

● to prepare proposals for projects,

● to decide how to distribute the benefits of a natural resource management plan,

● if a community is facing changes, uncertainties or problems,

● when there is little thinking or planning for the future.

The method should not be used if there is not enough time for preparation or if there

is no decision-making structure that will use the results.


Holman, P., and Devane, T. eds. 1999.The change handbook: group methods for

shaping the future. Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc., San Francisco.

Evans, Kristen et al. 2006. Kristen Evans, Wil de Jong, Peter Cronkleton, Douglas

Sheil, Tim Lynam, Trikurnianti Kusumanto, Carol J. Pierce Colfer: Guide to

participatory tools for forest communities/by. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for

International Forestry Research (CIFOR), 2006. ISBN 979-24-4656-7 37p.

More information about Visioning and Pathways

Evans, K., Velarde, S.J., Prieto, R.P., Rao, S.N., Sertzen, S., Davila, K., Cronkleton, P.

and de Jong, W. 2006. Field guide to the future: Four ways for communities to think

ahead. CIFOR, ASB, ICRAF, Nairobi.

Nemarundwe, N., de Jong, W., Cronkleton, P. 2003. Future scenarios as an

instrument for forest management: manual for training facilitators of future

scenarios. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

Wollenberg, E., Edmunds, D., Buck, L. 2000. Anticipating change: scenarios as a tool

for adaptive forest management: a guide. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.


Encourages thinking about and planning for the future

Provides an easy-to-use process for developing specific strategies to reach


Requires an experienced, dynamic facilitator

Requires committed participation

Time consuming – requires several days for preparation and several days for


CoPack Methods Manual Voting methods

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license

Voting methods

Voting methods serve to organise decisions a group has to make between two

or more alternatives if no consensus can be achieved otherwise.

Scope of application

Problem solving.

Generic method description

A voting method contains rules for the casting and validity of votes and how to tally

and aggregate them to yield a final result. However, most voting methods have been

developed in the political realm for the purpose of electing candidates. In a

collaborative planning situation, their use is subject to different conditions:

● Voting in collaborative planning will mostly be used to select one, or establish

preferences, among several proposals or alternatives, not persons. This bears

on the methods applicable. For instance, candidates can negotiate and enter

coalitions if no single candidate is supported by a majority. This is not possible

with proposals contradicting each other. People can negotiate; proposals can be

negotiated, but usually not to the same extent without losing their meaning.

● Elections in governance aim at establishing a result in one shot, without

checking or discussing the outcome. In a collaborative planning group, voting is

more likely to be used to capture moods halfway through a discussion which

may require application of different methods. The methods themselves bear on

the outcome, and some are more suited to making final decisions while others

are more apt to mirroring attitudes.

The following selection of methods refers to voting on proposals, not candidates.

There are a lot of more complicated methods available, partially involving

complicated measures of recasting secondary votes. This is not considered necessary

here because run-off votings can easily be organised within a collaborative group.


Single-winner voting, also called ‘first-past-the-post’ (in analogy to horse races),

refers to methods that establish one out of several proposals or candidates as

winner, without considering the others. They are suited where a decision between

several, possibly irreconcilable, proposals must be made. Preferential voting, in

turn, establishes an order of preferences, or a ranking. Except for majority voting,

most methods are suited for both purposes, with some individual advantages and

disadvantages, depending on the purpose.


Benefits/Drawbacks (all methods)

Voting is familiar to everyone and widely accepted as a democratic means

of settling disputes.

Most voting methods use more of a participatory than collaborative

approach, applying majority rules.

Voting methods can differ considerably in their results, given the same

constellation of proposals and participants. Selecting a particular voting

method can amount to biasing the outcome.

Plurality voting

In plurality voting, each participant can vote for one out

of several proposals or candidates. The proposal

receiving the largest proportion of all votes will be the

winner, even if it is not supported by the majority of

voters. The method is especially suited to exploring

participants’ opinions. It gives a good chance also to

‘off-the-beaten-track’ proposals and can be considered

innovative in that light. It is less suited to establish

stable solutions with long-term support from all


The system is supposed to mirror the sincere opinions of all participants.

It does not promote ‘tactical voting’ but gives equal chances to all


The winner is not necessarily supported by the majority of all

participants. It is therefore rarely used in political elections.

As a preferential voting method, the system is called ‘plurality-at-large voting’ and

can be used to establish an order of preferences, with the same advantages and


Majority voting

Majority voting is similar to plurality voting, except that a proposal in order to win

must receive more than 50% of all votes cast. If none of the proposals reach this

quota, a second (run-off) ballot will decide between the two most successful


Although it seems unfair at first sight to exclude proposals that don’t have a chance

of more than 50% support, majority voting is closer to the collaborative idea than

Proposal 1

Proposal 2

Proposal 3

Proposal 4


plurality voting because it promotes compromise by ‘tactical voting’, if only in the

second ballot: If you see that your favourite proposal is far behind, you will vote for

your second-choice. This is expected to lead to a well-balanced solution many

participants can accept. It will, however, give little chance to proposals off the

mainstream. In this sense, the method can be considered conservative.

The winner will have the support of the majority of voters.

The system encourages a tactical voting behaviour of focusing on the most

promising options that gives little chance to minority proposals to even

be considered.

Approval voting

In approval voting, each participant may vote for

(approve of) as many of the proposals as they wish by

checking them on a ballot, without expressing a

preference. The winner is the candidate receiving the

most votes. Each voter may vote for any combination

of candidates but can give each candidate at most one


Approval voting does not force participants to decide in

favour of a single solution but allows for more

diversified opinions. Like plurality voting, the method is

likely to give a true account of voters’ sincere opinions. On the other hand, it is

unsuited to settle decisions between conflicting proposals if more candidates are


For instance, let us assume that 45% of the voters (group A) are in favour of

proposal 1 and dislike proposal 2 very strongly. The other 55% (group B) are in

favour of proposal 2 and dislike proposal 1 very strongly. If all voters cling to the

idea of tactical voting, group A will tick proposals 1, 3 and 4, assuming that

everything is better than proposal 2. Group B, in its turn, will tick 2, 3 and 4 for the

same reason. As a result, proposal 4 will be the winner, although nobody really was

in favour of it.

The winner is likely to be accepted by many voters.

The winner is not necessarily the favourite of many voters.

The system encourages a necessary-evil voting strategy that may render

distorted results in a neck-and-neck contest between two conflicting


Proposal 1

Proposal 2

Proposal 3

Proposal 4


Borda count

With the Borda count method, voters assign points to

every proposal on their ballots, thus establishing a

ranking: If there are n proposals on the list, a voter's

first choice (most preferred proposal) will receive n-1

points,1 the second choice n-2 points and so on until

the least favoured proposal which will receive 0 points.

The winner is the candidate getting the most votes


Like approval voting but more precisely so, the Borda

count method is supposed to reproduce the sincere

opinions of voters in much detail. Additionally, due to

the fact that every voter must give a full range of ratings from n-1 down to 0, the

method places proportionally more weight on the lower ranks than any other one

mentioned here. It tends to favour proposals supported by a broad consensus

among voters, rather than those favoured by a majority. On the other hand, under

the Borda count system it is possible for a proposal that is the first preference of an

absolute majority of voters to fail to be elected.

The system tends to render ‘soft’ outcomes that come close to a


The winner is likely to be supported by most voters.

The winner is not necessarily the favourite of a majority. The majority’s

favourite may fail to be elected.


Kangas, A., Kangas, J. & Kurttila, M. (2008): Decision support for forest

management. Springer. pp. 173-181.

Kangas, A., Laukkanen, S. & Kangas, J. (2006): Social choice theory and its

applications in sustainable forest management—a review. Forest Policy and

Economics 9:77-92. Abstract:

Pykäläinen, J., Hiltunen, V. & Leskinen, P. (2007): Complementary use of voting

methods and interactive utility analysis in participatory strategic forest planning:

experiences gained from western Finland. Can. J. For. Res. 37(5): 853–865.

1 Some sources give the highest score as n, not n-1. It is, of course, irrelevant to the

ranking what the highest score is, but a ranking from n down to 1 has the disadvantage

that you cannot tell from the ballot whether 1 is the highest or lowest ranking; with n-1

down to 0, you can because you don’t usually give 0 as a symbol for your first choice.

Proposal 1

Proposal 2

Proposal 3

Proposal 4

CoPack – Methods Manual World Café

© 2012 Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Funded by the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme

This document is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license 42

World Café

World Café is a group interaction method that focuses on conversations. The

idea is to create a hospitable and safe atmosphere so that people feel

comfortable to think, speak and listen and let their creativity flow. With World

Café it is possible to deal with several issues/questions, i.e. conversation topics,

simultaneously. World Café has no definitive format and can be modified to

meet a wide variety of needs. It is suitable for small or large groups of

participants: the number of ‘café tables’ may vary but the number of people in

groups holding conversations should not be less than 4 or exceed 6.

Scope of application

Problem identification, Problem structuring

Method description

World Café method was first tried experimentally in 1995 by Juanita Brown and

David Isaacs (Brown, 2002). The word ‘café’ refers to the informal seating at several

small tables to encourage conversation and ‘world’ symbolises how the format allows

participation of dozens, even hundreds of people at a time. It can be very suitable

for a collaborative planning process since the core idea is to create surroundings that

are safe and inviting for people to engage in an authentic dialogue and freely let

their ideas flourish. There can be many participants in the whole event but they have

to be divided into small groups of 4-6. The groups take turns in different tables and

hold a series of conversational rounds lasting from 20 to 45 minutes. Somebody of

each group will act as the host and lead the conversations. Alternatively, hosts can

be assigned for each table to stay in place and explain the next group the ideas of

the previous one.

The World Café format is flexible and adapts to many different circumstances, based

on a few simple components. When the following five components are used together,

the World Café experience is more likely to be optimal.

1. Creating hospitable space. Make the space look like an actual Café, arrange

tables and chairs and maybe offer some refreshments. Put a couple of large

white sheets of paper over the tablecloth and include pens and markers on each

table to encourage scribbling, drawing, and connecting ideas. It is important that

people can see each other’s ideas.

2. Exploring questions that matter. Each table has its own topic of conversation,

usually in a form of a question. Conversations should center around something

that the participants care about. Well-crafted questions create energy and direct

attention to what really counts.

out 6.1


3. Encouraging everyone to contribute. It is important to encourage everyone to

contribute their ideas and perspectives, while allowing anyone who wants to

contribute through their silent listening to do so. If wanted, a talking object, e.g.

a stone or a ball, can be used to support the dialogue. The person holding the

talking object talks while the others listen; no interruptions are allowed.

4. Connecting diverse people and ideas. When participants move to different

tables they carry with them the core ideas, insights or deeper questions of their

initial group. The key ideas of the previous group (written down for everyone to

see) are explored before the next conversation starts. Usually ideas start to

connect up to other ideas and sharing of knowledge occurs.

5. Making collective knowledge visible. At the end of the conversation rounds,

the main ideas are summarised and follow-up possibilities discussed. If the ideas

are not analysed immediately, there is a risk of losing some of the emerging

themes and imaginative solutions. It is possible for a skilled facilitator to draw

the group’s ideas on a large wall mural as part of the whole group conversation.

This allows everyone to see the relationships among key perspectives as well as

the larger picture they are creating together. Alternatively, the sheets of paper

where the ideas were originally written or drawn can be placed on the wall. Table

hosts or other individuals are invited to share insights or other results from their

conversations with the rest of the large group.


Ideal for sharing knowledge, stimulating innovative thinking, and exploring

action possibilities around real life issues.

Format is quite flexible and settings can be modified, as long as inviting

and safe café atmosphere is maintained.

Requires more time than an hour. Essential parts, such as the summarising

conversation, should not be dismissed.

Not suitable for events with less than 12 participants.


Brown, J. (2002): The World Café. A Resource Guide for Hosting Conversations That

Matter. Mill Valley, Whole Systems Associates.

More information about World Café

The World Café & The World Café Community Foundation website

A short video on YouTube