Coordination and event presentation during a one day track and field event

Post on 20-Feb-2016

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Coordination and event presentation during a one day track and field event Ferdy Geeroms . Details make the difference. Meetings, meetings and meetings are a must. Meetings to prepare the event coordination. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Coordination and event presentation during a one day track and field event

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Coordination and event

presentation during a one day

track and field event

Ferdy Geeroms

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Details make the difference

Meetings, meetings and meetings are a must

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Meetings to prepare the event coordination

announcers + spotters + TV producer + TV assistant + technical director /meeting organizer technical team for starting blocks, hurdles and basket carriers

team for the coordination of technical events

referees + team for the coordination of technical events DJ, responsible(s) technicians of the video screens/score boards

infield + outfield coordinator

team ceremonies (award ceremonies) call-room 1 + 2

general meeting

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar


European Athletics Event Presentation seminar




European Athletics Event Presentation seminar


Organization protocol


Based on:

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar 2. CHAMBRES D’APPEL Réception en dehors du stade : Josée Goossens Elle est responsable pour distribuer les badges d’accréditations aux athlètes qui ne passent pas par l’hôtel, ainsi qu’aux participants Belgacom Youth Memorial. Josée se trouve dans l’ Athletes desk. Contrôle carte d’identité en cas de doute. Belgacom Youth Memorial :  Fédérations envoient invitations avec les informations suivantes:

que les tickets et les dossards devront être repris au Athlete’s desk (coin Av. du Marathon et Boechhout)que les parents ne peuvent entrer qu’ après l’ouverture des portes

le nombre de tickets sera de trois et l’athlète recevra un bracelet bleu que l’intraîneur recevra un bracelet rouge et un ticket pour avoir accès aux tribunes qu’il ya des vestiaires prévus à l’entrée Marathon que les tickets et et bracelets devront être retirés PERSONNELLEMENT

qu’il n’y a qu’un accès au stade (Avenue de marathon) En annexe de l’invitation il y a un plan avec le terrain d’échauffement,(terrain synthétique terrain 4), l’accès à la piste, les tickets pour la tribune, l’endroit où retirer les dossards, l’horaire et les call-times.

Call-room 1 : responsables Dirk Berger et Hilde Ghesquière

Prévoir un extra walkie- talkie.Retirer 2 mégaphones : un pour J.M. Bache et un comme back-up sur le terrain d’échauffement•Au moment de l’arrivée des busses un collaborateur montrera aux athlètes le nouveau endroit du terrain d’échauffement et la chambre d’•appel et insistera pour qu’ils retirent leurs dossards immédiatement. Uniquement ouvrir porte avant des busses. Les sauteurs à la perch•e et les lanceurs seront directement référés vers les minibus.•Une sonorisation sera placée sur le terrain d’échauffement•La call-room 1 se trouve sur le terrain 4 (terrain synthétique) !) où l’échauffement des coureurs se déroulera). Ici les dossards seront r•emis (excepté perche, lancers, VRT-RTBF et To Walk Again) et 6 couloirs de 90 m de long seront installés sur une plancher en •bois couvert avec du Mondo. L’échauffement des lanceurs se fera sur le terrain 5. •100 m chaise roulante To Walk Again :

-recevront leurs dossards à l’avance et ne passeront pas par la chambre d’appel 1 et

Organization protocol

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar


Starters / Jury Announcers Scoreboard Sponsors/Hostess

 Presentation pole vault

womenStartlist pole vault men

women   19:24:00



VAULT WOMEN   19:25:00Athletes 4 x 1500 men prepare Belgacom M. V. D.   19:31:00

  Text Tournée générale     19:32:00  Belgacom M. V. D.   19:33:00    Belgacom M. V. D.   19:33:40  Present. 4 x 1500 men Startlist 4 x 1500 men   19:34:00

START 4 x 1500 m MEN  

START 4 x 1500 m MEN   19:35:00

    Belgacom M. V. D.   19:38:00 Present. High Jump Women Startlist high jump women 19:39:00START HIGH JUMP WOMEN START HIGH JUMP WOMEN 19:40:00

      Sponsor steeple called 19:42:00

    Results 3000 m steeple menSp. + athl. steeple cr.

track 19:47:00      19:48:00    Tournée générale ??? ??????? 19:49:30

Athletes 800 m women called   Belgacom M. V. D. 19:51:00    Belgacom M. V. D.   19:52:00    Belgacom M. V. D.   19:52:40  Presentation 800 m wom. Startlist 800 m women 19:53:00

START 800 m women   START 800 m women   19:55:00

Athletes 110 m H. men called   Belgacom M. V. D. 20:01:00    Belgacom M. V. D.   20:02:00    Belgacom M. V. D.   20:02:40  Presentation 110 m H. men Startlist 110 m H. men 20:03:00

START 110 M H MEN   START 110 M H MEN   20:05:00

     Sp. 4 x 1500 m men

called 20:06:00        20:08:00  Present. Javelin men     20:09:00


European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Cathérine CANDO TCHANG Jef GEES  Announcer ceremonies Videoscreen Music VRT Time


START POLE VAULT WOMEN       19:25:00      19:31:00  Slide Tournée gén.        Comm; Belgacom fr.     19:33:00    Startl. 4 x 1500 men 19:33:40      Lane 1 4 x 1500 men 19:34:00

START 4 x 1500 m MEN     Start 4x1500 men 19:35:00

  Logo Adidas     19:38:00      19:39:00



        19:42:00Podium 3000 m steeple men Comm. Ville de Brux. Tune   19:47:00

  19:48:00  Slide Tourn. Gén.? Jef, un ptit ….?   19:49:30        19:51:00 Logo Hyundai     19:52:00      Startl. 800 m women 19:52:40      Lane 1 19:53:00  Start 800 m women   Start 800 m women 19:55:00        20:01:00  Logo IBM     20:02:00      Startl. 110 m H. men 20:02:40    Lane 1 20:03:00  Start 110 m H men   Start 110 m H men 20:05:00


European Athletics Event Presentation seminar


Team coord technical events

(Asistant) TV producerStarter

Announcer start present.infield

Coord. cerem.

Coord. announ.


Video screen A

Video screen B

Announcer ceremonies

Respon. .atlhetes

Resp. VIPS


Spotters Techn. events +Running events



TV images

Start lists; resultsTechnical informationgeneral information

Assist. starters

Resp. Equipm. stadium + electricity

Head logistical team

Live results

Resp. equipment stadium

Referees technical events

Technical team


Scorebord/video screen C



European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Presentation running events till 800 m included

- 4 min: athletes take off their training suit infield coordinator informs TV and outfield coordinator- 3 min:: commercial of the sponsor related to the event is played without

sound on the video screen (max 30 sec) -2 min 30: infield coordinator informs TV and outfield coordinator athletes are ready and lined up- 2 min 20: TV shows start list

presentation music starts- 2 min 15: announcer of the start presentation announces event volume music is reduced- 2 min: TV shows lane by lane (7 to 8 sec for a lane but important athletes 10 sec) volume music is improved between lane presentations. music stops after last presentation . announcer follows TV images! - 0 min : start orders

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Presentation running events above 800 m

- 4 min: athletes take off their training suit infield coordinator informs TV and outfield coordinator- 2 min: commercial of the sponsor related to the event is played without

sound on the video screen (max 30 sec) assistant starters line up athletes-1 min 30: infield coordinator informs TV and outfield coordinator athletes are ready and lined up- 1 min 20: TV shows start list

presentation music starts (if used)- 1 min 15: announcer of the start presentation announces event volume music is reduced (if used)- 1 min: TV shows overview of the athletes and concentrates 7 to 10 sec on

local or important athletes. announcer follows TV images! volume music remains reduced.(if used) music stops after last presentation! (if used)- 0 min : start orders

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Presentation technical events

- 4 min: athletes called for presentation infield coordinator informs TV and outfield coordinator - 3 min: commercial of the sponsor related to the event is played without sound (max 30 sec) - 2 min 30: infield coordinator informs TV and outfield coordinator athletes are ready and lined up- 2 min 20: TV shows start list

presentation music starts (if used)- 2 min 15: announcer of the presentation announces event volume music is reduced (if used)- 2 min: TV starts presentation from left to right first athlete to jump/throw stays on the left athletes leave after individual presentation- start event

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar


Call-room 1

Call-room 2

Technical team

Team coordination technical events


TV (producer + assistant )

Team ceremonies

Speakers and spotters

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

CALL-ROOM 1 (warming-up area)

Field terminal data Prints startlists Call-room 1 (+ call-room 2 + media)


Distribution BIPS (names!) Men


Announce call-timesVideo screen

Board with call-times

Person escorts athletes to call-room 2 and takes start list

Place to assembly the athletes

Using announcements

NO waiting (= sitting) room!!



Running events

Running events

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

      Leaving Arrival        

1st call 2nd call Last call call-room 1 call-room 2 Leaving Arrival start Start Event

10 ' 5' 3' by minibus by minibus call-room 2      16:49 16:54 16:56 16:59 17:03 17:13 17:15 17:25 100 m boys16:57 17:02 17:04 17:07 17:11 17:21 17:23 17:33 100m Girls17:10 17:15 17:17 17:20 17:24 17:34 17:34 17:43 400m Boys16:46 16:51 16:53 16:56 17:00 17:10 17:10 17:50 High Jump Girls

   Entrance gate

Wemmel 17:40

      17:45 17:53 100m Belgacom To Walk Again Cup

17:02 17:07 17:09 17:12 grass field 17:14 17:24 17:25 17:55 Discus Women

17:22 17:27 17:29 17:32 17:36 17:46 17:48 17:58 1000m Boys17:30 17:35 17:37 17:40 17:44 17:54 17:56 18:06 1000m Girls17:41 17:46 17:48 17:51 17:55 18:05 18:09 18:19 4 x 100m Boys (call-times runners 3 and 4 boys and girls)17:44 17:49 17:51 17:54 17:57 18:07 18:09 18:29 4 x 100m Girls (call-times runners 1 and 2 boys and girls)18:03 18:08 18:10 18:13 18:17 18:27 18:29 18:39 Heat 1 100 m men of EU 18:11 18:16 18:18 18:21 18:25 18:35 18:37 18:47 Heat 2 100 m men of EU 18:19 18:24 18:26 18:29 18:33 18:43 18:45 18:55 Heat 3 100 m men of EU

            19.00 Opening Ceremony

18:16 18:21 18:23 18:26 grass field 18:28 18:38 18:40 19:10 Shot Put Men

18:14 18:19 18:21 18:24 18:27 18:37 18:40 19:15 Triple Jump Women (4 attempts)

18:48 18:53 18:55 18:58 grass field 19:00 19:08 19:10 19:20 100m VRT - RTBF

18:50 18:55 18:57 19:00 19:03 19:13 19:15 19:25 200m single below knee amputee Belgacom cup



-up in main


    18:03 18:13 18:15 19:30 Pole vault men


European Athletics Event Presentation seminar


Spikes on for running events

Remember athletes their starting lane (also long distances!)

Athletes remain maximum 10 min

Athletes receive hips

Referee escorts athletes to start or technical event and takes start lists

Laptop + printer of data provider

Check bags and publicity

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Technical team



Basket carriers

when to enter, where to stay, how to leaveplace first two hurdles as fast as possibleanticipate (f.i. during long distances!)

for 100 and 110 m hurdles hurdle 3 down during warm-up

always anticipate

first blocs, than lane numbersteam A places and removes hurdles A eventsteam B places and removes hurdles B events

tiimetable for the basket carriersarrive just before the athletes

leave before the start presentation or walk away from presentation camera

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Coordination team technical events

informs referees:

when to stop the technical events during starts with blocs

about time left before award ceremonies

double checks hurdles, barriers, cones, relays, if blocks are away

about the timing prepared by the referees

never stops an athlete ready to jump or throw

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

- coordinator in contact with outfield coordinator

- responsible VIPS + hostesses: - map VIPS available- VIPS informed in advance when their ceremony is planned

- responsible VIPS receives in advance list of which VIP will do which event- list of gifts available (on paper!)

- announcer with a ceremonious voice + spotter

- reponsible athletes + all team (escorts athletes to the ceremony area keeping in mind the expected time of the ceremony)

- knowledge of the timetable of the ceremonies

- speaks english

Team award Ceremonies

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Row 1 seat1Row1 seat2

Row1 seat3

Row1 seat4

Row1 seat5

Row1 seat6

Row1 seat7

Row1 seat8

Row1 seat9

Row1 seat10

Row1 seat11

Row1 seat12

Row1 seat13

Row1 seat14

Row1 seat15

Ferdy Andy Jesse Lars Sarah Felix Jade Roger

Row 2 Seat 1

Row 2 Seat 2

Row 2 Seat 3

Row 2 Seat 4

Row 2 Seat 5

Row 2 Seat 6

Row 2 Seat 7

Row 2 Seat 8

Row 2 Seat 9

Row 2 Seat 10

Row 2 Seat 11

Row 2 Seat 12

Row 2 Seat 13

Row 2 Seat 14

Row 2 Seat 15

Fumei Xiaofei Chao Ellen Yvonne Marilou Zoë Loes

Row 3 Seat 1

Row 3 Seat 2

Row 3 Seat 3

Row 3 Seat 4

Row 3 Seat 5

Row 3 Seat 6

Row 3 Seat 7

Row 3 Seat 8

Row 3 Seat 9

Row 3 Seat 10

Row 3 Seat 11

Row 3 Seat 12

Row 3 Seat 13

Row 3 Seat 14

Row 3 Seat 15

Ron Piet Amy Jos Bea Wim Alain Ben

Row 4 Seat 1

Row 4 Seat 2

Row 4 Seat 3

Row 4 Seat 4

Row 4 Seat 5

Row 4 Seat 6

Row 4 Seat 7

Row 4 Seat 8

Row 4 Seat 9

Row 4 Seat 10

Row 4 Seat 11

Row 4 Seat 12

Row 4 Seat 13

Row 4 Seat 14

Row 4 Seat 15

Chris Xiaochuan Mary Elke Rani Gerrit Kim Josianne

Row 5 Seat 1

Row 5 Seat 2

Row 5 Seat 3

Row 5 Seat 4

Row 5 Seat 5

Row 5 Seat 6

Row 5 Seat 7

Row 5 Seat 8

Row 5 Seat 9

Row 5 Seat 10

Row 5 Seat 11

Row 5 Seat 12

Row 5 Seat 13

Row 5 Seat 14

Row 5 Seat 15

Timo Kasper Vicky Julien Mimi

Row 6 Seat 1

Row 6 Seat 2

Row 6 Seat 3

Row 6 Seat 4

Row 6 Seat 5

Row 6 Seat 6

Row 6 Seat 7

Row 6 Seat 8

Row 6 Seat 9

Row 6 Seat 10

Row 6 Seat 11

Row 6 Seat 12

Row 6 Seat 13

Row 6 Seat 14

Row 6 Seat 15


European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Gifts Belgacom Memorial Van Damme Sculpture Chocolate Flowers cerem. Flowers finish Medal

17:25 100m Boys / / / / 317:33 100m Girls / / / / 317:43 400m Boys / / / / 317:50 High Jump Girls / / / / 317:53 100m Belgacom To Walk Again Cup / / / / 317:55 Discus Women 1 3 2 / /17:58 1000m Boys / / / / 318:00 Triple Jump Women 1 3 2 / /18:06 1000m Girls / / / / 318:19 4 x 100m Boys / / / / 1218:29 4 x 100m Girls / / / / 1218:39 Heat 1 100 m men EU cup / / / / /18:47 Heat 2 100 m men EU cup / / / / /18:55 Heat 3 100 m men EU cup / / / / /19.00 Opening Ceremony / / / / /19:10 Shot Put Men 1 3 2 / /19:20 100m VRT - RTBF / 3 / 1 3

19:25 200m Belgacom single below knee amputees cup / 3 / 1 3

19:30 Pole Vault Men 1 3 2 / /19:35 3.000m steeple Men 1 3 2 1 /

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar


Technical events pro-actve during warming-up

countdown clock for the last last 10 min before start eventuse a small video screen for next but one jumper or throwerare informed when award ceremonies are planned

Running events

are never in front of information screens

assistant starters should anticipate for the next eventefficiency during the line-up of athletes for events above 800 m

map where everyone will take place

dessign a map where everyone will take place never in front of information screens

draft of the expected length of throws or jumps per attempt + total duration of the event expected

a written briefing for each event is a must

a written briefing for each event is a must

the “best” and specialized in the technical discipline

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

1 referee calling athletes Place: beginning of the run up1 referee for the wind measurement Place: wind gauge1 referee to operate the clock and to put the stop board Place: 10m before take-off board1 referee to operate the field terminal Place: 2 m before take-off board 1 secretary sitting at the table of the field terminal Place: table field terminal1 chief referee: to judge if the jump is valid Place:.prolongation of the take-off line1 referee for the plasticine . Place: 2 m after take-off board1 referee for EDM . Place: middle of the sandbox1 referee for the indication of the landing Place: beside sandbox at the expected landing

Place referees triple jump in Brussels

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Javelin men

Place Participants Attempts Start End Duration Temperature Weather London 8 4 14:20 15:02 42 min 17°C Cloudy 16 x 0 throw 16 throws measured

Stockholm 12 4 20:30 22:05 95 min 19°C Clear 15 x 0 throw 43 throws measured

Paris 8 6 20:38 21:40 62 min 24°C Cloudy 8 x 0 throw 39 throws measured

Lausanne 9 6 20:30 21:42 72 min 23°C Clear 21 x 0 throw 31 throws measured

Barcelona 12 6 20:05 21:29 84 min 27°C Sunny 19 x 0 throw

New York 8 6 16:58 17:35 37 min 25°C Sunny15 x 0 throws

20 throws measured.

Oslo 8 6 20:20 21:32 82 min 17°C Sunny16 x 0 throws

31 throws measured

Brussels 10 6 20:40 21:42 62 min 15°C Cloudy16 x 0 throws

37 throws measured

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Triple jump men

Place Participants Attempts Start End Duration Temperature Weather Remarks

London 8 6 19:38 20:4466 min 16°c Cloudy 22 x 0 throws 24 jumps measured

Stockholm 11 4 20:25 21:27 62 min 19°C Clear 11x 0 throw 30 jumps measured

Paris 9 6 20:33 21:58 85 min 24°C Cloudy 16 x 0 jump 35 jumps measured

Gateshead 8 6 18:00 19:0464 min 22°C Cloudy 10 x 0 throws 36 jumps measured

Barcelona 14 6 19:40 21:22102 min 27°C Cloudy 16 X 0 throws

New York 8 6 17:00 18:02 62 min 25°C Sunny 10 x 0 jumps 32 jumps measured

Brussels 9 4 20:42 21:38 56 min 15°C Cloudy 14 x 0 jumps 20 jumps measured

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

TV producer + assistant

discuss with them the start presentation for:

- starts till 800 m- starts above 800 m

discuss the order of the introduction of a start presentation

discuss the organization of (eventual) presentations of technical events

inform them about eventual interviews on the track + where?

which camera can be used for interviews on the track?

which athletes will be presented in distances above 800 m

way to inform infield coordinator when producer will start presentation

discuss continuity

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar

Announcers and spotters

- discuss continuity- which are the pace makers? Lap times?- which are the accents of the competition?- assign tasks of the spotters and the announcers - which athletes will be presented for running events above 800 m?- length of presentation for one lane for events till 800 m?- when start to talk during the start presentations?- followTV images during a start presentation- way of receiving last start lists?- CIS monitor for announcers and spotters- TV monitor for announcers

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar



Organization team (ALL volunteers and referees)

Compare with other competitions

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar


Each job should be analysed in detail

- what can be improved ? - what did go wrong last year? What can go wrong this year?

Each year is different- organizations differ- people react different from year to year

What are the consequences of a change?

How can we do better as last year?- see evaluation!- self-criticism is a must!

European Athletics Event Presentation seminar


try to alternate the starts between men and women

try to alternate between short and long distances

try to alternate starting places

spread “high lights” all over the competition

try to put a “high light” before and after TV breaks. Idem for the beginning and the end of the competition

keep between 100 and 200 m min.50 till max. 70 min for athletes running both

give events with good local athletes a “special” place into the timetable

Should be realisticenough time between two events

thoughtful sequence of the events