Cooking vegetables Questions, Answers, Polls & Debates

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Cooking vegetables Questions, Answers, Polls & Debates

Cooking vegetables Questions, Answers, Polls & Debates

Is there any way to make Brussels sprouts taste good without using any sodium or butter? (On acrash diet)

by da truth on May 23rd, 2015

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7 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Can you cook dried soybeans?

by Answerbag Staff on May 14th, 2011


2 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Do you have a personal chef?

by Camel on April 17th, 2015

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9 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Can i cook green potatoes?

by Answerbag Staff on May 14th, 2011


5 answers


in Cooking vegetables

What are some vegetables you can roast?

by Marguerite on March 12th, 2015

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9 answers


in Cooking vegetables

How long does it take to cook cut up potatoes?

by Answerbag Staff on May 13th, 2011


3 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Are you in love with roasted cauliflower?

by Marguerite on March 7th, 2015

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5 answers


in Cooking vegetables

How Long Should I Bake Potatoes in the Oven?

by Answerbag Staff on May 11th, 2011


6 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Are Brussels sprouts made of Kryptonite? Is that why they're green?

by SadieVirgo on January 9th, 2015

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2 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Can you cook foods on a steam table?

by Answerbag Staff on May 5th, 2011


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

Why do they cook "roasted peppers" until the outside is burned to black, almost cremated?

by Ultimist on January 4th, 2015

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3 answers


in Cooking vegetables (General)

How long do you bake potatoes in the oven?

by Answerbag Staff on May 4th, 2011

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2 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Were you tricked into eating vegetables? How?

by SadieVirgo on December 20th, 2014

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7 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Are fennel and anise the same vegetable?

by Answerbag Staff on July 11th, 2010


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

Do you like your onions and green peppers toasted?

by AG - Just Another Millennial on December 16th, 2014

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13 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Can ripe tomato relish be made with canned tomatoes?

by Answerbag Staff on July 7th, 2010


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

Have you tried hot and crunchy avocado fries?

by Marguerite on December 6th, 2014

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3 answers


in Cooking vegetables (General)

Can you sun dry concord grapes?

by Answerbag Staff on July 7th, 2010


3 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Does eating fries make you very happy?

by Socks on November 27th, 2014

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one answer


in Cooking vegetables (General)

Can you cookeat vegetable tops?

by Answerbag Staff on May 14th, 2011


2 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Why do I smell something burning every time you cook?

by Bazillus Breath on October 18th, 2014

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8 answers


in Cooking vegetables

How long do you bake potatoes in foil?

by Answerbag Staff on May 13th, 2011

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5 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Do you put bacon, onion, butter, and milk into your mashed potatoes?

by Koz-trophobia on October 13th, 2014

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4 answers


in Cooking vegetables

How long should you bake sliced potatoes?

by Answerbag Staff on May 7th, 2011


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

Do you like turnips mixed with potatoes?

by AG - Just Another Millennial on October 13th, 2014

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5 answers


in Cooking vegetables

When is summer squash ripe enough to pick?

by Answerbag Staff on July 13th, 2010


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

What is the best thing you ever cooked for yourself?

by Camel on September 12th, 2014

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5 answers


in Cooking vegetables

What flower bulb can be used in cooking in place of onions?

by Answerbag Staff on July 12th, 2010


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

Is a "tatum" some kind of potato?

by Janny Janera on August 18th, 2014

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2 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Do I juice the beet the stem?

by Answerbag Staff on July 11th, 2010


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

Too many cooks spoil the broth? But how many is too many?

by Bazillus Breath on July 14th, 2014

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3 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Can you use frozen edamames in a tossed salad if you thaw them?

Dinner Recipes

by Answerbag Staff on June 28th, 2010


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

What way do you like to prep/cook your butternut pumpkin(squash)?

by Simsine on May 25th, 2014

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3 answers


in Cooking vegetables

How do I trim core fennel?

Breakfast Recipes

by Answerbag Staff on June 28th, 2010


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

What causes the center of a cabbage to rot?

by Bazillus Breath on April 14th, 2014

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2 answers


in Cooking vegetables

How do I bake a potato in the microwave oven?

by Answerbag Staff on May 12th, 2011


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

Got potatoes?

by Bazillus Breath on April 11th, 2014

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one answer


in Cooking vegetables

How much time do you need to bake eggplant?

by Answerbag Staff on May 3rd, 2011


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

Got cabbage?

by Bazillus Breath on April 7th, 2014

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3 answers


in Cooking vegetables

How long does it take to bake potatoes on a barbecue grill?

by Answerbag Staff on July 17th, 2010


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

Are the washington redskins a kind of potato?

by Bazillus Breath on April 1st, 2014

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one answer


in Cooking vegetables

Name 1 vegetable whose head and tail you cut off before cooking ?

by Veena.K on March 19th, 2014

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7 answers


in Cooking vegetables

When you kind of burn the fried potatoes and onions do you just call them "blackened"?

by Cassandrafive on March 17th, 2014

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3 answers


in Cooking vegetables (General)

When you slice your vegetables, do you imagine you're cutting up your no good friends?

by Ondine on January 5th, 2014

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7 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Cooks please. I am making a vegetarian chilli to use up some vegetables that have to be used now (Ihate throwing food out).

by Dabendan yangui zi on December 27th, 2013

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5 answers


in Cooking vegetables (General)

If you peel the skin from just the end of a cucumber, is that called a circumcision?

by Bazillus Breath on December 15th, 2013


one answer


in Cooking vegetables

What color should your urine be if you eat beets?

by Bazillus Breath on December 3rd, 2013


no answers


in Cooking vegetables

What's the best 'vegetarian dish' you like or can prepare ?

by Veena.K on November 9th, 2013

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9 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Can contacts protect your eyes while cutting onions?

by KirbyHiFive on October 31st, 2013

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4 answers


in Cooking vegetables

What can you do with a zucchini?

by Me on October 27th, 2013

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12 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Has anyone tried spaghetti squash? Is it good??

by katydid15 on October 2nd, 2013

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2 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Don't you love this banana madness I've started? It's wonderful.

by Amber-MasterGinger on October 1st, 2013

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4 answers


in Cooking vegetables (General)

Name a foodstuff that in your opinion, is best eaten raw?

by Marky Mark on September 21st, 2013

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14 answers


in Cooking vegetables

What could a woman possibly cook better than and a man?

by Wey on September 18th, 2013

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9 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Do you eat the end tips of a cucumber or do you cut them off and discard them?

by Koz-trophobia on July 2nd, 2013

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3 answers


in Cooking vegetables

What is this food called when people cook on a table?

by Me on June 30th, 2013

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6 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Do you steam, grill or boil vegetables?

by BedsUK on June 30th, 2013

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4 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Why can no one cook?

by DD-Teufelshunde on June 12th, 2013

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6 answers


in Cooking vegetables

how to cook fish

by shahaf255 on May 26th, 2013

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11 answers


in Cooking vegetables

Do you like raw or cooked onions?

by Me on May 23rd, 2013

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27 answers


in Cooking vegetables (General)