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Convergent evolution of pollen transport mode in twodistantly related bee genera (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae

and Melittidae)Zachary M. Portman, Vincent J. Tepedino

To cite this version:Zachary M. Portman, Vincent J. Tepedino. Convergent evolution of pollen transport mode in twodistantly related bee genera (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae and Melittidae). Apidologie, Springer Verlag,2017, 48 (4), pp.461-472. �10.1007/s13592-016-0489-8�. �hal-01702524�

Convergent evolution of pollen transport mode in twodistantly related bee genera (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae

and Melittidae)

Zachary M. PORTMAN, Vincent J. TEPEDINO

Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5305, USA

Received 31 July 2016 – Revised 11 December 2016 – Accepted 28 December 2016

Abstract – Purposeful transport of pollen represents a key innovation in the evolution of bees from predatory wasps.Most bees transport pollen on specialized hairs on the hind legs or ventral metasoma in one of three ways: moist, dry,or Bglazed,^ which combines dry and moist transport. The evolutionary pathway among these three transport modesis unclear, though dry transport has been hypothesized to be ancestral. We address this hypothesis using museumspecimens and published records of the bee genera Perdita (Andrenidae) andHesperapis (Melittidae), two distantlyrelated groups whose pollen transport modes appear to have converged. Most species in both genera transportmoistened pollen; glazed and dry transport are limited to derived clades of specialists on floral hosts in Asteraceaeand Onagraceae, with specialization on Asteraceae associated with more elaborate scopal hairs. The associationsbetween transport mode, host plant, and hair type may be due to the sticky pollenkitt of asteraceous pollen grains andthe viscin threads of Onagraceae pollen, which provide alternates to the binding properties of nectar. These findingssuggest that the hypothesis that dry transport is ancestral in bees should be reexamined.

Apoidea / glaze /Hesperapis /Perdita / scopae


Female bees collect pollen at flowers and trans-port it to the nest where it serves as the primaryprotein source for their progeny. Although pastresearch has explored the various adaptations ofbees to gather pollen (e.g., Thorp 1979; Müller1996a, b; Müller and Bansac 2004), fewer studieshave addressed how pollen is transported to thenest. Although a few bee taxa transport polleninternally in the crop, most transport it either onthe ventral metasoma (e.g., most Megachilidae) or,more commonly, on the hind legs (Michener

2007). Transport on the hind legs is facilitated bystructural elaborations, mostly of the tibia andbasitarsus, to include either hair brushes (scopae)or flattened plates (corbiculae).

Pollen is packed on the hind legs andtransported in one of three modes: moistened withnectar or oils (Figure 1a, b), dry (Figure 2c, d), orBglazed,^ a combination of dry and moist collec-tion (Figure 1c, d). A glazed pollen load is initiallypacked dry and is then capped with nectar duringthe latter part of the foraging trip (Thorp 2000;Eickwort et al. 1986; Norden et al. 1992). Al-though most bee species transport dry pollen, fiveof the seven bee families also contain genera withspecies that transport either moistened or glazedpollen: Andrenidae, Apidae, Halictidae,Melittidae, and Stenotritidae (Malyshev 1936;Houston and Thorp 1984; Westerkamp 1996;Thorp 2000; Michener 2007).

The evolutionary sequence of external pollentransport among the three modes is presently

Electronic supplementary material The online version ofthis article (doi:10.1007/s13592-016-0489-8) containssupplementary material, which is available to authorizedusers.

Corresponding author: Z. Portman,zportman@gmail.comManuscript editor: James Nieh

Apidologie (2017) 48:461–472* INRA, DIB and Springer-Verlag France, 2017DOI: 10.1007/s13592-016-0489-8

Original article

unsettled. Traditionally, primitive bees werethought to transport pollen internally in the crop(Malyshev 1936; Jander 1976; Michener et al.1978; Michener 1979). More recent hypothesespropose that primitive bees transported pollen dryon plumose hairs that covered most of the body(Roberts and Vallespir 1978; Radchenko andPesenko 1996; Michener 2007). This hypothesisis presumably supported by the branched bodyhairs and plumose hindleg hairs found on theoldest known bee fossil (∼100Myr), a single maleMelittosphex burmensis Danforth and Poinar(Danforth and Poinar 2011). Alternatively, others

have hypothesized that plumose hairs originatedas an adaptation for temperature and water regu-lation rather than pollen transport (Engel 2001,Michener 2007). The paucity of bees in the fossilrecord (Michez et al. 2012) offers little additionalhelp in disentangling the evolution of pollen trans-port or of hair traits.

Bee genera that contain some species that trans-port moist pollen and others that transport pollendry are particularly apt to shed light on the evolu-tionary sequence of pollen transport modes espe-cially when phylogenies are available for compar-ison. Two examples are the genera Perdita

Fig. 1 Lateral views of moist and glazed transport. a Moist transport of Loasaceae pollen by Perdita perplexaTimberlake on simple hairs. b Moist transport of Asteraceae pollen by P. n. sp. 2 aff. laticincta on simple hairs. cGlazed (25% dry) transport of Asteraceae pollen by Hesperapis hurdi Timberlake on branched hairs. d Glazed(80% dry) transport of Asteraceae pollen by P. albonotata Timberlake on corkscrew-shaped hairs.

Fig. 2 Dry transport of Onagraceae pollen. a Sparse, simple scopal hairs of P. pallida Timberlake. b Denser andlonger scopal hairs of Perdita vespertina Griswold & Miller. c Dry transport Onagraceae pollen on P. pallida . dCloseup of c showing viscin threads binding pollen together.

462 Z.M. Portman and V.J. Tepedino

(Andrenidae) and Hesperapis (Melittidae)(Timberlake 1954; Stage 1966), which are distant-ly related (Cardinal and Danforth 2013; Hedtkeet al. 2013), yet have several similarities: They arerestricted to North America (Michener 2007;Michez et al. 2007), are most diverse in the aridwest (Michener 2007), and are comprised almostexclusively of oligoleges, i.e., species which usepollen from a small set of related floral hosts(Linsley 1958; Stage 1966; Eickwort andGinsberg 1980; Cane et al. 1996; Minckley et al.2013). A recent partial phylogeny is available forPerdita (Danforth 1996) and preliminary ones areavailable for Hesperapis (Stage 1966; Michezet al. 2009).

At present, the incidence of Perdita speciesthat transport moist, dry, or glazed pollen loadsis unknown. Although many are thought to trans-port a pollen mass that has been continuouslymoistened with nectar as it is packed onto the hindtibia (Timberlake 1954; Thorp 1979; Michener2007; Neff 2008), the genus is large (>630species, Portman et al. 2016) and the transportmodes of only seven species have been studiedin detail. Of these, six are moist transporters andone transports glazed pollen (Online Resource 1:Table SI). Species that Bglaze^ their pollen loadsare thought to be confined to one monophyleticsection of seven subgenera (Danforth 1996;Timberlake 1954; Michener 2007). The pollentransport mode of most Hesperapis (∼40 species,Cane et al. 1996) species is also poorly known;only three, all moist-transporters, have been in-vestigated in depth (Online Resource 1: Table SI).

At least two salient factors may influence pol-len transport mode: host plant choice, scopal hairmorphology and distribution, or an interaction ofthe two. Thorp (1979) proposed that moist pollentransport would be particularly advantageous togeneralist pollen foraging species because moist-ening facilitates the agglutination of pollen ofdiverse shapes and sizes (see also Vaissière andVinson 1994). Paradoxically, however, many ofthe species that transport moistened pollen areoligolectic (Thorp 1979). In addition, there aremany examples of host plant pollen being collect-ed by different bee species that employ contrast-ing transport modes (e.g., Hurd and Linsley 1975,Larrea specialists; Hurd et al. 1980, Helianthus

specialists). Since both dry andmoist transport areexhibited by diverse generalist and specialist pol-len foragers on the same host, it suggests thatadditional factors such as scopal hair characteris-tics or evolutionary limitations might be germane.

It has been previously suggested that the struc-ture, density, and distribution of the scopae corre-spond to pollen properties. The scopal hairs asso-ciated with dry transport often reflect the size andornamentation of the pollen specialized on(Linsley 1958; Thorp 1979). Examples includelong simple hairs on bees specialized onOnagraceae (Michener 1944; Linsley et al. 1963;Thorp 1969, 1979); hair brushes of long, simple,curved hairs on bees specialized on Cucurbitaceae(Hurd and Linsley 1964); and dense, finely plu-mose, or branched scopal hairs on bees special-ized on small, spiny Asteraceae pollen (Linsley1958; Linsley and MacSwain 1958; Moldenke1979). Alternatively, other studies suggest thatthe simple scopal hairs of moist transporters areadaptable to holding many pollen types (Robertsand Vallespir 1978; Thorp 1979, 2000; Michener2007). InPerdita , there are clear differences in thestructure of the scopal hairs between species thattransport moist or glazed pollen; species thattransport glazed pollen typically have longer,denser, and more structurally complex scopalhairs (Timberlake 1954; Danforth 1996).

Our objectives here are threefold: (1) expandour knowledge of the distribution of dry, moist,and glazed pollen transport in Perdita andHesperapis , (2) determine if pollen transportmode is associated with specialization on particu-lar floral hosts or pollen types, and (3) uncoverassociations between scopal hair types and pollentransport mode. We then use extant though incho-ate phylogenies to derive systematic hypotheseswhich address the origin and evolution of pollentransport.


Specimens in the genera Perdita andHesperapis were examined from the USDA Pol-linating Insect Research Unit (PIRU) collection inLogan, UT and the Entomology Research Muse-um, University of California, Riverside, CA usinga Leica M125 or MZ12 stereomicroscope with a

Evolution of pollen transport 463

Techniquip ProLine 80 LED ring light. A subsetof specimens was further examined using a Quan-ta FEG 650 Scanning Electron Microscope toconfirm or refine findings on the distribution andmorphology of scopal hairs and pollen grains.

Pollen transport mode was classified into threegroups: moist (Figure 1a, b, entire pollen loadmoistened), dry (Figure 2c, d, no moisteningdetected), or glazed (Figure 1c, d, an initial layerof dry pollen covered by a layer of moistenedpollen). In bees that transport glazed pollen, weestimated the proportion of the pollen load on thetibia and basitarsus that was dry. Some specieswere represented only by specimens with partiallyfilled dry pollen loads, making it impossible todistinguish between dry and glazed transport.These specimens were classified as transportinginitially dry pollen.

We categorized scopal hair type by the locationof hairs on different areas of the hind legs, hairlength, hair morphology, and the presence of pol-len in those hairs. Although hair density andlength are continuous rather than discrete charac-ters, we were able to confidently place them intodiscrete categories. Hair density was estimatedbased on the space between scopal hairs and wasclassified into three groups: sparse, medium, ordense, based on whether the integument wasclearly visible, partially obscured, or fully ob-scured, respectively. Hair length was classifiedas short, medium, or long based on whether thehairs were less than 2× the maximum width of thehind tibia, between 2 and 3×, or greater than 3×,respectively. We also classified the associatedpollen-transporting hairs on the anterior face ofthe hind tibia as either simple, branched, wavy, orcorkscrew-shaped (Figure 3).

We used two steps to determine whether pollenin the scopae was moist or dry: a pollen load wasdeemed moist-packed if it was compact and ex-tended beyond the scopal hairs. To further confirmthe moist-packed designation, an insect pin wasused to poke the pollen mass. Moistened pollen inmuseum specimens hardens into an imperviousmass that resists Bpoking,^ whereas dry pollenoffers no resistance and is readily penetrated. Be-cause pollen in the scopae can be wetted passivelywhen bees are collected in pan traps, malaisetraps, or when bees regurgitate nectar in kill jars,

we did not survey specimens with signs of wettingon other parts of the body such as matted hairs.

We surveyed a representative subset of speciesfrom every subgenus and major species group ofthe target genera (Online Resource 2: Table SII).Multiple specimens of each species from varyingcollection locations and times were surveyedwhenever possible (Online Resource 1:Table SI). An attempt was made to survey speciesthat collectively specialize on a wide range offloral hosts. Particular attention was paid to beegroups thought to contain species that transportdry or glazed pollen; these groups had all avail-able species surveyed. Records for four speciesnot represented in the PIRU collection by speci-mens with pollen were compiled from the litera-ture (Online Resource 1: Table SI).

Floral special izat ion of Perdi ta andHesperapis species was compiled from variouspublished sources and visitation records in thePIRU database (US NPID 2016; OnlineResource, Table SI). Lastly, scopal pollen of rep-resentative specimens was compared to pollen onslides prepared from previous studies in ClarkCounty, NV, and Colorado (Tepedino et al.1999; Griswold et al. 2006). Morphological ter-minology and taxonomic classification of Perditafollow Michener (2007), and taxonomic classifi-cation ofHesperapis follows Michez et al. (2007)and includes the unnamed species from Stage(1966) and Michener (1981).


The vast majority of both Perdita andHesperapis species surveyed are oligolectic, spe-cializing on floral hosts in one of 21 and 9 plantfamilies, respectively (Table I). Most species inboth genera transported pollen that had been uni-formly moistened with nectar (94 of 136 speciesof Perdita ; 11 of 17 species of Hesperapis ). Dryor glazed pollen transport only occurred in speciesof both genera that specialized on Asteraceae orOnagraceae pollen.

3.1. Glazed or dry pollen transport

Forty-two species of Perdita transported eitherglazed or dry pollen: 24 glazed, 15 dry at least

464 Z.M. Portman and V.J. Tepedino

initially, and 3 dry (Table I; Online Resource 1:Table SI). Thirty-eight of those 42 species special-ize on Asteraceae hosts with the proportion of drypollen ranging from 25 to 80%. Bees that glazetheir pollen loads do not entirely cap the basallayer of dry pollen; instead, moistened pollen isalways added at a similar location on the anteriorface of the hind tibia and only partially covers thedry pollen (e.g., Figure 1c, d). Of the four speciesspecialized on Onagraceae hosts, threetransported dry pollen loads and one transportedpollen dry at least initially.

The distribution of glazed and dry pollen trans-port follows a clear phylogenetic pattern. Al-though Perdita species in at least 11 subgeneraand species groups are specialized on Asteraceaepollen (Online Resource 2: Table SII), the speciesthat transport glazed pollen fall into a singlemonophyletic group of seven subgenera (Online

Resource 2: Fig. S2; Timberlake 1954; Danforth1996). In contrast, the 18 surveyed species thattransported entirely moist Asteraceae pollen arescattered across at least four unrelated subgeneraand species groups: subgenus Pygoperdita (2)and the species groups Octomaculata (9),Ventralis (2), and Zonalis (5) within subgenusPerdita s. s. (Online Resource 2, Table SII). Allof the Perdita species specialized on Onagraceaeare in the single monophyletic subgenusXerophasma (Griswold and Miller 2010).

NoHesperapis transported entirely dry pollen:of six species that transported glazed pollen, fivespecialized on hosts in Asteraceae and one on anOnagraceae host (Table I; Online Resource1:Table SI). The proportion of dry pollen in glazedloads ranged from 10 to 25% for Asteraceae spe-cialists and 50% for the lone Onagraceae special-ist. As with Perdita , moist pollen was added by

Fig. 3 Optical and SEM examples of the different hair types. a and b Simple hairs on moist-transporting Perditakoebelei Timberlake. c and d Branched hairs on P. asteris Cockerell. e and f Wavy hairs on P. lingualis Cockerelland P. albovittata Cockerell, respectively. g and h Corkscrew-shaped hairs on P. moabensis Timberlake. All SEMscale bars = 50 μm

Evolution of pollen transport 465

Hesperapis females atop dry pollen only on theanterior face of the hind tibia and did not evenlycap the dry pollen in the scopa.

3.2. Hair types

Pollen transport mode is associated with partic-ular hair types in both Perdita and Hesperapis(Online Resource 2: Table SII; Figure 3). Ninety-three of 94 Perdita species that transport moistenedpollen have simple scopal hairs. The exception is

one species in the Sphaeralceae Group which trans-ports Fabaceae pollen on minutely branched hairs.Otherwise, the hairs of the moist-transportingPerdita species are remarkably uniform, despitetransporting pollen of 20 diverse plant families(Online Resource 2: Table SII). Similarly, all 11species ofHesperapis that transport moistened pol-len have simple scopal hairs that appear to act asgeneralized anchors for masses of agglutinated pol-len; these species specialize on collecting pollenfrom nine disparate plant families.

Table I. The number of Perdita and Hesperapis species examined, categorized by host plant family and mode ofpollen transport

Host plant family Transport mode

Perdita Hesperapis


Amaranthaceae 1 1

Aquifoliaceae 1 1

Asparagaceae 1 1

Asteraceae 18 24 14 56 1 5 6

Boraginaceae 7 7

Brassicaceae 3 3

Cleomaceae 2 2

Euphorbiaceae 7 7

Fabaceae 11 11 1 1

Fabaceae and/or Zygophyllaceae 1 1 1 1

Hydrophyllaceae 1 1

Lamiaceae 2 2

Liliaceae 3 3

Loasaceae 4 4 2 2

Malvaceae 4 4 1 1

Onagraceae 3 1 4 1 1

Papaveraceae 4 4

Polemoniaceae 3 3 2 2

Polygonaceae 4 4

Rosaceae 3 3 1 1

Salicaceae 2 2

Solanaceae 6 6

Unknown 2 2

Zygophyllaceae 5 5 1 1

Total 94 24 3 15 136 11 6 17

M moist, G glazed, D dry, DI dry initially

466 Z.M. Portman and V.J. Tepedino

In both Perdita and Hesperapis , glazed trans-port of Asteraceae pollen is associated with denserand longer hairs compared to those that transportmoistened pollen (Online Resources: Tables SII,SI). Perdita species that transport glazedAsteraceae pollen are also more likely to havediverse scopal hair types, including simple,branched, wavy, or corkscrew-shaped (Figure 3);the most common scopal hair type is wavy (24species, 3 subgenera), followed by branched (10species, 2 subgenera), corkscrew-shaped (3 spe-cies, 2 subgenera), and simple (1 species)(Table SII). A 2 × 2 contingency table analysis(Maxwell 1961) of hair type (simple vs. elaborate)by transport mode (moist vs. glazed or dry) forPerdita was highly significant (X 2 = 109.2, df = 1,P << 0.0001): moist and simple hairs are highlyassociated as are elaborate hairs and glazed or drytransport (Online Resource 2: Table SIII). TheHesperapis species that transport glazedAsteraceae pollen have either branched (4 species)or simple (1 species) hairs (Table SII).

In both Perdita and Hesperapis , dry or glazedtransport of Onagraceae pollen is associated withsimple scopal hairs, although they are sometimeslonger and denser than the scopal hairs of speciesthat transport moistened pollen. Of the four sur-veyed Perdita species which are Onagraceae spe-cialists, two have scopal hairs whose type, length,and spacing are similar to moist-transportingPerdita species (Figure 2a), although the othertwo species have longer and denser scopal hairs(Figure 2b).

3.3. Hair distribution

The distribution of pollen-transporting hairs ona bee’s hind legs also differs between moist anddry or glazed pollen collectors, with scopal hairsof species that transport moist pollen tending tocover a smaller surface area than species thattransport dry or glazed pollen. For example, thescopal hairs of Perdita that transport moist pollenare located only on the anterior face of the hindtibia and basitarsus. In contrast, all Perdita exam-ined that transport dry or glazed Asteraceae pollenhave pollen-transporting hairs that also cover thelateral and posterior face of the hind tibia, theanterior side of the hind femur, and the anterior

face of the hind trochanter (Figure S1_B). Themorphology of the scopal hairs on the posteriorface of the tibia matches the hairs on the anteriorface, but the hairs on the femur and trochanter arealways branched, regardless of the hair type on thetibia. Similar to Perdita , all four Hesperapis spe-cies that transport glazed Asteraceae pollen havescopal hairs on the posterior face of the hind tibia,and three also have branched hairs on the femurand trochanter of the hind legs. However, the hairson the femur and trochanter of those Hesperapisare relatively sparse and short compared toPerdita and appear to transport only a dusting ofpollen, if any. In both Perdita and Hesperapisspecies that transport glazed pollen, the expandedscopal hairs on the trochanter, femur, and posteri-or face of the hind tibia always transport entirelydry pollen; they are never capped with moistenedpollen like the scopal hairs on the anterior face ofthe tibia.

The differences in the distribution of the scopalhairs of bees that collect dry or glazed Onagraceaepollen are relatively minimal compared to thosethat transport moist pollen. All of the Perditaspecies that transport dry Onagraceae pollen havean expanded distribution of scopal hairs only onthe posterior face of the hind tibia. Similarly, theone species of Hesperapis that transported moist-capped Onagraceae pollen has simple and sparsescopal hairs on the posterior face of the hind tibia,though they are shorter than the hairs on theanterior face.


The distantly related bee genera Perdita(Andrenidae) and Hesperapis (Melittidae)(Cardinal and Danforth 2013; Hedtke et al.2013) display convergent (Arendt and Reznick2008) evolutionary patterns of pollen transport.In both genera, most species examined transportcompletely moistened pollen loads and a minoritytransport either glazed or dry pollen loads. Thosethat transport glazed or dry pollen specialize onlyon floral hosts in the families Asteraceae andOnagraceae, even though Perdi ta andHesperapis contain species that specialize on 21and 9 plant families, respectively (Table I).

Evolution of pollen transport 467

Available evidence suggests that moist pollentransport is ancestral in both genera and that themost probable evolutionary pathway is from moistto glazed or moist to dry. This hypothesis is sup-ported in Perdita by the near ubiquity of moisttransport in the subfamily Panurginae (Rozen1967;Michener 2007), of which Perdita is a mem-ber, and by Danforth’s (1996) morphological phy-logeny for Perdita which shows that glazed and/ordry pollen transport is limited to two derived clades(Online Resource 2: Fig. S2). In addition,subgenera that transport the highest proportion ofdry pollen fall in the more derived clades (Danforth1996). The hypothesis that moist transport is basalin Hesperapis is supported by Stage’s (1966) in-choate morphological phylogeny as well as theseven species of Hesperapis included in the mo-lecular phylogeny of Michez et al. (2009). Bothphylogenies have the glazed and dry-transportingspecies limited to derived clades, with glazed trans-port of Asteraceae and dry transport of Onagraceaelikely arising in separate derived clades in Perdita .Overall, the patterns in both genera suggest thatthey are responding to similar selective pressures.

Evidence also suggests that the evolution ofglazed or dry transport in these genera was initi-ated by a host switch to either Asteraceae orOnagraceae pollen. Host switches to Onagraceaeby single clades of Perdita (Xerophasma ) andHesperapis (Panurgomia ) do not entail modifi-cations of scopal hairs (Table SII). However, forboth bee genera, host switches to Asteraceae areassociated with modified scopal hairs. In Perdita,all but one member of the Asteraceae clade ex-hibits elaborate scopal hairs (corkscrew-shaped,wavy, or branched) that appear derived(Danforth 1996, Table SII, Figure 3). In contrast,moist transport of Asteraceae pollen occurs in fourlarge, species-rich clades of Perdita (subgenusPygoperdita and the Octomaculata , Ventralis ,and Zonalis species groups within subgenusPerdita s.s. ), all of which contain species thatspecialize on a wide variety of other plant taxaand have simple scopal hairs. The pattern isrepeated in Hesperapis , with both simple andbranched scopal hairs found in Asteraceae spe-cialists, suggesting that more elaborate scopalhairs are recent adaptations for transporting glazedAsteraceae pollen.

The association of Asteraceae or Onagraceaepollen with glazed or dry pollen transport, andmore elaborate scopal hairs may be due to thephysical properties of the pollen grains, particu-larly those which may confer an alternative bind-ing mode. Onagraceae pollen in particular hassticky viscin threads that attach the pollen grainstogether and to the scopal hairs of bees (Linsley1958; Roberts and Vallespir 1978; Hesse 1981). Asimilar binding function may be provided by thecopious pollenkitt and echinate projections ofAsteraceae pollen. Pollen with copious pollenkitt,such as Asteraceae and Malvaceae, is more adhe-sive than other pollen types and readily attachespassively to foragers in large amounts (Allard1910; Parker 1981; Buchmann and Shipman1990; Neff and Simpson 1997; Thorp 2000;Goulson et al. 2005). Pollenkitt’s adhesive prop-erties may also be enhanced by pollen sculpturingbecause spiny or echinate pollen grains can pro-mote adhesion to other pollen grains or othersurfaces by increasing the available surface areawith which pollenkitt may interact (Roberts andVallespir 1978; Lin et al. 2013). Pollen spines mayalso enhance the electrostatic binding potential ofpollen (Chaloner 1986; Hesse 2000). Overall, de-spite being unrelated and dissimilar in morpholo-gy, the viscin threads of Onagraceae pollen andthe pollenkitt and spines of Asteraceae pollen bothprovide an alternative to using nectar to bind thepollen grains together and to the scopae.

Although pollen types with spines and copiouspollenkitt are effective at attaching to pollinatorsand to each other, they apparently resist beingpacked together with nectar by bees. Spines seemto both increase the amount of nectar required topack individual grains together and decrease thesize and stability of the final pollen mass(Vaissière and Vinson 1994). In most instances,moist-transporting bees have difficulty packing,or even reject, pollen types with large spines andcopious pollenkitt (Linsley 1960; Stephen et al.1969; Raine and Chittka 2007; Lunau et al. 2015).In some cases, removing the pollenkitt or bendingthe spines increases the ability of bees to packmoistened pollen (Lunau et al. 2015). The hypoth-esis that pollen is kept partially dry primarilyfor transport purposes is supported by the fact thatglazed-transporting Perdita whose nesting

468 Z.M. Portman and V.J. Tepedino

biology has been studied (P. albipennis ,P. boharti , P. coreopsidis , P. graenicheri ) stillshape the pollen provisions into uniformly moist-ened spheres but do so in the nest (Danforth 1989;Norden et al. 1992; Parker 1981).

The association of Asteraceae pollen with dryor glazed pollen transport on elaborate scopalhairs is also found in other bee groups. The sub-family Panurginae, which includes Perdita , con-tains multiple genera with some species that trans-port dry or glazed asteraceous pollen (Rozen1989; Michener 2007). Examples include the ge-nus Panurgus , whose members transport dryAsteraceae pollen on wavy scopal hairs(Münster-Swendsen 1970; Rozen 1971), as wella s some spec ies o f Pro tandrena andPseudopanurgus , which transport dry or glazedAsteraceae pollen on branched scopal hairs(Rozen 1967; Danforth 1996). Many apid beesthat transport dry pollen on elaborate scopal hairsare strongly associated with Asteraceae pollencollection (e.g., Melissodes , Svastra ), especiallycompared to related groups that transport moist-ened pollen such as Eucera and Centris(Moldenke and Neff 1974; Eucera : Timberlake1969; Centris : Aguiar et al. 2003; Roubik andVillanueva-Gutiérrez 2009). Specialization onOnagraceae pollen is also commonly associatedwith bee genera that transport dry pollen such asAndrena , Melissodes , Sphecodogastra ,Megachile , and Diadasia (Thorp 1979).

Historically, internal or dry pollen transport hasbeen thought to be the ancestral state in bees(Michener 1944; Jander 1976; Roberts andVallespir 1978; Radchenko and Pesenko 1996;Michener 2007). However, our results best fit ahypothesis of Perdita and Hesperapis switchingfrommoist to dry or glazed pollen transport due tothe adhesive properties of pollen grains. This hy-pothesis is strengthened by the absence of appar-ent switches from dry to glazed or dry to moistand suggests a reconsideration of the evolutionarypathway of pollen transport in bees. For example,Melittidae, which is hypothesized to be the mostbasal bee family (Cardinal and Danforth 2013),contains multiple moist-transporting genera in ad-dition to Hesperapis , including Macropis ,Melitta , and Rediviva (Malyshev 1936; Caneet al. 1983; Whitehead et al. 1984; Michener

2007; Nilsson and Alves-dos-Santos 2009). Themajor exception, the genus Dasypoda , transportsdry pollen on plumose scopal hairs and containsmany Asteraceae specialists (Celary 2002;Michener 2007; Michez et al. 2008). The resultsof our initial investigations suggest that the ques-tion of the ancestral state of pollen transport andits evolutionary trajectory be reopened; only ad-ditional systematic and behavioral studies willsettle this issue.


We thank Joe Wilson for informative discussion,Terry Griswold, James Pitts, and various anonymousreviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript,Brian Rozick andHarold Ikerd for curatorial help, DougYanega, Jaime Pawelek, and Glenn Hall for providingspecimens, and the USDA ARS Pollinating Insect Re-search Unit for general support and access to the insectcollection and facilities. This work is supported by aNational Science Foundation Graduate Research Fel-lowship under grant number DGE-1147384, a UtahState University Graduate Enhancement Award, and aUtah State University Ecology Center Research Award.We acknowledge the support from theMicroscopy CoreFacility at Utah State University for the SEM work.

Authors' contribution ZP came up with the initial ideafor the project. ZP and VT designed the project. ZP gath-ered the data. ZP and VT wrote the manuscript

Evolution convergente du mode de transport du pollenchez deux genres d’abeilles vaguement apparentés (Hy-menoptera: Andrenidae and Melittidae)

Apoidea / Hesperapis / Perdita / brosse à pollen

Konvergente Evolution einer Pollentransportform inzwei entfernt verwandten Bienengattungen (Hymenop-tera: Andrenidae und Melittidae)

Apoidea / Hesperapis / Perdita / Scopa


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