Conventions of a thriller

Post on 23-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Conventions of a thriller


Conventions of a Thriller

By Kelechi Okorie


In thriller movies an enigma is set in the opening sequence of the film, then it is further complicated and resolved at the end, this is to engage the audience more so they can become interested in the film until the last scene where all the questions are answered and revealed. A thriller normally includes an encounter between the protagonist and antagonist, when there is an interruption in the equilibrium. Then the story shows a chain of bad events building tension and suspense for the climax. The objective of the protagonist is to restore peace and justice, while the antagonist attempts to destroy it.

Conventions of a Thriller

Diagetic sound of breathing

Tense and slow music (usually done by using a violin)



Black and white

Quick and Jump cuts

Low key Lighting ( dark)

Protagonist battling the Antagonist

Montage of shots

Fast changes in the angle of shots


Secret hideouts

Extreme close ups

Steady cam


Close combat

High angle shots


Characters: The Protagonist

They have a problem that needs solving.

They have the ability to act.

They have reasons to act.

They have something to lose.

They have something to gain.

They have the capacity to change.

They have a compelling quality.

They have an interesting flaw.

They have a secret.

They have someone or something interesting trying to stop him ( Antagonist).

Characters: The Antagonist

A strong antagonist is trying to accomplish something.

A strong antagonist is acting on personal desires.

A strong antagonist is highly motivated to act.

A strong antagonist is trying to avoid something.

A strong antagonist is trying to gain something.

A strong antagonist is willing to adapt.

A strong antagonist is compelling in some way.

A strong antagonist is flawed in relatable ways.

A strong antagonist is hiding things.

A strong antagonist is in the path of the protagonists goal.

Summary of Characters

The Protagonists main aim and objective is to restore the equilibrium

The Antagonist will have a hidden identity that the audience will uncover as the film progresses.


The most common theme of a thriller is often based around something that occupies a lot of what society thinks about and is concerned about for example Kidnapping, Isolation and Guilt. The storyline will be manufactured so the audience will be able to empathize and sympathize with the characters and the story. This is effective cause it makes them feel horrified as it will become relatable and relevant to them.


In a thriller film the director will aim to have a lot of close ups and extreme close ups of the main character (protagonist). This is effective because it will show their emotions more clearly to the audience and it will give the audience a sense of what they might be thinking. The shot may also be used to show that the character is thinking. The main focus of a close up and extreme close up can be on a prop to signify the importance of the object.

In the thriller genre, the antagonistic character will be cut quickly and the director will aim to keep their identity hidden until the pivotal scenes in the film. They will do this by having over the shoulder shots, close up shots of their clothing or items important to them, shots of their shadow, silhouettes and many more.


Editing in a thriller films is very effective. Directors will include a huge amount of jump cuts as there will be major events occurring that the audience is unaware of however these events are vital for the film to move on and make sense so they can understand at the end of the film. Cross cutting plays a pivotal part in the movies as this helps to build suspense and tension which is important for a film in the thriller genre.


The music needs to be appropriate to the genre in order to set the scenes in the film. Music is important to any film as it helps the audience to understand the emotions of the characters and it helps give the audience an idea of what may be a significant part in the film. In a thriller it adds to the suspense and tension. The music in a thriller often starts at a slow pace and then it builds up to make the camera angles, scenes, dialogue and shots more engaging for the audience.

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