Contents Page Analysis

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Goldmine magazine 1978 – Contents page

I love the simplicity of this. As it’s from 1978 the yellow school bus adds an even more retro feel to it. I like how the contents its really simple the colours being black yellow and white makes every little detail stand out even more than it usually would. I like how the contents isn’t numbered it adds more simplicity, the magazine only had 30 pages around about this time so it was easier to find things even without page numbers. The black frame around the yellow boxes highlights the key information within the contents and the fact that stories and interviews are located within the school bus shape makes the stories and interviews more noticeable to the audience.I also like how they have the date, issue number and price within the contents page as well it keeps a well structured theme running throughout the magazine.

Guitar Wold Magazine 2007 – Contents page

The magazine has stuck to four colours rather than three here which are yellow, white, red and back. All colours work well together which I think makes everything stand out on the magazine. Once again I like how they’ve posted the issue month on the contents page as it adds a certain professionalism to the page and I also like how the word ‘Contents’ is printed at the top reflecting the white background colour. On the left hand side are the features of the magazine which are probably the mentioned cover stories so customers can easily find the story they’ve seen featured on the cover page when they open the magazine. Also the text underneath each ‘Features’ is quite key as audiences can read a simple summary of the story making them want to read more on each story. On the right hand side is a small box which contains information on what to find on their website which is a good way of using different marketing strategies and also other information on other stories no on the ‘Features’ side of things. I particularly like the red chair with the white guitar leaning on it. It creates a focal point to the page and as the whole background is red the chair almost blends in but the sharpness of the guitar brings the whole page and colours together.

Rolling Stone – Contents page

way that attracts all type of audiences. The main colours used are purple, black and white, which are probably the colours used within this issue. The page uses one main image on the right hand side of the page with a caption underneath which looks like it’s a main cover story considering it’s taken up half of the page. The simplicity and tidiness makes the page look well thought about and professional. I like how the contents is neatly set out with a short description of the story and who wrote it underneath and under the ‘Johnny Be Good’ there is a clear page number of where the article continues which shows clear theme and layout understanding. I like the simplicity and the lack of a lot of pictures to show the poise of the magazine in a different