Content Promotion & Distribution: An Introduction

Post on 13-Apr-2017

231 views 4 download

Transcript of Content Promotion & Distribution: An Introduction

Content Promotion and Distribution

Hey! I’m Emily.

This is Lucy.

“Who considers themselves to beinvolved in a ‘community’?

Content fuels social media, search engine optimization,

pay-per-click, etc. etc.

But at the core of content marketing, we’re building a


Content Marketing & Communities

Going out to WHERE your audience spends timeand leading them to YOUR community is vital.

“When do you start thinking about your promotion and distribution


Long form content needs supporting shorter content

Visual content needs a variety of share images

Crafting Purposeful Content

Ask yourself:Where does this piece of content hit in the buying cycle?What data do I need to properly target?What pixels and custom URLs need to be created and

implemented?What lead capture is the content pointing to?


If you don’t plan promotion and distribution strategy for a given

piece of content,

don’t even bother creating it.

PROMOTIONBeginner, intermediate, and advanced promotion tactics you can use today.

“Do the employees of your company know about your content efforts?

1136%Increase in reach with

one or more engagements

713%Increase in reach with

three or more engagements

Email updates to your social advocates.

Links to company’s


Sample share copyContent URL

“Are you retargeting your visitors from Outbrain Amplify?

Manage Content > Add Multiple Content URLs + Titles >

Image Best Practices

Not great Better!

• Text heavy• No image or

blurry images

• Singular focus• Strong image

Title Best Practices

Yep, numbered lists still work.

But, questions followed by a

clear CTA perform just as well. (Sometimes


Don’t be afraid to go long! Outbrain

suggests anywhere

between 40 and 100 characters.


Campaigns need to run for at least 3 weeks to see peak performance.

Don’t be afraid to adjust!

We’ve seen improved CPC with early bid optimizations.

Bidding and Duration Best Practices

Campaign Settings >

Campaign Settings >

Identifying sessions from your promoted content is a great place to start, but you need to go a step further.

<script language='JavaScript'>var OB_ADV_ID=8332;var scheme = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://" : "http://");var str = '<script src="'+scheme+'" type="text/javascript"><\/script>';document.write(str);</script>

Outbrain will create a conversion tracking pixel for you.

Conversion Tracking

Just copy + paste it into your site editor.(Or kindly ask your developer if he/she can assist.)

Add the remarketing tag to

your website

Remarketing in Google Display Network

Shared Library > Audiences

Add the remarketing tag to

your website

Create remarketing list

Remarketing in Google Display Network

Shared Library > Audiences > +Remarketing List

Add the remarketing tag to

your website

Create remarketing list

Build remarketing

campaigns that use your lists

Remarketing in Google Display Network

“Are you taking full advantage of Facebook Custom Audiences?

Install the Pixel Configure Audience Rules

Create an Ad

Setting Up Facebook Custom Audiences

Find your Custom Audience pixel

Installing the Pixel

Ads Manager > Custom Audience Pixel > Create a Pixel

Find your Custom Audience pixel

Select and then copy the entire pixel code

Paste the Custom Audience pixel into every page of your website

Installing the Pixel

Just copy + paste it into your site editor.(Or kindly ask your developer if he/she can assist.)

Give your Audience a Name and Description

Configuring Audience Rules

Don’t neglect your audience titles!

Figure out a structure you can apply to all of the audiences you create.

For example:Site Visitors – All Website – 30 Day Window

Give your Audience a Name and Description

Set a rule to shape your Audience

Configuring Audience Rules

Rules are a great tool to segment your custom audience even further.

Give your Audience a Name and Description

Set a rule to shape your Audience

Add a retention window

Configuring Audience Rules

Open Power Editor or Ads Manager

Creating Your Ad

Open Power Editor or Ads Manager

Click Create Ad

Creating Your Ad

Videos view campaigns are great if you want people to VIEW THE VIDEO.

i.e. if you use a video as your imagery in a clicks to website campaign, you won’t experience the same results.

However, we’ve seen that boosting a post on your timeline with a video actually gets you more views than running that same video through a video views campaign.

Open Power Editor or Ads Manager

Click Create Ad

In the Audience section, select your Audience

Creating Your Ad

Open Power Editor or Ads Manager

Click Create Ad

In the Audience section, select your Audience

Continue creating your ad

Creating Your Ad

Get creative with multiple image ads!

Lookalike Audiences

Reach people who are similar to your various custom audiences.

Tools > Audiences > Create Audiences >Create a Lookalike Audience

DISTRIBUTIONThree tactics everyone should use


“Are your content creatorsreblogging on LinkedIn?

Huge network at your fingertips:

- Connections- Followers- Pulse- Updates

Content searchable by keyword in LinkedIn’s post search box.

LinkedIn Posts

Blog Results:

- 71 page views- 14 shares (via LinkedIn)- 0 comments

LinkedIn Results:

- 7,796 views- 420 post likes- 67 comments

Drop a note at the bottom of the post letting the readers know where the original content was published:

“Do you submit your visual content to aggregators?

Content Aggregators

Make a submission process you can repeat every time visual content goes live.

Include ‘social networks’ that you may not post on frequently.

ALL visual content deserves additional distribution!

“Are you taking full advantage ofLinkedIn SlideShare?

LinkedIn SlideShare as Lead-Gen

Capture leads at a specified point in your SlideShare content.

Customize lead form questions, select targeting and lead form placement.

Promote to increase conversions and load leads into your marketing automation system.

Collect Leads With SlideShare

Select your content

Collect Leads With SlideShare

Select your content

Customize Lead Form

Collect Leads With SlideShare

Select your content

Customize Lead Form Review


Employee Engagements

Maximize Outbrain Amplify ROI

Use Facebook Custom Audiences



SlideShare Lead Capture



Get out there and



You can find me:

@realemilylouisa @lucy_the_yorkie