Content Marketing Master Class - San Francisco: Acts 2 and 3

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Content Marketing Master Class - San Francisco: Acts 2 and 3

Carla Johnson Principal, Type A Communications

Jason Stewart Vice President, Demand Generation Annuitas Group !

!Pawan Deshpande Founder, CEOCurata

Pawan Deshpande Founder, CEOCurata

560 / Day !

3,000 / Day !

13,000 / Day !

In 2014 it’s the relationship that matters. We have to not only GRAB attention from the audiences that matter. We have to hold it, so that WE matter to them. !

1,800,000 Views 6 Years Human Time

185,000,000 Views 1,200 Years Human Time

16 Years Human Time How will we ever get that many....Every Hour...

Avg. <7,000 Views

The Network Effect

New Audiences For Blog

Direct engagement with specific customers AT&T New York Times, Verizon

1st Cisco content aired on TV – For Free

1,800,000 Views But Only 1 Counted

Contractors Educators Local Governments Architects

CUSTOMER: Contractors Educators Local Governments Architects Consultants Firefighters Constituents

A Different Story: The SOURCE for all authoritative fire, electrical and building safety. !Use disruptive trends in their industry to pull the “competition” influencer into their community and user their biggest threat as their biggest strength - and maintain and build their brand strength.




Technology company..... !

The Windows Integrated Management Program (The WIMP) !

?? Audience Personas

Welcome To Wimpy Tech



Meet Jeremy !

•  Mid  30’s  –  Coffee  lover    •  Works  at  a  bank    •  Responds  to  email;  phone  not  so  much.  •  Frustrated  because  his  company  is  growing  too  fast  to  keep  up  with  support

•  Young,  family  man

•  Sales  USP:  Enable  Jeremy  to  be  25%  more  effecQve!  

•  Personal  (Audience)  UVP:  Give  me  more  Qme  to  be  me!!

Let’s Get To The Personal UVP



Meet Cheryl !

•  CFO  for  the  bank  -­‐  actually  signs  the  check  for  Wimply  Tech    •Sales  USP:    Save  hundreds  of  thousands  of  dollars  •  Personal  UVP:  Make  me  a  CFO  Rockstar  in  my  industry

Let’s Get To The Personal (Audience) UVP



Who Else? !

•  Who  else  might  be  an  influencer  /  audience  persona?  •  While  you  think...  Maybe  some  other  examples...  


The Keys To Audience Personas

•  Detail  -­‐  make  them  real  people  •  Understand  their  moQvaQon  •  What  is  VALUE  for  them  •  What  EMOTIONAL  CONNECTION  can  we  make  with  them?

Let’s Get To The Personal UVP



Put your reporter hat on... !

•  WHO  is  the  persona  ...  emoQonally  adached  •  WHAT  does  he/she  do?    What  does  her  day  look  like?  •  WHERE  is  the  gap  in  his  needs/wants?    Even  beyond  our  product  or  service?  •  WHEN  do  they  need  to  close  this  gap?  •  WHY  does  he  care  about  US  -­‐  Not  our  product!  


Go Get The Real Story

•  Volunteer*to*go*on*the*Summer*“Get*To*Know*Ya”*Tour*•  Visited*30*Customers*in*10*ci?es*over*12*Weeks**•  NOT*About*Product*–*About*Connec?on*•  Discoveries*Galore…*Photos*Galore…*Stories*Galore…*•  They*didn’t*care*about*75%*the*stuff*we*were*talking*about.*•  Wanted*us*to*help*them*with*adop?on*programs….**More*FUN*

One innovative example…!