Content Marketing Lessons We Can Learn From Michael Jackson

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Content Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Michael Jackson

Content Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Michael Jackson

The King of Pop could quite possibly be the King of Content, too. Do you really think it’s a coincidence that so many of his hits have messages that speak directly to you as a content marketer?

No, it’s not a coincidence.

It’s not – stop it, you’re ruining it.

OOK, so whilst this is clearly a desperate attempt to nd an excuse to listen to MJ songs during my working day, there are actually some killer tips to take away here and not one of them are ‘Bad’. Sorry.

Content Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Michael Jackson

…at the right stage of the funnel with the right type of content, that is.

Any content marketer worth their salt knows that simply targeting by job title or sector is no longer sufficient. To cut through the noise and really make a hit, it’s imperative that marketers segment their content by buying stage also. You’ve Got to Be There with killer content ththat your prospect wants to see at the very moment they want to see it.

It’s obvious, really; you wouldn’t want to send some generic, introductory content on your company to a lead that you were close to signing up – they’ve already gone way beyond that stage. Nor would you want to scare away a prospect that’s only just come into the sales funnel with an in-depth, super detailed case study. That’d be a real thriller.

Got to Be There…

Content Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Michael Jackson

Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough……content. Many marketers cite meeting the demand for content as one of their biggest challenges – and who can blame them?

For example, Twitter users send over 100,000 tweets every minute. A tweet that you sent only a few minutes ago is likely to have already disappeared into the Twittersphere forever. With this in mind, it’s essential that your content is not only high quality – but the quantity is up there, too.

ButBut what is ‘enough’? Whilst 10 tweets over the space of a day might be suitable, 10 eBooks in 24 hours might be a little excessive. Take a close look at your current marketing strategy and identify where you’ve had the greatest success, in terms of content volume.

Content Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Michael Jackson

Is there anything better than, when amidst all that spam and junk, you get an email from a business, an email that’s so tailored and feels so personalised to you that your faith in e-marketing is wholly restored? That’s what you’re aiming for.

Make your target feel like you’ve sent that content to them and only them. This can be achieved, in part, by identifying the stage of the sales funnel ththat your target is currently at – but it can go much further than that to yield even greater results. Use persona marketing to really zone in on the target; recognise their key issues, objectives, barriers and motivators, then be sure to address these in your content.

The Way You Make Me Feel…

Content Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Michael Jackson

The last thing you want to hear from a prospect.

Work smart in the areas outlined above and you signicantly reduce the chances of ever hearing these dreaded words. But, you can’t please everyone; what may be music to one person’s ears might sound like nails on a chalkboard to others, so it’s wise to have a strategy in place to deal with unsubscribes and (although, hopefully not) complaints.

BBe sure to address any unsubscribes or complaints right away; an unsubscribe request isn’t ideal - but it’s not the worst thing in the world. A complaint, if addressed properly, can actually provide you with an opportunity to speak directly to a target, take on board their feedback and, in some cases, even turn the situation around. Just be sure to respect the wishes of the target and act accordingly.

Leave Me Alone!…

Content Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Michael Jackson

Not too dissimilar to the music industry, it’s an exciting but highly challenging time to be a marketer right now. From content to persona marketing to demand generation, there are plenty of genres to explore – and each present their own difficulties. But you’re not alone; most marketers are still trying to nd their way – and the support is out there.

Speak to us about your requirements; from implementation of the latest auautomation technology to content development, we can heal the (marketing) world and make it a better place for you and for me.

You Are Not Alone…

Content Marketing Lessons We Can Learn from Michael Jackson

About Your Sales Team Cloud

Your Sales Team Cloud is a cutting-edge lead and demand generation agency, specialising in persona-based content marketing and automation.

Forget what you knew about lead and demand generation. YSTC offers a new breed of pay-by-performance marketing that works.

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