Construction Learning as a Function of Frequency...

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Construction Learning as a Functionof Frequency, Frequency Distribution,and FunctionNICK C. ELLISUniversity of Michigan500 E. Washington StreetAnn Arbor, MI 48104Email:

FERNANDO FERREIRA–JUNIORFederal University of Minas GeraisAv. Antonio Carlos 6627, PampulhaUFMG/FALE/PosLin, Sala 4039Belo Horizonte, MG, CEP 31270-901BrazilEmail:

This article considers effects of construction frequency, form, function, and prototypicality onsecond language acquisition (SLA). It investigates these relationships by focusing on naturalisticSLA in the European Science Foundation corpus (Perdue, 1993) of the English verb–argumentconstructions (VACs): verb locative (VL), verb object locative (VOL), and ditransitive (VOO).Goldberg (2006) argued that Zipfian type/token frequency distributions (Zipf, 1935) in nat-ural language constructions might optimize learning by providing one very high-frequencyexemplar that is also prototypical in meaning. This article tests and confirms this proposalfor naturalistic English as a second language. We show that VAC type/token distribution inthe input is Zipfian and that learners first use the most frequent, prototypical, and genericexemplar (e.g., put in the VOL VAC, give in the VOO ditransitive, etc.). Learning is driven bythe frequency and frequency distribution of exemplars within constructions and by the matchof their meaning to the construction prototype.

HERE WE EXPLORE SECOND LANGUAGE(L2) acquisition of verb–argument constructions(VACs) from a cognitive linguistic, construction-ist perspective. We investigate the degree towhich three linguistic constructions—verb loca-tive (VL), verb object locative (VOL), and di-transitive (VOO)—are acquired following gen-eral cognitive principles of category learning, withabstract schematic constructions being inducedfrom concrete exemplars.

The constructionist framework (e.g., Bates &MacWhinney, 1987; Ellis, 1998, 2003, 2006a;Goldberg, 1995, 2003, 2006; Lakoff, 1987; Lan-gacker, 1987; Ninio, 2006; Robinson & Ellis, 2008;Tomasello, 2003) holds that learning a languageinvolves the learning of its constructions—theunits of the linguistic system, accepted as conven-tion in the speech community and entrenched

The Modern Language Journal, 93, iii, (2009)0026-7902/09/370–385 $1.50/0C©2009 The Modern Language Journal

as grammatical knowledge in the speaker’s mind.Constructions specify the morphological, syntac-tic, and lexical form of language and the asso-ciated semantic, pragmatic, and discourse func-tions. Constructions form a structured inventoryof a speaker’s knowledge. They are useful be-cause of the symbolic functions that they serve.It is their communicative functions that moti-vate their learning. Goldberg (1995) claimed thatverb-centered constructions are likely to be salientin the input because they relate to certain funda-mental perceptual primitives. It has been arguedthat basic-level categories (e.g., hammer, dog) areacquired earlier and are more frequently usedthan superordinate (tools, canines) or subordi-nate (ball-pein hammer, Weimaraner) terms be-cause, in addition to their frequency of use, thisis the level at which the world is optimally splitfor function, the level at which objects within theclass share the same broad visual shape and mo-toric function, and, thus, the level at which thecategories of language most directly map onto

Nick C. Ellis and Fernando Ferreira-Junior 371

perceptual form and motoric function (Lakoff;Rosch, Mervis, Gray, Johnson, & Boyes-Braem,1976; Rosch, Varela, & Thompson, 1991). Gold-berg extended this notion to argument structuremore generally:

Constructions which correspond to basic sentencetypes encode as their central senses event types thatare basic to human experience . . . that of someonecausing something, something moving, something be-ing in a state, someone possessing something, some-thing causing a change of state or location, somethingundergoing a change of state or location, and some-thing having an effect on someone. (1995, p. 39)

From these concrete seeds, abstract construc-tions eventually emerge. For example, the causedmotion VAC (X causes Y to move Z path/loc [Subj VObj Oblpath/loc]) exists independently of particu-lar verbs; hence, “Tom sneezed the paper napkinacross the table” is intelligible despite “sneeze”being usually intransitive (Goldberg, 1995).

How might these verb-centered constructionsdevelop these abstract properties? One sugges-tion is that they inherit their schematic mean-ing from the conspiracy of the particular types ofverb that appear in their verb island (Tomasello,1992). The verb is a better predictor of sentencemeaning than any other word in the sentence andplays a central role in determining the syntacticstructure of a sentence. There is a close relation-ship between the types of verbs that typically ap-pear within constructions (in this case, put, move,push, etc.); hence, their meaning as a whole is in-ducible from the lexical items experienced withinthem. Ninio (1999) likewise argued that in childlanguage acquisition, individual pathbreaking se-mantically prototypic verbs form the seeds ofverb-centered argument structure patterns, withgeneralizations of the verb-centered instancesemerging gradually as the verb-centered cate-gories themselves are analyzed into more abstractargument structure constructions.

Categories have graded structure, with somemembers being better exemplars than others. Inthe prototype theory of concepts (Rosch & Mervis,1975; Rosch et al., 1976), the prototype as an ide-alized central description is the best example ofthe category, appropriately summarizing the mostrepresentative attributes of a category. As the typ-ical instance of a category, it serves as the bench-mark against which surrounding, less representa-tive instances are classified. The greater the tokenfrequency of an exemplar, the more it contributesto defining the category, and the greater the like-lihood that it will be considered the prototype.The best way to teach a concept is to show an

example of it. So the best way to teach a cate-gory is to show a prototypical example. Researchon category learning suggests that acquisition isoptimized by the introduction of an initial, low-variance sample centered on prototypical exem-plars (Cohen & Lefebvre, 2005; Elio & Anderson,1981, 1984; Murphy, 2003; Posner & Keele, 1968,1970). This allows learners to get a “fix” on whatwill account for most of the category members.

Constructionist accounts thus hold that the ac-quisition of grammar involves the distributionalanalysis of the language stream and the parallelanalysis of contingent perceptual activity. Gold-berg, Casenhiser, and Sethuraman (2004) testedthe applicability of these general cognitive prin-ciples of category learning to the particular caseof children acquiring natural language construc-tions by investigating whether the frequency distri-bution of verb exemplars in different VACs mightoptimize learning by providing one very high-frequency exemplar that is also prototypical inmeaning. They demonstrated that in samples ofchild language acquisition, for a variety of con-structions there is a strong tendency for one singleverb to occur with very high frequency in compar-ison to other verbs used:

1. The VOL [Subj V Obj Oblpath/loc] construc-tion was exemplified in children’s speech by put31% of the time, get 16% of the time, take 10%of the time, and do/pick 6% of the time, a profilemirroring that of the mothers’ speech to thesechildren (with put appearing 38% of the time inthis construction that was otherwise exemplifiedby 43 different verbs).

2. The VL [Subj V Oblpath/loc] construction wasused in children’s speech with go 51% of the time,matching the mothers’ 39%.

3. VOO [Subj V Obj Obj2] was filled by givebetween 53% and 29% of the time in five differentchildren, with mothers’ speech filling the verb slotin this frame by give 20% of the time.

Thus, although phrasal form–meaning corre-spondences (such as X causes Y to move Zpath/loc

[Subj V Obj Oblpath/loc]) do exist independentlyof particular verbs, there is a close relationshipbetween the types of verbs that appear therein(put, get, take, push, etc.). Furthermore, the fre-quency profile of the verbs in each family follows aZipfian profile (Zipf, 1935), whereby the highestfrequency words account for the most linguistictokens. Zipf’s law states that in human language,the frequency of words decreases as a power func-tion of their rank. If pf is the proportion of wordswhose frequency in a given language sample is f ,then pf ∼ f −b , with b, the exponent of the power

372 The Modern Language Journal 93 (2009)

law ≈ 1. Zipf (1949) showed this relation holdsacross a wide variety of language samples. He pro-posed that it arose from the Principle of Least Ef-fort, whereby natural languages are constrainedto minimize speaker effort (optimized by havingfewer words to be learned and accessed in speechproduction) and, simultaneously, the cost of ambi-guity of interpretation in speech comprehension(optimized by having many words, one for eachdifferent meaning minimizes ambiguity). Only bybalancing these efforts, he suggested, can effec-tive communication be realized. Goldberg (2006)argued that Zipfian distributions of constructionsof natural language, like natural categories, op-timize them for learning by providing one veryhigh-frequency exemplar that is also prototypicalin meaning. The learner can readily apprehendthese meanings that are frequently experiencedand clear in their interpretation, and the proto-typical form is sufficient for basic communicationof VAC meaning. Because the same communica-tive and functional concerns motivate both first(L1) language and L2 (Robinson & Ellis, 2008),we expect a similar pattern for L2 acquisition.This article tests this proposal for naturalistic L2learners of English. Our specific hypotheses are asfollows:

1. The first-learned verbs in each VAC will bethose that appear more frequently in that con-struction in the input.

2. The first-learned pathbreaking verb for eachVAC will be much more frequent than the othermembers, and the distribution as a whole forthe types constituting each construction will beZipfian.

3. The first-learned verbs in each VAC will beprototypical of that construction’s functional in-terpretation.


The English as a second language (ESL) datafrom the European Science Foundation (ESF)project provided a wonderful opportunity for sec-ondary analysis in pursuit of these phenomena(Dietrich, Klein, & Noyau, 1995; Feldweg, 1991;Perdue, 1993). The ESF study, carried out inthe 1980s over a period of 5 years, collected thespontaneous L2 of adult immigrants in France,Germany, Great Britain, The Netherlands, andSweden. There were in all five target L2s (En-glish, German, Dutch, French, and Swedish) andsix L1s (Punjabi, Italian, Turkish, Arabic, Spanish,and Finnish). Data were gathered longitudinally,with the learners being recorded in interviews ev-

ery 4–6 weeks for approximately 30 months. Thecorpus is available in CHILDES (MacWhinney,2000a, 2000b) chat format from the Talkbank Website (MacWhinney, 2007).


Our analysis is based on the data for 7 ESL learn-ers living in Britain whose native languages areItalian (Vito, Lavinia, Andrea, & Santo) or Pun-jabi (Ravinder, Jarnail, & Madan). Details of theseparticipants can be found in Dietrich et al. (1995).Data were gathered and transcribed for these ESLlearners and their native-speaker (NS) conversa-tion partners from a range of activities includingfree conversation, interviews, vocabulary elicita-tion, role-play, picture description, stage direc-tions, film watching/commenting/retelling, ac-companied outings, and route descriptions. TheNS language data are taken to be illustrative ofthe sorts of naturalistic input to which the learn-ers were typically exposed, although we acknowl-edge some limitations in these extrapolations. Inall, 234 sessions involving these 7 participants andtheir conversation partners were analyzed.


The transcription files were downloaded fromthe Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics Website using the IMDI BCBrowser 3.0 (ISLE Meta-data Initiative, 2009). Various Computerized Lan-guage Analysis (CLAN; MacWhinney, 2000a) toolswere used to separate out the participant and in-terviewer tiers, to remove any transcription com-ments or translations, to do rough tagging to iden-tify the words that were potentially verbs in theseutterances, and to do frequency analyses on these.The resultant 405 forms served as our targets forsemiautomated searches through the transcrip-tions to find tokens of their use as verbs and toidentify the verb–argument constructions of in-terest. The tagging was conducted by the secondauthor following the operationalizations and cri-teria described in Goldberg et al. (2004) to iden-tify utterances containing examples of VL, VOL,or VOO constructions. For example:

1. Lavinia: you come out of my house. [come][VL]

2. Madan: Charlie say # shopkeeper give meone cigar ## he give it ## he er # he smoking #.[give] [VOO]

3. Ravinder: no put it in front # thats it # yeah.[put] [VOL]

The coded constructions so identified werechecked for accuracy by a native English speaker

Nick C. Ellis and Fernando Ferreira-Junior 373

FIGURE 1Type–Token Frequency Distributions of the Verbs Populating the Interviewers’ VL, VOL, and VOOConstructions














Frequency of NS Use as VL


















Frequency of NS Use as VOO


















Frequency of NS Use as VOL

Note. NS = native speaker; VL = verb locative; VOL = verb object locative; VOO = ditransitive.

research assistant who served as an independentcoder. Any disagreements were resolved throughdiscussion. Each identified construction was alsotagged for its speaker and for the number ofmonths the speaker had been in the study at thetime of utterance.


For the NS conversation partners, we identified14,574 verb tokens (232 types), of which 900 to-kens were identified to occur in VL (33 types), 303in VOL (33 types), and 139 in VOO constructions(12 types). For the non-native-speaker (NNS)ESL learners, we identified 10,448 verb tokens(234 types), of which 436 tokens were found inVL (39 types), 224 in VOL (24 types), and 36 inVOO constructions (9 types).

1. Are the Frequency Distributions Zipfian? NS in-terviewers. The frequency distributions of the verbtypes in the VL, VOL, and VOO constructionsproduced by the NS interviewers are shown inFigure 1. It can be seen that for each constructionthere is one exemplar that accounts for a substan-tial share of total productions of that construction.The 380 instances of go (/going/went) constituted42% of the total tokens of VL; 106 instances of put(/putting) constituted 35% of the total tokens ofVOL; and 75 instances of give (/gave) constituted53% of the total tokens of VOO. After each lead-ing exemplar, subsequent verb types decline in

frequency, confirming that Zipf’s law holds: Thefrequency of any verb is inversely proportional toits rank in the frequency table for that construc-tion. Figure 2 plots these frequency distributionsas log verb frequency against log verb rank. Thefact that these produce straight-line functions con-firms that the relationship is a power function, asZipf’s law predicts.

NNS learners. The frequency distributions ofthe verb types in the VL, VOL, and VOO construc-tions produced by the NNS learners are shown inFigure 3. As with the interviewers, for each con-struction there is one exemplar that accounts forthe majority of total productions of that con-struction. The 380 instances of go constituted53% of the total tokens of VL, 153 instancesof put constituted 68% of the total tokens ofVOL, and 22 instances of give constituted 64%of the total tokens of VOO. Figure 4 shows thatthe type–token distributions of these learner con-structions are also, like those of the interviewers,Zipfian.

A comparison of these VACs within and acrossNS and NNS learners also shows the generalizedimplications of Zipf’s law for learning. The smallerthe number of types in each category, the largerthe degree to which the pathbreaking exemplartakes the lion’s share. With the NSs there werejust 12 types in VOO, with give constituting 53%of overall tokens; there were 33 types in VOL, withput constituting 35% of overall tokens; there were33 types in VL, with go constituting 42% of overall

374 The Modern Language Journal 93 (2009)

FIGURE 2Zipfian Type–Token Frequency Distributions of the Verbs Populating the Interviewers’ VL, VOL, and VOOConstructions

R 2 = 0.98 R 2 = 0.99 R 2 = 0.99

Log Rank NS Input Use as VL








108 5.-

Log Rank NS Input Use as VOL







35 -.5

Log Rank NS Input Use as VOO




cy N

S In

put U

se a

s V








Note. NS = native speaker; VL = verb locative; VOL = verb object locative; VOO = ditransitive.

FIGURE 3Type–Token Frequency Distributions of the Verbs Populating the Learners’ VL, VOL, and VOOConstructions

Note. VL = verb locative; VOL = verb object locative; VOO = ditransitive.

tokens. With the NNSs, who had fewer types perconstruction, the lead exemplars took larger ma-jority shares (VL 52%, VOL 68%, VOO 64%). Thelimit is clearly at the very beginning of categorylearning, where one exemplar constitutes 100%of the category.

2. Does Learner Use Match the Relative Input Fre-quencies? Inspection of Figures 1 and 3 demon-strates that the rank order of verb types in the

learner constructions is broadly similar to thatin the interviewer NS data. Correlational analy-ses across all 80 verb types that are featured in anyof the NS and/or NNS constructions confirm thisto be so. For the VL construction, the frequencyof lemma use by learner is correlated with thefrequency of lemma use by the NS interviewer:r(78) = 0.97, p < .001. The same analysis for VOLresults in r(78) = 0.89, p < .001. The same analysisfor VOO results in r(78) = 0.93, p < .001.

Nick C. Ellis and Fernando Ferreira-Junior 375

FIGURE 4Zipfian Type–Token Frequency Distributions of the Verbs Populating the Learners’ VL, VOL, and VOOConstructions

R 2 = 0.99 R 2 = 0.96 R 2 = 0.95

Log Rank Learner Lemma Use as VL




cy L


er L


a U

se a

s V

L 2.5







Log Rank Learner Lemma Use as VOL




cy L


er L


a U

se a

s V

OL 2.5







Log Rank Learner Lemma Use as VOO




cy L


er L


a U

se a

s V

OO 1.4









Note. VL = verb locative; VOL = verb object locative; VOO = ditransitive.

3. Does Learner Use Follow the Input Frequencies?Does this matching of frequency reflect learneracquisition orders? Figures 5, 6, and 7 show cu-mulative learner use of the different verb types asa function of the number of months in the study attime of production respectively for the VL, VOL,and VOO constructions. It can be seen that theESF study spanned the early stages of acquisition,from novice to intermediate proficiency, ratherwell. Relatively few verb types are used in theseproductions in the early months, particularly forthe more difficult VOO construction. However,as time progresses, these constructions do showdevelopment in these learners. In each case, how-ever, it is clear that there is one pathbreaking verbthat seeds the construction and leads its devel-opment (go seeds VL, put seeds VOL, and giveseeds VOO). Thereafter, with increasing experi-ence of input, other verbs are recruited to theconstruction.

Analyses of variance were used to assess thedegree to which particular verbs were associatedwith particular constructions across learners andacross time (with each participant’s involvementbinned into four quarters).

Verb type use in VL was a significant factor bysubjects: F (39, 234) = 9.29, p < .001, with go beingused significantly more frequently than all otherverbs on post hoc Tukey testing at p < .01 but allother contrasts insignificant, and by time F (39,119) = 25.58, p < .001, with go being used sig-nificantly more frequently than all other verbs onpost hoc Tukey testing at p < .01, come being usedsignificantly more frequently than all other verbs

except get and live , and all other contrasts beinginsignificant.

Verb type use in VOL was a significant factorby subjects: F (23, 115) = 3.70, p < .001, with putbeing used significantly more frequently than allother verbs on post hoc Tukey testing at p < .01and all other contrasts insignificant, and by timeF (23, 71) = 5.83, p < .001, with put being usedsignificantly more frequently than all other verbson post hoc Tukey testing at p < .01 and all othercontrasts insignificant.

Verb type use in VOO was a significant factorby subjects: F (7, 35) = 4.88, p < .001, with givebeing used significantly more frequently than allother verbs on post hoc Tukey testing at p < .01and all other contrasts insignificant, and by timeF (7, 23) = 6.00, p < .001, with give being usedsignificantly more frequently than all other verbson post hoc Tukey testing at p < .01 and all othercontrasts insignificant.

We plotted these acquisition functions for eachlearner and each construction. There is insuffi-cient space to show them here, although we arehappy to send these graphs on request. It is clearfrom these individual learning curves that the de-velopmental sequences summarized in Figures 5–7 are true of each of the learners. In every casethe relevant pathbreaking verb seeds the con-struction, albeit with much earlier developmentin some learners than others.

4. Does the Match of Native Speaker and LearnerVerb Use Reflect Conversational Priming? Languageuse exhibits recency effects in the “dance of

376 The Modern Language Journal 93 (2009)

FIGURE 5Learner Use of the Top 10 Most Frequent Verb Types in the VL Construction as a Function of Study Month

Cumulative Acquisition Curve VL







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Month of Participant Study











Note. VL = verb locative.

dialogue” whereby the constructions used by onespeaker affect the use and availability of thesame constructions in their conversation partner(e.g., Pickering, 2006; Pickering & Garrod, 2006).This phenomenon, known as priming , can be ob-served across phonology, conceptual representa-tions, lexical choice, and syntax. We must ask,then, to what extent the matching profiles of con-structional verb use in NSs and NNSs result frompriming. To investigate this, we used the CHIProutine in CLAN (MacWhinney, 2000a) to lookfor this phenomenon in the highest frequencyverbs in each VAC: To what extent do the NNS

uses of go, put , and give follow immediately fromNS uses?

Of 233 NNS uses of go in the VL construction,we found 17 that seemed to result from primingfrom the NS interview interaction. Examples in-clude the following:

1. NS: did your [<1] wife go to the dentist ?NNS: uh yeah # she go [>1] to the dentist #

for one ## previsit.

2. NNS: er # i dont know # to explain.NS: he is going.

Nick C. Ellis and Fernando Ferreira-Junior 377

FIGURE 6Learner Use of the Top 10 Most Frequent Verb Types in the VOL Construction as a Function of Study Month

Cumulative Acquisition Curve VOL










1 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32

Month of Participant Study











Note. VOL = verb object locative.

NNS: he is going er.NNS: down ?

3. NS: do you know where hes going ?

NNS: er ## hes going er er at the [/?] on thewindow cooking [% means kitchen][/?] cooking window.

Of 152 NNS uses of put in VOL, 8 appeared tobe directly primed in this way. Examples includethe following:

4. NS: not put inside ?

NS: < > [% rolls the magazine to put itinside the cup].

NNS: not put inside # open.

5. NS: what does the shopkeeper do with themoney ?

NNS: ##.NS: does he put it in his pocket ?NNS: no put it in till or.

Of the 22 NNS uses of give in VOO, 1 appearedto be primed in this way:

378 The Modern Language Journal 93 (2009)

FIGURE 7Learner Use of the Top 10 Most Frequent Verb Types in the VOO Construction as a Function of Study Month

Cumulative Acquisition Curve VOO







1 3 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 23

Month of Participant Study










Note. VOO = ditransitive.

6. NNS: she giving you know.NS: ## <she> [>1] gives him.NNS: she give me some money.NS: yeah.

Interactional priming thus appears to accountfor some of the NNS use observed here, but by nomeans the majority.


These analyses of the spoken ESF corporademonstrate that the structure of VACs in NSs

and NNSs alike is Zipfian. In each case there isone exemplar type that takes the lion’s share ofthe tokens and seeds the category in development.However, what is the nature of this pathbreakingverb? Is it indeed close to the VAC prototype inmeaning? To test this we had NSs of English ratethe semantics of these verbs.


Participants were 5 native English-speaking vol-unteers who responded to opportunistic requests

Nick C. Ellis and Fernando Ferreira-Junior 379

from the first author—his wife, his 13-year-oldson, 1 graduate student, and 2 undergraduatestudents.


The participants were presented with an Ex-cel spreadsheet that contained as row headers inalphabetical order the 80 verb types that wereused in the three constructions by the NSs and/orNNSs. Participants were instructed to rate theverbs for the degree to which they followedthe core meaning of the VACs as expressed inthe instructions in the column headers illustratedin Table 1. The instructions incorporated a visualimage of the core meaning and asked participantsto consider the verb’s meaning while saying theverb in a sentence. Raters worked down and thenacross, rating every verb on one construction be-fore moving to the next.

Albeit a rather diverse sample, these native En-glish speakers were highly reliable in their ratingof fit of the meaning of these verbs in the VACs.The interrater reliabilities as assessed using Cron-bach’s alpha were .86 for VL, .89 for VOL, and .91for VOO.


The mean (standard deviation) rating of the80 verbs with regard to the core meaning of theVACs were respectively VL 4.03 (2.39), VOL 3.84(2.48), and VOO 3.63 (2.49). To see how the de-gree to which the verb matched the prototypeVAC meaning affected the degree to which eachverb was used in the VAC by learners, we plottedverb prototypicality rating against log frequencyof learner use. These scatterplots are shown inFigure 8.

We can see that in each case there is a signif-icant positive association between prototypicalityof verb meaning and log frequency of learner use:VL ρ(78) = 0.44, p < .001; VOL ρ(78) = 0.29, p <

.01; VOO ρ(78) = 0.34, p < .001. These correla-tions are by no means perfect, however. Why is themost prototypical verb in a particular constructionnot the most frequently used? The answer lies inthe scatterplots. Let us work from left to right.

Consider first the VL construction. The mostused verb, go, was rated as 7.4 out of 9.0 in terms ofthe degree to which it described the movement ofsomething or someone to a new place or in a newdirection. It is very high. However, 10 other verbssurpassed it in this rating: walk (9.0), move (8.8),run (8.8), travel (8.8), come (8.4), drive (8.2), ar-rive (8.0), jump (8.0), return (8.0), and fall (7.8).

If prototypicality of meaning is the driving force,why did learners use these verbs to a lesser degree?We believe it is because they are less generic. Walk,run, and jump fit the change of location schema,but their specific requirements of manner of mo-tion limit their general use. In contrast, go worksfor just about any change of place or direction.

Next, we will look at the VOL construction.The most used verb, put , was rated 8.0 in termsof how well it described how someone causes themovement of something to a new place or in anew direction. However, it was surpassed in theserankings by bring (8.6), move (8.6), send (8.6),take (8.6), carry (8.4), drive (8.4), drop (8.4), pass(8.4), push (8.4), hit (8.2), and pull (8.2). Learn-ers do tend to use these words, but with nothinglike the frequency of put . Again, we believe theanswer lies in generalizability of use. Verbs likedrive , drop, and send are quite specific in their de-scription of manner of transport, whereas put canbe used to describe a much wider range of VOLcircumstances.

Finally, let us consider the VOO construction.The most used verb, give , was rated 9.0 in termsof how well it fit the meaning of someone causingsomeone to receive something. It is indeed pro-totypical of this meaning. However, it tied in thisrating with lesser used verbs like send (9.0) and wasclosely matched by other lesser used verbs like buy(8.0), tell (7.8), and show (7.0). Other verbs highin the VOO rating, like pass (8.6), bring (8.4),sell (8.4), and take (8.4), were not used by thelearners at all. Again, give is prototypical in VOOmeaning and, in contrast to other VOO verbs ofspecific manner like tell , buy, and sell , it is alsomuch wider in its range of general application.


These data confirm the association betweenfrequency of learner verb use and prototypical-ity of VAC meaning, but they add qualificationby showing that the relationship is moderated bythe generality of verb semantics. The verbs thatlearners use first are prototypical and generic infunction. The same has been shown for child lan-guage acquisition, where a small group of seman-tically general verbs, often referred to as light verbs(e.g., go, do, make, come) are learned early (Clark,1978; Ninio, 1999; Pinker, 1989). Ninio arguedthat because most of their semantics consist ofsome schematic notion of transitivity with the ad-dition of a minimum specific element, they are se-mantically suitable, salient, and frequent; hence,learners start transitive word combinations withthese generic verbs. Thereafter, as Clark describes,

380 The Modern Language Journal 93 (2009)












































Nick C. Ellis and Fernando Ferreira-Junior 381

FIGURE 8Learner Use of Verb Types in the VL, VOL, and VOO Constructions as They Relate to the Fit of Those Verbsto the Prototypical Meaning of the Constructions as Judged by Native English Speakers

rho = 0.44, p < .001



n V




as P



cal V



n V




as P



cal V



n V




as P



cal V












0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5Log Learner Frequency of Use as VL





rho = 0.29, p < .01












0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5Log Learner Frequency of Use as VOL



rho = 0.34, p < .001












0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6Log Learner Frequency of Use as VOO






Note. VL = verb locative; VOL = verb object locative; VOO = ditransitive.

“many uses of these verbs are replaced, as childrenget older, by more specific terms. . . . General pur-pose verbs, of course, continue to be used butbecome proportionately less frequent as childrenacquire more words for specific categories of ac-tions” (1978, p. 53).

Theakston, Lieven, Pine, and Rowland (2004)listed the range of light verbs defined accordingto the criteria as applied by Clark (1978), Pinker(1989), and Ninio (1999) (semantic generality,frequency, and tendency to grammaticalize cross-linguistically): bring, come, do, get, give, go, make,put, and take . Inspection of the NNS learner datain Figures 3 and 8 shows that go, come , and get arein the top five most frequent of the NNSs’ VL verbsand put , take , and bring are in their top six mostfrequent VOL verbs. It seems clear, therefore, thatfor both naturalistic L1 acquisition and SLA, thefirst-used verbs in these VACs are frequent andboth semantically prototypical and generic.


In sum, these data demonstrate the followingphenomena:

1. The highest frequency exemplar within eachVAC in the L2 input is much more frequent thanthe other members.

2. Zipf’s law applies in the L2 input within in-dividual VACs.

3. The highest frequency exemplar within eachVAC is quite prototypical in meaning and seman-tically generic.

4. Learner use of the VAC is seeded by this high-est frequency, rather prototypical, and generic ex-emplar across learners and VACs.

Construction type/token frequency distribu-tion in natural language might thus optimizelearning by providing one very high-frequency ex-emplar that is also prototypical in meaning andwidely applicable. Although the current researchis specific to VACs and there is a pressing need forinvestigation of the generalizability of these con-clusions for a wide range of other constructiontypes, there is some research that already pointsin this direction. We will give two examples foreach of the broad claims.

Zipfian distributions of types have been con-firmed for constructions as diverse as tense–aspect (TA) and compliments. For the case of TA,Wulff, Ellis, Romer, Bardovi-Harlig, and LeBlanc(2009) show that there are frequency biases in theavailable input whereby certain verbs are muchmore frequent in different TA categories andthat the distribution of the verb types in thedifferent TA categories is Zipfian. The same isalso true for compliments. Manes and Wolfson(1989) examined a corpus of 700 examples ofcompliments uttered in day-to-day interactions.Just three constructions accounted for 85% ofthese: [NP <is/looks> (really) ADJ] (53%), [I (re-ally) <like/love> NP] (16%), and [PRO is (really)(a) ADJ NP] (15%). Eighty percent of these de-pended on an adjective to carry the positive se-mantic load. Although the number of positive ad-jectives that could be used is virtually unlimited,

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in fact two thirds of all adjectival compliments inthe corpus used only five adjectives: nice (23%),good (20%), pretty (9%), beautiful (9%), and great(6%). Nonadjectival compliments were focusedon a handful of semantically positive verbs, withlike and love accounting for 86%. All of theseadjectives and verbs are “light” and semanticallygeneric.

For the case of acquisition sequences for TA,Wulff et al. (2009) show that the verbs first learnedby adults in the progressive are also frequent inthe progressive in the input, distinctively associ-ated with the progressive in the input, and highlyatelic (i.e., significantly less telic than verbs that arefrequent and associated with past tense in the in-put). Likewise, the verbs first learned in past tenseare frequent in past tense in the input, highly dis-tinctive for past tense in the input, and highlytelic.

The pattern whereby learners overuse the pro-totype exemplar and initially fail to show the rangeand specificity characteristic of fluent NSs has alsobeen shown for collocational restrictions. Colloca-tions are patterns of preferred co-occurrence ofparticular words, they pervade language use (Sin-clair, 1991), and their learning poses great diffi-culties for SLA (Pawley & Syder, 1983). Kennedy(2003) analyzed amplifier patterns—the particu-lar ways in which adverbs of degree modify adjec-tives and verbs—in the British National Corpus.His research clearly demonstrated that adjectivesare very restrictive in their selection of particularboosters and maximizers, as shown in the follow-ing examples:

1. absolutely diabolical ∗entirely diabolical2. fully fledged ∗absolutely fledged3. entirely blameless ∗fully blameless4. badly mauled ∗particularly mauled5. deeply engrained ∗badly engrained6. particularly apposite ∗deeply apposite

When Granger (2001) analyzed corpora of non-native writing for their use of amplification pat-terns, she identified a very restricted range of“general purpose” types led by “a highly signifi-cant overuse of very as the all-round amplifier parexcellence” (p. 151, emphasis in the original). Aswith the VACs, the pathbreaking type in the am-plifier construction here is highly generic.

The high correlation of frequency and seman-tic generality has prompted disagreement in childlanguage research over whether it is their seman-tic generality that drives acquisition (Clark, 1978;Ninio, 1999), perhaps tapping a small set of in-nately specified semantic elements (Pinker, 1989),or frequency (Theakston et al., 2004), or both

(Goldberg et al., 2004). The functions of languagein human communication have resulted in theevolution through usage of a communicative sys-tem wherein factors such as frequency, generality,prototypicality, and distinctiveness interact andare positively associated. Therefore, distinguish-ing any one factor as the root cause of category ac-quisition is problematic and probably naıve. Thedata-driven and quantitative perspective adoptedhere suggests instead that, as in the acquisition ofother categories, it is the conspiracy of these sev-eral different factors working together that drivesacquisition of linguistic constructions.

There is good evidence, too, that these factorsfirst play out in learning to comprehend the L2.The analyses of NNSs here are done irrespec-tive of total accuracy of form in production. Al-though learner productions of the simpler VLconstruction are usually correct, the structurallymore complex VOL and VOO constructions areoften produced in a simplified form (i.e., the Ba-sic Variety so clearly identified and analyzed inthe original ESF project; Klein & Purdue, 1992;Perdue, 1993). This typically involves a pragmatictopic–comment word ordering, where old infor-mation goes first and new information follows.Examples for the VOL include the following:

1. yeah this television put it up the # book #2. this bag <he put him> [/?] put in the st [/?]

er floor # <bag> [>1]3. a horse # put in there < > [$ laughs]4. you know which block put down5. yeah keep it money ## put the table [/?] #

put in the table

Comprehending which verbs go with which argu-ments in which VACs is the start of the process.Learning to produce these arguments in their cor-rect order is a slower process, one which, in thesedata, seems to start with highly generic formulaicphrases such as “put it there.”

Readers of prior drafts of this article askedwhether NNS verb use was a simple result of prim-ing from prior NS use, hence the inclusion ofour analyses in the Results section, which showedthat interactional priming accounted for some ofthe NNS use observed here, but by no meansthe majority. To compartmentalize learner lan-guage as a result of the cognitive phenomenon ofpriming, or the discourse phenomenon of sharedtopic, seems naıve. SLA researchers who take aninteractionist view of learning (Ellis, 2008; Gass,1997, 2003; Gass & Mackey, 2007; Gass & Varonis,1994; Long, 1980; Mackey & Gass, 2006) look tothese interactions, where scaffolding, negotiation,and priming of form occur while conversation

Nick C. Ellis and Fernando Ferreira-Junior 383

partners focus on shared meanings, as the veryprocess of acquisition.

One other suggested explanation of these find-ings is that they are statistical artifacts becausehigh-frequency items will be sampled earlier thanlow-frequency ones; thus, the fact that high-frequency items are found in these samples forNSs and NNSs alike is uninformative with regardto NNSs’ knowledge of these forms (Tomasello& Stahl, 2004). Again, there is no denying thesesampling phenomena as a potential force behindthe data observed by the ESF researchers and an-alyzed here. Yet at the same time, we are reluctantto relegate these observations as artifactual. Thisis because these same sampling phenomena areequally potent in the data observed and analyzedby NNSs whose experience also is more likely tosample high-frequency items that are prototypicaland generic in meaning.

The present analyses of L2 VACs are just partof the story. There is more relating (a) to the dis-tinctiveness of the verb as a cue for a particularVAC—some verbs are associated with several dif-ferent VACs and so are less reliable markers ofany one VAC than are verbs which inhabit justone—and (b) to the types that occupy the otherislands in a construction (and their type/tokenfrequency distributions). Whereas the presentanalysis concentrates solely on verb islands, thereare other important cues to be had from the oc-cupants of the other islands that come togetherin each construction archipelago. Our compan-ion work (Ellis & Ferreira-Junior, in press) usesvarious measures of contingency from collostruc-tional analysis (Gries & Stefanowitsch, 2004;Stefanowitsch & Gries, 2003) and from the hu-man associative learning literature (Allan, 1980;Ellis, 2006b; Shanks, 1995) to investigate the de-gree to which the reliability of verb-constructionmapping affects acquisition. It also analyzes thedifferential contributions of the types that inhabitthe other thematic roles of the subcategorizationframes of the VACs studied here.

Finally, it is clear that the acquisition of linguis-tic constructions is affected by a wide range offactors. For each of the slots in the constructionframe, there is the following:

1. the frequency, the frequency distribution,and the salience of the form types;

2. the frequency, the frequency distribution,the prototypicality and generality of the semantictypes, their importance in interpreting the overallconstruction;

3. the reliabilities of the mapping between 1and 2; and

4. the degree to which the different elementsin the VAC sequence (such as Subj V Obj Obl)are mutually informative and form predictablechunks.

Many of these factors are positively correlated.It is very difficult, therefore, to investigate their in-dependent contributions or their conspiracy with-out formal modeling. Computer simulations allowinvestigation of the contributions of these factorsto language learning, processing, and use and ofthe ways that language as a complex adaptive sys-tem has evolved to be learnable (Christiansen &Chater, 2008; Ellis & Larsen-Freeman, in press-b).Ellis and Larsen-Freeman (in press-a) present var-ious connectionist simulations of the acquisitionof these VACs.

Nevertheless, there are many limitations to thepresent research. The sample of learners is small;the sample of VACs is small; the sample of lan-guage is small; the degree to which the languageproduced by the NS interviewers as a proxy ofthe typical input received by learners is question-able. Analyses of these factors in other learners,other VACs, and other languages are clearly animportant next step. The ESF project itself pro-vides a variety of L2s that might be exploited here.However, the samples are relatively small, andwe are left, as ever, echoing the need for denselongitudinal corpora of SLA (Ortega & Iberri-Shea, 2005) to match those of the L1 (Tomasello,2003; Tomasello & Stahl, 2004). Denser corporawould allow proper longitudinal analyses, divid-ing verb use by NSs and NNSs over several stagesof acquisition to look for stage by verb use byNS/NNS status interactions—the profile of verbuses by NSs should remain stable over time, thatby NNSs should show any pathbreaker appearingearlier than the rest. In the present analyses, thesmall number of verbs and their relevance to dif-ferent types of interview and/or elicitation taskmade such analyses impossible. There is also rea-son to believe that not all constructions follow aZipfian type/token distribution—the transitiveverb–object and subject–verb–object construc-tions that are acquired early by all learners haveno semantic prototype (Goldberg, 1999; Ninio,2006), and it will be important in future researchto investigate a wide range of constructions in na-tive language corpora and, separately, in acqui-sition to assay the generality of Zipfian distribu-tions within constructions. So, too, this work is allcorrelational. However ecologically valid, it needssupplementing with experimental investigationsthat compare the effects of skewed versus evenfrequencies of type/token distributions, as well as

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prototypicality versus nonprototypicality of leadexemplar, upon early acquisition in training stud-ies of the sorts reported by Goldberg et al. (2004)and Year and Gordon (this issue).

Meanwhile, the current research has demon-strated that VAC type/token distribution in theinput is Zipfian and that learners acquire themost frequent, prototypical, and generic exem-plars. Learning is driven by the frequency andfrequency distribution of exemplars within con-structions and by the match of their meaning tothe construction prototype.


This research was supported in part by a doctoralgrant from the Brazilian government through theCAPES Foundation, grant BEX No. 0043060.


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