Conquest in the Americas Section 15-1 pp. 472-476.

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Conquest in the Americas Section 15-1 pp. 472-476.

Conquest in the Americas

Section 15-1pp. 472-476

Preview Questions

• What were the results of the first encounters between the Spanish and Native Americans?

• How did Spanish conquistadors conquer the Aztec and Incan empires?

• Why were the Spanish victorious?

First Encounters in the Americas

• Meeting the Tainos– Tainos = Natives of West Indies – Treated harshly by Spanish

Conquistadors• Lost their land • Forced into labor system (encomienda)• Forced to pay tributes of gold • Forced to convert to Christianity • Exposed to disease

Reasons for Victory

• Superior Military Technology – Horses– Muskets and cannons– Armor

• Divisions Among Indians – Capitalize on rivalries

• Disease– Weakened native populations

Cortes Conquers Mexico

• Hernan Cortes – Landed in Mexico in 1519 – Visited Tenochtitlan – Formed alliances with emperor’s enemies

• Fall of Tenochtitlan – Moctezuma dies while fighting Spanish – Spanish capture the city in 1521

Pizarro Takes Peru

• Pizarro in Peru – Arrives in Peru after a civil

war– Uses native allies to

capture ruler– Conquers Peru, Ecuador,


The Capture of Atahualpa

Spanish and Portuguese Colonies in the Americas

Section 15-2pp. 477-481

Preview Questions

• How did Spain rule its empire in the Americas?

• What were the chief features of colonial society and culture?

• How did Portugal and other European nations challenge Spanish power?

Ruling the Spanish Empire

• Maintaining Control – Council of the Indies: passed laws for colonies– Viceroys: ruled each province

• Catholic Church – Often held political power– Worked to baptize Native Americans

Ruling the Spanish Empire

• The Economy– Forbidden from trading with other Europeans– Exported gold, silver, sugarcane– Encomiendas• Right to demand labor or tribute from natives• Used to run plantations

Ruling the Spanish Empire

• Bartolome de las Casas– Priests who opposed the

encomiendas system– Encomienda ended in

1542– Natives become peons – Increased use of African


Challenging Spanish Power

• Spain’s wealth from New World caused resentment

• Smugglers ignored trade restrictions

• Privateers preyed on treasure ships