Connecting the Disconnected: Using Your Sweet Social Media Skillz to Free Burma

Post on 09-May-2015

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Learn about what is going on in Burma and what you can do to help improve the situation there and among Burmese refugees here in Austin

Transcript of Connecting the Disconnected: Using Your Sweet Social Media Skillz to Free Burma

Connecting the Disconnected: Use Your Sweet Social Media Skillz to Help the

Oppressed Burmese People

All of these people live right here in Austin. They came here after running through the Burmese jungle into Thailand, where they stayed at a refugee camp. They

were assigned to live here in Austin and came here with no possessions whatsoever.

*Note: There are no adults in these photosbecause showing their faces publicly couldendanger both their lives and the lives of

their families.

Today, you will find out:

• What is going on in Burma

• What is about to happen there

• Steps you can take to help the people who will be able help them

Who are these people?• men, women and children

• Christians, Muslims and Buddhists

This is how the government silenced their voices

In May 2008, Burma will vote on a new constitution. Here are the people who

cannot vote on this issue:

• political prisoners currently in jail

• 400,000 monks currently living in Burma

• Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung Sang Suu Kyi

In 2010, Burma will elect a new parliament.

2/3 of the vote will come from the people. 1/3 will come from the military.

Remember though, political dissidents cannot vote.

What help can we provide to Burmese dissidents living here in Austin?

• offering jobs that provide a sustainable living wage

• shoes, including athletic and sturdy work shoes

• diapers

• rice cookers

• non-perishable food

• computers and calculators

So how can we use social mediato help?

• Get on Elaine’s mailing list for updates on refugees here by emailing

• Sign the petition to end atrocities in Burma at the Democracy for Burma website and encourage others to do the same.

pictures courtesy of Jerry Hughes