Connecting essay 5

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Connecting essay 5

Connecting Essay 5

My Photo Rovenko

Rovenko has also looked at using balloons in his photo shoot to make it fun and interesting. Here you can see the model has been made to look like she is floating over a town with the balloons. The background has been created, and I think it has added a nice, fun element to the photo. All the colours in the photo, including those on the model, have remained harmonious, and the bright colours on the balloons are what stand out and therefore are the focal point – nevertheless though, the balloons are been held by the model and this has added a nice smooth connection that also draws attention to her as well. The model is looking away from the camera, but her expression is happy and energetic and this draws attention to her face.

For the photo I took, I chose to use the studio and a clean, white background – this ensured that the colours on the balloon stood out as well as the model not getting lost in any other colour that could provide a distraction. The facial expression of the model has helped to make the photo fun and entertaining in a way, and though the subject is not making eye contact with the camera the expression has ensured that the focal point is not lost. I like the composition of the photo and the pose of the model as this again has added to the fun element that the photo has. The lighting of the photo compliments the model’s features and the balloons have caught a reflected the light here too, showing the shiny texture more – I like this as it adds an emphasis on the balloons that other elements of the photos don’t have, without making them too dominate in the photo.

There are lots of similarities in the two photos; the first and most obvious being the fact both photographers have used balloons in the photos to make them fun and exciting. I like how the lighting in both of the photo has caught the balloons and this has been reflected, creating texture within the shot. Both of the models in the photo have helped to make the photo fun with their energetic expressions, also adding a child-like sense about the photo. I think both the photos are visually very interesting to look at, especially Rovenko’s photo with the pretty

scenery in the background – though this did mean the model got more lost in the shot as there was more distraction and my model was more defined and present in the photo. I think this shows a contrast in the direction the two photographers have taken in their work.