Cone beam computed tomography imaging as a primary ... · implant planning software (Maven Pro;...

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aResident, AdbPrivate praccAssociate PrLouisville, KydProfessor aneFounder andfAssociate PrLouisville, Ky


Cone beam computed tomography imaging as a primarydiagnostic tool for computer-guided surgery and CAD/CAM

interim removable and fixed dental prostheses

Jyme R. Charette, DMD,a Jack Goldberg, DDS, MS,b Bryan T. Harris, DMD,c Dean Morton, BDS, MS,d

Daniel R. Llop, CDT,e and Wei-Shao Lin, DDSf

ABSTRACTThis article describes a digital workflow using cone beam computed tomography imaging as theprimary diagnostic tool in the virtual planning of the computer-guided surgery and fabrication of amaxillary interim complete removable dental prosthesis and mandibular interim implant-supportedcomplete fixed dental prosthesis with computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturingtechnology. Diagnostic impressions (conventional or digital) and casts are unnecessary in thisproposed digital workflow, providing clinicians with an alternative treatment in the indicatedclinical scenario. (J Prosthet Dent 2016;-:---)

Implant-supported completefixed dental prostheses(ICFDP) have long been pro-posed as a predictable treat-ment for edentulous patients.1

When combined with imme-diate loading and an interimrestoration, patient-centeredevaluation reveals significant

improvement in patient general satisfaction and self-perceived comfort, function, and esthetic outcomes dur-ing the phase of interim restoration.2 The mandibularICFDP, in particular, has shown high implant and pros-thesis survival rates of more than 96% at 10 years.3 Manyclinical implant studies assessing the edentulous patientpopulation have reported on the use of a mandibularICFDP opposing a conventional maxillary completeremovable dental prosthesis (CRDP).4,5 The majority ofpatients were satisfied with the masticatory function andretention of maxillary CRDP, and only a few patientsreported esthetic or phonetic problems.4,5 In addition,when ICFDP oppose maxillary CRDP, screw-relatedcomplications are less prevalent, regardless of the pa-tient’s age and the cantilever length of the mandibularICFDP.6,7

vanced Education in Prosthodontics, Department of Oral Health and Rehtice, Mexico City, Mexico; and Former ITI Scholar, Department of Oral Heaofessor and Director, Advanced Education in Prosthodontics, Department.d Chair, Department of Prosthodontics, Indiana University School of DentPresident, nSequence, The Center for Advanced Dentistry, Reno, Nev.

ofessor and Director, Division of Prosthodontics, Department of Oral Healt.


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The first computed tomography (CT) scanner wasdeveloped by an English engineer, Godfrey Hounsfield inthe early 1970s.8,9 Different types of CT technology areavailable in craniofacial clinical practice and research,including the multidetector computed tomography(MDCT, commonly known as medical CT), cone beamcomputed tomography (CBCT), and microcomputed to-mography, or micro-CT.8,9 Because of the feature ofimage acquisition at a lower radiation dosage thanMDCT, CBCT has been gaining in popularity since itsdevelopment in the 1990s.8 The current indications forthe CBCT in dentistry include endodontic treatmentplanning and outcome assessment, detection of peri-apical lesions,10 orthodontic analysis,11 craniofacial ap-plications,12 forensic facial reconstruction,13 and dentalimplant planning and treatment (preoperative analysis,

abilitation, School of Dentistry, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky.lth and Rehabilitation, School of Dentistry, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky.of Oral Health and Rehabilitation, School of Dentistry, University of Louisville,

istry, Indianapolis, Ind.

h and Rehabilitation, University of Louisville School of Dentistry,


iversity of Louisville July 25, 2016. Copyright ©2016. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

2 Volume - Issue -

computer-assisted treatment planning, and post-operative evaluation).14-16 The limitations of CBCT arechiefly related to the limited contrast resolution for softtissue assessment because of high scatter radiation dur-ing image acquisition and the misdiagnosis of pathol-ogies due to inadequate training and improperequipment settings.8,17,18

Data acquisition with intraoral scanners and computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology have gained in popularity since theirinception in the 1980s.19 Recently, several manufacturershave also developed CAD/CAM CRDP. However, thistechnique focuses mainly on improving the CAD/CAMprocess in fabricating the removable dental prosthesis(RDP), and conventional elastomeric impression materialsare still required for making the definitive impression.20

Although intraoral scans for edentulous jaws are feasible,the accuracy of such scans is still of concern.21 The lack ofdefinitive anatomic landmarks on the soft tissue seemed tocause problems for the point-and-click intraoral scannersystems.22 Different clinical reports have provided proof ofconcepts for fabricating the implant-supported CRDP23

and tooth-supported partial removable dental prosthesis(PRDP)24 or obturator25 with an intraoral scanner in whichthe dynamic registration of soft tissue is not as critical as fora conventional RDP.23-25

This article describes a digital workflow using CBCTimaging as the primary diagnostic tool in the virtualplanning process to fabricate a CAD/CAM maxillaryinterim CRDP and mandibular interim ICFDP onimmediately placed and immediately loaded dentalimplants.


A 72-year-old white man with maxillary and mandibularpartially edentulous dentition was referred to theAdvanced Education in Prosthodontics, School ofDentistry, University of Louisville for the restoration ofhis missing teeth with implant-supported fixed dentalprostheses. Partial edentulism and generalized chronicsevere periodontitis of the remaining dentition wasdiagnosed. Three existing composite resin restorationswere present on the maxillary left lateral incisors andcanines and on the mandibular left second premolar.Radiographic findings showed that the maxillary rightcanine had been endodontically treated and that severealveolar ridge atrophy had occurred in the maxillaryposterior edentulous regions. The patient had no signif-icant medical history that would contraindicate the dentalrestorative and surgical procedures. The patient acceptedthe treatment plan and because of financial consider-ations consented to a definitive maxillary conventionalCRDP and a mandibular ICFDP supported by 5 dentalimplants. A maxillary interim CRDP was planned as an


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interim prosthesis after the removal of the remainingteeth. The patient’s wish for an interim fixed dentalprosthesis on the mandible would be satisfied with aninterim ICFDP on immediately placed and immediatelyloaded dental implants.

An intraoral and extraoral examination was per-formed to confirm that the intended occlusal verticaldimension and stable maxillomandibular relationshipcould be achieved with the existing dentition (Fig. 1A,B). In addition, the patient demonstrated no posteriorocclusal interferences and showed coincidence ofmaximal intercuspal position and centric occlusion. TheCBCT imaging (3D Accuitomo 170; J Morita USA) wasperformed at the existing maxillomandibular relation-ship (maximal intercuspal position, which coincidedwith centric occlusion in this patient) to complete thepreoperative assessment. Digital Imaging and Com-munications in Medicine (DICOM) files generated fromCBCT imaging and clinical digital photographs werethen forwarded to a dental laboratory (nSequenceCenter for Advanced Dentistry) using a secure internetserver.

The DICOM files were imported in a virtual implantplanning software (Maven Pro; nSequence). Segmenta-tion was performed in the software by the laboratorytechnician to identify the existing dentition (Fig. 2A) andto ensure that the obtained maxillomandibular relation-ship during CBCT imaging coincided with the desiredocclusal position by comparing it with preoperativephotography (Fig. 1A). Maxillary and mandibular virtualdiagnostic tooth arrangements were created in the CAD/CAM software (Maven Pro; nSequence) using the exist-ing dentition and clinical photographs as references(Fig. 2B). Virtual diagnostic tooth arrangements weremade according to the recorded occlusal vertical dimen-sion and maxillomandibular relationship. The design goalfor the occlusal scheme on the interim prosthesis was toachieve bilateral, simultaneous occlusal contacts of theanterior and posterior teeth in centric relation. Theocclusal contacts in the eccentric positions were to beconfirmed during the surgical appointment.

Based on the virtual diagnostic tooth arrangements,simulated bone reduction was performed in the virtualimplant planning software (Maven Pro; nSequence) tocreate adequate restorative space for the futuremandibular interim and definitive ICFDP (Fig. 2C). Aprosthetically driven implant surgical plan forcomputer-guided implant surgery was formulated basedon virtual diagnostic tooth arrangements and simulatedbone reduction (Fig. 2D). A proprietary design andmethod was used to create the 2-piece, CAD/CAM-fabricated, surgical templates (Bone Foundation GuideSystem, Guided Prosthetics; nSequence), incorporatinga bone foundation guide and an implant placementtemplate.

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iversity of Louisville July 25, 2016. Copyright ©2016. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Figure 2. A, Existing dentition (represented by white color) segmented from DICOM files and used to confirm obtained maxillomandibular relationship.B, Yellow represents maxillary and green mandibular virtual diagnostic tooth arrangement. C, Simulated virtual bone reduction (represented by orangecolor) created according to virtual diagnostic tooth arrangement. D, Prosthetically driven implant surgical plan.

Figure 1. Pretreatment condition. A, Facial view. B, Smile.

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Using the DICOM files, the dental technician alsoidentified and traced the soft tissue outline from the axial,coronal, and sagittal views of the CBCT volumetric data(Fig. 3A, B). The soft tissue outline tracings from varioussegments were then used to recreate a virtual diagnosticcast (with remaining dentition segmented and soft tissue

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recreated from the CBCT volumetric data) in the CAD/CAM software (Maven Pro; nSequence) (Fig. 3C, D). Avirtual denture base was created to fit on the soft tissue ofthe virtual diagnostic cast, and the virtual diagnostictooth arrangement was subsequently merged with thisdenture base in the CAD/CAM software (Maven Pro;


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Figure 3. Identification of soft tissue outline from cone beam computed tomography volumetric data. A, Coronal view. B, Sagittal view; virtualdiagnostic cast with segmented remaining dentition and reconstructed soft tissue profile. C, Facial view. D, Occlusal view.

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nSequence) (Fig. 4A). The complete virtual design of theinterim prostheses was exported from the CAD/CAMsoftware (Maven Pro; nSequence) to a mill (Milling UnitM5; Zirkonzahn) to fabricate the CAD/CAM maxillaryinterim CRDP and mandibular interim ICFDP with pre-fabricated PMMA-based acrylate resin block (TempBasic; Zirkonzahn) (Fig. 4B). The dental technician thenlayered the milled interim prostheses with light-polymerizing tooth-color and pink composite resin(Gradia System; GC America Inc) to enhance esthetics(Fig. 4C).

CAD/CAM 2-piece surgical templates (Bone Foun-dation Guide System, Guided Prosthetics; nSequence)and the interim prostheses (Guided Prosthetics; nSe-quence) were returned to the clinicians for presurgicalevaluation. The first piece of surgical template, a bonefoundation guide, was to be fitted on the alveolar ridgesafter extractions and stabilized with anchor pins (GuidedAnchor Pin; Nobel Biocare). Three reposition jigs weredesigned to facilitate the correct seating of this bonefoundation guide (Fig. 5A). The flat platform on theocclusal aspect of the bone foundation guide served as areference plane for bone reduction (Fig. 5B). The secondsurgical template, an implant placement template, was to


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be assembled on the bone foundation guide after thecompletion of bone reduction and osseous recontouring.The assembly of the CAD/CAM 2-piece surgical templateprovided the guidance for implant placement accordingto the prosthetically driven implant surgical plan(Fig. 5C). After the implant placements, the implantplacement template was removed from the bone foun-dation guide. The assembly of a prefabricated polyvinylsiloxane carrier and CAD/CAM mandibular interimICFDP was fitted on the bone foundation guide for thesubsequent immediate provisionalization procedure(Fig. 5D). The prefabricated polyvinyl siloxane carrierprovided by the dental laboratory (nSequence Center forAdvanced Dentistry) was used to provide a block-outlayer to prevent excessive autopolymerizing acrylic resinfrom contacting the dental implants. In addition, thiscarrier was designed to be a reposition template to seatthe mandibular interim ICFDP on the bone foundationguide. The bone foundation guide was to be stabilizedwith anchor pins (Guided Anchor Pin; Nobel Biocare)and not removed from the bone reduction and osseousrecontouring until the immediate provisionalization lab-oratory procedure had been completed; this was toensure that the prosthetically driven implant surgical

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Figure 4. A, Design of CAD/CAM maxillary interim complete removabledental prosthesis and mandibular interim implant-supported completefixed dental prostheses. B, Computer-aided manufacturing process. C,Light-polymerizing pink composite resin used to layer milled interimprostheses.

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plan could be transferred and realized during the clinicalprocedures.

At the surgical appointment, the existing occlusalvertical dimension was measured and recorded fromthe base of the nasal septum to the inferior border ofthe chin with a ruler and tongue depressor as shown bySmith.26 The remaining mandibular teeth were

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removed with an minimal trauma under local anes-thesia and intravenous sedation to avoid excessivedeformation of the alveolar ridge, which may haveprevented the complete seating of the bone foundationguide after extraction. The bone foundation guide with3 reposition jigs was fitted on the alveolar ridge afterextractions and stabilized with anchor pins (GuidedAnchor Pin; Nobel Biocare) (Fig. 6A). The plannedosseous recontouring was completed with the guidanceof the bone foundation guide (Fig. 6B). The implantplacement template was then assembled on the bonefoundation guide to provide the guidance of implantplacements (Mandible: Straumann Soft Tissue Level,guided 4.1 mm × 8 or 10 mm and 3.3 mm × 10 mm;Institut Straumann AG) under a predetermined inser-tion torque of 35 to 45 Ncm (Fig. 6C). After the implantplacement, interim abutments (RN synOcta post fortemporary restorations, bridge; Institut Straumann AG)were attached to implants under a torque of 15 Ncm.The prefabricated polyvinyl siloxane carrier (nSequenceCenter for Advanced Dentistry) was seated on the bonefoundation guide (Fig. 6D). Autopolymerizing com-posite resin (Quick up; VOCO) was used to connect theinterim abutments and mandibular interim ICFDP(Fig. 6E). The assembly of the mandibular interimprosthesis and interim abutments was then removedfrom the implants. The bone foundation guide andanchor pins were removed from the alveolar ridge andthe flaps were coronally repositioned with primaryclosure. The mandibular interim ICFDP was finished inthe laboratory and secured to implants with 15 Ncmtorque. All screw accesses were sealed with cottonpellets and a single-component resin sealing material(Fermit; Ivoclar Vivadent AG) (Fig. 6F).

The remaining maxillary teeth were removed underlocal anesthesia (Fig. 7A). The CAD/CAM maxillaryinterim CRDP was relined with interim soft liner (COE-Soft; GC America). During the relining procedure, theseated mandibular interim ICFDP was used to provide astable plane of occlusion, and the pre-extraction recordwas used to confirm the desired occlusal verticaldimension. The patient’s hard palate was used as astable surface from which to apply pressure on theCAD/CAM maxillary interim CRDP to eliminate exces-sive interim soft reliner. The patient was subsequentlyguided with the bimanual manipulation technique intocentric relation with the CAD/CAM maxillary interimCRDP and interim soft reliner (COE-Soft; GC America)in situ (Fig. 7B). The occlusal contacts in the eccentricposition were adjusted intraorally to eliminate occlusalinterferences, and group function was achieved withmultiple occlusal contacts between the maxillary andmandibular teeth in lateral movements on the workingside. The patient was satisfied with the clinical outcomesof the CAD/CAM, interim, maxillary CRDP and


iversity of Louisville July 25, 2016. Copyright ©2016. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Figure 5. A, CAD/CAM bone foundation guide with 3 reposition devices repositioned on the CAD/CAM mandibular cast (simulation cast with post-extraction alveolar ridge). B, CAD/CAM bone foundation guide on CAD/CAM mandibular cast (simulation cast with post-osseous recontouring alveolarridge). C, Implant placement template assembled on bone foundation guide. D, Assembly of prefabricated polyvinyl siloxane carrier and CAD/CAMmandibular interim implant-supported complete fixed dental prostheses fitted on bone foundation guide for immediate provisionalization procedure.

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mandibular ICFDP (Fig. 7C, D). The patient was theninstructed in a home care regimen, including a soft dietand the use of a 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconatemouthwash (CHG Oral Rinse; Xttrium Laboratories),and scheduled for follow-up and treatment appoint-ments. The patient was observed for 12 weeks withuneventful healing before the definitive impressionappointment.


In the CBCT imaging process, metallic restorations cancause scatter and jeopardize its 3-dimensional volumerendering quality.18 Although the scatter could bemanually removed or segmented with an advancedsoftware program/tool, it is a time-consuming step toensure that real anatomic structures are not eliminated.In the virtual implant planning process, the STL filesresulting from a diagnostic intraoral scan can often beimported and merged with the DICOM files in the virtualimplant planning software. The intraoral scan can pro-vide scatter-free surface profiles of soft tissue and


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remaining dentition.18 The merged files will then containclearly defined soft tissue and teeth contours to facilitatethe treatment planning process and the subsequentfabrication of stereolithographic tooth-supported surgicaltemplates. This process has been used for successfulvirtual implant planning in partially edentulous clinicalscenarios, where existing metal ceramic restorations maycause scatter in the CBCT scans.15,16

Patient selection is important because predictablehard tissue anatomic landmarks and soft tissue mask inthe CBCT volumetric data must be identified. In thisclinical treatment, with few existing dental restorations,only minimal scatters were expected from the CBCTimaging, and CAD/CAM bone-supported surgical tem-plates for subsequent computer-guided surgery weredesired and planned. With these considerations in mind,CBCT imaging (with minimal scatters) was used as theprimary diagnostic tool, and the DICOM files obtainedwere used in the virtual implant planning software forhard and soft tissue identification, virtual diagnostic tootharrangement, virtual implant planning, design of CAD/CAM bone-supported surgical templates, a maxillary

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iversity of Louisville July 25, 2016. Copyright ©2016. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Figure 6. A, Bone foundation guide with 3 reposition jigs fitted on alveolar ridge after extractions and stabilized with anchor pins. B, Bone foundationguide used to complete planned osseous recontouring. C, Mandibular implants placed with assembly of CAD/CAM 2-piece surgical templates. D,Prefabricated polyvinyl siloxane carrier fitted over interim abutments and bone foundation guide. E, Interim abutments and CAD/CAM-fabricatedmandibular interim implant-supported complete fixed dental prosthesis (ICFDP) prepared to be connected with autopolymerizing acrylic resin. F,Occlusal view of seated mandibular interim ICFDP.

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interim CRDP, and a mandibular interim ICFDP. Thesegmentation of the remaining dentition in the CBCTimaging was used to verify that the patient was in thedesired occlusal vertical dimension (the existing occlusalvertical dimension was preserved in this patient) andmaxillomandibular relationship (maximal intercuspalposition, which coincided with centric occlusion in this

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patient) during the CBCT imaging process. In the ob-tained DICOM files, the existing tooth positions, therecorded occlusal vertical dimension, and the max-illomandibular relationship were then used as referencesfor the virtual diagnostic tooth arrangement. Further-more, the maxillary soft tissue identification on theDICOM files allowed the dental laboratory technician to


iversity of Louisville July 25, 2016. Copyright ©2016. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Figure 7. A, Remaining maxillary teeth removed. B, CAD/CAM-fabricated maxillary interim complete removable dental prosthesis relined with soft liner.C, Facial view of inserted maxillary and mandibular interim prostheses. D, Smile presentation of inserted interim prostheses.

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trace the soft tissue profile from the axial, coronal, andsagittal views and to recreate the virtual diagnostic cast,containing information on the remaining dentition andsoft tissue, for the fabrication of the maxillary interimCRDP.

The advantage of this proposed technique is thatCBCT imaging is the primary diagnostic tool (withoutdiagnostic impression and/or intraoral digital scan) forlaboratory planning and preparation procedures, whichcan be performed in a single diagnostic appointment.There are a few limitations associated with this tech-nique. The remaining dentition should only have a fewexisting dental restorations and minimal scatter in theCBCT imaging, and can maintain desired occlusal verticaldimension, and maxillomandibular relationship duringthe scanning process. If a desired and stable occlusalvertical dimension and/or maxillomandibular relationshipcannot be achieved with the remaining dentition, a re-cord base and occlusal rim with an interocclusal recordcould be used to maintain accurate maxillomandibularrelations during CBCT imaging.

Because of the limitations of current technology andCAD/CAM software, the occlusal scheme on the virtualdiagnostic tooth arrangements can only be designed in


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the centric occlusion position. The occlusal contacts ofthe inserted CAD/CAM interim prosthesis in the eccen-tric position still require intraoral adjustments to elimi-nate interferences. Bone-supported CAD/CAM-fabricated surgical templates should be designed andused, since the scatter-free surface profiles of soft tissueand remaining dentition were not obtained throughdiagnostic impression and/or intraoral digital scan.Although soft tissue identification and tracing on theDICOM files are feasible for the design and fabrication ofCAD/CAM-fabricated maxillary interim CRDP, the ac-curacy of the denture intaglio surface and its adaptationto intraoral soft tissue need to be validated with furtherexperimental studies. Interim soft liner was used in thisstudy to facilitate the adaptation and insertion of theCAD/CAM maxillary interim CRDP.


This clinical report provides a digital protocol for treatinga patient with computer-guided surgery, a maxillaryinterim CRDP, and a mandibular interim ICFDP onimmediately placed and immediately loaded dental im-plants. CBCT imaging was used as the primary diagnostic

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iversity of Louisville July 25, 2016. Copyright ©2016. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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data collection tool, and, with careful patient selection,the need for diagnostic impression (conventional ordigital) and casts was eliminated.


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Corresponding author:Dr Wei-Shao LinUniversity of Louisville501 South Preston StreetLouisville, KY 40292Email:

Copyright © 2016 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.


iversity of Louisville July 25, 2016. Copyright ©2016. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.