Comune di Genzano di Alimenti e salute, dalla nascita all...

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Transcript of Comune di Genzano di Alimenti e salute, dalla nascita all...

Alimenti e salute

dalla nascita alletagrave anziana

Prevenire e curare

con la giusta alimentazione

Comune di Genzano di


Sala delle Armi

Palazzo Sforza Cesarini

27 Settembre 2014

La corretta dieta per la gestante Dott Grazia Carroni - ginecologa

La corretta alimentazione in gravidanza atta

ad agevolare le fisiologiche modificazioni

gravidiche al fine di prevenirne le

complicanze (aborto parto pretermine

diabete preeclampsia etc) crea le basi per

un adeguato sviluppo del feto presupposto

indispensabile a garantire uno stato di

buona salute nel nascituro sia nellrsquoimmediato

periodo neonatale che nella vita adulta

laumento del peso corporeo durante la

prima metagrave della gravidanza egrave dovuto

allaumento dei tessuti di riserva mentre

successivamente egrave rappresentato dal

prodotto del concepimento

Varia comunque a seconda delletagrave della

paritagrave e della costituzione corporea

In gravidanza crsquoegrave un aumento di richiesta di

energia necessaria per la sintesi dei nuovi

tessuti sia del prodotto del concepimento

che degli organi materni (utero mammelle

grasso) per lattivitagrave metabolica della unitagrave

feto placentare e per il normale lavoro della


La richiesta giornaliera di calorie egrave di circa

2100 2200 e 2300 kcal al di nei trimestri 1

2 e 3deg

Componenti che determinano lrsquoaumento i peso in gravidanza

Il regime dietetico deve considerare le condizioni nutrizionali

al momento del concepimento e il bisogno alimentare attuale

e remoto

Lalimentazione inadeguata si ripercuote negativamente sullevoluzione della gravidanza e sullaccrescimento fetale Una riduzione dellapporto quantitativo ma ancor piugrave di quello qualitativo puograve esitare in

bullneonato di insufficiente peso alla nascita con sviluppo osseo e dentale insufficiente bullcomplicazioni della gestazione quali parto pretermine distocia del travaglio

bulldifficoltagrave nellallattamento lalimentazione ipercalorica puograve d altro canto determinare

bullgestosi bulldisturbi digestivi bulldiabete gestazionale bullmacrosomia fetale con possibile conseguente distocia da sproporzione fetopelvica


durante tutta la gravidanza egrave importante

mantenere lequilibrio glicemico

costante ed adeguato apporto proteico

adeguata introduzione di liquidi

adeguato apporto di vitamine e sali

le modificazioni in senso diabetogeno del

metabolismo degli zuccheri in senso

chetogenico del metabolismo dei grassi e la

necessita di incrementare la quota proteica

giornaliera consigliano

bull5 pasti al di

bullcarboidrati ad ogni pasto

bullolio vergine doliva


bullesclusione degli zuccheri raffinati

bullproteine ad ogni pasto

esempio di colazione

frullato di

2 cucchiai di yogurth

2 cucchiai di olio di lino

12 banana

12 succo di limone

1 cucchiaio di riso integrale

1 cucchiaio di miele

2 cucchiaini di semi oleosi

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

La corretta alimentazione in gravidanza atta

ad agevolare le fisiologiche modificazioni

gravidiche al fine di prevenirne le

complicanze (aborto parto pretermine

diabete preeclampsia etc) crea le basi per

un adeguato sviluppo del feto presupposto

indispensabile a garantire uno stato di

buona salute nel nascituro sia nellrsquoimmediato

periodo neonatale che nella vita adulta

laumento del peso corporeo durante la

prima metagrave della gravidanza egrave dovuto

allaumento dei tessuti di riserva mentre

successivamente egrave rappresentato dal

prodotto del concepimento

Varia comunque a seconda delletagrave della

paritagrave e della costituzione corporea

In gravidanza crsquoegrave un aumento di richiesta di

energia necessaria per la sintesi dei nuovi

tessuti sia del prodotto del concepimento

che degli organi materni (utero mammelle

grasso) per lattivitagrave metabolica della unitagrave

feto placentare e per il normale lavoro della


La richiesta giornaliera di calorie egrave di circa

2100 2200 e 2300 kcal al di nei trimestri 1

2 e 3deg

Componenti che determinano lrsquoaumento i peso in gravidanza

Il regime dietetico deve considerare le condizioni nutrizionali

al momento del concepimento e il bisogno alimentare attuale

e remoto

Lalimentazione inadeguata si ripercuote negativamente sullevoluzione della gravidanza e sullaccrescimento fetale Una riduzione dellapporto quantitativo ma ancor piugrave di quello qualitativo puograve esitare in

bullneonato di insufficiente peso alla nascita con sviluppo osseo e dentale insufficiente bullcomplicazioni della gestazione quali parto pretermine distocia del travaglio

bulldifficoltagrave nellallattamento lalimentazione ipercalorica puograve d altro canto determinare

bullgestosi bulldisturbi digestivi bulldiabete gestazionale bullmacrosomia fetale con possibile conseguente distocia da sproporzione fetopelvica


durante tutta la gravidanza egrave importante

mantenere lequilibrio glicemico

costante ed adeguato apporto proteico

adeguata introduzione di liquidi

adeguato apporto di vitamine e sali

le modificazioni in senso diabetogeno del

metabolismo degli zuccheri in senso

chetogenico del metabolismo dei grassi e la

necessita di incrementare la quota proteica

giornaliera consigliano

bull5 pasti al di

bullcarboidrati ad ogni pasto

bullolio vergine doliva


bullesclusione degli zuccheri raffinati

bullproteine ad ogni pasto

esempio di colazione

frullato di

2 cucchiai di yogurth

2 cucchiai di olio di lino

12 banana

12 succo di limone

1 cucchiaio di riso integrale

1 cucchiaio di miele

2 cucchiaini di semi oleosi

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

laumento del peso corporeo durante la

prima metagrave della gravidanza egrave dovuto

allaumento dei tessuti di riserva mentre

successivamente egrave rappresentato dal

prodotto del concepimento

Varia comunque a seconda delletagrave della

paritagrave e della costituzione corporea

In gravidanza crsquoegrave un aumento di richiesta di

energia necessaria per la sintesi dei nuovi

tessuti sia del prodotto del concepimento

che degli organi materni (utero mammelle

grasso) per lattivitagrave metabolica della unitagrave

feto placentare e per il normale lavoro della


La richiesta giornaliera di calorie egrave di circa

2100 2200 e 2300 kcal al di nei trimestri 1

2 e 3deg

Componenti che determinano lrsquoaumento i peso in gravidanza

Il regime dietetico deve considerare le condizioni nutrizionali

al momento del concepimento e il bisogno alimentare attuale

e remoto

Lalimentazione inadeguata si ripercuote negativamente sullevoluzione della gravidanza e sullaccrescimento fetale Una riduzione dellapporto quantitativo ma ancor piugrave di quello qualitativo puograve esitare in

bullneonato di insufficiente peso alla nascita con sviluppo osseo e dentale insufficiente bullcomplicazioni della gestazione quali parto pretermine distocia del travaglio

bulldifficoltagrave nellallattamento lalimentazione ipercalorica puograve d altro canto determinare

bullgestosi bulldisturbi digestivi bulldiabete gestazionale bullmacrosomia fetale con possibile conseguente distocia da sproporzione fetopelvica


durante tutta la gravidanza egrave importante

mantenere lequilibrio glicemico

costante ed adeguato apporto proteico

adeguata introduzione di liquidi

adeguato apporto di vitamine e sali

le modificazioni in senso diabetogeno del

metabolismo degli zuccheri in senso

chetogenico del metabolismo dei grassi e la

necessita di incrementare la quota proteica

giornaliera consigliano

bull5 pasti al di

bullcarboidrati ad ogni pasto

bullolio vergine doliva


bullesclusione degli zuccheri raffinati

bullproteine ad ogni pasto

esempio di colazione

frullato di

2 cucchiai di yogurth

2 cucchiai di olio di lino

12 banana

12 succo di limone

1 cucchiaio di riso integrale

1 cucchiaio di miele

2 cucchiaini di semi oleosi

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

In gravidanza crsquoegrave un aumento di richiesta di

energia necessaria per la sintesi dei nuovi

tessuti sia del prodotto del concepimento

che degli organi materni (utero mammelle

grasso) per lattivitagrave metabolica della unitagrave

feto placentare e per il normale lavoro della


La richiesta giornaliera di calorie egrave di circa

2100 2200 e 2300 kcal al di nei trimestri 1

2 e 3deg

Componenti che determinano lrsquoaumento i peso in gravidanza

Il regime dietetico deve considerare le condizioni nutrizionali

al momento del concepimento e il bisogno alimentare attuale

e remoto

Lalimentazione inadeguata si ripercuote negativamente sullevoluzione della gravidanza e sullaccrescimento fetale Una riduzione dellapporto quantitativo ma ancor piugrave di quello qualitativo puograve esitare in

bullneonato di insufficiente peso alla nascita con sviluppo osseo e dentale insufficiente bullcomplicazioni della gestazione quali parto pretermine distocia del travaglio

bulldifficoltagrave nellallattamento lalimentazione ipercalorica puograve d altro canto determinare

bullgestosi bulldisturbi digestivi bulldiabete gestazionale bullmacrosomia fetale con possibile conseguente distocia da sproporzione fetopelvica


durante tutta la gravidanza egrave importante

mantenere lequilibrio glicemico

costante ed adeguato apporto proteico

adeguata introduzione di liquidi

adeguato apporto di vitamine e sali

le modificazioni in senso diabetogeno del

metabolismo degli zuccheri in senso

chetogenico del metabolismo dei grassi e la

necessita di incrementare la quota proteica

giornaliera consigliano

bull5 pasti al di

bullcarboidrati ad ogni pasto

bullolio vergine doliva


bullesclusione degli zuccheri raffinati

bullproteine ad ogni pasto

esempio di colazione

frullato di

2 cucchiai di yogurth

2 cucchiai di olio di lino

12 banana

12 succo di limone

1 cucchiaio di riso integrale

1 cucchiaio di miele

2 cucchiaini di semi oleosi

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

Componenti che determinano lrsquoaumento i peso in gravidanza

Il regime dietetico deve considerare le condizioni nutrizionali

al momento del concepimento e il bisogno alimentare attuale

e remoto

Lalimentazione inadeguata si ripercuote negativamente sullevoluzione della gravidanza e sullaccrescimento fetale Una riduzione dellapporto quantitativo ma ancor piugrave di quello qualitativo puograve esitare in

bullneonato di insufficiente peso alla nascita con sviluppo osseo e dentale insufficiente bullcomplicazioni della gestazione quali parto pretermine distocia del travaglio

bulldifficoltagrave nellallattamento lalimentazione ipercalorica puograve d altro canto determinare

bullgestosi bulldisturbi digestivi bulldiabete gestazionale bullmacrosomia fetale con possibile conseguente distocia da sproporzione fetopelvica


durante tutta la gravidanza egrave importante

mantenere lequilibrio glicemico

costante ed adeguato apporto proteico

adeguata introduzione di liquidi

adeguato apporto di vitamine e sali

le modificazioni in senso diabetogeno del

metabolismo degli zuccheri in senso

chetogenico del metabolismo dei grassi e la

necessita di incrementare la quota proteica

giornaliera consigliano

bull5 pasti al di

bullcarboidrati ad ogni pasto

bullolio vergine doliva


bullesclusione degli zuccheri raffinati

bullproteine ad ogni pasto

esempio di colazione

frullato di

2 cucchiai di yogurth

2 cucchiai di olio di lino

12 banana

12 succo di limone

1 cucchiaio di riso integrale

1 cucchiaio di miele

2 cucchiaini di semi oleosi

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

Il regime dietetico deve considerare le condizioni nutrizionali

al momento del concepimento e il bisogno alimentare attuale

e remoto

Lalimentazione inadeguata si ripercuote negativamente sullevoluzione della gravidanza e sullaccrescimento fetale Una riduzione dellapporto quantitativo ma ancor piugrave di quello qualitativo puograve esitare in

bullneonato di insufficiente peso alla nascita con sviluppo osseo e dentale insufficiente bullcomplicazioni della gestazione quali parto pretermine distocia del travaglio

bulldifficoltagrave nellallattamento lalimentazione ipercalorica puograve d altro canto determinare

bullgestosi bulldisturbi digestivi bulldiabete gestazionale bullmacrosomia fetale con possibile conseguente distocia da sproporzione fetopelvica


durante tutta la gravidanza egrave importante

mantenere lequilibrio glicemico

costante ed adeguato apporto proteico

adeguata introduzione di liquidi

adeguato apporto di vitamine e sali

le modificazioni in senso diabetogeno del

metabolismo degli zuccheri in senso

chetogenico del metabolismo dei grassi e la

necessita di incrementare la quota proteica

giornaliera consigliano

bull5 pasti al di

bullcarboidrati ad ogni pasto

bullolio vergine doliva


bullesclusione degli zuccheri raffinati

bullproteine ad ogni pasto

esempio di colazione

frullato di

2 cucchiai di yogurth

2 cucchiai di olio di lino

12 banana

12 succo di limone

1 cucchiaio di riso integrale

1 cucchiaio di miele

2 cucchiaini di semi oleosi

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

Lalimentazione inadeguata si ripercuote negativamente sullevoluzione della gravidanza e sullaccrescimento fetale Una riduzione dellapporto quantitativo ma ancor piugrave di quello qualitativo puograve esitare in

bullneonato di insufficiente peso alla nascita con sviluppo osseo e dentale insufficiente bullcomplicazioni della gestazione quali parto pretermine distocia del travaglio

bulldifficoltagrave nellallattamento lalimentazione ipercalorica puograve d altro canto determinare

bullgestosi bulldisturbi digestivi bulldiabete gestazionale bullmacrosomia fetale con possibile conseguente distocia da sproporzione fetopelvica


durante tutta la gravidanza egrave importante

mantenere lequilibrio glicemico

costante ed adeguato apporto proteico

adeguata introduzione di liquidi

adeguato apporto di vitamine e sali

le modificazioni in senso diabetogeno del

metabolismo degli zuccheri in senso

chetogenico del metabolismo dei grassi e la

necessita di incrementare la quota proteica

giornaliera consigliano

bull5 pasti al di

bullcarboidrati ad ogni pasto

bullolio vergine doliva


bullesclusione degli zuccheri raffinati

bullproteine ad ogni pasto

esempio di colazione

frullato di

2 cucchiai di yogurth

2 cucchiai di olio di lino

12 banana

12 succo di limone

1 cucchiaio di riso integrale

1 cucchiaio di miele

2 cucchiaini di semi oleosi

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy


durante tutta la gravidanza egrave importante

mantenere lequilibrio glicemico

costante ed adeguato apporto proteico

adeguata introduzione di liquidi

adeguato apporto di vitamine e sali

le modificazioni in senso diabetogeno del

metabolismo degli zuccheri in senso

chetogenico del metabolismo dei grassi e la

necessita di incrementare la quota proteica

giornaliera consigliano

bull5 pasti al di

bullcarboidrati ad ogni pasto

bullolio vergine doliva


bullesclusione degli zuccheri raffinati

bullproteine ad ogni pasto

esempio di colazione

frullato di

2 cucchiai di yogurth

2 cucchiai di olio di lino

12 banana

12 succo di limone

1 cucchiaio di riso integrale

1 cucchiaio di miele

2 cucchiaini di semi oleosi

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

durante tutta la gravidanza egrave importante

mantenere lequilibrio glicemico

costante ed adeguato apporto proteico

adeguata introduzione di liquidi

adeguato apporto di vitamine e sali

le modificazioni in senso diabetogeno del

metabolismo degli zuccheri in senso

chetogenico del metabolismo dei grassi e la

necessita di incrementare la quota proteica

giornaliera consigliano

bull5 pasti al di

bullcarboidrati ad ogni pasto

bullolio vergine doliva


bullesclusione degli zuccheri raffinati

bullproteine ad ogni pasto

esempio di colazione

frullato di

2 cucchiai di yogurth

2 cucchiai di olio di lino

12 banana

12 succo di limone

1 cucchiaio di riso integrale

1 cucchiaio di miele

2 cucchiaini di semi oleosi

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

le modificazioni in senso diabetogeno del

metabolismo degli zuccheri in senso

chetogenico del metabolismo dei grassi e la

necessita di incrementare la quota proteica

giornaliera consigliano

bull5 pasti al di

bullcarboidrati ad ogni pasto

bullolio vergine doliva


bullesclusione degli zuccheri raffinati

bullproteine ad ogni pasto

esempio di colazione

frullato di

2 cucchiai di yogurth

2 cucchiai di olio di lino

12 banana

12 succo di limone

1 cucchiaio di riso integrale

1 cucchiaio di miele

2 cucchiaini di semi oleosi

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

esempio di colazione

frullato di

2 cucchiai di yogurth

2 cucchiai di olio di lino

12 banana

12 succo di limone

1 cucchiaio di riso integrale

1 cucchiaio di miele

2 cucchiaini di semi oleosi

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

Lalimentazione deve apportare una adeguata

quantitagrave di colesterolo utile nella produzione

attraverso il pregnenolone del progesterone uova

uova di pesce acciughe crostacei e molluschi

alimenti ricchi di omega 3 pesce azzurro almeno tre

volte alla settimana

Lapporto di folati indispensabili per la prevenzione

in questa epoca delle patologie del tubo neurale puograve

essere assicurato con le verdure e la frutta (kiwi

fragole arance) il Calcio puograve essere introdotto con

semi di sesamo e formaggio caprino


Modificazioni materne embriogenesi e placentazione




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy




Componente delle selenoproteine ha effetti immunomodulatori e

svolge un ruolo chiave nel metabolismo degli ormoni tiroidei nella

famiglia delle deiodinasi Il suo deficit egrave responsabile del cretinismo

edematoso endemico

Fonti naturali di selenio sono le frattaglie pesce molluschi carne

latte lievito di birra pasta riso funghi noci

La seleneproteina detta GPx ( glutatione perossidasi) egrave un potente

regolatore della sintesi degli ormoni tiroidei e protegge dal danno



Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy


Tra le deiodinasi la D3 egrave particolarmente localizzate nelle cellule del

cervello fegato fetale placenta e pelle Protegge il concepito dalla

eccessiva esposizione agli ormoni tiroidei

Lipotiroidismo subclinico si associa a distacco di placenta parto

pretermine e aborto (Casey 2005) e al rischio di sviluppo nel post

partum di tiroidite autoimmune e di sviluppo cognitivo subottimale nella

prole (Papi e coll 2007) Dose giornaliera selenio egrave 60 microgrammi

Le richieste fetali impongono di introdurre con la dieta anche agenti

antiossidanti vit C vit E betacarotene


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy


In questo periodo della gestazione il notevole

accrescimento ponderale fetale e le variazione in senso

procoagulatorio dei parametri ematici consigliano di

ridurre i carboidrati di aumentare le proteine di origine

vegetale e di favorire la funzione renale

Si evitino funghi e asparagi e si limitino ananas kiwi

salvia per la loro azione sulla coagulazione


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy


Dobbiamo ridurre i carboidrati evitare dolci e liquidi limitare le proteine

Nella dieta sono utili

verdure amare




Per stabilizzare lambiente gastrico bisogna alcalinizzarlo

Migliorare la funzione epatica evitando fritti limitando gli ortaggi gialli

(carotenoidi) e le crucifere (per lo zolfo)

dare carboidrati facili senza glutine

coleretici e colagoghi tipo zucchine marinate con aglio menta e aceto

fragole kiwi papaya (aiuta a digerire ed egrave drenante ricca di K) e avocado


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy


Dobbiamo fornire lorganismo di

Magnesio fonti sono germe di grano fagioli ceci cereali integrali riso

avena banane kiwi uva mais

Antiossidanti antinfiammatori ottenere lequilibrio glicemico omega 3 e

fibre Possiamo consigliare olio di semi di lino noci e frutta fresca uova

tonno e pesce spada Per lacido lipoico patate broccoli spinaci fegato

cuore carni rosse


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy


evitare le contrazioni con alimenti ricchi di Mg e K riso patate

fagiolini zucchine banane

favorire la funzione epatica in senso procoagulante uova fegato

pomodori fragole peperonicarote zucca soiabrassicacee e

formaggio fuso

evitare le infezioni aglio zenzero cipolla prezzemolo chiodi di

garofano limone per la loro funzione immunostimolante


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy


Ligiene degli alimenti egrave fondamentale per la

prevenzione della toxoplasmosi

Bisogna mantenere un buon equilibrio glicemico e

seguire una dieta ricca di fibre e di antiossidanti quali

cipolla olio di oliva curcuma mirtilli riso integrale

frutta secca zenzero e aglio






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy






Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy


Consigliabile introdurre con la dieta pochi zuccheri molte

proteine (molto pesce e latte poche carni rosse) alimenti a

basso indice glicemico e verdure ricche di acqua come

fragole patate cipolle e cicoria

Per diminuire le resistenze vascolari e i grassi circolanti egrave

utile assumere prezzemolo ananas finocchio cipolla melone

aglio e fragole

Per migliorare la funzione cuore-reni sono utili legumi frutta

secca miele cereali integrali rucola vongole e uova

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women living in the South East

of the UK the influence of diet and nutritional supplements

on iodine status Bath SC Walter A Taylor A Wright J Rayman MP Author information

Iodine is a key component of the thyroid hormones which are crucial for brain development

Adequate intake of iodine in pregnancy is important as in utero deficiency may have lifelong

consequences for the offspring Data on the iodine status of UK pregnant women are sparse

and there are no such data for pregnant women in the South East of the UK A total of 100

pregnant women were recruited to a cross-sectional study carried out at the Royal Surrey

County Hospital Guildford at their first-trimester visit for an ultrasound scan The participants

provided a spot-urine sample (for the measurement of urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and

creatinine concentration) and 24 h iodine excretion was estimated from the urinary

iodinecreatinine ratio Women completed a general questionnaire and a FFQ The median UIC

(85middot3 μgl) indicated that the group was iodine deficient by World Health Organisation criteria

The median values of the iodinecreatinine ratio (122middot9 μgg) and of the estimated 24 h iodine

excretion (151middot2 μgd) were also suggestive of iodine deficiency UIC was significantly higher in

women taking an iodine-containing prenatal supplement (n 42) than in those not taking such a

supplement (Plt 0middot001) In the adjusted analyses milk intake maternal age and iodine-

containing prenatal supplement use were positively associated with the estimated 24 h urinary

iodine excretion Our finding of iodine deficiency in these women gives cause for concern We

suggest that women of childbearing age and pregnant women should be given advice on how to

improve their iodine status through dietary means A national survey of iodine status in UK

pregnant women is required

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

Maternal and in utero determinants of type 2 diabetes risk in the

young Bruce KD Abstract

The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions In 2010 it was estimated

that 64 of the adult population (285 million) have diabetes In recent years the incidence of type 2

diabetes (T2D) a condition traditionally associated with aging has been steadily increasing among

younger individuals It is now a well-established notion that the early-life period is a critical window of

development and that influences during this period can developmentally prime the metabolic status of the

adult This review discusses the role of maternal and in utero influences on the developmental priming of

T2D risk Both human epidemiological studies and experimental animal models are beginning to

demonstrate that early dietary challenges can accelerate the onset of age-associated metabolic

disturbances including insulin resistance T2D obesity hypertension and cardiovascular disease These

findings show that poor maternal nutrition can prime a prediabetes phenotype often manifest as insulin

resistance by very early stages of life Thus the maternal diet is a critical determinant of premature T2D

risk While the mechanisms that link early nutrition to age-associated metabolic decline are currently

unclear preliminary findings suggest perturbations in a number of processes involved in cellular aging

such as changes in longevity-associated Sirtuin activity epigenetic regulation of key metabolic genes and

mitochondrial dysfunction Preliminary studies show that pharmacological interventions in utero and dietary

supplementation in early postnatal life may alleviate insulin resistance and reduce T2D risk However

further studies are warranted to fully understand the relationship between the early environment and long-

term effects on metabolism Such mechanistic insights will facilitate strategic interventions that prevent

accelerated metabolic decline and the premature onset of T2D in the current and future generations

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

Counteracting oxidative stress in pregnancy through modulation

of maternal micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids DSouza V1 Chavan-Gautam P Joshi S Abstract

During pregnancy oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathophysiology of

preeclampsia and preterm birth leading to poor birth outcome Hyperhomocysteinemia

caused as a consequence of altered micronutrients like folic acid and vitamin B12 is

associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species that generate oxidative

stress These micronutrients are important determinants of methyl donor s-adenosyl

methionine while phospholipids are important methyl acceptors in the one-carbon

metabolic cycle A series of our studies in women during pregnancy have demonstrated

altered levels of these micronutrients and the negative association of docosahexaenoic

acid with homocysteine Various strategies to counteract oxidative stress

during pregnancy such as antioxidant therapy have been examined and found to be

inconsistent In this review we focus on the role of oxidative stress in pregnancy and

discuss the possibility of ameliorating it through modulation of maternal micronutrients

and omega 3 fatty acids especially docosahexaenoic acid We propose for the first time

that manipulation of one-carbon metabolism by maternal diet could be a potential

mechanism to counteract oxidative stress through homocysteine lowering effects and

help in reducing the risk for adverse pregnancyoutcomes

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy

The influence of a low glycemic index dietary intervention on maternal

dietary intake glycemic index and gestational weight gain

during pregnancy a randomized controlled trial McGowan CA Walsh JM Byrne J Curran S McAuliffe FM1 Abstract

BACKGROUND Maternal diet is known to impact pregnancy outcome Following a low glycemic index (GI) diet during pregnancy has been shown

to improve maternal glycemia and reduce infant birthweight and may be associated with a higher fibre intake We assessed the

impact of a low GI dietary intervention on maternal GI nutritional intake and gestational weight gain (GWG) during pregnancy Compliance and acceptability of the low GIdiet was also examined METHOD Eight hundred women were randomised in early pregnancy to receive low GI and healthy eating dietary advice or to receive

standard maternity care The intervention group received dietary advice at a group education session before 22 weeks gestation

All women completed a 3 day food diary during each trimester of pregnancy Two hundred and thirty five women from the intervention arm and 285 women from the control arm returned complete 3x3d FDs and were included in the present analysis RESULTS Maternal GI was significantly reduced in the intervention group at trimester 2 and 3 The numbers of women within the lowest

quartile of GI increased from 37 in trimester 1 to 52 in trimester 3 (Pthinspltthinsp0001) among the intervention group The intervention

group had significantly lower energy intake (Pthinspltthinsp005) higher protein ( TE) (Pthinspltthinsp001) and higher dietary fibre intake (Pthinspltthinsp001)

post intervention Consumption of food groups with known high GI values were significantly reduced among the intervention group Women in the intervention low GI group were less likely to exceed the Institute of Medicines GWG goals CONCLUSION A dietary intervention in early pregnancy had a positive influence on maternal GI food and nutrient intakes and GWG Following

a low GI diet may be particularly beneficial for women at risk of exceeding the GWG goals for pregnancy