Computer Forensic Tools

Post on 03-Feb-2022

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Transcript of Computer Forensic Tools

Computer Forensic Tools

Stefan Hager

SS 2007 Advanced Computer Networks 2


Important policies for computerforensic toolsTypical Workflow for analyzing evidenceCategories of ToolsDemo

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Important policies for computerforensic tools

evidence must not get compromised or contaminated during investigation disk imaging necessaryensure data integrity hashing (MD5, SHA-1...)digital evidence must be permitted during litigationadheres to the standards of evidence that are admissible in a court of law

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Typical Workflow for analyzing evidence

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Categories of Computer Forensic Tools

Disk Imaging Memory Imaging Data and Disk AnalysisSpecial OS Live DistributionsNetwork Forensics

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Disk Imaging

Hardware imagerse.g. handhelds that clone source driveswrite blocker to protect data on source drivefast: up to 4GB/min (SCSI)usually no additional software necessary

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Disk Imaging

multiple interfaces supportede.g. IDE, SATA, PATA, SCSI, USB,

Firewire, Flash Cards...

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Disk Imaging

Software imagersUnix-based imagers

dd, dcfldd, AIR, rdd, sddWindows-based imagers

ProDiscovery (images FAT12,16,32 and NTFS)AccessData (read, aquire, decrypt, analyze)

calculate hashes (MD5, SHA-1)checksumming

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Memory Imaging

making an image of physical memory

linux: dd captures the contents of physical memory using device file /dev/memwindows: hibernation c:\hiberfil.sys

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Data and Disk Analysis Tools

Purpose: extract, manipulate, validate dataPartition Recovery (e.g. gpart)

recover deleted/corrupt partitionsguess partition tablesrecover boot sector (e.g. fdisk /mbr restores boot code in MBR, but not the partition

Data Evaluation and Recovery (e.g. autopsy)

restore deleted/corrupt filesRAID reconstruction (RAID level 0 - striping, level 5)Password Recovery / Breaking – open files that are password protected

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Data and Disk Analysis Tools

Carving (e.g. foremost)search an input for files or other kinds of objects based on contentrecover files when directory entries missing/corrupt, deleted files, damaged medialook for file headers and footers"carving out" blocks between these two boundariesusually executed on a disk image and not on the original disk

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Data and Disk Analysis Tools

Metadata Extractionextract Metadata from different file formats (Microsoft Office Documents, PDF, Binary files, ...)MAC times (Modification, Access, Creation - UNIX)WAC times (Written, Accessed, Created – WINDOWS)file typeUser ID, Group ID

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Data and Disk Analysis Tools

Evaluation of timelines (e.g. Zeitline)

analyzing and evaluating data for event reconstructionsources: MAC times, WAC times, system logs, firewall logs, application datatimelines consist of events (time spans)events belonging to the same action grouped togetherevents can have sub- and superevents (hierarchy)

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Data and Disk Analysis Tools

Evaluation of timelinese.g. events:

access program gccaccess file xaccess library y

grouped together tocompile program x

super event of this group could beinstall rootkit z

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Special OS Live Distributions

Free DistributionsDEFT Linux (built upon Kubuntu)Helix (built upon Knoppix)

Commerial DistributionsSMART Linux (by ASR Data)MacQuisition Boot CD (for imaging Macintosh Systems)

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Network forensics

Network vulnerability scanners (e.g. NESSUS)

based on security vulnerability databasedetects remote as well as local flaws

Network protocol analyzers (e.g. wireshark, ethereal)

many protocols supportedLive Capture / Offline AnalysisVoIP analysis

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Network forensics

Search for rootkits (e.g. chkrootkit)scripts for checking system binaries for rootkit informationchecks for signs of trojanschecks whether the interface is in promiscuous mode

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Vacca, J. R.: Computer Forensics: Computer Crime Scene Investigation. Hingham, Mass.: Charles River Media 2002.http://www.forensicswiki.org

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1. Explain shortly 3 tasks of disk analysis tools (Slides 10-14)

2. What are important policies for computer forensic tools? (Slide 3)

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Thank you for your attention!