Components of Fitness · Components of Fitness Physical Fitness Physical fitness helps you to be...

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Transcript of Components of Fitness · Components of Fitness Physical Fitness Physical fitness helps you to be...


Components of


By Carone


Components of Fitness

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness helps you to

be healthy and strong.

Anytime you are moving,

you are getting physically fit.

Components of Fitness

Physically Fit

There are five parts to being

physically fit.

It is important to work on all

of these areas when you


1. Cardio Fitness

2. Muscle Strength

3. Muscle Endurance

4. Flexibility

5. Body Composition

Components of Fitness

Cardio Fitness

1. Cardio Fitness

Cardio means “heart.”

Cardio fitness is when you

are moving constantly.

It will help you have a strong

heart and lungs.

Components of Fitness

Cardio Fitness

When you are doing cardio

exercises, you can hear

your heart beating faster.

Components of Fitness

Cardio Fitness

Good cardio fitness

exercises include:

• Running

• Biking

• Swimming

Components of Fitness

Muscle Strength

2. Muscle Strength

Muscle strength is how

strong your muscles are.

Components of Fitness

Muscle Strength

Can you pick up heavy


This means that you have

muscle strength.

Components of Fitness

Muscle Strength

As you grow, your muscles

will get stronger. You can

help them by practicing

picking up heavy things.

Be sure that they aren’t too

heavy though. You don’t

want to hurt yourself.

Components of Fitness

Muscle Endurance

3. Muscle Endurance

Muscle endurance is how

long your muscles can work.

Components of Fitness

Muscle Endurance

Do your legs feel tired after

riding your bike for a long


This means that you have

been practicing muscle


Components of Fitness

Muscle Endurance

Good activities for muscle

endurance are:

• Going across the

monkey bars

• Jumping rope

Components of Fitness


4. Flexibility

Flexibility is how far you can

bend and reach.

Components of Fitness


Can you reach down and

touch your toes?

This means that you are


Components of Fitness


Good flexibility helps you

not get hurt when you


It is important to stretch

every time you exercise.

Components of Fitness

Body Composition

5. Body Composition

Body composition is how

much of your body is made

of fat and muscle.

When you exercise and eat

healthy, you will have a

healthy body composition.

Components of Fitness


When you practice all the

areas of fitness, your body

will grow healthy and strong.


By Carone
