Complication of pancreatitis

Post on 10-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Complication of pancreatitis

Complications of Pancreatitis



Chronic pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis*Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis:

1-Blood analyzed :-Elevated levels of the pancreatic

enzymes, amylase and lipase .-Elevated white blood cell count .-Elevated liver enzymes and bilirubin, a

substance that results from breakdown of red blood cells .

-High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) .-Low calcium level .

Acute pancreatitis2- Computerized tomography (CT):

scan of abdomen to examine pancreas and to check for gallstones, a duct problem, or destruction of the gland.

3- Ultrasound and X-ray.

Chronic pancreatitis*diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis:It can be difficult to distinguish acute from

chronic pancreatitis.1- Blood tests.2- Stool tests:This measures the fat content in

feces. Chronic pancreatitis often causes excess fat in stool because the fat isn't digested and absorbed normally by small intestine.

3- Pancreatic function test: measure the ability of your pancreas to secrete enzymes or other substances necessary for digestion.

ComplicationAcute pancreatitis

1- Infection : A damaged pancreas may become infected with bacteria that spread from the small intestine into the pancreas.

*Signs : fever, an elevated white blood cell count and, in severe cases, organ failure.

*Treatment: Pancreatic infections can be fatal without intensive treatment, including drainage or surgery to remove the infected tissue. Sometimes multiple operations are necessary.

ComplicationAcute pancreatitis

2- Pseudocysts: These are collections of pancreatic fluid and sometimes tissue debris that form within the pancreas or in an obstructed duct.

*Treatment: If the cyst is small, no special care may be necessary, but large, infected or bleeding pseudocysts require immediate treatment.

ComplicationAcute pancreatitis

3- Abscess: This is a collection of pus in or near pancreas that may develop about four to six weeks after the onset of acute pancreatitis.

*Treatment: involves drainage of the abscess by catheter or surgery.

ComplicationAcute pancreatitis

4- Respiratory Failure: Hypoxemia, atelectasis, effusion, pneumonitisAcute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

5- Shock: This life-threatening complication usually occurs when your blood pressure is so low your organs can't carry out their normal functions. Severe shock can cause death within minutes if left untreated.

ComplicationChronic pancreatitis

The complications common to acute pancreatitis can also occur in the chronic form of the disease. In addition, chronic pancreatitis can lead to:

ComplicationChronic pancreatitis

1- Bleeding: Ongoing inflammation and damage to the blood vessels surrounding the pancreas can cause potentially fatal bleeding.

2- Malnutrition and weight loss: Lack of digestive enzymes prevents the body from absorbing nutrients from food. The result is often weight loss and malnutrition.

ComplicationChronic pancreatitis

3- Diabetes: Damage to insulin-producing cells can lead to diabetes, a disease that affects the way body uses blood sugar.

4- Drug addiction: Because medical treatments for severe pancreatic pain aren't always effective, people with pancreatitis may become addicted to pain medications.

ComplicationChronic pancreatitis

5- Pancreatic cancer: Long-term inflammation of the pancreas increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, one of the most serious of all malignancies. it's the fourth leading cause of all cancer deaths. That's because pancreatic cancer spreads rapidly and is seldom detected in its early stages.

Treatment Chronic Pancreatitis

- Therapy for chemical dependency:This is probably the most important step in

treating alcohol-related pancreatitis. In the early stages of the disease, simply stopping drinking may relieve even severe pain.

Treatment Chronic Pancreatitis

- Pain relief.- Enzyme therapy for malabsorption:enzyme supplements such as pancrelipase

(Pancrease, Viokase), can help treat malabsorption problems. By replacing missing enzymes, these tablets help restore normal digestion and improve steatorrhea.

Treatment Chronic Pancreatitis

- Dietary changes: recommend eating smaller meals and limiting fats, which will help reduce need for as many digestive enzymes.

- Treatment of diabetes.

Prevention Although pancreatitis isn't always

preventable, you can take steps to reduce the risk:

- Avoid excessive alcohol use: Overuse of alcohol is the leading cause of chronic pancreatitis and a contributing factor in many acute attacks.

- Stop smoking: Tobacco use increases risk of pancreatitis, especially if also with drinking alcohol.


- Limit fat: Eating a high-fat diet can raise blood-fat levels and increase risk of gallstones — both risk factors for pancreatitis. A healthy diet emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, and limits fats, especially saturated fats such as butter.

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