Complete Financial Planning and Client Engagement · PDF file | 1-800-557-1780 |...

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Transcript of Complete Financial Planning and Client Engagement · PDF file | 1-800-557-1780 |...


Complete Financial Planning and

Client Engagement Platform


OVERVIEW: Historically, financial planning process and any financial planning software has been more of

a single use type of tools. Advisors who establish a relationship with a client could offer to create a

financial plan at some point of the relationship. Fewer firms would integrate the financial plan as part of

the annual review process with their clients, in case they actually had that process in place. The client

retention strategy of many advisory firms was to acquire the client’s assets and from that point on have

the least amount of communication with the client hoping that they would put their investments in the

“set it and forget it” mode. Where it might have worked for many advisors in the past, but due to the

major downturn and remaining high volatility in the market coupled with introduction of social media

and a more direct marketing and advertising approach by the vast majority of the institutions, clients are

much more informed and anxious about their finances. This requires a new approach to be taken in the

client acquisition as well as the client retention process. Financial Planning can no longer be a single tool

in advisor toolbox, but rather an integrated platform that helps advisors address the client’s demands of

professional asset management and financial guidance.

THE PROCESS: In addition to providing the planning software, Finance Logix can assist your firm in the

development of an effective repeatable process within branches as well as collaborate with the

marketing department to develop a winning marketing strategy and a rollout plan for the new advice-

centric approach to client services. Several modules within Finance Logix® platform were developed to

facilitate the client engagement and communication process as well as client retention, increase in AUM

and generate of new referrals. Gallup research shows that total revenue of an advisory firm increases

by 23% when advisors provide client centric advice.


Finance Logix® Philosophy

Leveraging financial planning and innovative technology in the client Engagement process, Educating

clients about their financial situation and visually demonstrating how various factors can affect their

financial future as well as building an effective bridge of Communication between the client and advisor

is the key to a successful financial service.

ENGAGE: Engaging clients with the help of innovative web and mobile prospecting tools that uses basic

financial planning concepts to start a conversation with a client is an effective way start a relationship

with the client. Advisors can establish successful client relationships by offering an end-to-end

experience to prospective clients making transition from prospect to client a smooth and seamless

experience. Advisors can leveraging the popular Retire Logix app that has been featured in Money

Magazine as one of the best money moves of 2011, voted number one app on, also

voted best app for baby boomers by The Street Magazine and other publications. This approach allows

advisors implementing cutting edge technology and stand out from the competition by offering their

prospects more than just a business card.


EDUCATE: Advisors can help more clients by educating them about their financial future. Utilizing the

Finance Logix® slider based dynamic plan, you are able to walkthrough on the fly what if scenarios,

educating clients about their financial plan. Visually present the financial plan to the client while still

having the ability to print custom reports. Our comprehensive financial planning platform will enable

advisor to create full financial plans using either goal based or cash flow mode. Service the clients with

full financial plans including education, insurance and estate planning. Utilize Morningstar embedded

data to educate clients on their current positions and portfolio allocation. Include analytics and stats

sheets on various investments. Give clients a full end to end financial planning experience.


COMMUNICATE: Advisors can offer their clients the freedom to constantly monitor their financial health

through mobile and web access to the client portal. Allow them to log in and view their dashboard of

their accounts, balances, and insurance policies and oversee their progression on their financial plan.

Share files utilizing a secure military grade, 256-bit encrypted vault, eliminating the need for email

encryption tools. This will help increase retention and referrals by providing clients with cutting edge

tools and 24/7 access to their financial plan. Achieve a scale of personalization by leveraging Finance

Logix® book management tools and timely reacting to changes in clients’ financial situations.


The diagram below illustrated the usage of various Finance Logix® tools in the complete client-advisor

relationship starting from ads in the magazines to becoming a client and expanding advisor relationship:

Engage your clients through marketing and advertising messages that promote the value of the

web-based Client Portal and interactive Mobile tools. Educate your clients about financial

planning process and easily answer their questions during the client meeting using interactive

charts and sliders in the Finance Logix® Advisor Portal. Effectively Communicate with your

clients leveraging Book Management tools of the Advisor Portal, two-way Mobile

communication tools and feature-rich Client Portal.

Goal or Cash –Flow based

Financial Plan

Finance Logix Advisor Portal

Client Communication, Reporting & Plan


Finance Logix Client & Advisor Portal

Retire Logix Dashboard



Retire Logix

Client Portal






The Client Interview is an extensive questionnaire

used to collect and gather financial data used in

preparing financial plans and reports. The five-

step structure of the Client Interview simplifies

the data collection process and guides users

through a sequence of sections to avoid missing

information. The client-centric questionnaire is

built for ease of use and formatted for sufficiently

gathering relevant data to aid advisors in

servicing clients. Both clients and advisors have

access to the same interface so even if a client

has difficulty understanding the questionnaire,

their advisors can easily assist the client in completing the Client Interview. The Client Interview is a

powerful tool that bridges the gap between client and advisor so even before first in-person meeting

with clients, an advisor will already have a clear understanding of the client’s financial situation. The

Client Interview is an extensive questionnaire, but when paired with the data integration capabilities of

Finance Logix, the client interview allows financial advisors and clients to exceptionally capture a

comprehensive and complete overview of a client’s financial situation.


Finance Logix® provides Account Data Aggregation, a service available in Finance Logix® Client and

Advisor portals through which client’s financial data is collected from various institutions and

consolidated within our software for planning purposes.

VALUE TO CLIENT: With this service the advisors are able to offer greater value to their clients by

allowing them automatically download their account information from various financial institutions and

providing a single place where clients can view and monitor their complete financial situation. Account

data is updated daily using a high security 256-bit encryption interface that adheres to the BITS

Guidelines and the highest standards of security.

VALUE TO ADVISORS: Account Data Aggregation allows advisors gain access to clients’ complete

financial picture and deliver a more comprehensive financial advice. It is also a very efficient tool to

expand the relationship and increase advisor’s AUM.


The Interactive Plan is an immersive and interactive module where clients can view their overall financial

projections for retirement, education, and more. The active capabilities of the Interactive Plan allow

users to adjust sliders corresponding to different financial assumptions to instantly examine the results

on their financial plans and future projections. By adjusting to different ‘what-if’ scenarios, financial

projections will be instantly displayed on a graphical and intuitive interface. Furthermore, advisors can


be rest assured that the client’s changes to the assumptions will not affect any of the information

prepared in the client’s financial report. In this sense, clients are given full freedom in viewing multiple

scenarios without altering the financial preparations made by an advisor. The Interactive Plan is a

valuable component of the client portal in educating clients on the effects of different factors on their

investments and financial progress.


Remembering the entire schedule and making a new appointment takes a lot of effort. Advisors

generally use CRM tools to keep track of the appointments and tasks. Finance Logix® platform provides

tools for the Client to keep track of all the appointments and tasks related to their finances and their

relationship with Advisors. Calendar available in the Client Portal can be synchronized with the Client’s

outlook such that even if the client does not log into the Client portal, they will be notified about an

appointment next time they check their email in Outlook. Advisors could also set alerts for any changes

in the document vault made by any clients such that the client is notified via email when a financial

report is ready for their review in the secure portal. Advisors can be alerted when the client uploads

their bank statement or other document needed for their next meeting. Additional alert capabilities can

be incorporated into the Client Portal and the Client and Advisor Mobile app.



Opportunity Finder is a great tool to use to

monitor your client's financial situation. When

using various data integrations supported by

Finance Logix® or the data aggregation plug-in,

your client's financial plan is automatically

recalculated when account balance information is

updated in the system. This may resolve in client

going from say a surplus in retirement to a

shortfall. The Opportunity Finder will show the

shortfall status of the client as well as the

projected amount of the shortfall at retirement.

Advisor may use this indicator to review the client's financial plan, make appropriate adjustment and

contact the client to communicate the necessary steps to resolve the shortfall.

Another example of a helpful use of the Opportunity Finder could be checking the shortfall status of a

client for education plan that they might have. Of course more importantly, advisor will be able to check

on client's life or disability insurance. This could alert advisor to have a conversation with the client

about reviewing possible protection plans in case of death or disability.



The Client Profiler tool allows advisors to be more

efficient in managing their client relationship. It

provides a quick searchable view where advisor

could focus on clients with specific levels of Net

Worth. Leveraging data aggregation and

integration with the bank’s back-office systems,

advisors now can look for opportunity to increase

their AUM using the Asset Managed search. For

example, they could search for all clients that

they manage less than 5% of assets. If advisor

learns about significant changes in value of

specific securities advisors can quickly find clients that hold these securities across Managed and

Outside-held assets, evaluate the exposure of the client’s portfolio and quickly make appropriate

adjustment and/or offer timely advice on outside asset held outside the bank. This information can also

be integrated with the CRM system that the Bank is using.


Introduction of a secure document vault provides an effective and secure mechanism to exchange

documents between advisor and clients. Implementation of a secure and compliant document

exchange interface into the client/advisor communication significantly limits the possibility of loss or

disclosure of the personally identifiable data.


We created a built-in interface inside the Finance Logix® platform into the FinaMetrica risk tolerance

software. FinaMetrica comprehensive risk tolerance questionnaire is a due diligence tool that takes a

scientific approach in assessing and documenting client risk tolerance. "FinaMetrica's focus is

psychological factors relevant to financial decision-making in terms that are meaningful to individuals

and their advisors."


Financial advisors and other investment professionals turn to Morningstar® for data that help them

research, analyze, present, and support their investment ideas.

Finance Logix® integrates Morningstar data directly into financial planning and asset allocation modules

giving advisors ability to analyze individual holding, various individual accounts as well as an overall

household allocation for the client. Holdings entered into the system are automatically classified

according to Morningstar security classification.


The integration with the Morningstar data provides ability to automatically classify a specific security

entered into the Finance Logix® manually or imported using a Data Aggregation or a data integration

feed. By entering a ticker symbol, the Security Classifier will automatically assign the appropriate Asset


Allocation, Category and a Sub-Category of the specific holding. User can also enter the name of the

stock or a fund company and Finance Logix® will provide the list of securities available in the

Morningstar database that either provided by or match that company name.


In the current environment when financial institutions are considering making an investment in their

future technology infrastructure it is essential to choose the right platform that can be easily integrated

in the current and especially future enterprise infrastructure, would be easy to deploy, maintain and

allow for instant update. A clear leader in the past several years has been web based and software as


Finance Logix Framework has been built on a highly customizable web-based enterprise platform. The

diagram below outlines all the components of the Finance Logix® framework and how they interact with

each other.

The data aggregation and data integration framework that currently connects to 35 different integration

partners provides a reliable technology partner that can efficiently and cost effectively adjust to always

evolving business requirements.



Most recently we created a new financial

planning tool focused specifically on Retirement

Income. This tool has a very simple user interface

and is available on the web as well as on

iPads/tables. The approach we took with

Retirement Income Optimizer was to create a

sophisticated rule-based engine that will

incorporate some of the decision making logic of

experienced advisor when it comes to

recommendation of various solutions for the

client’s retirement income. RIO tool is

constructed on a very flexible platform that

allows enterprise to configure recommendations based on multiple custom levers either fixed or

calculated. In the article “Targeting Wage Earners” the Financial Planning magazine wrote Retirement

Income Optimizer “… combines a simple and intuitive user interface with a set of algorithms to provide

retirement income solutions. From an enterprise standpoint, this design is appealing because each

company that purchases the software can enter its own assumptions and algorithms to come up with

solutions it believes to be appropriate.” You may read the full article here:
