Comparative study of airtel internet services with other competitors

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Comparative study of Airtel Internet Services with other Competitors

Introduction to Topic

The comparative study method is often used in the early stages of the development of a branch of

science. It can help the researcher to ascend from the initial level of exploratory case studies to a

more advanced level of general theoretical models, in variances, such as causality or evolution.

The design of comparative research is simple. Your objects are specimens or cases which are

similar in some respects (otherwise, it would not be meaningful to compare them) but they differ

in some respects. These differences become the focus of examination. The goal is to find out

why the cases are different to reveal the general underlying structure which generates or allows

such a variation.

Comparison is one of the most efficient methods for explicating or utilizing tacit knowledge or

tacit attitudes. This can be done, for example, by showing in parallel two slides of two slightly

different objects or situations and by asking people to explain verbally their differences.

The method is also versatile you can use it in detail work as a complement to other methods, or

the entire structure of a research project can consist of the comparison of just a few cases.

In comparative study, we are examining two (or more) cases, specimens or events, often in the

form of a table such as can be seen on the right where a column is reserved for each case, here

called Airtel service user and non Airtel service user. On the basis of the target of our study we

have to decide which are the interesting aspects, properties or attributes that we will have to note

and record for each of the cases. In the table on the right, these aspects are called A, B and C.

During the process of analysis, we then can add new aspects or drop out fruitless ones. Those

aspects that are similar in both the cases need not be recorded, because here we are not making

two case studies but only a comparison of the cases.

The final goal of research is usually to reveal the systematic structure, invariance, that is true not

only for the cases that were studied, but for the entire group (population) where the cases came

from. In other words, the goal is to generalize the findings. Of course, it would be foolhardy to

assert anything about a larger group, if we study consisted of just two cases. The possibility of

we generalization will increase, if we have instead of Airtel service user, several cases from the

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same group, let us call it "Group 1", and similarly several cases from "Group 2". If all or the

majority of these pairs show the same invariance, its credibility will quickly rise. There

are statistical methods to calculate the credibility, or statistical significance of the findings. The

question whether they found invariance then is true even outside the population, is something

that the researcher normally leaves to be speculated by the readers of his report.

In the case that we wish to compare more than two groups, or the number of cases is large, the

study begins to approach classification, a method that is discussed on another page.

In comparative study like in most other studies there are two different styles, both of which will

be discussed below:

Descriptive Comparison aims at describing and perhaps also explaining the in variances

of the objects. It does not aim at generating changes in the objects; on the contrary, it

usually tries to avoid them.

A special style of research is needed when the aim is not just to detect and explain but

also to improve the present state of the object or to help improving or developing similar

objects in the future. This is the technique of Normative Comparison.

Descriptive Comparison

In descriptive study of products there are many situations where comparison is an adequate

method. We could, for example, study comparable product or services which have been designed

by different company or made by different producers. Or we can study the same type of products

as they are used in the same circumstances but in different area.

Comparison may be useful even when the researcher is not interested in differences but in a

single case. If the interesting object belongs to the researcher's own cultural environment, it is

not always easy to perceive its special characteristics. The case may appear too obvious and non-

problematic. "A fish cannot see that it is living in water." One method to reveal the specific

nature of a too well known object is to compare it to other cases or specimens from another


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In exploratory study it often happens that we need gradually add new aspects of comparison, or

have to redefine them when our knowledge of the object increases. It is also common that in the

initial phases of the study we only can reach descriptive answers to the question what the object

is and what it is like, another, more difficult task then is to explain or answer the

question why the object is as it is.

In comparative analysis we can apply all the usual types of explanation by earlier events, by later

events, and contextual explanation. It can be useful to make a table, like the one on the right, of

potential reasons and potential effects. If there is conformity between likely reason and likely

effect (i.e. there is effect only when the reason is present) it augments the possibility of the

hypothetical explanation. However, a mere correlation between two variables does not yet

definitively confirm a hypothetical explanation, because the correlation can be due to other

reasons which have not been registered, see a list of possible explanations.

It can be difficult to discover all potential causal influences in empirical study only; therefore it

is usually advisable to start by doing a thorough study of literature for finding theory and data of

comparable cases.

Field work tends to entail, in spite of its usually good validity, often mediocre reliability of the

findings because of disturbances that obstruct discovering those relationships that the researcher

would want to study. If such is the case, we should consider complementing the comparison with

other methods like interview (if people are mixed up in the activity to be studied) or

an experiment with appropriate shielding to keep out any disturbing influences.

Another usual technique for reducing not desirable influences on the object of study is to select

the cases to be compared so that they are as similar as possible. For example, if we want to

compare a case in our home town to another similar case, we should select the latter from

another nearby town of the same size.

Normative Comparison

The difference between descriptive and normative styles of comparison is that in normative

analysis one of the principal criteria is evaluative like "satisfaction", "usefulness" etc., and the

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aim of the study is to point out the best (in this respect) among the alternatives that are being

studied. The final aim perhaps is not only to find the best, but also to improve it or similar

objects later on. The principles and methods of normative comparison are explained on a

separate page.

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Introduction to Industry

Telecommunications in India

India's telecommunication network is the second largest in the world based on the total number of telephone users (both fixed and mobile phone).It has one of the lowest call tariffs in the world enabled by the mega telephone networks and hyper-competition among them. It has the world's third-largest Internet user-base. According to the Department of Telecommunication of India (Dot), as on March 2015, India has 302.35 million internet connections. Major sectors of the Indian telecommunication industry are telephony, internet and television broadcast Industry in the country which is in an ongoing process of transforming into next generation network, employs an extensive system of modern network elements such as digital telephone exchanges, mobile switching centers, media gateways and signaling gateways at the core, interconnected by a wide variety of transmission systems using fiber-optics or Microwave radio relay networks. The access network, which connects the subscriber to the core, is highly diversified with different copper-pair, optic-fiber and wireless technologies. DTH, a relatively new broadcasting technology has attained significant popularity in the Television segment. The introduction of private FM has given a fillip to the radio broadcasting in India. Telecommunication in India has greatly been supported by the INSAT system of the country, one of the largest domestic satellite systems in the world. India possesses a diversified communications system, which links all parts of the country by telephone, Internet, radio, television and satellite.

Indian telecom industry underwent a high pace of market liberalization and growth since the 1990s and now has become the world's most competitive and one of the fastest growing telecom markets. The Industry has grown over twenty times in just ten years, from under 37 million subscribers in the year 2001 to over 846 million subscribers in the year 2011.India has the world's second-largest mobile phone user base with over 929.37 million users as of May 2012.It has the world's second-largest Internet user-base with over 300 million as of June 2015.

The total revenue of the Indian telecom sector grew by 7% to 2,832 billion (US$42 billion) for 2010–11 financial year, while revenues from telecom equipment segment stood at 1,170 billion (US$17 billion).

Telecommunication has supported the socioeconomic development of India and has played a significant role to narrow down the rural-urban digital divide to some extent. It also has helped to increase the transparency of governance with the introduction of e-governance in India. The government has pragmatically used modern telecommunication facilities to deliver mass education program for the rural folk of India.

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InternetThe history of the Internet in India started with launch of services by BSNL on 15August 1995.They were able to add about 10,000 Internet users within 6 months. However, for the next 10 years the Internet experience in the country remained less attractive with narrow-band connections having speeds less than 56 Kbit/s (dial-up). In 2004, the government formulated its broadband policy which defined broadband as "an always-on Internet connection with download speed of 256kbit/s or above. From 2005 onward the growth of the broadband sector in the country accelerated, but remained below the growth estimates of the government and related agencies due to resource issues in last-mile access which were predominantly wired-line technologies. This bottleneck was removed in 2010 when the government auctioned 3G spectrum followed by an equally high profile auction of 4G spectrum that set the scene for a competitive and invigorated wireless broadband market. Now Internet access in India is provided by both public and private companies using a variety of technologies and media including dial-up (PSTN), XDSL, coaxial cable, Ethernet, FTTH, ISDN, HSDPA (3G), Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, etc. at a wide range of speeds and costs. As per IAMAI India will have the world's second largest number of Internet users with over 300 million by December 2014.

According to the Internet And Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), the Internet user base in the country stood at 190 million at the end of June, 2013.As of October, 2013 report, it is over 205 million. The number of broadband subscribers at the end of May 2013 was 15.19 million. Cumulative Annual Growth rate (CAGR) of broadband during the five-year period between 2005 and 2010 was about 117 per cent.DSL, while holding slightly more than 75% of the local broadband market, was steadily losing market share to other non-DSL broadband platforms, especially to wireless broadband.

There were 161 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) offering broadband services in India as of 31 May 2013. The top five ISPs in terms subscriber base were BSNL (9.96 million), BhartiAirtel (1.40 million), MTNL (1.09 million), Hatchway (0.36 million) and You Broadband (0.31 million).Cyber cafes remain the major source of Internet access. In 2009, about 37 per cent of the users access the Internet from cyber cafes, 30 per cent from an office, and 23 per cent from home. However, the number of mobile Internet users increased rapidly from 2009 on and there were about 274 million mobile users at the end of September 2010, with a majority using 2G mobile networks. Mobile Internet subscriptions as reported by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in March 2011 increased to 381 million.

One of the major issues facing the Internet segment in India is the lower average bandwidth of broadband connections compared to that of developed countries. According to 2007 statistics, the average download speed in India hovered at about 40 KB per second (256 Kbit/s), the minimum speed set by TRAI, whereas the international average was 5.6Mbit/s during the same period. In order to attend this infrastructure issue the government declared 2007 as "the year of broadband”. To compete with international standards of defining broadband speed the Indian Government has

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taken the aggressive step of proposing a $13 billion national broadband network to connect all cities, towns and villages with a population of more than 500 in two phases targeted for completion by 2012 and 2013. The network was supposed to provide speeds up to 10Mbit/s in 63 metropolitan areas and 4Mbit/s in an additional 352 cities. Also, the Internet penetration rate in India is one of the lowest in the world and only accounts for 8.4% of the population compared to the rate in OECD counties, where the average is over 50%.Another issue is the digital divide where growth is biased in favor of urban areas; according to 2010 statistics, more than 75 per cent of the broadband connections in the country are in the top 30 cities. Regulators have tried to boost the growth of broadband in rural areas by promoting higher investment in rural infrastructure and establishing subsidized tariffs for rural subscribers under the Universal service obligation scheme of the Indian government.

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Company Profile

In 1984, Sunil Mittal started assembling push-button phones in India. He earlier used to import from a Taiwan company, Kingtel, replacing the old fashioned, bulky rotary phones that were in use in the country then. Bharti Telecom Limited (BTL) was incorporated and entered into a technical tie up with Siemens AG of Germany for manufacture of electronic push button phones. By the early 1990s, Bharti was making fax machines, cordless phones and other telecom gear.He named his first push-button phones as 'Mitbrau'. In 1992, he successfully bid for one of the four mobile phone network licenses auctioned in India. One of the conditions for the Delhi cellular license was that the bidder has some experience as a telecom operator. So, Mittal clinched a deal with the French telecom group Vivendi. He was one of the first Indian entrepreneurs to identify the mobile telecom business as a major growth area. His plans were finally approved by the Government in 1994and he launched services in Delhi in 1995, when Bharti Cellular Limited (BCL) was formed to offer cellular services under the brand name AirTel. Within a few years Bharti became the first telecom company to cross the 2-million mobile subscriber mark.

Bharti also brought down the STD/ISD cellular rates in India under brand name 'India one'. In 1999, Bharti Enterprises acquired control of JT Holdings, and extended cellular operations to Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. In 2000, Bharti acquired control of Skycell Communications, in Chennai. In 2001, the company acquired control of Spice Cell in Calcutta. Bharti Enterprises went public in 2002, and the company was listed on Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange of India. In 2003, the cellular phone operations were re-branded under the single Airtel brand. In 2004, Bharti acquired control of Hexacom and entered Rajasthan. In 2005, Bharti extended its network to Andaman and Nicobar. This expansion allowed it to offer voice services all across India.

Airtel launched "Hello Tunes", a Caller ring back tone service (CRBT), in July 2004 becoming to the first operator in India to do so. The Airtel theme song, composed by A.R. Rahman, was the most popular tune on that year. In May 2008, it emerged that Airtel was exploring the possibility of buying the MTN Group, a South Africa-based telecommunications company with coverage in 21 countries in Africa and the Middle East. The Financial Times reported that Bharti was considering offering US$45 billion for a 100% stake in MTN, which would be the largest overseas acquisition ever by an Indian firm. However, both sides emphasize the tentative nature of the talks, while The Economist magazine noted, "If anything, Bharti would be marrying up," as MTN has more subscribers, higher revenues and broader geographic coverage. However, the talks fell apart as MTN Group tried to reverse the negotiations by making Bharti almost a subsidiary of the new company. In May 2009, Bharti Airtel again confirmed that it was in talks

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with MTN and the companies agreed to discuss the potential transaction exclusively by 31 July 2009. Talks eventually ended without agreement, some sources stating that this was due to opposition from the South African government. In 2009, Bharti negotiated for its strategic partner Alcatel-Lucent to manage the network infrastructure for the fixed line business. Later, Bharti Airtel awarded the three-year contract to Alcatel-Lucent for setting up an Internet Protocol access network across the country. This would help consumer’s access internet at faster speed and high quality internet browsing on mobile handsets. In 2009, Airtel launched its first international mobile network in Sri Lanka. In June 2010, Bhartil acquired the African business of Zain Telecom for $10.7 billion making it the largest ever acquisition by an Indian telecom firm. In 2012, Bharti tied up with Wal-Mart, the US retail giant, to start a number of retail stores across India. In 2014, Bharti planned to acquire Loop Mobile for 7 billion (US$100 million), but the deal was called off later. Bharti Airtel Limited the world's third largest mobile operator with operations in 20 countries across Asia and Africa, today said that its Treasury division has been adjudged as a highly commended winner of the Top Treasury Team (Asia) Awards at the Adam Smith Asia Awards 2015

Board of DirectorsThe board of directors of the Company has an optimum mix of executive andnon-executive

directors, which consists of two executive and thirteen non-executive directors. The Chairman

and Managing Director, Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal, is an Executive Director and the number of

Independent Directors on the Board is50% of the total board strength. The independence of a

director isdetermined on the basis that such director does not have any materialpecuniary

relationship with the Company, its promoters or its management,which may affect the

independence of the judgment of a Director.The board members possess requisite skills,

experience and expertiserequired to take decisions, which are in the best interest of the


The composition of the Board is as under:Sunil Bharti Mittal, Rajan Bharti Mittal, Akhil Gupta, Rakesh Bharti Mittal, Chua Sock

Koong, N.Kumar, Kurt Hellstrom, Donald Cameron, Paul O'Sullivan, Pulak Chandan

Prasad, Bashir Abdulla Currim jee, Ajay Lal, Arun Bharat Ram, Francis Heng.

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BhartiAirtel Vision

· Loved by more customers

· Targeted by top talent

· Benchmarked by more businesses

We at Airtel always think in fresh and innovative ways about the needs of our customers and

how we want them to feel. We deliver what we promise and go out of our way to delight the

customer with a little bit more.

Bharti Airtel MissionTo be globally admired for telecom services that delight customers.

We will meet global standards for telecom services that delight customers


• Customer Service Focus

• Empowered Employees

• Cost Efficiency

• Unified Messaging Solutions

• Innovative products and services

• Error- free service delivery


The company has a strategic alliance with SingTel. The investment made by SingTel is one of

the largest investments made in the world outside Singapore, in the company. The company’s

mobile network equipment partners include Ericsson and Nokia. In the case of the broadband

and telephone services and enterprise services (carriers), equipment suppliers include Siemens,

Nortel, Corning, among others. The Company also has an information technology alliancewith

IBM for its group-wide information technology requirements and with Nortel for call center

technology requirements. The call center operations for the mobile services have been

outsourced to IBM Daksh, Hinduja TMT, and Teletech & Mphasis.

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Sales Turnover

Name Bharti Airtel Limited.

Business description

Bharti Airtel Limited is a leading global telecommunications company with operations in 19 countries across Asia and Africa. Headquartered in New Delhi, India, the company ranks amongst the top 3 mobile service providers globally in terms of subscribers. In India, the company's product offerings include 2G, 3G and 4G wireless services, mobile commerce, fixed line services, high speed DSL broadband, IPTV, DTH, enterprise services including national & international long distance services to carriers. In the rest of the geographies, it offers 2G, 3G, 4G wireless services and mobile commerce. Bharti Airtel had nearly 358 million customers across its operations at the end of June 2016

Established July 07, 1995, as a Public Limited Company

ISIN INE397D01024

Proportionate revenue

Rs. 255,465 million (ended June 30, 2016-Audited)Rs. 236,709 million (ended June 30, 2015-Audited)As per Ind-AS Accounts

Proportionate EBITDA

Rs. 95,913 million (ended June 30, 2016-Audited)Rs. 82,397 million (ended June 30, 2015-Audited)As per Ind-AS Accounts

Shares in issue 3997.4 Mn shares as at June 30, 2016

ListingsBombay Stock Exchange Limited (BSE)National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE)

Stock exchange symbol


Market capitalization customer base

India: 255,735,000 GSM mobile; 2,020,000 –Homes customers and 12,149,000- Digital TV Services(status as on June 30, 2016)Africa: 76,986,000 GSM mobile customers, SA: 9,245,000 mobile customers(status as on June 30,

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Mobile Internet Internet for Home Dongles & Router4G

1. Get 4G2. Packs & Plans3. Check Coverage

3G1. Get 3G2. Prepaid packs3. Postpaid plans4. Special offers5. Get smart bytes6. Check coverage

2G1. Get 2G2. Prepaid packs3. Postpaid plans4. Special offers

4G Homes1. Get a new connection2. Check plans3. Check Coverage

Broadband1. Get a new connection2. Check Plans3. Unlimited Voice4. Get smart bytes5. Shifting my

broadband6. Check coverage7. FAQs8. Speed comparison9. Additional services10. Wi-Fi hangout

Dongles& routers4G

1. Dongle2. Wi-Fi Hotspot3. Special Offers4. Check Coverage

3G1. Wireless dongle2. Check coverage3. Get a new


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Product Mix of Airtel

Comparative study of Airtel Internet Services with other Competitors

Rational of study:-After the liberalization of the Indian Telecom Sector in 1994, the Indian cellular market

witnessed a surge in cellular services. By 2005, there were a total of 12 players in the market

with the five major players being Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited (Bharti), Bharat Sanchar Nigam

Limited (BSNL); Vodafone-Essar limited (Hutch), Idea and Reliance.

As competition in the telecom arena intensified, service providers took new initiatives to woo

customers. Prominent among these were - celebrity endorsements, loyalty rewards, discount

coupons, business solutions and talk time schemes. The most important consumer segments in

the cellular industry were the youth segment and the business class segment. The youth segment

was the largest and fastest growing segment and was therefore targeted most heavily by cellular

service providers.  

Bharti Airtel adopted celebrity endorsement as its chief promotional strategy. By 2004 it

emerged the unprecedented leader commanding the largest market share in the cellular service

market. Vodafone implemented the celebrity endorsement strategy partially, relying primarily on

its creative advertising for the promotion of its brand. BSNL, on the other hand, attracted the

consumer through its low cost schemes. Being a state owned player, BSNL could cover rural

areas, and this helped it increase its subscriber base. Reliance was another player that cashed on

its innovative promotional strategies, which included celebrity endorsements and attractive talk

time schemes. Idea relied heavily on its creative media advertising sans celebrities.

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Research Methodology

Methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understand as a

science of studying how research is done scientifically. Research Methodology is a step by step

study of a problem. Physical activities involved in the study are:

Developing the questionnaire regarding the consumer satisfaction of the product.

Optimum respondents as a sample size are chosen for the activity to resemble the entire


Get the questionnaire filled by the consumers in the place through interview or personal


In this research questionnaire is framed in such a way management wants to know how

the customers are taking things that they had done to them and to find out the expectation of the

customers thus it will impact in policy making of the firm in the current fiscal year.

The questionnaire designed had closed question to find the respondents actual feeling as

well as their opinion rating about the satisfaction regarding the product.

The methodology followed for conducting the study includes the specification of research

design, sample design, questionnaire design, data collection and statistical tools used for

analyzing the collected data.

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The research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It constitutes

the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.

Descriptive research

This study is descriptive in nature where the data is collected through well-structured

questionnaire and from the information taken from the consumers.

Sampling Design/Techniques:

Sampling is the process of selecting a sufficient number of elements from the population,

so that a study of the sample and an understanding of its properties or characteristics would make

it possible for us to generalize such properties or characteristics to the population elements.

Sampling design is to clearly define set of objects, technically called the universe to be

studied. The sampling design used in this study is probability sampling. Sampling technique used

is Simple Random sampling.


Population for this research is set as consumers who are using Airtel, Vodafone, Idea,

BSNL, Reliance, and Tata Docomo.

Sample size:

The research was conducted in Nagpur with 100 respondents.

Data Collection Methods:

Collection of data includes both primary and secondary data. The researcher has collected

both of the above data. The data collected constitutes both primary and secondary data.

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Primary data:

Primary datum are collected through observation, direct communication with respondent, and

finally by distributing questionnaire to the employees using Random sampling technique the

employees are selected to fill the questionnaire.

Secondary Data:

Secondary datum is collected from the official record to obtain information’s regarding the rate

of absenteeism and the various reasons for absenteeism.

Statistical Tools Used

The main statistical tools used for the collection and analyses of data in this Project are: graphical representation of data and measures of central tendency (mean and mode)

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Literature Review

ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ISSN 2231-5780 Vol.5 (6), JUNE












Customer satisfaction is the degree of satisfaction provided by the goods or services of a

company as measured by the number of repeat customers. The main objective of the study is to

compare the services rendered by Airtel and Vodafone. Descriptive research is followed in this

research. The population includes the respondents who are the users of both Airtel and Vodafone

services, located at Population. The samples (i.e. sample size 50) were selected among the users

of both Airtel and Vodafone, located at population for this research. The major findings of the

study, satisfaction level of customers are average with respect to tariff, service coverage, data

plan, compatibility and other factors ranging from 3.00 to 3.65. From the research, it is

concluded that the demographic variables such as age group, gender and occupation are having

no impact on the factors of customers’ satisfaction. The research outcome also indicates that,

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most of the customers were satisfied towards Airtel and Vodafone with respect to the chosen


Keywords: Airtel, Comparative study, Customer satisfaction, Mobile connection, Vodafone.


Customer satisfaction is the degree of satisfaction provided by the goods or services of a company as

measured by the number of repeat customers. Customer satisfaction survey is a process of

discovering whether or not a company's customers are happy or satisfied with the products or

services received from the company. It may be conducted face to face, over the phone, via email

or internet, or on handwritten forms. Customer answers to questions are then used to analyze

whether or not changes need to be made in business operations to increase overall satisfaction of

customers. It is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose

reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services exceeds specified satisfaction goals.

In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is

seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy. The

purpose of this study is to compare customer satisfaction towards Airtel and Vodafone services.

More specifically, the focus is on examining the grouped impact of the factors on customer



Debarun Chakraborty (2013), in his article determined the customer satisfaction & expectation

towards a telecommunication company in West Midnapore which is a district of West Bengal. A

descriptive study was conducted to achieve the objectives. In total 250 respondents filled a well-

structured questionnaire having a list of statements pertaining to products, services & facilities

provided by the service provider. Results reveal that the dimensions which influence the

satisfaction level of customer’s are: Core services (like good coverage, good connectivity and

network quality) and call rate. Further results show that there is a significant relation between the

brand name and the preference of customers. Hence, it has been recommended that telecom

companies should focus on connectivity, call rate, coverage and network quality.

to the consumer convenience sampling method was used to select the customers and the survey was taken among those selected users. After collecting the data from the respondents it was

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analyzed using Simple Percentage and Chi-Square Tests method used for analyzing the collected data. Debarun Chakraborty Kavitha et al (2013), in their article titled “A study on Customer satisfaction towards Vodafone sim card special reference in Madurai city” determined the consumer satisfaction on Vodafone service providers’ services in Madurai district and to find out the consumers mentality towards using the services. The research type used in this study is descriptive research. Data were collected by survey method through structured questionnaire with both opened and closed ended questions. For distribution of questionnaire (2013), in his research investigated the customer satisfaction & expectation towards a telecommunication company in West Midnapore which is a district of West Bengal. A descriptive study was conducted to achieve the objectives. In total 250 respondents filled a well-structured questionnaire having a list of statements pertaining to products, services & facilities provided by the service provider. Results reveal that the dimensions which influence the satisfaction level of customer’s are: Core services (like good coverage, good connectivity and network quality) and call rate. Further results show that there is a significant relation between the brand name and the preference of customers. Hence, it has been recommended that telecom companies should focus on connectivity, call rate, coverage and network quality.



To find out the customer satisfaction towards Airtel and Vodafone services at population,



To assess the association between demographic variables and factors of customer


To identify the customer satisfaction towards the services rendered by both Airtel and


To access the customer satisfaction towards signal coverage, data plan, value added

services, payment options of Vodafone and Airtel.

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The study is conducted on Airtel and Vodafone located at population with 50


The respondents’ response may have the bias, which may not give true picture about the

chosen research topic.

The sampling unit chosen is Airtel and Vodafone stores located in population, the survey

result may vary in other locations, based on the kind of services provided at other stores.


Descriptive research is followed in this research. The universe of the population includes the

respondents who are the customers of Vodafone and Airtel, located at population. The samples

(i.e. sample size 50) were selected among the customers of Airtel and Vodafone, located at

population for this research. The samples were chosen from the population, by using

Convenience sampling technique (i.e. Non-probability sampling technique), because the exact

population size is unknown and the accessibility of the customer is difficult. Survey method of

data collection was used in this research. The primary data were collected using structured



Through the research paper entitled, “A Comparative study on Customer satisfaction of Airtel

and Vodafone with reference to Avadi, Chennai”, it is concluded that the variables such as age

group, gender etc. are having less impact on the factors of customers satisfaction. The research

outcome also indicates that, most of the customers were satisfied towards Airtel and Vodafone

with respect to the chosen factors. This study also indicates that the customers’ satisfaction is

comparatively slight advanced with in Vodafone than Airtel.

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Objectives of the study

The main purpose and objective for this study is

To compare various internet services on aspects such as signal strength , service

promptness, offers, etc.

To know the consumer view regarding Airtel Internet Services.

To find out consumers preference.

To find out consumers are aware or not aware regarding offers and services. .

To recommend measures for improving the product.

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Limitations of the study

The study is restricted only to Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, BSNL, Reliance, Tata Docomo

Nagpur respondents. The view of their other areas is not taken.

Few consumers’ samples were collected.

Respondents concentrated where the customers of Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, BSNL,

Tata Docomo and Reliance only.

Since the researcher selected 100 sample sizes it is not sufficient to cover opinion of

entire population.

Time duration in conducting the research is very low

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Research study:-Analysis of Data

According to 100 consumers point of view these are the data given below which shows Graph.

1. How do you Rank Following Services? a. Airtel b. Vodafone c. Idea d. Reliance e.Tata Docomo







0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Interpretation:-The Bar table shows that Airtel take 1st rank, Vodafone 2nd rank, Idea 3rd rank, BSNL 4th rank, Reliance 5th rank and Tata Docomo 6th rank. However ranks of Vodaphone and Idea are very close.

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2. According to you what are the most important feature for internet services? a. Good Network b. Speed c. Cost d. Offers e. Services

Good Network Speed Cost Offers Services0%












Interpretation:-The Bar table shows that 100 out of 100 consumers wants Good Network, 70 want speed, 60 wants cost effective product, 70 wants good offers and 50 wants services.

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3. How do find Airtel to other competitors? a. Not as good as other competitors b. Same as competitors c. Better than competitors




Not as good as other competitors Same as competitorsBetter than competitors

Interpretation:-The pie chart shows that 100 out of 67% consumer say Airtel is same as competitors, 20% consumer say Airtel is not as good as other competitors and 13%consumer say Airtel is better than competitors.

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4. Are you using Airtel Intrnet Services? a. Yes b. No

Airetl Vodafone Idea BSNL Reliance TATA DOCOMO





Interpretation:-The Bar table shows that 100 out of 37% consumers using Airtel, 17% consumer using Idea, 13% consumer using Vodafone and Reliance and 9% consumer using Tata Docomo.

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5. If yes then why? ………………………………………………………………………………………

Good Network Speed cost Offers Services






Interpretation:-The Bar table shows that why consumer using Airtel services. 37 out of 37 consumers say Airtel is providing good network, 80% consumer say Airtel providing good speed, 70% say Airtel providing good offers, 60% say Airtel providing good service and 40% consumer say Airtel providing cost effective services.

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6. If not then why? ………………………………………………………………………………………..

Bad Network Speed cost Offers Services






Interpretation:-The Bar table shows that why consumer not using Airtel services. 63 out of 63 consumers say Airtel is not providing cost effective services, 63 out of 44 consumers say Airtel is not giving good and effective offers, 63 out of 38 consumers say Airtel not giving good services, 63 out of 32 consumers say speed of Airtel internet services not satisfying consumer and 63 out of 25 consumer say Airtel network is not satisfactory.

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After analysis and interpretation of the data it can be concluded that Airtel is providing a

broad range of various schemes. This is the critical factor to attract various customers. Wide

range of schemes is also leading to increase in number of customers with rapid pace for


Tariff charges introduced by the Airtel are found to be cheaper than other services. Airtel has

emerged as a giant killer due to their tariff plans and heading towards the position of


Airtel is providing some unique features and services like in prepaid & in postpaid, now a day

Airtel launch 4G in both. Those are making them being different from their competitors.

Awareness of the Airtel is spreading widely among people due to their promotional activities.

Buyers are now insisting for cheaper plans or threatening to opt out.

Majority of the customers are satisfied with the services of the Airtel and they are not ready to

switch on to other service providers.

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Comparative study of Airtel Internet Services with other Competitors


This chapter deals with the major findings of the study which are as follow

Most people fell that AIRTEL signal is good.

Only half of the people are satisfied with the customer care services.

30% of the people are not satisfied with the customer care employee’s response.

More than half of the people are satisfied with the Internet services.

Only very few people say that Internet speed is high.

A very large number of people get 100-200 recharges per month.

Most people were aware of the offers provided and many of them are using more

than one offer, and most of them are satisfied with the offers.

In the offers provided, most of them are using message offer in combination with

other offer.

Up to half of the people had used connections other than AIRTEL.

But most of the people find that AIRTEL is better than other network.

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Comparative study of Airtel Internet Services with other Competitors

SUGGESTIONSThe main objective of every analysis is to find whether the customers are satisfied with

the services provided. Following are some of the suggestions given for the improvement of the

product and services.

Most the people are satisfied with the offers provided but still some of them

suggested the following for betterment.

- Local and STD rates should be slashed down further.

- 1 paisa per min offer should be introduced.

- Customers feel that compared to other network services offers provided are less.

- More slash in ISD rates.

Regarding the internet connection customers feel that the wireless modem

provided should be of more speed i.e., they want it to be as speed as the landline


Even though many people are satisfied with the Network range but people from

remote areas of Chennai want improvement in the network connection.

Customers suggested to improve the customer care services and the response

given by the customer care employees should be improved.

Some suggested that the dialer tune services should be increased.

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Web sites:






Book: - Principal of Marketing (Philip Kotler)

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Comparative study of Airtel Internet Services with other Competitors


Name: ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Occupation: ____________________________________

1. How do you Rank following services?

Company 1 2 3 4 5





Tata Docomo


2. According to you what are the most important features for internet services?

(Multiple Option)

Good NetworkSpeed Cost Offers


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3. How do you find Airtel to other compititors?

Not as good as other competitors.

Same as competitors.

Better than competitors.

4. Are you using Airtel Internet Services?



5. If yes then why?

6. If not then why?

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Comparative study of Airtel Internet Services with other Competitors

Personal learning’s

To identify the strategies Airtel 4G is following to grab the Indian market.

To study the schemes and services provided by Airtel 4G.

To study the various tariffs charged by Airtel 4G.

To study the unique features and services offered by Airtel 4G.

To study SWOT analysis of Airtel.

To study the impact of promotional activities on the purchasing behavior of the buyer.

To study the Customer satisfaction level regarding the services provided by Airtel.

To study, How to launched new/existing tower in simple and effective way.

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Comparative study of Airtel Internet Services with other Competitors

Professional/ team leanings :

This was a complete 60 days i.e. 8 weeks project in which, I did some different activities guided

by the company.

These four activities are as follows:

1. Market Research

2. Product selling

3. 4G Promotion

4. New tower launching

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1. Market Research

First day I was collected the info about Bharti Airtel i.e. About Airtel, Airtel 2G, Airtel 3G,

then get info about Airtel 4G, & understand the difference between 3G & 4G.

Basically in 3G & 4G much more difference in between them but major difference is 3G give

512kbps up to 2mbps speed.

First day know about Airtel 4G, then at the second day I was go with one of the DST

member (employee which work in 4G sells team) to get practical knowledge and How to

sale 4g device, How to promote, How to install 4G& all the things regarding to 4G.

Today in the Indian market no competitor for 4G but in few day launched Reliance 4g in

India and then some telecom industries also launching 4G, that’s why in few day Airtel

changed the strategy when other company launched 4G.

Information about 4G Devices and plans:

2. Product selling When get detail knowledge about 4G, then get the practical knowledge of what is the

process of installation that means going for cold calling, How to make lead generation &

get all the knowledge what is to be done and how is to be done.

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In Airtel 4G there are two type of product Indoor unit (IDU) in IDU there are three

sub product i.e.4G HOME WI-FI ROUTER, ON-THE-GO, 4G WI-FI DONGLE, 4G

HOTSPO and in ODU(OUTDOOR) there are only one product i.e. 4G HOME WI-FI


The process of IDU and ODU is different but first I was get the knowledge about

what document are required (For individual connection and company connection i.e.

COCP get different document.) and how to generate lead-in (Lead-id means this

customer have porches 4G and other DST member not take other DST customer). That

all the process is as follows-

Process of Lead-id Generation...

First call 18001036125

Sales executive name

Sales executive contact number

Customer name

Customer contact number

Customer address

Appointment timing

Provide lead-id

Document required for individual connection


Proof of address(POA)

Aadhar card


Driving license(for use outsider customer)

Rent agreement(Registered )

Passbook(Nationalize Bank)

Electric bill or Telephone bill

RC book

Proof of identity(POI)

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Comparative study of Airtel Internet Services with other Competitors

Aadhar card

Company id

Pan card



Electric bill

Form 60(if pan card is not available that time filled form )

Document for COCP(Company Own Company Paid)

Company PAN card



Parching order on company latter head

Authentication latter(company latter)

Certified of corporation

Tax certificated/respect

Balance sheet/bank statement(current a/c)

ODU process

Customer visit

lead-d generation

send lead-id to TNL team to ODU demo

Customer visit(demo from TNL team)

If demo are success take doc& cash/cheque, give sim card

Submit document in office for activate SIM card/ update in office

Take device give TNL team for installation

TNL team deliver device/ install device to the customer and mail in office

Then 59059 process

IDU process

Customer visit

Lead-d generation

Speed test take by DST team

Sake snapshot

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send mail to and 4g

If demo are success take doc& cash/cheque give Sim card

Submit document in office for activate SIM card/ update in office

Take device to customer

Then 59059 process

(Note- there are some condition in Referral signal received power(RSRP) required -86 to -

105and single interference noise ratio(SINR) required 2 & above.)

IDU and ODU is different product. IDU generally use in 300 meter near to tower ODU

Device is use in 1.5 k/m area. Fist the condition of ODU 2 k/m but rule has been changed. In 4G

HOTSPOT device use for traveling purpose this device create Wi-Fi zone any were but problem

is that 4G network are not available any were so, at that movement company gives 3G fallback

plan i.e. whenever 4G range not available in particular area that time provide 3G service.

The plan of IDO & ODU are different, this plans are as followed.

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Speed test:

3. 4G promotion/collected data

Next project was 4G promotion and collected data for new tower launching. In Nagpur there

are 88 total sites are available (collecting old & new tower). I was visiting 37 sites for

promotion and collecting data and understand demographic area in Nagpur region. In the 37

site include old& new tower. Tower location performs a big hand to selling 4g devices. The

visiting 37 site collected about how many apparent are there and in apparent how many flats

there are then name of sectary and him /her contact number. This works easily done with the

help of longitude-latitude (site address).These data are useful for DST team promotional

activity and cold calling that’s help us to increase customer base. And also known how many

apartments and societies are there. All the 37 sites address are as follow:-

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4. New tower launched

Then next task was of allocating and define 18 news 4G tower and the purpose was the

same for collecting data, promotion and understanding demographic area but that time not

only understand the demographic area but also finding the high density area and finding

capability of paying 4G services.

Once finding the 18 new site/tower with the help of site address, while launching the new

4G Airetl site in Nagpur region we first have decide site and we decide Manish Nagar,

Narendra Nagar, Vardhaman Nagar, because this area is most high density area in total new

18 site and then first took the permission apartment for promotion and societys how (free

demo), and also permission from shopkeeper (Mall, mobile shop, and highest density shop)

for promotable. And usually deciding Sunday was the day for carrying such activity.

Then Sunday various promotional activities were carried out during launching places, like

“Leaf letting, road show/ really, society show, and number of parking board hanging in front

of get for awareness and customer know this area are 4G enabled area.

New Tower launch and promotion:

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