community media nyc

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K e e p i n g T h e p r o m i s e

V i l l a g e C a r e a n n u a l r e p o r T

Board of directors

David h. sidwell, ChairmanDaniel m. Fox, Vice-Chair and secretarypatricia m. owens, Treasurer

eleanor s. applewhaiteJohn W. Behre, Jr.elizabeth m. Butsonemma DeVitorev. James J. gardiner, sapeter m. gottliebJessie grumanlambert n. King, m.D.michael maziermanuel o. mendezglenna r. michaels Yuisa montanezFrank J. oldham, Jr.Charles B. persellleroy sharer, m.D.richard Wallgren

honorary members

Catherine abatesam Burnesonmonsignor Charles J. FaheyDennis mathsusan sarandonDoris Travismitchell Waifemarc Wolinskyann Wyatt

our Mission

to proMote healing, Better health and well-Being

to the fullest extent possiBle.

Dear Friend of VillageCare,

For our organization, 2010 was a landmark year.

We completed construction of our new VillageCare rehabilitation and nursing Center, opening it just before the end of the year, to put the crowning touch on the reconfiguration of care that we’d undertaken more than a decade ago.

This new, state-of-the-art Center, which primarily addresses our community’s short-stay, post-hospital rehabilitation needs, is the much-needed replacement for the aging Village nursing home. an important community resource, Village nursing home served downtown and west side neighborhoods as a not-for-profit entity since the mid-1970s, but its physical plant limita-tions strained our ability to provide residential care in the best environment possible.

our reconfiguration of services for older adults shifts the focus of our care into the home and other community-based offerings, which is in keeping with the desires today of so many persons facing increasing frailty and disability: They want to maintain their independence as much as possible and for as long as they can. With the array of services for older adults that VillageCare has created, we can offer individuals that opportunity.

VillageCare continued during the year to extend the reach of its services by expanding access to our programs and through partnerships with other like-minded organizations and providers in the community.

in 2010, our hiV/aiDs care and our programs for older adults served more persons in need than ever before – more than 12,000 unique individuals – and we continue on track to reach some 15,000 persons annually in 2015.

We have not achieved so much just on our own. our successes come about not just from the tremendous efforts and dedication of those who work for VillageCare, but from the support of donors and volunteers, who are committed to VillageCare’s mission.

We can’t thank you all enough for the incredible support you provide.


David h. sidwellChairman

emma DeVitopresident and Chief executive officer

may 2011

Keeping the proMisethe path to care reforM andreconfiguration of services

When VillageCare began reconfiguration of its long-term care services for older adults in the 1990s, concentrating on the development of at-home and community-based services, it was clear that ultimately something would have to be done about the aging Village nursing home and its physical plant limitations.

Village nursing home served the Village, Downtown and West side communities as a not-for-profit, community resource, beginning in the mid-1970s when concerned residents in the surrounding neighborhoods and communities “rescued” a failed proprietary nursing home. This mission-driven skilled nursing facility became an icon in the com-munity as the place to go when comprehensive residential care was needed. Despite the structural limitations of the home, it was understood that this was where superb care was delivered by a dedicated staff of nurses and aides.

When Village nursing home be-came a not-for-profit facility, resi-dents often were admitted for a longer duration, staying on many months, and sometimes years. That was the traditional role of res-idential skilled nursing care of that era, and it was the state of affairs at Village nursing home for the next two decades.

By the mid-1990s, however, it was clear to VillageCare that the times they are a-changin’ as Bob Dylan sang in the 1960s. more and more, indi-viduals wanted to stay at home or in another community setting for as long as possible, rather than go into a nursing home. VillageCare has a tradition of staying close to the communities it serves so that it can recognize and address the needs of residents. Key to the organization’s success is its responsiveness to new, evolving and emerging long-term care and health needs.

hence, the organization embarked on a quest to reform its care de-livery system to reduce the reli-ance on institutional care for older adults. in the 1980s, for example Village nursing home took on the aiDs epidemic, creating some of

Village Nursing Home served the Village, Downtown and West Side communities as a not-for-profit, community resource since the mid-1970s.

Vil lageCare annual report

Keeping the proMisethe path to care reforM andreconfiguration of services

the very first care responses, not just in new York City, but in the nation.

in 1998, Vil-lageCare ad-dressed the changing pref-erences of older adults by open-ing an adult day health care pro-gram, which of-fers therapeutic and medical-based day care, and by expand-ing its home care offerings. The organiza-tion also began a short-term rehabilitation program on the sixth floor of Village nursing home, and later added a short-stay residential program that took up the entire fifth floor of the building. in 2001, VillageCare opened a senior living residence with supportive services. more re-

cently, it estab-lished a med-icaid assisted living program (alp) and a primary care health center in order to address service gaps for seniors.

helping older adults living in the community is another prior-ity. VillageCare provides assis-tance through an adult pro-tective ser-vices program, a gatekeeper

program that enlists neighborhood volunteers to identify at-risk individuals and a neighborhood naturally occur-ring retirement Community program, where VillageCare provides information and assistance to older adults living in the West Village norC area.

With a wide and comprehensive range of home and community-based services established, replacement of Village nursing home was the one remaining major piece in the reconfiguration of VillageCare’s services.

over the past 15 years or so, as the preferences of older adults changed, the nature of care at Village nursing home was also transformed significantly. Fewer persons sought longer-term placement and more were looking for short-stay rehabilitation ser-vices. admissions, which once numbered well under 100 annually, began to approach 1000 a year.

in recognition of this, VillageCare’s board and staff envisioned a state-of-the-art skilled nursing facility to concentrate on meeting the need for post-hos-pital rehabilitation. This would be the capstone of the dramatically altered and readapted VillageCare continuum of care. after several years of design and construction the new VillageCare rehabilitation and nursing Center opened in December of 2010.

This new 105-bed Center at 21� W. houston street mainly provides residential rehabilitation care for sub-acute patients. it also has offers palliative and end-of-life care. The VillageCare rehabilitation and nursing Center has about one-half the bed ca-pacity of Village nursing home as a result of “right-

villagecare rehaBilitation

and nursing center opens

VillageCare rehaBiliTaTion

anD nursing CenTer opens


sizing” under a three-year, long-term-care reform demon-stration grant that new York state awarded VillageCare in 2006. under this program, the state’s Department of health approved creation of new community options for VillageCare – medicaid assisted living slots, in particular – in return for the reduction in skilled nursing home beds. as part of the reform program Village Care also revamped its short-term rehabilitation therapy services, doubling its short-stay care capacity to 80 beds and introducing elec-tronic medical records (emr) before transferring it to the new VillageCare rehabilitation and nursing Center.

in a short time, this Center has became an important re-source for patients who need post-hospital rehabilitative care. it has operated at or near capacity since opening.

The Center completes the transition of VillageCare’s ser-vices for adults, primarily those who are older, from the traditional custodial nursing home role to serving individ-uals with greater clinical needs, who require shorter stays in a skilled nursing facility. With services expanded in the community, VillageCare has program options that can de-lay or even eliminate the need for traditional, longer-term residence in a nursing home.

The new Center seeks to present as much of a non-insti-tutional feeling as possible. it has a welcoming lobby and each of its floors has common areas where patients and their visitors can meet in a relaxing setting. patients may have their meals in dining areas located on each floor, which include self-serve hospitality food bars and staffed, full-service pantries.

an outdoor bamboo garden is just outside the main lobby. This garden can be viewed from all the floors and has an adjacent meditation room. These spaces are designed to be places of calm and serenity for patients and visitors. There is also a rooftop garden with dramatic views of new York’s cityscape.

The building’s architect was perkins eastman, a firm known for its senior living and health care design. Work-ing with perkins, VillageCare staff planned every detail in the Center, including colors, layout and signage, tak-ing into account the latest research on how spaces can be designed to accommodate the needs of persons with im-paired sight and hearing.


staff of the VillageCare rehabilitation and nursing Cen-ter have been specially trained to enhance their ability to interact with patients. using the concepts of a nationwide movement for improving care known as “Culture Change,” the new Center created a patient-centered model, where staff members work in non-traditional ways with those in their care and their families. The Center’s overall pro-gram responds to the changing demands of rehabilitating patients, such as providing greater flexibility in therapy scheduling and meals and offering access to the internet. respecting individual dignity and privacy, while accept-ing each patient on his or her own terms, are key values to VillageCare.

The Center is certified as a “green” facility, by leeD (leadership in energy and environmental Design). it was designed and constructed with strategies to conserve energy, and water and to maintain indoor environmental quality. many of the materials used in constructing the Center are sustainable resources. That is, they were ei-ther recycled or manufactured within 500 miles of new York City.

The VillageCare rehabilitation and nursing Center is establishing itself as new York’s premier rehabilitation facility, meeting the care needs of the 21st Century with a state-of-the-art facility, a patient-friendly environment and an innovative program.

The Center’s rooftop garden provides dramatic views of New York’s cityscape.


since receiving its first patients late in 2010, the VillageCare rehabili-tation and nursing Center has proven to be a popular and welcome new asset for those who need short-stay care and by hospitals need-ing to send individuals to a post-acute care setting. greg Westgate, who headed up VillageCare’s re-habilitation program start-ing in 200�, says that almost since its opening the new, state-of-the-art facility has been operating at capac-ity. “a lot more referrals” are coming from hospitals needing to send individu-als to a post-acute care set-ting than had been the case with the short-stay program at the old Village nursing home, he said. one major differ-ence he sees, too, is that the program is now taking in

individuals requiring a higher level of care, particularly orthopedic patients. “The intensity level has gone up,” Westgate said. The goal of the program is to help patients get better and more quickly. “We want to get the patient as independent as possible so they can go home sooner at a more independent level, reducing the possibility of re-hospitalization,” he said. To get patients to that point, the staff at the VillageCare rehabilitation and nursing Center has received special training designed to urge patients start becoming self-sufficient as part of the rehabilitation program. The training, which was supported with a grant from the samuels Foundation, primarily taught coaching techniques that encourage patients to do more things for themselves as part of their rehabilitation program. Westgate said that since the training was done, he has seen a major difference in how patients are faring in the program, and he sees results improving with “better outcomes.” “patients are more functional, they have greater community mobility and there has been a significant in-crease in activities of daily living scores,” he said. Westgate says he also believes the environment of the new Center is more conducive to teamwork among the occupational and physical therapists. “There’s better cohesiveness and they are able to communicate a lot more,” he said. “We’re strengthened as a team,” Westgate said.

“Better outcomes” at new Center

Greg Westgate with a rehabilitation patient.


VillageCare is working to extend the benefits of the organization and its mission to as many

persons as 2010, VillageCare served 12,0�8 unique individuals, up from 10,500 in 2009. The goal is to provide care and services to at least 15,000 persons annually by the end of 2015. in 2010, significant increases in persons served occurred at the VillageCare health Center, the Community Case management program, the Certified home health agency (Chha) and rivington house (VillageCare’s nursing home for persons living with hiV/aiDs).

2010 — a growth strategy

Vil lageCare annual report

VillageCare is employing various strategies to serve more people. These include diversifying its referral sources es-pecially as a result of the closing of st. Vincent’s hospital, which had been leading source of referrals.

partnering with other providers is also a key to serv-ing more people. in 2010, metropolitan Jewish health system began to collaborate with VillageCare to pro-vide palliative care at rivington house. Beth israel medical Center has been a major source of referrals for VillageCare rehabilitation and nursing Center, the Chha and rivington house.

other external partnerships include: help/psi for riving-ton house subacute care services; Fegs health and hu-man services system for mental health services for com-munity residents identified by the gatekeeper program; Beth israel for an admission information technology inte-gration project, and new York university medical Cen-

ter, including the hospital for Joint Diseases and rusk, for post-acute care referrals to VillageCare rehabilitation and nursing Center.

another significant partnership established in 2010 is with the north shore-liJ hospital system to collocate an urgent care center at the site of the VillageCare health Center in Chelsea. This undertaking is a joint response to gaps in services in the community that have arisen with the closure of st. Vincent’s.

The VillageCare health Center continues to provide pri-mary care services during daytime hours monday through saturday, while the urgent care center is open during eve-ning and nighttime hours, and on sundays. This arrange-ment provides the community with vital primary care and urgent care services on a 2�/7 basis.

2010 — a growth strategy


BY program

aBouT The people We serVe

Vil lageCare annual report





Certified home health agency - $�3,001,005

skilled nursing Facilities - $56,073,391

Day Treatment Centers - $9,337,995

long-Term home health Care program - $8,771,902

other revenues - $6,�96,621

Case management - $�,187,792

senior housing - $3,707,112

grants and Contributions - $2,992,860

Where FunDsCome From

skilled nursing Facilities - $�3,08�,803

Certified home health agency - $3�,552,177

other - $16,363,697

long-Term home health Care program - $8,925,915

Day Treatment Centers - $7,085,90�

Depreciation and amortization - $5,838,7�5

Case management - $�,0�0,0�3

interest - $3,121,6�5

new York state revenue assessment - $2,760,976

FinanCial summarY

assets 2010 2009

current assets

Cash & investments 50,265,729 55,�6�,�88

accounts receivable 19,�87,391 21,129,978

(net of allowance for Doubtful accounts of

$7,875,682 in 2010 and $7,581,797 in 2009)

other Current assets 3,955,�61 3,513,20�

Fixed assets 98,578,��5 63,135,�7�

(net of accumulated Depreciation and amortization

of $87,856,666 in 2010 and $82,017,921 in 2009)

other non-current assets 15,5�9,662 36,971,�38

total assets 187,836,688 180,214,582

liabilities and net assets

accounts payable and accrued expenses 16,30�,969 1�,360,�51

Due to Third parties 39,079,097 �2,�63,660

Current portion of mortgage and other long-Term liabilities 33,�37,162 3,�57,161

advance from sale of Village nursing home 7,7�3,89�

other payables 1,628,311 1,056,�29

total current liabilities 98,193,433 61,337,701

long term liabilities

mortgage payable / other long-term liabilities �1,�3�,218 73,792,185

total liabilities 139,627,651 135,129,886

net assets

unrestricted �8,099,837 ��,985,�96

restricted 109,200 99,200

total unrestricted net assets 48,209,037 45,084,696

total liabilities and net assets 187,836,688 180,214,582

VillageCare anD relaTeD enTiTies ConsoliDaTeD BalanCe sheeT december 31, 2010 and 2009

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

revenues, gains, and other support 2010 2009

skilled nursing Facilities 56,073,391 6�,686,039

Day Treatment Centers 9,337,995 7,383,6�3

Certified home health agency �3,001,005 ��,��5,�02

Case management �,187,792 3,272,021

long-Term home health Care program 8,771,902 8,338,098

senior housing 3,707,112 3,322,988

grants & Contributions 2,992,860 3,53�,832

other revenues *6,�96,621 **9,012,0�2

total revenues, gains and other support 134,568,678 143,995,065


skilled nursing Facilities �3,08�,803 �6,875,�69

Day Treatment Centers 7,085,90� 7,2�6,539

Certified home health agency 3�,552,177 35,235,029

long-Term home health Care program 8,925,915 7,969,329

Case management �,0�0,0�3 2,972,355

senior housing 2,111,309 1,915,989

outreach programs 3,525,855 3,907,581

interest 3,121,6�5 2,883,8�3

Depreciation and amortization 5,838,7�5 6,970,290

new York state revenue assessment 2,760,976 3,270,138

other 16,363,697 16,163,237

total expenses 131,411,069 135,409,799

change in net assets before other changes 3,157,609 8,585,266

gain/(loss) on swap agreement (33,268) 1,592,�23

change in net assets 3,124,341 10,177,689

net assets - Beginning of Year �5,08�,696 3�,907,007

net assets - end of Year 48,209,037 45,084,696

* includes unrealized gain on investment of $�66,135

** includes unrealized gain on investment of $3,28�,757

Certified home health agency - $�3,001,005

skilled nursing Facilities - $56,073,391

Day Treatment Centers - $9,337,995

long-Term home health Care program - $8,771,902

other revenues - $6,�96,621

Case management - $�,187,792

senior housing - $3,707,112

grants and Contributions - $2,992,860

Where FunDsCome From

skilled nursing Facilities - $�3,08�,803

Certified home health agency - $3�,552,177

other - $16,363,697

long-Term home health Care program - $8,925,915

Day Treatment Centers - $7,085,90�

Depreciation and amortization - $5,838,7�5

Case management - $�,0�0,0�3

interest - $3,121,6�5

new York state revenue assessment - $2,760,976

senior housing - $2,111,309

Where FunDsare spenT

Total - $131,�11,069

Total - $13�,568,678

VillageCare is deeply committed to maintaining the fiscal viability and credibility of its programs. The organiza-tion makes prudent investments in new undertakings in order to meet community needs. it is through these mea-sured risks that VillageCare forges new approaches to care and establishes new pathways for those who are served,

demonstrating the effectiveness of these innovative methods to others, both at the state and provider levels.

outreach programs - $3,525,855

VillageCare anD relaTeD enTiTies ConsoliDaTeD sTaTemenT oF aCTiViTies december 31, 2010 and 2009

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $


Village nursing home(medicaid shortfall)


Certified home health Care agency (coverage for the uninsured)


red hook Community Center - $70,3�0

VillageCare at �6 and Ten - $11,26�long-Term home health Care program - $19,953

adult Day programs - $63,98�

Case management - $10,�71

senior information - $8�,37�

health Center - $2,0�7

rivington house (uncompensated Care program) $163,207

Village nursing home (other)- $�,857

rivington house (other) - $39,320

Meeting needs through coMMunitY Benefit activities

each year, VillageCare pursues various initiatives and provides services for which the organization receives no reimbursement. under the organization’s social accountability program many persons with low incomes receive care for which they cannot pay. many of the persons served by VillageCare have relatively low incomes and high levels of need. VillageCare also recognizes that because there are gaps in services in the community, the needs of many individuals are not met. The organization seeks to address these gaps with initiatives for which there no, or only limited, external funding. in 2010, VillageCare’s unreimbursed community benefit activities totaled more than $6.2 million, with “bad debt” adding another $�67,850.

supporTing our CommuniTY

2010 Community Benefit 2010 Total: $6,215,6�2

Community benefit totaldoes not include bad debt.

For 2010, bad debt totaled $�67,850 across all VillageCare programs.

Vil lageCare annual report

Medicaid shortfall

The largest community benefit contribution by VillageCare is making up the difference between what medicaid pays providers and the actual cost of care. While medicaid provides access to health care and long-term care for the poor, reimbursement rarely fully covers the expenses in-volved in providing quality care.

charitY care

VillageCare’s Certified home health agency is commit-ted to providing care and services for the uninsured and for those who lack resources of their own and do not qual-ify for government entitlements. VillageCare’s Chha allocates two percent of its budget each year to this criti-cal initiative. The VillageCare health Center employs a sliding scale, using federal poverty guidelines, in order to make its services more available and accessible to the unin-sured. rivington house provides charity care through an uncompensated care program under the hill-Burton act, which requires that services be provided to individuals re-gardless of their ability to pay. Federal poverty guidelines are used to determine eligibility.

inforMation & assistance

Through a variety of community services, VillageCare has been a source of reliable information and help for persons living with hiV/aiDs, older adults and others. VillageCare provides information on community and government pro-grams and helps individuals navigate the process of gaining access to entitlements and other services. in 2010, many of these efforts were directed toward the red hook com-munity in Brooklyn and to the manhattan community in and around greenwich Village.

VillageCare’s long-Term home health Care program also provided and distributed health care materials trans-lated into Chinese.

other coMMunitY Benefit activities in 2010

VillageCare’s Case management program facili-tates an msm (men having sex with men) support group that provides an opportunity for advocacy by the program and for follow-up to those who are hiV-positive, including many young men.

staff at Village nursing home worked with youth volunteers – students from the manhattan occupa-tional Training Center – to help them develop and improve their work and social skills, communication and time management.

Village nursing home sponsored a twice-monthly alzheimer’s support group, open to family and friends of residents of the nursing home as well as to members of the community in general.

VillageCare at �6 & Ten, provided rent subsidies for residents in the state enriched housing program.

The VillageCare adult Day health Center in the West Village offered a student clinical rotation to provide clinical observations and supervision to nursing and social work students. This was particu-larly aimed at improving student sensitivity to the senior population and to patients with disabilities.

VillageCare’s two aiDs Day Treatment centers par-ticipated in an organization-sponsored peer train-ing and internship program to develop vocational and leadership skills that support peer education and outreach. selected from among VillageCare’s programs, clients receive training and then work in outreach, helping unserved hiV-positive persons in the community to gain access to services and treat-ment, and to VillageCare programs. The day treat-ment centers also provide unreimbursed social and therapeutic recreation activities, designed to offer participants opportunities to develop their commu-nication and socialization skills.

rivington house each year offers a number of com-munity services. in 2010, these activities included a conference on disease management and hiV for clinicians in new York and new Jersey, and com-munity education on World aiDs Day.









coMMunitY care

With a comprehensive collection of community-based services, VillageCare affords those in need of chronic care services choices that enable patients and clients to receive the appropriate level of care in a setting that continues to promote their independence as much as possible.

aiDs DaY TreaTmenTVillageCare’s aiDs Day Treatment program, after it opened in 1988, served as a model for similar responses to the epidemic in other cities and communities in the na-tion. The organization today operates two centers, one in Chelsea and the other on the lower east side, provid-ing an interdisciplinary, non-judgmental approach to care in order to help clients confront the many challenges of hiV infection. in addition, the centers offer support in addressing, mental health, substance abuse and other psychosocial problems, which are common among those with the disease that VillageCare serves.

CommuniTY Case managemenTThis program has developed close relationships in under-served areas, reaching out to some of the neediest persons living with hiV/aiDs in new York City. Case manage-ment helps foster stability, independence and autonomy among those it serves. Through a referral caseload from adult protective services, case managers also reach out to older adults who require oversight, care and support.

home CareComplete and comprehensive choices for at-home services are provided through VillageCare home Care. at-home services range from intensive skilled nursing care and in-fusion services to personal care and escort services for persons requiring assistance getting to and from appoint-ments and other community activities. Components of VillageCare home Care include a Certified home health agency, a long-Term home health Care program, and VillageCare plus, inc., a licensed home care agency.

The momenTum proJeCT serving new York communities for more than a quarter-century, momentum provides congregate meals, nutrition services and pantry bags for poor and homeless men and women living with hiV/aiDs. a nationally recognized model for the delivery of food and nutrition services, mo-mentum also serves to connect individuals to hiV servic-es and treatment.

VillageCare aDulT DaY healTh CenTer located in the West Village, this free-standing, modern center promotes comfort, safety and independence among older adults with a complete range of nursing, nutrition, care management and rehabilitation services, along with social activities. VillageCare’s Community services

The VillageCare serViCe arraY


for seniors program operates out of this center, providing mental health outreach, expanded neighborhood natu-rally occurring retirement Community (nnorC) oper-ations and information and referral services. VillageCare’s gatekeeper program enlists volunteers in the community to help identify at-risk seniors who may need help with activities of daily living.

VillageCare healTh CenTerConveniently located in Chelsea, this primary care facility is state licensed as a diagnostic and treatment center, pro-viding adult medical services and dental care in an all-inclu-sive and coordinated fashion. With grants from the state’s aiDs institute and the u.s. Centers for Disease Control and prevention, the Center has undertaken a three-year care coordination initiative. The goal is to ensure conti-nuity of care, promote self-sufficiency and enhance qual-ity of life. With this grant financing, the health Center expanded its professional staff to help hiV patients keep appointments, understand their illness and treatment, communicate with their various health providers, improve treatment adherence and practice sound health behaviors. The grants established a workable “medical home” at the health Center, which has been designated a level 1 pa-tient-Centered medical home by the national Commit-tee for Quality assurance (nCQa).

residential care

VillageCare’s residential services are designed to help in-dividuals live the best they can, while encouraging better health, restoration, rehabilitation and well-being.

riVingTon house – The niCholas a. rango healTh Care FaCiliTYClinical services and skilled nursing care are provided in an encouraging and supportive residential setting for per-sons living with hiV/aiDs. rivington house is new York City’s only free-standing nursing home built specifi-cally to respond to the needs of persons with aiDs who require critical, ongoing care.

VillageCare aT �6 & Ten This contemporary senior living community is located in the West side’s Clinton neighborhood. VillageCare at �6 & Ten offers independent living with the availability of various support services for those who need them, and a medicaid assisted living program (alp), meeting the needs of persons who might otherwise have to enter nursing home care.

VillageCare rehaBiliTaTion anD nursing CenTerThis new state-of-the-art residential care facility offers skilled nursing care concentrating on short-stay, post-acute rehabilitation and recovery. getting people back home and functioning well in the community is the over-arching goal at the Center.


QualitYVillageCare is dedicated to providing care and services that enable those being served to have access to quality health and long-term care.

The organization has engaged in Quality improvement strate-gic initiatives over the past decade in efforts to create care that is effective, accessible, flexible and responsive to individual needs. as government funding shrinks, particularly in med- ic-aid, delivering care that is appropriate and efficient takes on even greater importance.

in 2010, VillageCare put in place Quality/Business process im-provement initiatives that include cross-program and cross-popula-tion tracking of individuals to help measure care and performance. This ongoing undertaking includes, for example, monitoring ad-herence to treatments reducing hospitalizations and rehospi-talizations. it encourages internal referrals among the various VillageCare entities in order to improve care coordination. an-other initiative across programs is the ongoing monitoring of heath risks such as diabetes and heart disease.

patient/client satisfaction is a key measure of quality. patients volunteer information about the care they receive in surveys that use validated instruments. program administrators share the re-sults of surveys with their management teams, which develop ways to improve results.

The staff at VillageCare is skilled, compassionate and responsive to patient/client needs. employees who are committed to the or-ganization and its mission are essential to achieving high-quality care. The organization surveys employees’ satisfaction annually to learn more about their needs and respond to problems.

leadershipVillageCare has traditionally sought to provide leadership in advocating for responses to the health care needs of those who are poor and uninsured, particularly in the area of long-term care services for older adults and persons living with hiV/aiDs. VillageCare staff participate in discussions with policymakers at the city, state and fed-eral levels about the scope and character of services for those populations. The organization works with other community groups in seeking support for programs that address needs and service gaps.

VillageCare staff are encouraged to take leadership roles in the communities the organization serves, as well as with statewide associations and other advocacy groups.

enhanCing VillageCare

Vil lageCare annual report

fundraising supportin 2010, The VillageCare Foundation and the organization’s office of Development continued to expand the donor base and to attain important financial support from individuals, foundations and corporations, as well as to obtain funding through a number of government grants. privately raised funds are essential to the continued financial health of VillageCare, providing resources to continue important services that have faced curtailment because of governmen-tal budget cuts, particularly at the state level.

Forty-five percent of private funds raised by the Foundation in 2010 came from events, primarily the two fundraising galas – Tulips & pansies in the spring, and legends of the Village in the fall – as well as an annual st. patrick’s Day gathering. another 31 percent of funds raised to support VillageCare came from individual donors. Foundation grants provided another 19 percent, and corporate gifts added 5 percent to funds from private sources.

While the majority of donors reside in the tri-state area, contributors to The VillageCare Foundation are spread across 21 states and 23� zip codes.

VillageCare’s annual Tulips & Pansies - The Headdress Affair, a runway show that brings together prestigious fashion and floral designers to create elaborate headdresses. This event raises funds and awareness for VillageCare’s HIV/AIDS services.


Through the support of corporations and foundations and the generosity of individual donors, VillageCare receives considerable assistance each year in its efforts to respond to community needs and to expand the organization’s reach. These gifts help make sure that VillageCare can continue its innovative pursuit of services for older adults and persons living with hiV/aiDs that pro-vide high quality care.

giving level$100,000 +ms. Diane von Furstenbergpublic health solutionsWilliam morris agency, inc.

$20,000 - $50,000Black leadership Commission on aiDs of new York CityBlackrockFan Fox and leslie r. samuels Foundationm � a � C aiDs FundWilder green Fundmr. David h. sidwell

$10,000 - $19,999Bank of americaThe Camps groupmrs. Barbara gottlieb and mr. milton gottliebh. van ameringen Foundationmorgan stanley & Co., York university office of government & Community affairsomnicare, inc.pharmaceutical research and manufacturers of americaJ. T. Tai & Company Foundation, inc

$5,000 - $9,999alexander infusion, llC d/b/a avanti health Care servicesms. Jane allisonandron Construction John W. BehreBroadway Cares/equity Fights aiDsClearview Festival productionContinuum health partnersCotyemployee Benefit solutions, inc.evercare new York, men’s health Crisis, peter m. gottlieb and mrs. roberta gottliebDr. Jessie grumanmarco martelli associates, inc.newmark Knight Franknorth shore - liJ health systemperkins eastman architects, p.C.The philanthropic Collaborativeprime retail property management, llCms. ariana rockefeller

$2,500 - $4,9991199 seiu united healthcare Workers eastms. eleanor s. applewhaitemr. Bernard B. BealContinuing Care leadership Coalition

Cortel Business solutionsD&J ambulette servicemr. robert F. Dallmrs. emma DeVito and mr. robert DeVitoms. Joanne D. FlanaganDr. Daniel m. Foxhealthpro management services, llCheart to heart home Carehirschen, singer & epstein llpThe Johnson Foundationmr. richard KearnsDr. lambert n. Kingloeb & Troper Foundation Volunteer project Fundmrs. Kristin m. millernew York university medical Centerms. patricia m. owensprecision health inc.Dr. leroy sharermr. Kenneth K. J. stewartTibotec Therapeutics

$1,500 - $2,499aKF group llCamida Care Kathleen s. andersenBedford Barrow Commerce Block associationBendiner & schlesinger, elizabeth Butsonms. Kristie DeKokermr. and mrs. sanjay DuttThe Fifth avenue presbyterian Churchhamilton Cavanaugh & associateshelp/psiimperial Court of nYmr. Kenneth levienm & m sanitationms. glenna r. michaelsmrs. Caroline persell and mr. Charles persellr.g. psychological services, richard V. robilottiroche laboratories incorporatedThe estate of mr. salvatore saracenoms. nancy s. schwartz-Weinstock and mr. stephen Weinstockstonebridge medicalmr. David TavaresTio pepe restaurantphil Zwickler Charitable & memorial Foundation

$1,000 - $1,499mr. David Beermrs. melody Di piazza and mr. samuel Di piazza, and mrs. John FabianFlorida atlantic university



ms. sandy D. Freelandmr. and mrs. stephen FriedmangaCemrs. linda ganim and mr. louis J. ganimms. lisa garayms. roberta greenegreenwich Village Funeral homems. elisabeth horrelli.s. 318Kohl Corporate officesThe litwin Foundation, Darren manelskimanolo Blahnik usa, michael maziermedstar surgical & Breathingmr. michael merendametzger- price Fund inc.parker Jewish geriatric Centerms. lisa perrypetno restaurant inc. - gaetana’smr. matthew principemr. nicolas rossettims. allison silverssmart Designmr. Joseph Tringali

$500 - $999ms. angie aguileraaristeia metro inc.armstrong World industries, marie BartoneBelden Brick sales & service, inc.mrs. anne murphy Bence and mr. arthur r. Bencems. Frieda Bradlowmrs. Theresa Brown and mr. Joseph Brownmr. John ChappellDr. and mrs. herbert Chasemr. stan ChurchDr. marion Cohen and Dr. stanley CohenCommon Cents new York, inc.Community Foundation of new JerseyCs servicesDashal 20, llCms. susan DimottaDuke’s east 19th restaurant, lTD.mrs. sonya Dunham and mr. William Dunhameastern airlines manhattan silverlinerseaston Contract interiors llCempire strategic planningFar West Tenth street Block associationmr. matthew Fenstermr. David Finkelsteinmr. and mrs. stephen e. FischerForbo linoleum inc.rev. James gardiner s.a.gDC medical electronicsms. Jocelyn gerenia-pajaresmr. and mrs. george a. goss iiimr. David gourleyDr. and mrs. Cono m. grasso

healthTrac, and mrs. Donall healyms. molly heines and mr. Thomas moloneyJ.p.g. llCmrs. paulette Bogan-Johnston and mr. Charles Johnstonmr. Vernon JordanDr. and mrs. norman Kahnmr. michael KazamKingsway Technical servicesrev. edward g. lambroms. Tiffany p. leThe martin r. lewis Charitable Foundation, harry linesmarymount school of new Yorkms. Claudette mayermr. Daniel mcCarthymedline industries, inc.michael halebian & Co. mary middletonmJr Consultingms. mary a. mullinmr. edward J. northnouveau elevator industries, Carol r. novakmr. olanrewaju olabisimr. robert pascalems. maria passannante Derrmrs. Carol pittelman and mr. ira pittelmanms. laurie F. podolskymr. neil pollackproskauer rose llprenaissance Building products, inc.response personnel, raymond riordanmr. Timothy rivettirock it science solutions, marc D. rodriguezmr. steve rudingermrs. rocio sanz and mr. geminiano sanzambassador and mrs. robert shafershannon groupmrs. eve shapiro and mr. Jack shapiromr. and mrs. Barry silbermanmrs. irene sorokaDr. sheree starrettmr. Jack TaylorThe placemr. Francis TimoneyTracy reese Designs incms. Doris TravisTrinity Baptist Churchunited home Caremr. robert Van Vleetmr. paul D. Vitalemr. John Walshmrs. Justine Wanatmrs. sally Webb and mr. arthur Y. Webbms. patricia WhaleyWhitermore, inc.William F. ryan Community health Centermr. and mrs. richard n. Winfield

giving level$100,000 +ms. Diane von Furstenbergpublic health solutionsWilliam morris agency, inc.

$20,000 - $50,000Black leadership Commission on aiDs of new York CityBlackrockFan Fox and leslie r. samuels Foundationm � a � C aiDs FundWilder green Fundmr. David h. sidwell

$10,000 - $19,999Bank of americaThe Camps groupmrs. Barbara gottlieb and mr. milton gottliebh. van ameringen Foundationmorgan stanley & Co., York university office of government & Community affairsomnicare, inc.pharmaceutical research and manufacturers of americaJ. T. Tai & Company Foundation, inc

$5,000 - $9,999alexander infusion, llC d/b/a avanti health Care servicesms. Jane allisonandron Construction John W. BehreBroadway Cares/equity Fights aiDsClearview Festival productionContinuum health partnersCotyemployee Benefit solutions, inc.evercare new York, men’s health Crisis, peter m. gottlieb and mrs. roberta gottliebDr. Jessie grumanmarco martelli associates, inc.newmark Knight Franknorth shore - liJ health systemperkins eastman architects, p.C.The philanthropic Collaborativeprime retail property management, llCms. ariana rockefeller

$2,500 - $4,9991199 seiu united healthcare Workers eastms. eleanor s. applewhaitemr. Bernard B. BealContinuing Care leadership Coalition

Cortel Business solutionsD&J ambulette servicemr. robert F. Dallmrs. emma DeVito and mr. robert DeVitoms. Joanne D. FlanaganDr. Daniel m. Foxhealthpro management services, llCheart to heart home Carehirschen, singer & epstein llpThe Johnson Foundationmr. richard KearnsDr. lambert n. Kingloeb & Troper Foundation Volunteer project Fundmrs. Kristin m. millernew York university medical Centerms. patricia m. owensprecision health inc.Dr. leroy sharermr. Kenneth K. J. stewartTibotec Therapeutics

$1,500 - $2,499aKF group llCamida Care Kathleen s. andersenBedford Barrow Commerce Block associationBendiner & schlesinger, elizabeth Butsonms. Kristie DeKokermr. and mrs. sanjay DuttThe Fifth avenue presbyterian Churchhamilton Cavanaugh & associateshelp/psiimperial Court of nYmr. Kenneth levienm & m sanitationms. glenna r. michaelsmrs. Caroline persell and mr. Charles persellr.g. psychological services, richard V. robilottiroche laboratories incorporatedThe estate of mr. salvatore saracenoms. nancy s. schwartz-Weinstock and mr. stephen Weinstockstonebridge medicalmr. David TavaresTio pepe restaurantphil Zwickler Charitable & memorial Foundation

$1,000 - $1,499mr. David Beermrs. melody Di piazza and mr. samuel Di piazza, and mrs. John FabianFlorida atlantic university


$100 - $499advantage Benefits Consultants, elaine a. andersonmrs. Barbara andolsenms. Catherine antonetzms. Dinna avenamrs. rebecca Bakuninmrs. ann C. Batson and mr. arthur W. Batsonmrs. Judy Belkin and mr. David Belkinmrs. Carolyn Bennettmr. richard Bennett and mr. Jeffrey Bernsms. sarah K. Bentleymr. Jerome e. Bigams. Jean m. Blairmr. michael J. Bobrowskimr. David Borlandmr. Watson Boslerms. elizabeth BrownDr. and mrs. robert Brownmrs. Flora i. Bryantmr. Jon Bryantms. lucille Buddensickmr. and mrs. David Burginms. alison Burkems. mary a. Buttemr. roberto Camachoadvantage Benefits Consultants, inc.Dr. peter Carmelmr. antonio Carosims. Barbara Carterms. Francine B. CecereCenter for student missionsDr. sing Chanmr. Frederick s. Clarkmr. morton n. Cohenms. lynn J. Corwinms. nellie p. Cresciomr. David J. CrimminsBishop manuel Cruzmr. and mrs. James F. Cullenmr. James p. Cullenrev. John s. Dammmr. and mrs. roy DanielsDayspring Communicationsmr. John DecinaDepalino restaurant Corp. d/b/a City Crab & seafoodpastor amandus Derrmr. and mrs. Thomas DeVitoms. anneris Diazms. rose Dobrofrev. Tom Dorseyrev. John p. Duffellmr. roy r. eddeyempire Care lawrence g. Farleyms. margo Feidenms. nancy Feldmanms. nancy FerraraFidelity Charitable gift FundFirst QualityFiveboro printing & suppliesDavid and Flo Flaxmanmrs. Cindy Fleisher and mr. richard Fleishermr. Fred h. Forrest

mr. harrison FoxFresh & Tasty Baked products, llCmr. richard Friedmr. stephen r. Frostmr. and mrs. lawrence Fruchterg & g Duct Cleaning, Thomas gamellomr. Timothy r. gaymrs. Barbara geist and mr. herman geistms. Jane W. gladsonThe hon. Deborah glickmrs. Janet goldbergms. Dorothy goldmanmr. and mrs. robert goldmanms. Caryl goldsmithms. lesley gorems. elaine grahamms. Barbara gramanngreenwich Village - Chelsea Chamber of Commerceguardian Consultingmrs. suzanne Klein haber and mr. atzmon haberms. Jo hamiltonmrs. Joy handeman and mr. rick handelmanmrs. Kathryn hanson and mr. erik hansonhealth management Consultingmr. andrew hearnms. Dorothy hickeyms. susan murcko and mr. michael hillmr. Christopher hollingermr. and mrs. Kirk hollingsworthmrs. rita horbar and mr. stanley horbarhousing Worksmr. Christopher hylandinternational Business machines CoJ. ryan & associatesJames Kelliher Fund of stonewall Community Foundationmr. Bruce Johnsonms. Toni h. Jonesmr. anthony Julianoms. Jeanne Kalinoskimorley and mary ellen KayeDr. Joan a. Kedzioramr. paul Kennedymrs. Dorothy Kennermrs. irene C. Kenneyms. Katherine KennyC.l. King & associatesms. Carol Kizziahms. Dorothy Wallace Kleinmr. ulrike Klopfermr. george la nevemr. leonard g. lambertlanganlas Chicas locas, llCmr. James learyms. millicent a. leCountmrs. Charlotte leffler and mr. marvin lefflermr. andrew lernermr. Thomas J. levyms. sandra lewinmr. stuart lewismr. Joseph llisolocicero and Tan, inc.mrs. Katherine l. lopez and mr. Frank W. lopez

Vil lageCare annual report

ms. Dee loringmrs. Barbara lusenms. eileen lynch-hawkinsmr. John p. macBeanms. patricia malkinms. susan marcusmr. Burton mayersonmr. michael maziermr. michael p. mcCarthyDr. margaret m. mcConnellms. sharon mcCuddenms. monica m. mcginleymcKinney Welding supply Co., inc.mega staffingms. harriet r. meissmendon Truck leasing & rentalmr. James mennenmrs. Carolyn meyer and mr. Joseph meyermr. John J. micelims. mary michaudms. Catherine millermr. andrew mirerms. regina molinellimrs. Yuisa montanezmorton street Block associationmr. paul moses & mrs. maureen mosesmrs. Dianne T. murray and mr. edward T. murraymr. John muscianisimr. eric myersmrs. Dorothy nelsen-gillenew York aiDs Coalitionnew York life insurancemr. maury newburgerms. laurie newmanms. allison nidetzms. Kathleen nokesms. agnes F. nolanms. sherry norris and mr. John Baumannot home alone projectmr. eric oatmanms. Valerie a. o’Donnellmr. Frank J. oldham, Jr.organization of staff analystsmr. lawrence o’Toolems. Frances pandolfims. nancy l. pasleymr. and mrs. michael J. pedersonDr. and mrs. Kenneth peelleDr. Karl h. perzinmr. lawrence petersmr. robert l. piegdonms. susan pikitch and mr. michael giobbemr. emanuel pintomr. and mrs. leonard polanermr. edward pouzarmr. ralph pricemr. ernest raabmrs. mary radsch and mr. robert radsch redden Funeral home ann Taylor reedrev. héctor e. ribonems. anne m. riccitellims. Theresa m. rochfordroho grouproyal health Care servicesmr. Joseph ruscitelli

mr. Donn russellmr. giovanni C. russoDr. peter B. saadehmr. and mrs. peter samuelssan sebastian enterprise, lTDmr. Charles J. scardinoDr. michael schuldermr. harvey schusslermr. rob scukams. Can sekermr. Frank shanbackermr. Kevin shayms. margaret mcKeever sheerermr. and mrs. Jesse shereffmr. and mrs. David m. shermanms. Carol nadell and mr. arnold siskin mr. Kevin slavinms. susan smithmr. and mrs. robert spencermr. golf srithamrongms. elaine steinms. marcy m. steinmr. eric stenshoelms. Kathleen m. TaylorTheodora Design Daniel W. Tietzms. alexis Tobinmr. robert ToppTpC associates, luther s. Travishon. robert s. Trentlyonmr. philippe Trouvemr. mish Tworkowskimr. Craig urquhartmr. emilio Valdesmr. philip VasquezVolare restaurantmr. edward Wagnermr. max Weintraubmr. gregory Westgatems. ruby Whitfieldmr. roger C. Wilsonms. sarah Wilsonmr. Douglas Wirthms. Jessica Wolvekmr. arthur n. Wrightmr. osmay F. YalisYoung adult institute, Jan ZimmermanDr. robert Zorowitz

organizations Matchingindividual giftsallianceBernstein Fannie mae ge Foundationmilbank memorial FundThe prudential Foundation

$100 - $499advantage Benefits Consultants, elaine a. andersonmrs. Barbara andolsenms. Catherine antonetzms. Dinna avenamrs. rebecca Bakuninmrs. ann C. Batson and mr. arthur W. Batsonmrs. Judy Belkin and mr. David Belkinmrs. Carolyn Bennettmr. richard Bennett and mr. Jeffrey Bernsms. sarah K. Bentleymr. Jerome e. Bigams. Jean m. Blairmr. michael J. Bobrowskimr. David Borlandmr. Watson Boslerms. elizabeth BrownDr. and mrs. robert Brownmrs. Flora i. Bryantmr. Jon Bryantms. lucille Buddensickmr. and mrs. David Burginms. alison Burkems. mary a. Buttemr. roberto Camachoadvantage Benefits Consultants, inc.Dr. peter Carmelmr. antonio Carosims. Barbara Carterms. Francine B. CecereCenter for student missionsDr. sing Chanmr. Frederick s. Clarkmr. morton n. Cohenms. lynn J. Corwinms. nellie p. Cresciomr. David J. CrimminsBishop manuel Cruzmr. and mrs. James F. Cullenmr. James p. Cullenrev. John s. Dammmr. and mrs. roy DanielsDayspring Communicationsmr. John DecinaDepalino restaurant Corp. d/b/a City Crab & seafoodpastor amandus Derrmr. and mrs. Thomas DeVitoms. anneris Diazms. rose Dobrofrev. Tom Dorseyrev. John p. Duffellmr. roy r. eddeyempire Care lawrence g. Farleyms. margo Feidenms. nancy Feldmanms. nancy FerraraFidelity Charitable gift FundFirst QualityFiveboro printing & suppliesDavid and Flo Flaxmanmrs. Cindy Fleisher and mr. richard Fleishermr. Fred h. Forrest

mr. harrison FoxFresh & Tasty Baked products, llCmr. richard Friedmr. stephen r. Frostmr. and mrs. lawrence Fruchterg & g Duct Cleaning, Thomas gamellomr. Timothy r. gaymrs. Barbara geist and mr. herman geistms. Jane W. gladsonThe hon. Deborah glickmrs. Janet goldbergms. Dorothy goldmanmr. and mrs. robert goldmanms. Caryl goldsmithms. lesley gorems. elaine grahamms. Barbara gramanngreenwich Village - Chelsea Chamber of Commerceguardian Consultingmrs. suzanne Klein haber and mr. atzmon haberms. Jo hamiltonmrs. Joy handeman and mr. rick handelmanmrs. Kathryn hanson and mr. erik hansonhealth management Consultingmr. andrew hearnms. Dorothy hickeyms. susan murcko and mr. michael hillmr. Christopher hollingermr. and mrs. Kirk hollingsworthmrs. rita horbar and mr. stanley horbarhousing Worksmr. Christopher hylandinternational Business machines CoJ. ryan & associatesJames Kelliher Fund of stonewall Community Foundationmr. Bruce Johnsonms. Toni h. Jonesmr. anthony Julianoms. Jeanne Kalinoskimorley and mary ellen KayeDr. Joan a. Kedzioramr. paul Kennedymrs. Dorothy Kennermrs. irene C. Kenneyms. Katherine KennyC.l. King & associatesms. Carol Kizziahms. Dorothy Wallace Kleinmr. ulrike Klopfermr. george la nevemr. leonard g. lambertlanganlas Chicas locas, llCmr. James learyms. millicent a. leCountmrs. Charlotte leffler and mr. marvin lefflermr. andrew lernermr. Thomas J. levyms. sandra lewinmr. stuart lewismr. Joseph llisolocicero and Tan, inc.mrs. Katherine l. lopez and mr. Frank W. lopez


emma DeVito president and Chief executive officer

lucille Buddensick senior administrator residential Care

angela Degennaro senior administrator home Care

michael DellaVilla managing Director information Technology

sanjay Dutt Chief administrative officer/ Chief Financial officer

sandy D. Freeland administrator rivington house

louis J. ganim Vice president Corporate Communications

lisa garay Chief operating officer

Jocelyn gerania-pajeres Vice president Finance

suzanne haber Corporate internal auditor and Compliance officer

Judith lachmanowitz administrator VillageCare at �6 & Ten

matthew lesieur Director public policy

patricia mcgrann administrator VillageCare rehabilitation and nursing Center

matthew principe Vice president human resources

nicolas rossetti administrator VillageCare health Center and employee health services

nancy schwartz-Weinstock general Counsel and Vice-president legal affairs

allison silvers Director strategic planning

Ken stewart administrator Community Case management

David Tavares Director Business Development

Jan Zimmerman administrator Community services, aiDs Day programs and The momentum project


rivington housethe nicholas a. rangohealth care facility45 rivington streetnew York, new York 10002tel: 212.477.3100fax:212.477.3121

villagecare at 46 & ten510 west 46th streetnew York, new York 10036tel:

villagecare rehabilitation and nursing center 214 w. houston street new York, new York 10014tel: 212.337.9400fax:212.255.9459

adult day health center644 greenwich streetnew York, new York 10014tel: 212.337.5870fax:212.337.5899

adult protective services220 west 26th streetnew York, new York 10001tel: 212.337.5741

aids day treatment121B west 20th street new York, new York 10011 tel: 212.337.9220 fax:212.633.658745 rivington street new York, new York 10002 tel: 212.539.6450 fax: 212.539.6455

certified home health agency112 charles street new York, new York 10014tel: 212.337.5611fax:212.366.5317

community case Management112 charles streetnew York, new York 10014tel: 212.337.5705fax:212.337.5759

community services for seniors (including nnorc, senior information, gatekeeper)644 greenwich streetnew York, new York 10014tel: 212.337.5870fax:212.337.5899



long-term home health care program112 charles streetnew York, new York 10014tel: 212.337.5640fax: 212.366.6516

the Momentum project322 eighth avenuenew York, new York 10001tel:

village care plus, incLicensed Home Care154 christopher streetnew York, new York 10014tel: 212.337.5730fax:212.366.1177

villagecare health center121a west 20th streetnew York, new York 10011tel: 212.337.9290fax: 212.337.9275

residential care coMMunitY care

corporate office154 christopher street, 1st York, new York 10014tel: 212.337.5600 fax: 212. 366.5528

the villagecare foundation154 christopher streetnew York, new York 10014tel: 212.337.5743fax:212.337.5609


adMinistrative locations