Community Clean Up

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Plan to clear built up consumer product pollution out of a local town.

Transcript of Community Clean Up

Palm Coast Clean Up By Mackenzie Santiago

Pollution of all kinds has been an increasing problem across the globe. This is something we hear all the time. As people so engrossed in social media, one might think the constantly updating environmental campaigns would be having a greater effect on the community.

As pre-packaged goods and drive-through restaurants become more easily available, human beings can not help being more likely to add to the pollution. This is not because the are any more or less environmentally conscious than before, but because there is simply more waste to dispose of.

All foods prepared at home, bought at a store, or picked up in a drive through become possible pollutions when taken “to go.” Just as easily as a sandwich is opened and consumed, the wrapper is tossed out a window never to be considered again.

You have the power to be a part of the solution. Every wrapper properly disposed of is an act to benefit the cause, and picking up pre-existing trash is an even greater one. Say for every one piece of trash everyone threw away, we picked up another off the ground? The community would be noticeably cleaner in no time. All it takes is a little effort.

To push the concept I have decided to plan a community clean up event. My goals are not major, I just wish to have a positive impact on our environment instead of a negative one for a change.

In the next few weeks I will be recruiting people to help me in picking up trash in heavily polluted areas of my neighborhood.

We will be coming together in the parking lot which is no longer in use, then grouping off to clean different sections of Palm Coast. Based on how many people get involved, there should be multiple groups about three to four individuals.

Every group will select an area of particularly polluted land and clean it. Exact times will be decided on by the entire group.

All participants will be supplied with gloves and bags to ensure sanitation and efficiency.

There will ideally be at least one driver for every group.

More information will be given out at invitation.

Thank You