Comm Research Final Project Usb

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  • 8/3/2019 Comm Research Final Project Usb



    Aggressive Behavior and Exposure to Violent Video Games

    Stefan Liotchev

    Josh Kane

    Queens University of Charlotte

  • 8/3/2019 Comm Research Final Project Usb




    Table of Contents:



    Cultivation Theory..5

    Literature Review...7

    Hypotheses & Research Question..12




    Limitations and Recommendations22

    Informed Consent Form.24


    Works Cited..28

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    Violent video games are becoming a concern amongst people that they are a direct cause

    of aggressive behavior. Violent video games such asDoom andMortal Kombathave caused an

    uproar by some that these games are too violent and should be taken off of the shelves (Sherry,

    2001). There is overwhelming literature out there that states violent video games are not a direct

    cause of aggressive behavior, instead other factors determine whether a person is aggressive or

    not (Sherry, 2001). There is also research done that states violent video games do cause

    aggressive behavior. The 1999 Columbine shootings might have been a cause of violent video

    game play (Literature review on the impact of playing violent video games on aggression, 2010).

    The Cultivation theory is linked to this study in that it deals with watching violence on TV. The

    theory has evolved over the years to include newer forms of media, including video games

    (Gerbner, Gross, Morgan, Signorielli, Shanahan, 2002). We incorporated this theory into our

    study. We conducted the study at Queens University of Charlotte, asking 50 students to take a

    questionnaire about how violent video games cause their behavior to change, if at all. Through

    these questionnaires we were able to answer our research question and two hypotheses.

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    Upon further research we support that there is not a direct relationship between ones

    exposures to violent video games and their tendency to exert violent behavior. Controversy

    continues to surround us whether video games have a violent effect on ones behavior due to

    how much they play. With our study we hope to clarify that ones violent video game play

    should be monitored because it may affect them to exert aggressive behavior.

    To determine whether or not there is a direct relationship (conceptual definition), we plan

    to measure aggression in college students compared to the amount of time they spend playing

    video games (operational definition). To accomplish this we plan to use a questionnaire

    consisting of 16 questions that measure how violent video games affect the individuals behavior

    after playing the games. Participants in the survey will not be required to play the video games

    for the study. However, they will be required to have played violent video games at some point

    in their lives. The amount of time that they spend playing video games will be measured in the


    Many people today are engaged with playing violent video games and it is a multi-

    million dollar industry. People today are also involved in aggressive behavior. Many of those

    people who exert violent behavior are avid video game players. We want to find out whether the

    video games they play have an effect on their aggressive behavior, or whether there are other

    issues going on in their lives that affect them in that manner. These other issues that could be a

    cause in their behavior are demographics, where the person was raised and lives, their age,

    culture, and gender. As stated in the Cultivation Theory, video games are not the main cause to

    aggressive behavior, but rather only a small cause added in with many others.

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    Aggressive behavior in this research will be considered acting unreasonable.

    Unreasonable behavior can be defined as having a short temper with someone, raising your voice

    on someone, threatening a person for no direct reason, and any type of physical harm done on

    someone. Through the questionnaire, we will get a better idea of how aggressive people are and

    if they feel that they are aggressive people overall. After we gather the information from the

    survey, we will analyze the data and compare it with our hypotheses and research question and

    come to a conclusion on this issue.

    Cultivation Theory:

    Cultivation theory is a social theory that examines long-term effects of television on

    American audiences of all ages. George Gerbner and Larry Gross developed the cultivation

    theory from the University of Pennsylvania. The cultivation theory was developed to track

    cultivated effects of television on viewers.

    Gerbner and Gross argue that religion or education had previously been greater

    influences on social trends now television is the source of the most broadly shared images and

    messages in history. Television cultivates from infancy the very predispositions and preferences

    that used to be acquired from other primary sources. The repetitive pattern of television's mass-

    produced messages and images forms the mainstream of a common symbolic environment"

    (pp. 1718).
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    Literature Review:

    Past research done on the effects of violent video games has showed that there is very

    little to no direct correlation between playing violent video games and aggressive/violent

    behavior (Sherry, 2001). According to research done at Purdue University, the researcher claims

    that viewing real-life violence on TV such as a thriller or action movie is more likely to

    contribute to violent behavior than playing a first person shooter game (Sherry, 2001). The

    reason is that most violent video games are set in unrealistic settings such as the video game

    Doom where you are on an alien world where you fight alien creatures. There is no way that

    someone can relate to something that does not exist (Sherry, 2001). Now there are more realistic

    video games out there, where you could make a counter argument. However, there are other

    arguments that have been made where more realistic violent video games do not directly increase

    aggressive behavior.

    Mark Griffiths looks at different literature done on violent video games and their effect

    on aggression. In his review of the literature, Griffiths supports that there is overwhelmingly

    more evidence out there that violent video games dont have an effect on aggression. While

    games such asMortal Kombatclearly promote violence in the game, such as killing off your

    opponent, there is no proof that it directly causes a person to feel more aggressive after playing

    the game. Other variables play a role in this. (Griffiths, 1999).

    Demographics have a bigger impact on violent and aggressive behavior than do video

    games. Generally poor non-white minorities are the ones who exert violent behavior. Poor

    minorities are mostly made up of uneducated individuals. The less educated you are, the more

    likely you are to exert violent behavior. This group of people is mostly attracted to violent video

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    to avoid negative consequences when possible, while at the same time desiring positive results or

    effects (Uhlman & Swanson, 2003). We are heavily influenced by the content we view in the

    media, in this case violent video games. In many violent video games your objective is to get

    past some opponents trying to ruin your mission. To achieve your mission, you have to go

    through violent scenarios that have negative consequences if they fail. Playing that violent video

    game gives you ideas and confidence that you can get away from the negative consequences and

    instead get the positive results in real life as well, especially if you are good at a certain game

    (Uhlman & Swanson, 2003).

    Some argue that the Columbine High School shooting in 1999 might have been

    contributed to violent video games (Literature review on the impact of playing violent video

    games on aggression, 2010). After this shooting occurred, great interest began emerging about

    the effect various media, including violent video games had on teens and people in their 20s.

    According to the US Federal Bureau Board report in 2007 The School Shooter: A Threat

    Assessment Perspective (Anderson & Bushman, 2001). This document said that people who are

    culprits of violent acts have a fascination with violence filled entertainment (Literature review

    on the impact of playing violent video games on aggression, 2010).

    The Entertainment Software Review Board (ESRB) was created to regulate the sale of

    violent video games to minors. The ratings are as follows: Everyone (E) are games for any age to

    enjoy, Teen (T) is intended for anyone 13 and older, Mature (M) can only be sold to people 17

    and up, and Adults Only (AO) is only sold to people 18 and over. Although these ratings are put

    in place, they are still getting in the hands of minors. In most cases the parents go out and buy the

    M rated game for their child. This is only fueling the problem. A person turns most violent in

    their young adolescent stages of their life. Violence has the biggest influence on them when they

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    are young. If you can correct the problem when they are young, you are solving a significant part

    of the equation (Literature review on the impact of playing violent video games on aggression,


    There are several different environments that violent video games take place in. Grand

    Theft Auto takes place in a big suburban city and the players role is to do just what the title

    suggests, steal cars and partake in violent gang activities. There are war games where your

    objective is to take down terrorists. There is the fighting genre such as Street FighterandMortal

    Kombatwhere your goal is to kill of your opponent. Then you have the fantasy world where the

    character is on an island of dinosaurs where your job is to kill of aliens such as in Turok

    (Griffiths, 1999). Many violent games have suggestive themes such as characters abusing

    alcohol, sex, and illegal drugs. These games are rated from M-AO.

    Games that are not considered violent are games such as Super Mario Brothers and Sonic

    The Hedgehog. Your objective in Super Mario Brothers is to play as the main character, Mario

    and save the princess from the Bowser and his minions. While there are villains involved and

    violence too, it is held to a very mild state. The villains inMario are made comical and you

    simply defeat the enemy by stepping on their head or shell if you are battling a turtle. In non-

    violent games you DEFEAT your enemies as opposed to KILLING them. This is a drastic

    difference. Mario doesnt get KILLED if he is unsuccessful in his mission, he simply FAINTS.

    Something you dont see in non-violent games is bloodshed. Other non-violent games are sports

    games, puzzle games, most racing games, and role playing games (RPG) (Literature review on

    the impact of playing violent video games on aggression, 2010). These games are rated E or

    T (Literature review on the impact of playing violent video games on aggression, 2010). In this

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    study we will make clear that violent video games are defined by games rated M-AO and

    non-violent games will be games rated E-T.

    Another group that is extremely vulnerable to the effects of video game violence is the

    mentally ill and unstable individuals. These angry, psychotic individuals actually were angry and

    had pre-existing emotions beforehand. They were actually able to calm down after playing

    violent video games, as opposed to their other peers who did not have any mental conditions that

    had aggressive behavior after playing violent video games in this study (Literature review on the

    impact of playing violent video games on aggression, 2010).

    According to federal crime statistics, juvenile violent crime in the United States is at a

    30-year low. Researchers found people serving time for violent crimes typically consume less

    media before committing their crimes than the average person in the general population (Jenkins,


    It's true that young offenders who have committed school shootings in America have also

    been game players. But young people in general are more likely to be gamers90 percent of

    boys and 40 percent of girls play. The overwhelming majority of kids who play do NOT commit

    antisocial acts. According to a 2001 U.S. Surgeon General's report, the strongest risk factors for

    school shootings centered on mental stability and the quality of home life, not media exposure

    (Jenkins, 2010).

    The Protecting our Children act by California has made it illegal to sell or rent violent

    video games to minors. California law makes in an offense punishable by $1,000 each time a

    violent video game is sold to a minor. California law defines banned violent video games as one

    that includes, killing, maiming, dismembering, or sexually assaulting and image of a human

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    being. California State Senator Leland Yee, a democrat, sponsored this legislation. Yee cited a

    social science study that contends show kid who play these violent video games for hundreds,

    even thousands of hours are desensitized to violence. California is not alone in attempting to ban

    the sale of violent video games to minors. Such bans have been enacted in eight states (Is the

    California Ban on the Sale of Violent Video Games to Minors Constitutional? PROS, 2010).

    Hypotheses and Research Question:

    Before we began our research we developed two hypotheses and one research question

    which will guide our study. They are as follows:

    Hypothesis #1: Males (IV) are more likely to exert aggressive behavior (DV) after playing

    violent video games than females (IV) if there is any effect at all.

    Hypothesis #2: Excessive exposure to violent video games alone (IV) does not increase the

    probability of college students exerting aggressive/violent behavior (DV).

    Research Question: Does a persons age, gender and race (IV) have an effect on how violent

    video games cause the individuals to behave (DV)?


    After analyzing various studies done on the effects of violent video games, we were able

    to compile a questionnaire that is based off of the literature as well as questions used from other

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    questionnaires that dealt with this subject. The questions on the survey will help us determine

    whether our two hypotheses are right and to answer our research question. We will give a pilot

    study to test out the questions before we distribute the actual questionnaire.

    Students attending Queens University of Charlotte will be sampled in this study. Males

    and Females of all races and ethnicities will be surveyed. Our target group is the 18-25 age

    group; however we will allow older students to take the questionnaire if they decide to volunteer

    themselves. We are also looking to find people with all kinds of video game playing experience;

    those people who pick up a video game occasionally, those who play a few times a week, and the

    hardcore gamers that play all night and day. We are looking for diversity in our samples. People

    who have never played video games before or hardly ever play video games are of no use in this

    study as it is involved with peoples attitudes after playing violent video games. The samples in

    this study will be non-probability. We will use a convenience sample to distribute the

    questionnaires. In a convenience sample there is absolutely no probability involved in the

    selection of the participants. A convenience sample is just what the name suggests, we will be

    choosing the participants at our own convenience, and whatever students are available and

    accessible to participate. We will go to the Queens University Dining Hall, to the dorms, out in

    the residence quad, and various clubs and sports teams to ask a wide variety of students to

    complete the questionnaire. With a convenience sample, we cannot come to a conclusion that an

    entire population thinks and feels one way. The entire student population will not be represented

    fairly in this study because not everyone has an equal chance of being selected to participate. We

    can only come to conclusions based on the 50 questionnaires that will be filled out. Probability

    samples are more time consuming and much more expensive. If we wanted to accurately

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    represent the Queens University student population, we would have to use one of the many

    probability samples (Systematic, Stratified, cluster, etc.). (Wimmer & Dominick, 2011)

    The questionnaire was designed with the help of two different questionnaires, the Video

    Game Survey (Video Game Survey, 2010) and Video games & violence survey (Video games

    & Violence Survey, 2010). All of the questions in our Questionnaires use the ideas of these two

    previous questionnaires and the questions were reworked to appropriately fit our questionnaire.

    Our first hypothesis stated that Males were more likely to exert aggressive behavior after

    playing violent video games than women were. Question #12 in the questionnaire was

    specifically designed for this hypothesis. This question asks the individual whether they believe

    males or females are more aggressive after playing the violent video games. We ask what the

    individuals age, gender, and race/ethnicity which will help us determine whether this hypothesis

    is right or wrong. We can also break down which categories answered what and make further

    conclusions once all of the data is collected and analyzed.

    Our second hypothesis stated that exposure to violent video games alone does not

    increase the probability of college students exerting aggressive behavior. Questions #1-11 and

    #13 specifically address this hypothesis. The first thing that we want to find out is how many

    hours a week an individual spends playing video games (question #1) because studies have

    shown in the past that if you spend a lot of time playing video games your mind can get affected

    by them (Uhlman & Swanson, 2003). After we know how many hours a week one plays, we

    want to know how much they feel the video games they play affect their everyday lives on a

    scale of 1-5 (question #2). In question #3 we felt that is was logical to get input on what people

    think about the rising popularity of the violent video game genre and whether it is a problem.

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    This question can give us good information because the individual might know of others who

    have been affected negatively by video games. Question #4 is the main question addressing this

    hypothesis word-for-word. On a scale of 1-10 we want to find out how aggressive one thinks

    they become after playing a violent game. 1-2 is same; 3-5 is slightly aggressive, 6-8

    aggressive, and 9-10 extremely aggressive. Question #4 is the one that all of the other

    questions will support. In question #5 depending on what the answer is it can fully support or

    debunk our hypothesis. If people feel that violent video games relieve them from the stresses of

    everyday life, then it supports the hypothesis, if they think it doesnt, it may or may not debunk

    the hypothesis. In questions #6-9, we ask questions as to whether people think they are more

    likely to accept violence (#6), if you are more likely to become aggressive after playing video

    games as opposed to not playing them at all (#7), if others are more likely to commit a violent

    crime (#8), and if you feel like there is a better likely-hood of yourself committing a violent

    crime (#9). We want to get the opinions of the respondents in questions #6-9 on how they think

    they would respond themselves and how they think they stack up with their peers in those

    situations. In question #10 we ask the individual whether they think there is such a thing as

    positive violence. In this case positive violence is defined as necessary violence that isnt

    considered bad. If the individual answers yes to the question, then they are asked to list them.

    If the individual answers yes then there could be a correlation that they are aggressive human

    beings because they themselves might partake in violent acts that they feel are just. Do people

    feel that society will become less aggressive if violent video games are pulled off the shelves?

    (#11) Studies have shown that those who want to get rid of violent video games are less

    aggressive than those who do (Sherry, 2001). Question #13 asks if while you play the game you

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    get frustrated, and if so to list how you cope with that anger. This question will give us specific

    insight as to what person to person goes on while engaged in the violent game.

    Our research question was: Does a persons age and race have an effect on how violent

    video games cause the individual to behave. People of different ethnicities and age will be

    surveyed. We have demographic questions for age and race/ethnicity that will help us look at the

    results one by one that will help us come to a conclusion on certain ages and racial/ethnic groups

    based on our results.


    The pilot study was conducted first to test out whether everything in the questionnaire

    was intact. Two males and two females were surveyed. After the results from the pilot study, we

    were confident that the questionnaire was ready for actual distribution.

    The results for questions #1-16 will be given in the following paragraphs. The T-Test was

    used for each question to compare the mean scores from each sex. 29 males and 21 females were

    surveyed. Question #1 asked how many hours a day respondents played video games. For males

    the average playing time was 2.9 hours per day, while for females it was 1.2 hours per day. The

    lowest amount of time spent playing given by a male was one hour, for females the lowest time

    was less >than one hour. The mode for males was two hours per day, for females it was one

    hour. These numbers show us that the people surveyed are only casual gamers and not very

    heavy gamers at all.

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    Question #2 asked on a scale of 1-5 (1=very little/not at all, 5=they influence your life a

    lot) how the respondents real life is influenced by violent video games. The average score for

    both genders was 1. The lowest given score was 1 for both genders, the highest score was 3 for

    females and 2 for males. The mode for males was 1, while for females it was also 1. Here we can

    conclude that violent video games influence very little to nothing in how the respondents live

    their daily lives, but rather there are other factors that influencepeoples lives.

    In question #3 respondents were asked if violent video games are becoming a problem

    within our society. The choices were yes or no. Of the 29 males surveyed, eight answered

    yes while the remaining 21 males answered no. Of the 21 females surveyed, 14 answered

    yes, while the remaining seven females answered no. With these results, we can conclude

    that males are more likely to not view violent video games as an increasing problem because as

    we can see from the results of question #2 they dont influence their real lives that much and that

    they enjoy playing these violent video games. The females were the exact opposite. 2/3 of the

    females answered that violent video games are a problem. This could be because in general

    women are not really that engaged in playing violent video games and watching violent media

    which are more marketed towards males, and thus arent avid supporters of violence (Dewar,


    In question #4 respondents were asked how they feel when they finish playing on a scale

    of 1-10 (0-1 same, 2-4 slightly aggressive, 5-7 aggressive, and 8-10 extremely

    aggressive). The average number for males was 2.9, for females it was 3.8. The lowest score

    given by males was 0 while for females it was 1. The highest score given by males was 5, while

    for females it was 5 as well. The mode was for males 2 and for females it was 3. Here it can be

    concluded that women are slightly more likely to become aggressive just by playing a violent

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    video game as opposed to males who are not affected that much, or if they are not affected at all,

    other factors make them aggressive.

    In question #5 respondents were asked to choose which answer choice (strongly disagree,

    disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree) they felt was the best answer to if violent video

    games are a good way to release from the stress and pressure we face in everyday life. Of the

    males, 15 agree, 6 were neutral, 5 disagree, 2 strongly agree, and 1 strongly disagrees. Of the

    females, 8 disagree, 5 agree, 5 neutral, 2 strongly disagree, and 1 strongly agrees. These results

    are interesting. Here the majority of males either agree or strongly agree that violent video games

    are a good stress reliever, this shows that among the males surveyed here violent video games

    are a positive thing and not negative at all. For the females the slight majority disagrees

    completely that violent video games are a good stress reliever and this can be linked to question

    #3 in which 2/3 females surveyed answered that violent video games are becoming a problem in

    our society.

    Question #6 asked respondents if they were more likely to be accepting of violence in

    real life after playing violent video games. The same answer choices were given in this question

    as in question #5. Of the males, 17 disagree, 9 agree, and 3 strongly disagree. Of the females, 9

    agree, 7 disagree, 4 strongly agree, and 1 is neutral. In the males only about a quarter of them

    said that they will be more accepting of violence, this goes back to the literature that stated your

    upbringing and whether you have been exposed to real life violence that has a greater affect on

    increased aggression as opposed to violent video games (Sherry, 2001). For the females, slightly

    more than half of them answered that they wouldnt become more likely to accept violence after

    playing violent video games. While the margin between those who would become more

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    accepting of violence compared to those who dont is smallerthan the men, the same theory

    from the literature can be applied for the females as well.

    In question #7 respondents were asked whether they were more likely to become

    aggressive after playing violent video games as opposed to if they did not play them at all. The

    same answer choices were given here as in questions #5 and #6. Of the males: 16 disagree, 7

    strongly disagree, 3 neutral, and 3 agree. Of the females: 11 disagree, 6 neutral, 3 agree, and 1

    strongly disagrees. These results here show us again that for both genders there are other factors

    besides violent video games that cause people to become aggressive.

    Question # 8 asks if respondents think others are more likely to commit a violent act after

    playing violent video games. The same answer choices were given as questions 5-7. Of the

    males: 17 disagree, 7 strongly disagree, 4 neutral, and 1 agree. Of the females, 10 disagree, 5

    neutral, 3 strongly disagree, and 3 agree. Here we see that for the most part the responses are the

    same as in question #7. This could mean that the respondents were brought up or currently live

    and interact with people who dont seem to be affected negatively by violent video games, or

    they think society as a whole is not negatively affected by violent video games, that something

    else here is the real culprit instead.

    Question nine asked respondents whether or not they felt more likely to commit a violent

    act after playing violent video games. To determine results we used a Likert scales ranging from

    strongly disagree to strongly agree. Those who felt they were more likely to commit a crime we

    extremely low. 2% of females said they were more likely to commit a crime after playing a

    violent video game. 4% of males stated they were more likely to commit a crime after playing.

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    Question 10 asked respondents if they believed there was a such thing as positive

    violence meaning violence that they think might be necessary. Only two males said they believe

    in positive violence, the rest said no. All 21 females said there was no such thing as positive

    violence. Those two males that answered yes to positive violence said they partake in positive

    violence currently. On said they like to beat the explicative out of a ball or similar object the

    other said they liked shooting paintballsat people or objects. The other 48 respondents said

    they do not engage in positive violence.

    Question eleven polled respondents on whether or not they believed removing violent

    video games from society will make people less aggressive. Again results were low. 10% of

    females believed it would have an effect. Only 4% of men polled believed removing such games

    would make society less aggressive.

    Question 12 wanted to find which sex respondents felt would be more likely to be

    aggressive after playing a violent video game All 50 respondents answered that males were more

    likely to become aggressive.

    Question 13, was an open ended question asking respondents if they ever get angry or

    frustrated when playing a video game. If respondents answered yes, they then were to explain

    what they did about their behavior. Few respondents felt playing caused them to feel more

    aggressive. One did answer that after playing in order to control the feelings of aggressive

    behavior he quit, and didnt play for a couple days.

    Questions 14, 15, 16 all focused on the demographics of our respondents. Respondents

    were asked their age, gender, and ethnicity. The average age of respondents was 20.6 years of

    age. Of the respondents 29 were males, and 21 were female. Reasoning for asking

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    demographics, in the support of our research question. The question was does a persons

    gender have an effect on how violent video games cause the individuals to behave?


    There are several conclusions that are drawn up from this study. From the results we cannot

    conclude that gender has an effect on how violent video games cause the individual to behave.

    The reason is that in the questions pertaining to how aggressive respondents become after

    playing violent video games, only a very low amount said they become aggressive and the results

    are very close for both genders to call, 11% for females, and 5% for males that become

    aggressive after playing violent video games.

    Both Hypotheses were supported. For our first hypothesis that dealt with males were

    more likely to become aggressive after playing violent video games, all 50 respondents answered

    that they believed that males were more likely to become aggressive after playing violent video

    games. Most of the results yielded that males were the more aggressive gender. For our second

    hypothesis that dealt with excessive exposure to violent video games alone, does not increase the

    probability of college students exerting aggressive/violent behavior is indeed supported as the

    results proved what most of the literature stated that demographics and where the person lives

    and was brought up have a bigger impact on how aggressive the individual becomes. Our results

    negate what the cultivation theory states, yes real violence on TV has caused some increases in

    aggression, however the aspect of the theory that deals with video game violence and how it

    affects the mind to become more aggressive is completely negated by our results from the study.

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    Limitations and Recommendations:

    While we did have some good findings, this study did have its limitations as most

    studies usually do. In this study we used a convenience, face-to-face sample. This is a non-

    probability method. The entire Queens population did not have an equal chance of being selected

    to take part in this study. 50 respondents were just found at our convenience in the dorms,

    Trexler, etc. to complete the questionnaire. Another limitation was the age of the respondents.

    When we began the study, we wanted to have people in the 18-35 age group to take part, because

    this is the primary gaming group. We were only able to sample people in the 18-23 year old age

    group. At Queens it is difficult to find students over the ages of 22-23 as typically those are the

    ages in which undergraduates graduate from school. There are undergraduates and graduate

    students at Queens that are over the age of 23, however they are very few compared to under 23

    years of age and are less accessible which makes it more difficult to ask them to take part in the

    study. While we were able to gather good data for this age group, we cannot speak for those in

    the 24-35 year old age group. Lastly, everyone is different. Violence and aggression are very

    difficult to define. What may be considered an aggressive action for one person, will not be

    considered so for another. Also, some individuals may have a physical reaction with aggressive

    feelings and others may not, so most often more difficulties are presented in that video games

    may have an effect without a physical representation of it (Literature review on the impact of

    playing violent video games on aggression, 2010).

    After completing this study and going through the various limitations that we

    encountered, we have some recommendations to future researchers that want to embark on this

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    study. One way to solve the human variance problem is to attain a large test group that could be

    representative of everyone. Use probability sampling, yes it is more expensive and time

    consuming, however, you will guarantee that everyone in the population that you are surveying

    has an equal shot at participating and you will get good, quality answers from a diverse group of

    people. Lastly, make sure you gather information from different varieties of races, ages, and

    gender. Make sure the population you are surveying is diverse and not monotonous to achieve

    maximum testing results.

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    Informed Consent Form

    You are invited to participate in a study for a Communication Research course conducted by

    Stefan Liotchev and Josh Kane, students at Queens University of Charlotte. Through this study

    we hope to learn whether exposure to violent video games has or does not have a direct effect on

    aggressive/violent behavior. You have been selected as a possible participant in this study in a

    non-probability convenience method.

    In this questionnaire you will be asked to answer some open ended questions, multiple choice

    questions, as well as questions measured on a scale.

    Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified to you

    will be kept confidential.

    You are free to drop out of this study at your own discretion. You will not be penalized for doing


    There will be no type of compensation for participating in this study.

    If you have any questions while completing this questionnaire, please feel free to ask us. If you

    have any additional questions after completing the questionnaire, please feel free to contact

    Stefan Liotchev or Josh Kane at




    Name of Participant

    Date Signature

    Signature of Investigator
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    Aggressive behavior definition: Behavior that is unreasonable: yelling at someone, physicallyharming yourself or others, violent behavior that will get you arrested.

    Violent Video Games in this survey are considered to be rated M (Mature) or AO (Adult sOnly).

    1.) How many hours on average a day do you spend playing video games? ____________

    2.) On a Scale of 1-5 (5 being the most) How much do you feel video games influence your real life, if

    at all?

    1 2 3 4 5

    3.) Do you think the increasing popularity in violence-related video games is becoming a problem within


    Yes No

    4.) How do you usually feel when you finish playing? (Circle Only One Number)

    Same Slightly Aggressive Aggressive Extremely Aggressive

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    5.)Playing violent video games is a good way to release from the stress and pressure we face in our

    everyday life.

    Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

    6.) It is more likely of you to accept violence in reality after playing violent video games

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    Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

    12. Who is more likely to be aggressive after playing a violent video game?

    Males Females

    13. Do you ever get angry or frustrated when playing a video game? If so, what do you do about it?







    14. How old are you? _____________

    15. Gender? Male Female

    16. Ethnicity: White non-Hispanic Hispanic Asian African American Latino

    Indian Other:

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