COMING UP EDITORIAL · Lily McDonald Deputy Principal PARENT HANDOOK ... Round 11: November 8th @...

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Transcript of COMING UP EDITORIAL · Lily McDonald Deputy Principal PARENT HANDOOK ... Round 11: November 8th @...




22 November 2019

Secondary Exams Start


Monday - Thursday

25-28 November 2019

Year 5 Camp



26 November 2019

3yo Kinder Orientation



27 November 2019

4yo Kinder & Prep




27 November 2019

Year 3/4 D Christmas




2 December 2019

Year 8-12 Headstart




5 December 2019

Years 3/4K & 3/4C

Christmas Musical



5 December 2019

Year 6 Graduation



10 December 2019

Kinder - Year 7




11 December 2019

Year 7 Orientation



12 December 2019

Students Finish Term 4

@ 3:20pm

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Issue 17 21 November 2019


This week we had the pleasure of celebrating together at the College

Presentation Evening. What a joyous opportunity it was to join together, in

celebrating the year that has been 2019. My lovely husband came along for

the night and remarked to me on the way home on how he had enjoyed

seeing our students perform and receive awards for their effort and achieve-

ments. Even though our own children have long since finished school, my

husband enjoyed celebrating as part of our community, and that meant being

happy for those who were honoured on the night, even though none of our

children were receiving awards or performing.

When our children were little, my husband and I often talked to them about

honouring each other as family and celebrating and enjoying when others

were rewarded, awarded or achieving – even if it wasn’t your turn this time.

Evenings like last night remind me that Plenty Valley Christian College is a

community, and like a family. We lift each other up and celebrate together

when things are going well, and support each other when times are tough.

I would like to say a huge thank you to all the mums and dads, grandparents

and friends, who came along to support the College community, even if none

of your family was actually up on stage. Thank you for making the night about

the celebration of community.

For families who couldn’t make it last night, we understand that life throws a

spanner in the works sometimes, but we missed you! When part of our

community can’t be with us in times of celebration, we feel the loss and look

forward to when we can be together again.

Celebrating together is good for us! Romans 12:15 says “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep”. This is what God calls us to do because he knows it is good for us. He actually does this with and for us too.

Zephaniah 3:17 says ”The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.”

As we enter the “silly season” with endless events, presentations, celebra-

tions and formalities, let us stop and be mindful of the goodness of God in


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placing us in families, and communities. Let us be thankful and celebrate the good

things that are happening to members of our community and recognise that they

demonstrate the kindness, and goodness of our God.

Lily McDonald

Deputy Principal


Click here to view the Parent Handbook, with some College expectations and other information about the

College. Please see below regarding Car Park Rules. Please adhere to road signs and using the correct car

parks when dropping or picking up your child. The top car park can only be used before 8am and after

3:45pm when dropping/collecting your child to/from Camp Australia for out of school hours care.

TRAFFIC MOVEMENT AND PARKING The College has grown to the point where there is nearly 800 students, with more than half of these

travelling to school by car. At least 100 staff members require permanent parking spaces. Presently

eleven large coaches enter and leave the College grounds each morning and afternoon with many others

coming during the day for sport programs and excursions.

Strict adherence to the signage around the car parks is very important for student safety and for the

orderly management of traffic. In the Main Car Park, vehicles are to be reversed into the angled parking

bays and students are to leave vehicles and move to the nearest curb. People are not to walk across the

bitumen except when using the pedestrian crossings. It is most important that vehicles do not stop in the

roadways to drop off students. Parents who wish to drop students off without parking may do so in the

left-hand lane of the front bay of the Main Car Park. [See diagram below].

VCE students may only drive to College and park their cars in the car park located behind the Early Years

building, if they have a College permit to do so. Students are not to access their vehicles before the end of

the day.

All students coming to College by car are to be dropped off at the front car parks and are expected to

walk to their classrooms. Parents who ignore this policy are endangering students and create difficult

traffic situations, especially at peak times. Students should cross the roads only on the marked pedestrian

crossings provided and walk along the pathways. No student is to climb through a fence and walk across

the grounds.

Parents may not drive beyond the Main Car

Park (between 8am - 3:45pm), closest to Yan

Yean Road, to drop off their students unless

there is a special circumstance and may not

park in the spaces marked “RESERVED”. Under

no circumstances are students to be dropped

off in the bus bays and bus turning circles.

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Scholastic Book Club Issue 8

Order online at:


by Monday, 25 November 2019

Also available on the App Store and

Google Play

NO CASH accepted at school.


Year 5/6 Summer Sport

Please see below results for each team and in brackets the player of the match:

Round 11: November 8th @ PVCC v Glen Katherine

Rounders – Lost (April S)


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Thank you all for supporting your children through the 2019 TEAR Read-a- thon, which has now finished.

Our school raised $858 towards empowering communities throughout the world.

Of TEAR Australia's overall expenses in the last financial year, 88% went to projects (including support

costs and empowering people within Australia to respond to poverty and injustice), 5% covered adminis-

trative costs, and 7% was spent on fundraising.

Jacqui Ellison

PYP Coordinator


Please note a date change to the end of year final Primary assembly.

We welcome all families to attend the final primary school assembly for 2019 on Thursday December 12th at 9am in the multi-purpose gym. At this assembly, we will be presenting our new 2020 leadership team, acknowledging the contribution of our current leadership team, bid farewell to our Year 6 students and will present our term awards.

We look forward to a great end of year celebration.

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Hot Shots Tennis Girls – Lost (Milcah M)

Hot Shots Tennis Boys – Lost (Daniel E)

Cricket – Lost (Isaac M)

Basketball Girls – Lost (Shelby E)

Basketball Boys – Lost (Max G)

Volleyball Girls – Drew (Esther M & Olive W)

Volleyball Boys – Drew (Lachlan C)

Round 12: November 15th v Laurimar P.S @ Away

Rounders – Lost (Sophie R)

Hot Shots Tennis Girls – Lost (Laura D)

Hot Shots Tennis Boys – Lost (Lenny E)

Cricket – Lost (Asher A)

Basketball Girls – Won (Gabby M)

Basketball Boys – Lost (James S)

Volleyball Girls – Lost (Olive W)

Volleyball Boys – Won (Ben K)

Junior Softball & T-ball Clinic

Thanks to government Sport School funding, the Year 3 to 6 students had a 3 week sports clinic.

The Junior school students have been focusing on Strike & Field sports this term, with the Year 3/4

students having a T-Ball clinic and the Year 5/6 students having a Softball clinic.

This has been a great opportunity for the students to receive expert coaching from an external instructor

and develop a deeper understanding of Strike & Field sports. In the first lesson the students focused on

fielding skills, the second lesson developed the students batting skills and in the third lesson they got to

put all of these skills together to play a match.

Sally Donaldson - Primary Physical Education & Sport Coordinator


Shop Hours Term 4:

Mondays 12:00pm - 4:00pm

Tuesdays 8:00am - 2:00pm

Thursdays 12:00pm - 5:00pm


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Have a look at the canteen menu online - CLICK HERE

Flexischools App

Fliexischools have now released an app on both Android and iOS which makes the process easier than before. Just search for: ‘flexischools’ in the app stores.

All work in the Canteen can be counted towards Parent Participation Time.

Dads and grandparents are most welcome too!

NOTE: Due to Health Regulations, space and safety reasons, we are unable to accommodate any

children in the Canteen.

Contact Wendy or Denise in the Canteen if you can help.


The shop will be open on Orientation Day,

Tuesday December 10th 8:00am - 4:00pm

Last day of trade for 2019 - December 10th 2019

Extended trading hours in January 2020 - click here

The uniform price list and uniform policy are

available on the College Website.

Please note that we cannot take in any more

uniform items into the swap shop (2nd hand

uniform shop) after Tuesday, November 26th. We

can resume taking in 2nd hand items in the last

week of February 2020.

Our direct number is: 9036 7354

Lydia Ross

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Term 1

All Students Commence - Monday, February 3rd

End of Term 1 - Friday, March 27th

Term 2

Staff & Students Commence - Tuesday, April 14th

End of Term 2 - Friday, June 26th

Term 3

Students Commence - Monday, July 20th

End of Term 3 - Friday, September 18th

Term 4

Staff & Students Commence - Monday, October 28th

Students Finish - Friday, December 11th

STUDENT FREE DAYS 2020 Wednesday, April 29th

Friday, August 14th

Tuesday, September 8th

Monday, November 2nd

Monday, December 14th


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