color code, andreas fechner

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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calender for car colors 2009

Transcript of color code, andreas fechner


CONCEPT&PHOTOGRAPHY © andreas fechner

a standox calendar project 2009

Uli M., Beryl, Alice, Carla, Stefan J., Uwe H. Michael E., Lasemie, Paula, Craig F., Steffen T.Gabor E., Sunshine M., Peter K., Martin G. Britta D. Carlos L., Steve, Garrett O.R. Thierry M., G.R., Biseat H., Mackenzie, Linda S.L., D.S. Perier H., Alain L.P., Hikota I., Tom, Jürgen S., Peter H., Setsuya I., Katsu, Takuhiko N. Michael G., Fuminori S., Jürgen K., Sandra K., Sigurd N.and family

Uli M., Beryl, Alice, Carla, Stefan J., Uwe H. Michael E., Lasemie, Paula, Craig F., Steffen T.Gabor E., Sunshine M., Peter K., Martin G. Britta D. Carlos L., Steve, Garrett O.R. Thierry M., G.R., Biseat H., Mackenzie, Linda S.L., D.S. Perier H., Alain L.P., Hikota I., Tom, Jürgen S., Peter H., Setsuya I., Katsu, Takuhiko N. Michael G., Fuminori S., Jürgen K., Sandra K., Sigurd N.and family

special thanks to

I will leave you a set of keys in a paper bag.  If you look at the house, you will see a little bush to the left of the metal gate and a big bush to the right of the gate.  The bag will be on the ground behind the bush on the right.  Good luck with the keys.  Use them all and keep a sense of humor.  Beers will be in the refrigerator.  Help yourself.

I will leave you a set of keys in a paper bag.  If you look at the house, you will see a little bush to the left of the metal gate and a big bush to the right of the gate.  The bag will be on the ground behind the bush on the right.  Good luck with the keys.  Use them all and keep a sense of humor.  Beers will be in the refrigerator.  Help yourself.



Cris,This is a “hail Mary”-type email. 

Paula, my wife, and I have a good buddy coming in town from Germany in a week or two.  (I have added Andreas to the cc: line to this email.)  He is a seasoned commercial photographer looking for an older classic car (red I think) to shoot at location overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge.  I don’t think he is thinking paying much if anything (frankly, I don’t

really know) so my guess fame is the suggested reward.  The photo is to be used in a German calendar of classic cars. 

Anyway, you’re the only real gear-head that we know, I thought I’d toss you an email to see if you have any ideas.

CraigGeneric Subaru Outback Driver

Cris,This is a “hail Mary”-type email. 

Paula, my wife, and I have a good buddy coming in town from Germany in a week or two.  (I have added Andreas to the cc: line to this email.)  He is a seasoned commercial photographer looking for an older classic car (red I think) to shoot at location overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge.  I don’t think he is thinking paying much if anything (frankly, I don’t

really know) so my guess fame is the suggested reward.  The photo is to be used in a German calendar of classic cars. 

Anyway, you’re the only real gear-head that we know, I thought I’d toss you an email to see if you have any ideas.

CraigGeneric Subaru Outback Driver

I have read the information on the website about obtaining

a permit to take a photograph near Battery Spencer off Conzulman Road. I also

spoke with Noemi, and she sent me further information by


I have read the information on the website about obtaining

a permit to take a photograph near Battery Spencer off Conzulman Road. I also

spoke with Noemi, and she sent me further information by


We will ask for Sunday, but I think getting Sunday will be very hard for two reasons:1.  

It is soon.  They are having difficultycompleting permits quickly.

2.    Monday May 26 is a very big holiday.  No one wants to be working on Sunday,

plus the Golden Gate Bridge will be very, very, very full of tourists.

Your agent who is paid in beer,


We will ask for Sunday, but I think getting Sunday will be very hard for two reasons:1.  

It is soon.  They are having difficultycompleting permits quickly.

2.    Monday May 26 is a very big holiday.  No one wants to be working on Sunday,

plus the Golden Gate Bridge will be very, very, very full of tourists.

Your agent who is paid in beer,



Hi Andreas!I keep trying to remind myself to email you!  I‘m so glad to hear from you.  The calendar is absolutely wonderful!  Congrats on a fine project and even finer product!!!  You are so very talented; I‘m sure you are aware ; )  What an amazing experience for you and everyone who was lucky en-ough to work with you on this project!  You are a marvelous and sweet person and I‘m fortunate to have met and my Garrett is doing well and loving life, typical of an Irishman right?  I look forward to your next visit in SF, don‘t forget about



Hi Andreas!I keep trying to remind myself to email you!  I‘m so glad to hear from you.  The calendar is absolutely wonderful!  Congrats on a fine project and even finer product!!!  You are so very talented; I‘m sure you are aware ; )  What an amazing experience for you and everyone who was lucky en-ough to work with you on this project!  You are a marvelous and sweet person and I‘m fortunate to have met and my Garrett is doing well and loving life, typical of an Irishman right?  I look forward to your next visit in SF, don‘t forget about




“…I am adopted and I’m an American, and I’m an only child, and Superman was you know, these three things except what interests me is that he is the ultimate immigrant and he carries his - what makes him different, his special heritage - he carries it with pride. Andthe suit, in the sense of the suit, he’s very idealistic. Unlike Wolverine [who] is very cynical, Superman is extremely idealistic and kind of represents a bit of what America is and the pitfalls one experiences in their idealism, so I very much like the character. I find him very pleasant.

“…I am adopted and I’m an American, and I’m an only child, and Superman was you know, these three things except what interests me is that he is the ultimate immigrant and he carries his - what makes him different, his special heritage - he carries it with pride. Andthe suit, in the sense of the suit, he’s very idealistic. Unlike Wolverine [who] is very cynical, Superman is extremely idealistic and kind of represents a bit of what America is and the pitfalls one experiences in their idealism, so I very much like the character. I find him very pleasant.


Don‘t go to church on SundayDon‘t get on my knees to pray

Don‘t memorize the books of the BibleI got my own special way

Bit I know Jesus loves meMaybe just a little bit more

I fall on my knees every SundayAt Zerelda Lee‘s candy store

Well it‘s got to be a chocolate JesusMake me feel good inside

Got to be a chocolate JesusKeep me satisfied

Well I don‘t want no Anna ZabbaDon‘t want no Almond Joy

There ain‘t nothing betterSuitable for this boy

Well it‘s the only thingThat can pick me up

Better than a cup of goldSee only a chocolate Jesus

Can satisfy my soul

Don‘t go to church on SundayDon‘t get on my knees to pray

Don‘t memorize the books of the BibleI got my own special way

Bit I know Jesus loves meMaybe just a little bit more

I fall on my knees every SundayAt Zerelda Lee‘s candy store

Well it‘s got to be a chocolate JesusMake me feel good inside

Got to be a chocolate JesusKeep me satisfied

Well I don‘t want no Anna ZabbaDon‘t want no Almond Joy

There ain‘t nothing betterSuitable for this boy

Well it‘s the only thingThat can pick me up

Better than a cup of goldSee only a chocolate Jesus

Can satisfy my soul


Hi Andreas,

Parkhouse location: I called the Diagonal Hotel today, and spoke to the press dpt.

responsible. I send them an email, with the photo you send me, and she called back

saying that the parkhouse belongs to the Agbar bouilding. I contact then the

right person in the Agbar building. I explained to them that this calendar doesnt

have any comercial value, only corporative purposes, but they said that

even when standox wont sell the calendar, it does have promotional ends for them,

and they are not authorized to give permission to take the picture in the

building installations. there would be no problem to put the tower as a background

(as from the TNC) but they cant allow us to make the shooting in their parkingplace.

Port Olimpic Location: In order to do the paperwork with the city hall I need to know :

-An acurrate idea about between wich hours will we be there (you said sat. 21st June,

between 12 and 15.00, is this right?)

-Number of people working in the shooting

-Light Equipment detail, and if we are going to use tripod or not.

Hi Andreas,

Parkhouse location: I called the Diagonal Hotel today, and spoke to the press dpt.

responsible. I send them an email, with the photo you send me, and she called back

saying that the parkhouse belongs to the Agbar bouilding. I contact then the

right person in the Agbar building. I explained to them that this calendar doesnt

have any comercial value, only corporative purposes, but they said that

even when standox wont sell the calendar, it does have promotional ends for them,

and they are not authorized to give permission to take the picture in the

building installations. there would be no problem to put the tower as a background

(as from the TNC) but they cant allow us to make the shooting in their parkingplace.

Port Olimpic Location: In order to do the paperwork with the city hall

I need to know :

-An acurrate idea about between wich hours will we be there (you said sat. 21st June,

between 12 and 15.00, is this right?)

-Number of people working in the shooting

-Light Equipment detail, and if we are going to use tripod or not.




Bonjour Monsieur Fermyn,le photographe souhaite louer la cadillac rose un soir de 18 h à 21 h (ou de 17 h à 20 h) entre le 27 juin et le 1 juillet.  Est-ce que la voiture sera disponible dans cette periode?Comme il a besoin de soleil pour sa prise de vue, est-ce que vous voyez une possibilité de éventuellement changer de jour à court terme si la météo ne serait pas favorable? Oubien d‘avoir une option pour2 jours? La prise de vue aura lieu à la vilette. Je ne connais pas l‘adresse exacte, je vous la communiquerai plus tard.

Bonjour Monsieur Fermyn,le photographe souhaite louer la cadillac rose un soir de 18 h à 21 h (ou de 17 h à 20 h) entre le 27 juin et le 1 juillet.  Est-ce que la voiture sera disponible dans cette periode?Comme il a besoin de soleil pour sa prise de vue, est-ce que vous voyez une possibilité de éventuellement changer de jour à court terme si la météo ne serait pas favorable? Oubien d‘avoir une option pour2 jours? La prise de vue aura lieu à la vilette. Je ne connais pas l‘adresse exacte, je vous la communiquerai plus tard.



Coucou,habe dem Schwimmautomenschen einen Brief in seinen

Biefkasten gesteckt. Mal abwarten...Der Typ von der Géode erkundigt sich nochmal beim Chef,

ob man den Preis doch noch drückenn kann

und meldet sich Morgen wieder.Frau Krüger hat nur zugesagt, sonst nichts Neues.

Beryl hat schöne Zahlen gefunden. Wir treffen uns dieser Tage...

Wann kommst du aus Japan zurück?

Coucou,habe dem Schwimmautomenschen einen Brief in seinen

Biefkasten gesteckt. Mal abwarten...Der Typ von der Géode erkundigt sich nochmal beim Chef,

ob man den Preis doch noch drückenn kann

und meldet sich Morgen wieder.Frau Krüger hat nur zugesagt, sonst nichts Neues.

Beryl hat schöne Zahlen gefunden. Wir treffen uns dieser Tage...

Wann kommst du aus Japan zurück?









2010 andreas
