Colonization impact on native populations

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Colonization impact on native populations

Journal #1:Colonization Motivations

What are some of the motivations for colonization in Africa?

Who was involved?

The Scramble for Africa

What was the impact on native populations?

Disease & Death

Resistance = Death

“…destruction of important parts of cultures and loss of

their histories”(38).

Cash Crops ?

• Banning activities (hunting)

• Imposing taxes

• Forcing people work

• Slavery

The m e of all th is?

C hange .


-Borders created- types of government & control-New conflict

ECONOMIC• Infrastructure (railroads)• Transporting raw materials out of Africa,

but Europeans getting the profit

SOCIAL• New languages• Religion: Christianity• Clothing• Relationships with other people and land

The Coming of the Pink Cheeks

Pronunciation Key (if you don’t know, and don’t want to try to guess)

Kabongo – ka-bung-go

Kimani – kim-an-ie

Muramati – mur-am-uh-tee

Mbari – em-bar-ie

Ngai (god) – na-guy

Munene -- moo-nay-nee

Muthungu – moo-thung-goo

Journal #3: Poem

Choose a person from the reading ‘The Coming of the Pink Cheeks’, and write a

poem from their point of view.

Express the pertson’s thoughts and feelings towards colonization,

or a specific event that occurred in the story.

Journal #4: Reflection

What were in implications of colonization on the Kikuyu? Why were these

implications/changes significant?