Colonial Crucible

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Colonial Crucible

Colonial Latin AmericaThe Colonial Crucible

Colonial Economics1. What effect did silver have on the economies

and societies of colonial Spanish America? (60)

2. Viceroyalties were: (61)

3. Brazilian “Mill Lords,” or senhores de ingenho, were most important because: (62)

4. Settlements in Brazil were: (62)

A Power Called Hegemony5. Hegemony is: (65)

6. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz helps us understand the function of hegemony because: (66)

7. Religion controlled Latin American societies in many ways, including: (67)

8. Some of the ways in which religion supported hegemony were: (67)

9. Patriarchy is: (68)

A Process Called Transculturation10. An example of transculturation is: (70)

The Fringes of Colonization

11. The fringes of colonial society offered somewhat better treatment for slaves because: (76)

12. Río de la Plata eventually saw an economic boom due to: (77)

13. Gauchos, Guasos, and Vaqueross were: (77)

14. The Quilombo of Palmares is well known because: (80)

Race Mixing15. The caste system in the Americas was:


16. The practice of selling “gracias al sacar” was: (85)

Spaniard and Indian produce a Mestizo

From Spaniard and Mestiza, Castiza

Spaniard and Castiza, produce Spaniard

Mestizo and Indian makes Coyote

Black and Spaniard makes Mulatto

Mulatto and Spaniard makes Morisco

Spaniard and Morisca makes Albino

Spaniard and Albino makes a Black-Return-Backwards

Black and Indian makes Wolf

Wolf and Indian makes Zambaiga

Zambaigo and Indian makes Albarazado

Albarazada and Indian makes Chamizo

Chamizo and Indian makes Cambuja

From Albarrado and Indian, a Cachimboreta is born

From Indian and Cambuja, a Wolf-Return-Backwards is born

Wolf-Return-Backwards and Indian makes Hold-Yourself-in-Mid-Air

Countercurrents: Colonial Resistance

17. Tupac Amaru II claimed: (88)