Collaborative Disclosure Management Annual reports ...€¦ · Sturnis 365 builds on Microsoft...

Post on 11-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Collaborative Disclosure Management Annual reports ...€¦ · Sturnis 365 builds on Microsoft...

Collaborative Disclosure


Full end-user driven document creation

and publication

Making end-users more efficientcreating and publishing business content together

Annual reportsRegulatory reporting

Sustainability reportingRisk & Compliancy reporting

Requests for proposal

Obtained Results

Inefficiencies and tim e waste lead to high costs and inaccuracies w hen producing and disclosing docum ents containing external data that require input and review from m ultiple persons

Allow ing for continuous change & flexible structures

Applying Inversed Design for autom atic data and m eta-data synchronization reducing docum ent setup and m aintenance

Com panies buy Sturnis 365 and replace old CDM solutions that require high m aintenance

Sturnis 365 sets up docum ents in m inutes, no POC required

End-user driven application built for continuous change and im proved processes

The m arket still buys older CDM products but seeks new technologies for change efficiency, flexibility and lower cost. Today custom er satisfaction is low and can be im proved.

Extending the fam iliar M icrosoft Office platform to support the consolidation, collaborative data entry and disclosure processes ensures high adoption and efficiency.

W hen publishing content one needs to trust the num bers. Producing the consolidated num bers and text becom es as easy as creating a Word or Excel docum ent.

Challenges The Sturnis 365 Solution

Making end-users more efficientcreating and publishing business content together

Sturnis 365 builds on Microsoft Office that we all adopted a long time ago, leveraging the secure and efficient MS Azure + MS SQL Server stack

Sturnis 365 + M S Office

Stay in M S Office w hen creating and form atting text,

num bers and tables.

Do not com prom ise for pseudo

spreadsheets or text editors.

Your docum ents are safe, secured, stored and

backed-up, and available from w here you are

on any device you use.

M S SQL Server, built for M S Azure, provides

enterprise-grade security, scalability and

perform ance w hich gives you the

confidence to m ove rapidly into the cloud

Sturnis 365 + M S Azure Sturnis 365 + M S SQL Server

Customer case study

A leading European energy company

Replacing an incumbent 300 users application• Deploying to 1,500 users in Q3 2018• Initial document setup time: reduced by 92%

• Initial document refresh (tables and cells): 8 times faster

• Subsequent document refresh: 1200 times faster

• Document maintenance: 20 times faster

• Final document review: 5 times faster


Documents containing hundreds of pages and Sections.

ScalabilityNo Terminal Services required anymore. MS Azure scaling to thousands of users.

Lower CostFaster implementation. Faster performance. Less maintenance. Less training thanks to familiar MS Office.

Application specifics:

Collaborative Disclosure ManagementProcess details

Ø Create financial and other business documents that need to meet internal as well as external

disclosure requirements such as Board Books, 10K , 10Q, Annual reports, Sustainability reports, etc,

by simply feeding existing documents to the platform that will create your application (Inversed


Ø Combine within the same document data coming from different sources

Ø Work concurrently on different parts of a single document assigning each section to a responsible

with workflow monitoring its progress of completion

Ø Manage and compare multiple versions of the same document

Ø Apply financial intelligence to the collected data, like scaling, rounding, currency, etc.

Ø Check the consistency of data across different documents and/or different paragraphs, sections,

etc. within the same document

Ø Release the final documents in different formats (e.g. HTML, XBRL, InDesign…)

Collaborative Disclosure ManagementProcess details

Collaborative Disclosure ManagementProcess details

Collaborative Disclosure ManagementProcess details

Contact us !

Simon KelmanBusiness Development

Via Ippolito Rosellini 1220134 Milano, Italy+31 70 891 9027

Learn more about our customers, Inversed Design, theDatasource Dashboard and Collaborative Intelligence.