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Transcript of COLFAX CU NE -...

- | " l l.. . .. .. -- . . . . . .--

__THE COLFAX CU NE3P ~rmocratic ournal, btbottb to nacal anb etntral |ttios, lifra~tnrt, tito, 1tgrii:"turr, eth. *



I-;i l iiii i iii ii i I- I_ III -- I I i II I

THE COLFAX CHRONICLE,Published Every Saturday at

Colfax, Grant Parish. Ia.,-BY---

H. G. Goodwyn, iEditor an r Proprittor.

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPT'ION:0 e copy, one ye r ................ 1 (00~One copy, six inuithse ............. r)

ix copies, o ne year............... 5 00Pyabhle invariably in a.dvance.

RATES OF ADVERTISING.First insertion charged double price.

SPACS. It I lu i 2m , 3jm GUI lyr

1 inch.. 50 1 '-, '2 25 3 t) 5 C0 9 002 inch.: 00 2 25 3 7.3 5 i) Vt Vj5 (1003 inch. 1 5A; :3 i) 5 25: 7 5012 .7,22 () 34 inch. 2 0(? 4 of), G 51' 8 0015 (r276 iucb.2 4 50 7 10 50 18 00-;) 006 incbh ( ) O S4 5 00 8 .W 12 0' 21 (O32 50M col .11 50 7 50 J12 ( 1' tX) 27 5L042 00Scol .. 3 0012 .•U0) (0 '2'w t12 1Ot!5 00o

Oficial advertisemient 81 per squarefor fArst insortion; each subsequent pub-liuation 50 cents per Equare.

t3'Judicial advertisements must bepaid for in advance, or they will be dis-continued after the tirst insertion.

Brief coma unications upon subhjcts ofpub!ic iuteroet solicited, but no attentionwill be paid to anon muus writers.

Address: ('C ONsw-lE. Colfar, La.


W. J. ROBERTS, M. D.,Physician and Surgeon,


AWil antswer prolfssional callsday or nii-ht.

Joel L. Fletcher,Attorne and Gounsclor at Law,

COLFAX, LA.Will practi.e iu the Courts of Grant,

Winn, Natchitocibes and Rapi(de par-ishes and in Supreme Court of the State.and District and Circuit court of U. S.for Wetern District of Louisiana.


Wallace & Moss,ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW,

Winnfield, La.Wil practice in the 5th and 13th Ju-

dicial DLitrict Courts, in the SupremeCourt, and iu the FeeJral Courts of theState of Loussiana.

Notary Public in the Office.

WM. C. ROBERTS,Attorney and Counsellor at Law,

Alexandria, La.Office, Os)boru ituilliug, opposite conrt-

house. Otllce a's',, at Colfax, La., EarlRoberts. corres;.ondeat and buaueismanager, in charge.

Will practice in all the courts of theState and in the Federal nourt.

Special attention given to colleotions inRapUies anli Grant parishes. ja7


COLFAX ............. LUISIANA.

Wil practice in all the C urts.

G. H. McKNIGHT,IPariIhi Surveyor.

Will run lines on short notice, and iofol1l prepared to locate Homesteats forSeter,. j5



Office over the Bank of Colfax, front-ing Court House square.

Wdil practice in all the Courts of theState. . 1-3-0





Coffees, Candles, Crackers,ETC., Ere., ErT.,


. ARMOUR & CO...South Omaha, Neb. Chicago, Illinois.

BUdget of Town Expenses.The following is the budget snd esti-

-aato of pnrbable expenses of the townSiColfax, La., for 1)02. viz:

-fe--tMring and building brildges..8125 00. i t trim dtreet igging digting diches. 100 001•Joioinig and repairing lock-np. 40 00-^Siuwey fees .................. 5000

"- sMlft ary ............... 9) 00

t efpeo s ............ 75 00'

S Tobtal.....................85O 00W. L. RwcaAaveos, Mayor.

'. Ihbalry , 199J2.. Pii- ***rR '** ---- ---------------------

A. ~f >* ?" n iii i n m

You know what you are takingWhen you take Grove's Tasteless ChillTonic because the formula is plainly

printed on every bottle showing thatitisrimply Iron and Quinine in a tateless

form. No core, no pay. 50c.South , North'. 8. & R. l. V. Railwag. OC' If

|. M'Tlme Tab le, ",| No. 8.m INA1ME OF STATION pma'm

4 :00 I:15 .. b port.......... lW:1 l 9.154-10 1', 2 ....... o ier Junction....... '12: '0 ' t4:22 1: .... .. Crtalk LPirv I ......... t:2' .54

4 1 ; .. ..... (urti ............. ,121 :124:4 ' .... ...... HU rvey ........... A.M i•84:49; 1 :14 .. ... . Ta lortown.......... i i :51 '74:4 1:7i ... ......... Hue r .......... 11:47' P21.0 ' .......... l.... m Grove........ 11:42i ;51

5:18 2:12; .......... Atkins ............ ;11•dl$y5:19 2.1 i ............ Poole ............ 11 8 7l 75;3 12:i ............ Ninock ............ 11:1 7:1L:2t 21 I ....... . Des.. Arc ........... i 1: 7:481'37 2::,i ......... Loggy Bl yo ........ . 1:1(417455. . ...4.. .. .. st Point ......... 11 7:

:! i ........... C ope .. ....... . 1i. 7;27S:6 ... .... (n. rttun 7; 7

:A :41 9 ......... L.ockwood .... ....... loti 7 ti6? 2 .7 ... .... ('arroll ... . 10.47 7.15.:15 3.llI .......... 'ou.hatta .......... i ia. 7.00

6:15 C.10 (oushatta 1U.5m 7.003.22'" ....... Keniiworth ....... 0.2M

.f..32 .... G ruplpe's ioff ...... .. i 1.1

rts.( ........... ('larnce ........... ".42

. 1 ... ........ .. Irm a ..... ....... .71l4.1 ... ....... . l.nella. ........... 9311

4.21 ...... ..... Ma rioe.... . 24. .. rw ............ 9.14. .......... M echen ............5.1 ............ Phillips ........... " ..' ............ ~Co!fax ............ ..27 ......... Hlaven C( mp ......... K8

:5.4 . .... .. andolph........... h.4 ........ ... Darro. ......... 02

2 I .......... M iodland ........... 7.525.5 j..... ... TIrawley ........... 7.4516. ... ...... arrett ............ 7..1 . .I ron Montain Crossing.. 7.2M

, ' ......... I'ue ille .... .. ... i 7.

Trains Noi. I and 2. "-Dar-Light lpecial " willnot 1top at .l:oi-ger.ny stationin b-twee, ehreve.port and ( 'nushatta. except to let on and of pon-

011nerr from p ints south . f Coushatta. Onl4Hnund. tri:.s Nos. 3 and 4 will not run. andtrains Nox. I and 2 will make all stops bltweenhlurer.port and Pineville.


KodolDyspepsia CureDigests what you eat.

This preparation contains all of thedigestants and digests all kinds offood. It gives Instant relief and neverfalls to cure. It allows you to eat allthe food you want. The most sensttvestomachs can take it. By its use manythousands of dyspeptics have beencured after everything else failed. Isunequalled for the stomach. Children with weak stomachs thrive on it.First dose relieves. A dietunnecessary.

Cuems aH stoams ftrUiePipCredo 1l byB C. xwr tT&Ooh, Ohtor

The FarmerThe Gardener

1"dThe Housewifer worth a greal deol mnoa

than tbe ornary klrA &old

D. . FM ERRY a 0.Detroct MI Ch.

60 YEARS'EXPERIENCE sendsrlln a set mid delp= may

sint frm. Ultdet cwl for NeMa P0tM-.Patentmu a takn uh ML -ea C. rarve

qmea( csw, wimtlh aou t tfa

Sclettfic JIntricn.A handsomr hIllustrated weekly. Tarvst deculation of any nentle ournal TIms*. P a

r or; mothU. L Sol byam nlrlew erl"ut u C.-,--,. New r


2-Fast Trains-2fDAILY

For St. Loals, ChGlagoand the EAST.

Superb New PllUmei VaesttiledBufrtS Sleepers. Iladeee

New Chair Car. (5eto Pre )

Oaty Llne RuannIta ThreehCech- and S pe to New

OnreM wtuM ca.mi ...


Arizona,New IMexico

a California.

. . Tu•htSE LP.TUaTmSE,R

Carry the Children to School.Our parish school board while in

session last Saturday wereconfrontedwith the usual worry of every cross-road neighborhood wanting a school.The policy of our State board is, (andit should also be the policy of theparish boards), to have fewer andbetter schools. The cumulation offunds, and the massing of the chil-dren, gives longer terms, means toemploy better teachers, and oppor-tunity to class and instruct the pupilsto much better advantage. Ourpeo-pie need to be educated to the factthat it is better to carry the childrento the schools, than to attempt tocarry the schools to every child.

The Best Prescription for MalariaChills and Fever is a bottle of Grove'sTasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply ironand quinine in a tasteless form. No pay. Price 50c.

A special to the Times-Democratfrom Alexandria. dated April 5th,says: A corporation to be known asthe Glencoe Land Company, Ltd.,with its domicil in this city, has justbeen organized. Theobjects and pur-poses of this company, as set forth inthe articles of incorporation, are topurchaseand sell real estate, and tocultivate, rent and lease the same.Its capital stock is fixed at $36,000,divided into 360 shares of $100each.The board of directors is composed ofJohn Randolph, J. W. Alexander, Al-fred Wettermark, Jr., W. C. Roberts,Paul Lisso, Beverly H. Randolph,with John Randolph as president.J. W. Alexander as vice president,and Alfred Wettermark, Jr., as secre-tary-treasurer.

The Conshatta Citizen ot April 5thhas this to say of a former popularteacher of the Colfax High School:"The board of trustees of the HighSchool have unanimously tenderedProf. H. B. Hines a re-election asprincipal of the faculty forthesessionof 1902-3, which we' are glad to sayhe has accepted. Mr. Hines hasbrought to the discharge of hisdutiesas principal for the pastsession, abili-ty, energy, learning and skill, and hasuniversally pleased our people. Heabundantly deserves his re-electionand we congratulate the board ontheir selection. The other membersof the faculty for next session will beelected at an early date."

Saved Many a Time.Don't ceglect conghs and colds even if itis spring.Such cases often result serious-!v at this seaion just b-ctuse people arecar4-ess.A idoe olOneMinuteUoughCutewill remove all danger. Absilutely vrfe.Arts it once.Sure enre for coughs, colds,croup, grip, bronchitis, and other throatand lnug troubles'I have used One Min-uteCoughCure several years," says Post-master C.O.Dawson, Barr, I:1. "It is theba)-t cough med.cine vu the market.Ithassa.vedl me many a sevt re spell of escknessand I warmly recomend it'Thechildreu'sfAvorite. J. A. Hyde.

The, steamwr H. M. Carter arrivedat Colfax last Saturday, and havingaloud of pressed brick forContractorRunshaug, attempted to land at theedge of the sand bar. As a result ofCapt. Carter's willingness to oblige,the boat got stuck on the bar and rr-inained there for 48 hours. Thesteamer Scovell came along Sundayafternoon, and after pulling at theCartel five or six hours gave up thejob. A telegram was sent totheU.S.boat, W. T. Howell, at St. Maurice,and she came down Monday, and af-ter a pull or two succeeded in gettingthe Carter boat off.

At a meeting of the Big Creek Lum-ber Co., held at Monroe, La., April3d, the following board of directorswas elected: Frank Jay Gould, GuyPhillips, F. G. Hudson, Samuel Pat-terson and Jas. A. O'Shee. The offi-cers elected by the board to serve thecompany for the ensuing year are:Frank Jay Gould, president; F. G.Hudson, vice president; Guy Phillips,secretary and treasurer; C. E. Heard,'assistant; Samuel Patterson generalmanager.

He Kept His Leg.Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of

Hartforl. Cona, scratched his leg with arusty wire. Inflammatioa, and bloodpoisonng set in. For two years he suf-tered intensely. Then the best doctorsurged amputation. "but," he writes, "Iused one bottle of Eleetnc Bitters and1( boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve andmy leg was sound and well as ever." Foreruptions, eczema, tetter, salt rhenm,sores and all blood disorders ElectricBitters has no rival on earth.. Try them.Bush & Bandolph, Fairmount. and theCrescent drug store. Colfax, will guarao-tee satisfactioa or refund money. OnlyIffty aetas.

Caught a Dreadful Cold.Marion Keek, manager for T. M.

Thbompeoa. a large importer of S•e ml.-hnery at I~8B Milwaakee Ave, Chicmsgosays: "'Daring thIbte aevere weather Ieaught a dreadft sold which kept meawake at alt sad made me sunt to at-tend my worrk dia ae day.- One ofamy maUlisne • tai Chamberlaia'sOugh Remedy or a aws eeold at thatluk whIbb ei ed a tsbewa he solt abor at w beoddh sns Gr '• S l

&astsd M ••h • b :id s I i*r.:,--ar~ .-cic

ie JSpecialty &tore.A store where honest values are ic

wedded to truthful words.

Do Uou want theLatest Stue In Shoes?

Call at our store and inspectour stQck and you will find thatCheapness and Goodness go hand-in-hand.

ERSTERBROOK & GO.,Front Street. ^M

Grant parish school fund is in ex-cellent conditfon, there being on hand$15,435 61.

The old court house is now out inthe middle of the street and well onits way down the big road. A greatmany people from Pollock have beenin town this week, and ContractorMcKinnon must have got them togive him a start.

Oft in the stilly nirht a racking conghdoth rob us of that sweet sleep whichnature seeks to give. Simmona CoughSyrup in an infallible cure; untroubledsleep and pleasant dreams it doth assure.Guaranteed. Price 25 and 50 cents.

Mr. Oscar Shanks, of Sand Spur,dropped in to see us Tuesday of thisweek, and as a result this paper willvisit his father-in-law, Mr. P. L. Sims,for twelve months.

Hunt'eCure is nt a misnomer. ft doescure Itch, Ringworm, Eczema, Tetter andall similar skin diseases. A wonderfulremedy. Guaranteed. Price 25c and 60c.

Mr. Thos. H. Harrell, constable ofthe 7th ward was in Colfax lastTue(lay attending court. Mr. Harrell isthe proprietor of the livery and feedstable at Machen, and his advetise-ment will be found in this weeks pa-per. Parties needing teamscan writehim at Montgomery and he will at-tend to same immediately.

'T ti Easy to Feel Good.Countless thousands have found a

blessing to the body in Dr. King's NewLife Pills, which positively cure oonsti-pation, sick headache, dizzines, jaundice,malaria. fever and ague and all liver andstomach troubles. Purely vegetable;never gripe or weaken. Only 25c at Unsh& •rdolnph, Fairmount; Crescent drugstore, Colfax

Confederate Veterans Reunion.For the annual reunion of Confeder-

ate Veterans to be held at Dallas,Texas, April 22d to 25th, inclusive,the Texas & Pacific Railway Co. willsell round trip tickets from stationson its line in Louisiana at exceeding-ly low rates. In fact at lower ratesthan have been announced to Dallasfor a long time.

Tickets will he on sale from pointsin Louisiana April 19th, 20th and 21st,1902. limited for return toleave DallasApril 30th, with privilege of extensionto May 15th. provided tickets are de-posited with Joint Agent at Dallas onor before April 30th, and a fee of fiftycents is paid pt the time of deposit.Tickets are limited for continuouspassage in each direction, but for theIenefit of those desiring to visit otherpoints In Texas, special rate of oneand one third fares for the round tripwill be authorized from Dallas, tick-eta to be sold April 25th and 26th,with final limit for return May 14th.These side trip tickets will permitstop-overs at any point, both goingfrom and returning to Dallas.

Any one of our agents will be gladto arrange for sleeping car 4ccomo-dations and explain to you any pointsconnected with the trip, or we will beglad to have you write direct to usfor further information. Address.H. P. Hughes, T. P. A., Ft. Worth,Texas, or E. P. Turner, U. P. Agent,Dallas, Texas.

A Raging, Roaring FloodWashed down a telegraph line which

Chas. C. Ellis of Lisbon, la., had to re-pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water,"be writes, "gave me a terrible cold andcough. It grew worse daily. Finally thebest. doctors in Oakland. Neob, tiouxCity and Omaha said I had consump-tion and could not live. Then I beganusing Dr. King's New Discovery and waswholly cured by six bottles." Positivelyguaranteed for coughs, colds and allthroat and lung troubles by Bush & Ran-dolph, Fairmoupt. and Crescent DrugStore. Colfax. Price 0c aud S1.

Deafness Cannot be Caredby local spplications, as ther cannot reachthe diseased portion of the ear. Thereis only one way to eura deafas , sad thatis by constitutional remedies. Deafnessis caused by an inflamed condition of themucous lining ot the Estachian Tube.When this tube gets inflamed you havea rumbling soned or imperfect hearing,and when it is es•irely dosed deeleesistbhe result, and elfes the inlaatijosea be taken out and this tuabs eamredto its normal ondiio, h rin wmil bedestroyed forever; o ease s oart o teaare caused by catarrhb, whib is Bthrbat oan ianireed oistoa of the vs-coe aerfaces. -

nWe wiDaiB OJaIdmd Dolaretforanoye-o <- tAMl W ad i)r h


District Court.The April term of the 13th Judicial

District Court, in and for Grant par-ish, was opened at theappointed hourlast Monday morning, Judge W. F.Blackman on the bench, and DistrictAttorney Jas. Andrews present tolook after the interest of the State.

The followinggrand jury wasdrawnand charged by his honor to inquireinto transgressions of the law, vis:

H. G. Goodwyn, Foreman,O. C. Watson, T. H. West,A. J. Hunter, Henry P..Gray,L. M. Futrell, L. E. Hadnot,E. A. Mnthis, E. 8. Teddlie,G. W. Brewer. 8. W. Starling,

John Deen.The attorneys present at court dur-

ing the week were: J. R. Thornton,W. C. Roberts, - Whittington, J.C. Blackman,'and R. A. Hunter. ofAlexandria; A. B. Hundley, of Colnm-bin; Henry Bernstein, of Monroe; J.T. Wallace, of Winnteld; W. A. Wil-kinson and W. H. Sebeen, of CousBat-ta; Judge Clegg, of New Orleans; J.L.Fletcher and W. B. Clarke, of the lo-cal bar.

The following civil and criminalbusiness has been disposed of iringthe week:

L. N. Brunswig vs. H. B. Faraldo,dismissed at plaintiff's costs.

W. P. Lambert vs. Boston LumberCompany, dismissed at plaintiff'scoste.

Robert Aaron vs. Mrs. Cora M.Crnikshank, dismissed at plaintif'scosts.

W. F. Taylor & Co. vs. B. H. Phil-lips, dismissed at plaintiffs coats.

Town of Pollock vs. Guy S. Garner,motion to complete transcript inthiscase filed by defendant, and court or-dered that the mayor send up affida-vit and charge preferred in thiscae.

Houston Cappe, plead guilty todisturbing peace, fined $80 and costsand in default of payment to 80dsysin jail.

Frank Starks, plead guilty to car-rying concealed weapons, fid $100and costs or 60 days in jail, subjectto be hired out.

E. V. Bonnette failing to appear inopen court, judgment was renderedagainst his bondsmen.

John Miles vs. J. V. LeSage, suitfor damages, judgment in favor ofplaintiff in the sum of $5 00 and de-fendant to pay costs of suit.

James B. Davis vs. Svoc AssuranceCo., dismissed at plaintiff's costs.

Mrs. T. A. Dyson vs. U. E. Dewitt,dismissed at appellants costs.

Caleb Tannehill, plead guilty tocarrying concealed weapons, ined$100 and costs or 60 days in jail.

C. H. Teal vs. O. H. McKnight,judgment in favor of plaintiff for$1092 and $800 attorney fees. Ap-pealed to Supreme court.

Mrs. Rosa M. Dunn vs. J. E. Dunn,judgment rendered in favor of plain-tiff for $6000 and 5 per cent interest.

Oscar, Jack and Wm. Lawrence, as-sault with dangerous weapon, triedby court, and Oscar and William ae-quitted, and Jack guilty as charged.Sentence deferred.

Jesta Capps, selling whisky withoutlicense, tried by court and convicted.Sentence deferred.

Houston Cappe, carrying concealedweapon, tried by coartand onvicted.Sentence deferred.

There were several civil casesplacedon the dead docket, a few conmfnoed,and a large number of criminal casesset for trial next week.

The case against Ned January,charged with murder, is set for trialWednesday, April 16th.

To Cure a Cold in One DayTake Laxative Bromo Quinine TabietsAll drsaists rehimd measy if i failstocore. W. OGrve'xsignatuaisoesebox. . 25e.

Wmrta to Help Others."I had a stosae.h ton all mtf

Bethaim Woit, Xir Pb suaa iried sim

avd ipst i srmsrbews" U r1tfr t<*l O PSS~ t I 5-

ploto D lIPi r>ii ^ b sa

GloDe Lunbr 6omDanfu.St, aurlec, La.

Notice to Planters, Farmers and Builders:Call on us when in need of

Long Leal Ye11ow Pine Lumrbr.Both rough and dressed, all sises and lengths,


FLOORING. PICKETS, ETC.The Colfax base ballists turned out

in good form last Sunday afternoon.The "Rag" nine and the "Profession-al" nine had arranged a game forthat day, and promptly at 2 o'elockthe game was called. The boys play-ed a spirited game from start to fin-ish and showed that they all knewhow to play ball. At the close of theninth inning the score stood 7 to 9in favor of the Professionals. Thegame was close up to the seventh in-ning, the score standing 5 to 9 inufa-vor of the Rags, and had it not beenthat one or two substitutes were putin, the Rags would have in all proba-blity come out the victors. Thetwoteams have combined and are readyfor challenges from all parts of thecountry.

Try Chamberlain's Stomaeh & UvorTablets, the best phyic. For sale by iJ. H. MeNeely, Oolfaz; Buns & Ran-dolph, Fairmount.

Neglect Meian Danger.Don't neglect biliousness nd cbastpa-

tion. Your health will safferer manetlyif you do. DeWitt's Little aly erscare such cases M B. Smith, Batternt,Mich.aysy "DeWitt's Little Early RImare the most satisfactory pills I ever took.Never gripe or cane nausea."J.A.Hyde.

The Valley Gives Redneed atesto Old Soldier.Bhreveport, Marcb 6, 1902

H. V. McCain, Esq., Montgomery.Dear Sir:-Regardlig rates to Dal-

las, accountof the UnitedOonfederateVeterans, April 22d to 2th. beg toa4-visethat, in connecting with the Tea-as & Pacific, It Is my purposetomahea very low rate for that oecasion. Iam informed officially by Mr. Turner,General Paeaenger Agent of the Texasand Pacific, that be will make a rateof $4 '0 from Shreveport to Dallasand return.

I propose to make a rate of le permile for every mile traveled, plus thebridge toll of 15c. This is a very lowrate, as I am sure you will realise, butowing to the oc(cason we will makethelowest rate we have ever madeonour road, in order that the railroadfare will not prevent any Cohfederateveteran from attending the reunion.

This rate will only apply fromagency stations.

Yours truly. C. ELLtE I 3

Testimonial from Old England."I consider Chamberlain's Cogh Rem-

edy the best in the world for bronchitia,"says Mr. Wm. Savory, of Waringtoe,England. "It has saved my wife's fe,she haviuF been a martyr to brouchitisfor over mi years, being most of the tieconfined to her bed. She is now quitewell." Sold by J. H. McNeely. CotaZ;Bush A Randolph, Fairmount.

THE HOME GOLD CURE.As Insealoua Treatmet r waBk Druk-

aNde are Cared atIiy a Spittot Thewmts

N* Noxtos Doies. N* Weakeulu of !,Nerves A Plessmnta P.ative •ue

ter the Liqu'r 1ait.

It is now generally known and under-stood that Drunkeness le a disese andnot weakness. A body filled with poisonand srves completely shattered by per-odical or constant use of intoxicatingliquors, requires an antidote caable oneutralizing and eradicating this poisonand destroying the craving for ntoxi-cants. Sufferers may now cure them-selves at home without publicity or lossof time from business by this wonderfal"Home Gold Cure" which has been per-fected after many years of close studyand treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to directions of thwonderful discovery is positively gar-teed to cre the most obstinate ceae, nomatter how hard a drinker. Our recordsshow the marvelous trasfdormati ofthoaasds o drakards iatosober, industrious and upright men.

Wives eure your husbsndsf! Childreetare your fithersll This remedy ms i nosense a nostrum but is a speetle for thisdisase oly, and is so sklUfHy devildand prepared that it is thorougbly solubleand pleasant to the tst., so t U eaasbe gives i a cup of tea or cotfes withoutthe knowledge of the person taking it.Thousands of Drankrds baue caredthemselves with this primles remedy,and as many moar have bwss ecred sadmade temperate mm by baving the'ooure" administered by oving friendsand relatives witheut their knowl.ed iscofesor taa,aad bohewe to-da that theydisoostin•ed driaklag of their om frewill. Do not wait. Do not he deldedby apparent and misleadlag "lapseo-meet" Dmes out te diHssm at oaeand foraD T4ns i~mbGeOdCls'issd at bse e to sit I hig

N 3smiew eB -ve by s a p ss *S *|M atsatisfNj^

NOTICI.In the matter of the succession o

Marion L. 8plkes, deceased.Notice is hereby given that William

B. Oglesby. administrator of theabove named succesion, has this dayfiled In my office a tableaux of debtsheld against the said succession. Youare therefore hereby notified and citedto show cause, within the time pre-scribed by law, why the same shouldnot be homologated. and paymentauthorized and permitted.

All persons holdaig clalim againstthe above named suceesion are noti-fied of the filing of this llst, and com-mnanded to present esch clatim asmay be held that have not been fledIn the tableaux of debta above referred to.

Given under my hand au4 oiBelalseel on this the 4th day of March,1902. JAMES J. O'QUINN,

Clerk Dist. Court.

UGCCKItION whom tt may or does cum•r. sottMe

erby given that wher Mr. (dm TomCh upehau bled an appu•lto to be aypfatot edn llaltrtri of the *seaeeme of Ut Theapsom.t4emaseMtht I Mo opplatoa Ito ams le a•I t

Stea Sdag lO 0th0o o ~ehe wto b 0ltba"udsmarmed as ateo and tt e omst r r qud- .Iseaon &aeordtng to law.

In the J13t DItric Or t POot. O t h.lsT .lll caua as c

Notwes of Flaal Proom

uui-ai lan Of- in L. wIMM VfO

tiastee .. U. L toemlsindue. O*•0stowu,La.u, Oa ai•A 19SaB. i

CONRAD &11ammx,'. a .7U1 for soasmt 'a r of seetis S,

hieoatiuesEe residaes Ues nd *j i ,M

. and O slat New OrCimes. l ta.114r,. atr Mor.

named setltr h h 5e4jMiee e4 Ithttles

_i cmntiandto m e hnd l esJ.O__ind, cileart kti t .Nt O Odehra, .Stb4ais, of Ma 1r•. r: I% s r t h e e q t a l 4 4 s s u rtb w a N 'muE . s r

hi oootioso rmeridase see aeonsItatis

p'of sdu Bof De-a l. Pt'lir.ot| lA.r wehst be made. ofbfinri Soame .

SL, oe d of 11, is

_ HENRIY D. PRBURgf,Landl of the nrt Newt qOrt , aoo

Notice n s he ebf wiv hat tnhefoltolprove hisnnutinea rfited noticp of hailtevation to make fdial 9 o iawta

Land O06m at ifeew orleowiog-named settlr ha1 lied otceo of i inproof in t pport m ha s reot, d i etha

othiat laim ad W pridpoof wwl bemaid fore wil be hade bfor e Jl,. .O'Qinn. clerk district 00rt, at Ceifax,Coa i io ter, at Ada, of , April. A2 vil:

HIENRY D. PR 9Tm:Ho. .No. E2try o.r tl* sw fr tl l oee.ohalf of the noribteet quarter, attd thesoath half ot the northeast quartet, mo'tion 32, township. nrthra t

He names the following witnses toprove his ontinaoem reideede upon andcultirvtion of said land, vis: IoAJ. DLs,W. B. Keith, Ed. LKeth a and Jolgaod o e, *or of A, La.

WAU R Is. Co B 4r.

Land O&10 at NeOrWls,, Le.Msdob Kanth, ,

Notice is hereby given that the fokoing-named settler b fled nolice of hisiatetion to make Anal peeof i spprtohisf olim, ad that said proof wil bemade before the l rca Mt mt U. sCommiratioer, tAdd , o, aoa Apri 1vi,

HORTIO 8. OL TiNS,WALTER POWELL.who me d. E. No. 1 for t9w qr bof

m qr and aw qt oft h no, re.a10, ti, 7 n,tp 9 n, r 2 w, La. M.He names the folAUwing witaeb to

prove his continaous rMide ae upoa nadcultivation of aid slad, it: . J. eh I,W. B. eith. Ed. Keith, aam Chandler,aoll of Gorgetoaw, La.


Land OnAoe Nw Orleans, La.,

Notice is hereby giwe that the following-named settler bm ad notice of hisitention to makes daal proof a supporftof his claim, and that id prof w bmade before t Clerk of t Dstrit.,CLo ietat Oolne at .i, UO Aonl la 0

HORATIO S. COLUNS,who made IL N. aIum tar the hf of.e qr and *w qt of r qOn e. 10, tpo. 2 ,rane 2 wet. La. Mer.

He names the following witne toprove his contiauous r seae upon sadcultivation o rsid land, viUA J.lunL.eWoB.Kei Th.Ed. Keith, Ja. E Hateb-


Land Ofloe New Orelra^ La

Notice is hereby Om tht the uloia-nmaed setter hw nod"ofieo hieitatMmo a to Bak fimW lOOi is aspporoL t- claim,. a4 thatu Mool rhwads before the Oleet oDki cwt ,

U.olta.IRZ^FattMhau lx

aK.o.XI. {c - kfr 'fip